Week of August 16 – 20

WOW! The first two days of school were awesome! What a great group of students we have this year! I am truly looking forward to working with each of my students to make this 6th grade year a memorable one!

Monday, August 16th
We will continue our classroom Rules & Procedures presentation; students should have their study guide with them in class.

Students will complete textbook scavenger hunt; we will check answers together; students will receive Safety Symbols guideline & will review them together in class.

Tuesday, August 17th
Distribution of Social Studies textbooks; distribution of Shelby County Student Code of Conduct & Attendance;
Parents! I have distributed a separate acknowledgment form for you to sign indicating that you have reviewed all the information in the Student Code of Conduct & Attendance and your responsibility to abide by it. This separate sheet of paper is due back to class on Friday, August 20th as we have to have your signature on file in the office concerning this matter. I will review the Code of Conduct with your student during class on Wednesday & Thursday so they need to have the book with them here at school on those days.
have parents look over Code of Conduct & Attendance book

Study of Safety Symbols; creation of safety symbol flash cards in class;
begin studying Safety Symbol flash cards for quiz on Friday