November 13, 2017



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Gratitude

*Quote of the Day: Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.  William Arthur Ward

*Birthdays: Erik Moctezuma


*8th grade Scholar’s Bowl will have practice today after school. 7th grade will practice tomorrow until 4:45pm.

*Basketball will play in Columbiana tomorrow night at 5pm.

*This Friday we will be on activity schedule for LEAD.

*Basketball will have a home game on Thursday at 5pm.

*There will be no school next week in observance of Thanksgiving.

*Congratulations to the student of the week: Tamadreon Purnell.  He was nominated by Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Little.  They state that Tamadreon volunteers to clean up the silent lunch table at lunch every day. His teachers also state that he is working hard in his classes.

*Congrats to the MMS Chess Team participants Austin Lowery, Baylen Key, Gavin Monk, and Emilyano Hernandez for competing exceptionally well this past Saturday at UAB.  Silver and Bronze medals were won by Gavin and Emilyano. Way to go and Chess ON!


    Have a Marvelous Monday  

November 09, 2017



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Patriotism

*Quote of the Day: True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.  Clarence Darrow

*Birthdays: Today to Destiny Burns and Sunday to Usiel Martinez, Jorien Gilbert, and Taven Dubose


*Progress reports will be issued today 4th period.

*Basketball will play at home tonight starting at 5pm.

*There will be no school tomorrow due to Veteran’s Day.

*8th grade Scholar’s Bowl will have practice on Monday after school. 7th grade will practice on Tuesday until 4:45pm.  

Have a Thankful Thursday  

November 08, 2017



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Patriotism

  • *Quote of the Day: “A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers and woods but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle.” George William Curtis



*Progress reports will be issued Thursday.

*Basketball will play at home tomorrow night starting at 5pm.

*There will be no school this Friday due to Veteran’s Day.  

Have a Wonderful Wednesday

November 07, 2017



*Character Education Theme for the Week: Patriotism

  • *Quote of the Day: “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.”  John F. Kennedy

*Birthdays: Nati Gutierrez


*Tonight the basketball team will play in Jemison starting at 5pm.

*Soccer Conditioning begins today until 4:30pm. Players must see Coach Thomas ahead of time if they are going to miss a conditioning session. Students must have a change of clothes and tennis shoes.  Report to her room right after school.

*Progress reports will be issued Thursday.

*There will be no 7th grade Scholar’s Bowl practice today but will resume next Tuesday after school.

*Basketball will play at home on Thursday starting at 5pm.

*There will be no school this Friday due to Veteran’s Day. 

Have a Terrific Tuesday

November 06, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Patriotism

*Quote of the Day: If we love our country, we should also love our countrymen. Ronald Reagan

*Birthdays: Kathelyn Tejeda and Erik Nelson


*Make up school pictures will be today.

*The first home basketball game will be tonight at 5pm at home. Tommorow night the basketball team will play in Jemison.

*Soccer Conditioning begins Tuesday (tomorrow) Players must see Coach Thomas ahead of time if they are going to miss a conditioning session.

*Progress reports will be issued Thursday.

*There will be no 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl practice today due to Faculty Meeting and no practice for 7th grade tomorrow due to Mrs. Lusco having an after school meeting.

*There will be no school this Friday due to Veteran’s Day.

*Congratulations to the student of the week:  Anyissa Daniels.  She was nominated by Ms. Moore.  Ms. Moore states that Anyissa works very hard in class and is a role model for her fellow students.

 Have a Marvelous Monday

November 03, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Courage

  • Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. Winston Churchill

*Birthdays: Today to Esmerelda Kemp and Javon Rogers and Sunday to Lizbeth Sanchez, Molly Myers, and Brody Odom.


*Today we are on Break Schedule.

*Make up school pictures will be on Monday.

*The first home basketball game will be on Monday, Nov 6th.

*Progress reports will be issued next Thursday.

*There will be no 8th grade Scholar’s Bowl practice on Monday due to Faculty Meeting.

*Don’t forget to set your clocks back Saturday night due to the time change.


 Have a Fantastic Friday

November 02, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Courage



*This Friday is Break Schedule.

*Make up school pictures will be on November 6th.

*Hat Day is tomorrow.

*The first home basketball game will be on Monday, Nov 6th.

*Progress reports will be issued next Thursday.


 Have a Thankful Thursday

November 01, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Courage

*Quote of the Day: “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” Eleanor Roosevelt



*This Friday is Break Schedule.

*Make up school pictures will be on November 6th.

*Teachers: Don’t forget this afternoon is Montevallo Connections after school in the library.

*The first home basketball game will be on Monday, Nov 6th.

*Progress reports will be issued next Thursday.


 Have a Wishful Wednesday

October 31, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Courage

*Quote of the Day: We must build dikes of courage to hold back the flood of fear. Martin Luther King, Jr.



*There will be no 7th grade scholars bowl practice today due to Halloween.

*This Friday is Break Schedule.

*Make up school pictures will be on November 6th.

*Teachers: Don’t forget tomorrow afternoon is Montevallo Connections after school in the library.

*The first home basketball game will be on Monday, Nov 6th.

*Progress reports will be issued next Thursday.


 Have a Tricky Tuesday and a Safe Halloween Night.

October 30, 2017


*Character Education Theme for the Week: Courage

*Quote of the Day: It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are”  EE Cummings

*Birthdays: Parker McKinney and Adreanna Bongers


*Wear your costume for $2 tomorrow. There will be a Halloween Costume contest benefiting FBLA. Costumes must be in dress code and there are no masks allowed or full face paint. The top 3 best costumes will receive a prize!

*8th grade Scholars Bowl will practice this afternoon. Because of Halloween tomorrow, 7th grade practice has been moved to next Tuesday.

*This Friday is Break Schedule.

*Make up school pictures will be on November 6th

 Have a Marvelous Monday