Students that ride bus 22-09 will ride bus 23-15 today and will be delayed arriving at bus stops.
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 2-6! We are thankful for each of our teachers and all that they do for OMMS!
Reminder to students that these items are not in dress code: leggings/yoga pants of any style, crop tops, pants with holes above the knees, athletic shorts.
Students should not bring food or drinks with them in to school or have it dropped off at lunch. Examples are Starbucks, Chick Fil A, Dunkin Donuts, McDonald’s, etc.
Any 6th or 7th grader interested in learning more about being on the Junior United Nations Assembly (JUNA) team, should plan to attend an interest meeting this Friday before school at 7:20am in A17.
All SGA Officer applications should be turned in by 3:00pm today to either A17, A5, or C20.
Wrestling sign-ups Coach White has placed information about wrestling sign-ups in the halls. Please sign-up with the QR code. The sign up is for upcoming 6th and 7th grade GIRLS and BOYS wanting information about wrestling. Coach White wants to start communicating about the next season with potential wrestlers. If you have any questions please see Coach White in A-8. This is for information only. The wrestling season starts Oct 17th, 2022. Parents can fill out this link for the sign-up.
Any current 6th or 7th grader interested in running cross country for the Fall needs to complete this Google Form (the form can also be found on XC website) and make sure to have their DragonFly profile 100% complete prior to evals on May 11th. See Coach Chumbley for more details.
OMHS News:
OMHS XC tryouts will be May 16 and 17 from 3:30 to 7:00PM. May 16 will be at Veteran’s Park and May 17 will be in Coach Moore’s classroom, room 211.
Parents of upcoming 9th graders: Please take a moment to complete this quick form for yearbook photos, including senior sessions in the summer, for the 2022-2023 Oak Mountain High School yearbook. Please do this as soon as possible!