Thursday, May 10th & BIG NOTEBOOK TEST

Students learned the proper way to tip for service today in class! We definitely had numerous stories about poor service in a restaurant, but there were also stories of great experiences as well! Next time you are out to eat, let your student help calculate your tip on your food bill! I think you will be surprised and pleased because they can do this!!!!

Here are the scenarios we worked on together today in class:

We have a Big Gold Notebook Test set for this Friday, May 11th! This should be a super, easy test for everyone if they have kept their notebook up to date! If your student has been absent or traveled during the school week on a field trip, please encourage them to come by before school and catch up on missing notes or PowerUps! They can even get notes from a trusted friend, just make sure everything is caught up before the test on Friday!

Homework for Thursday night, May 10th

Tips sheet HW 5-10-2018


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