Boy are we in deep with Ratio Tables!
Today, we summarized the procedures on how to approach calculating a ratio table. I have attached a copy of our summary from the whiteboard. Remember: the very 1st question you ask when looking at a ratio table is “Can I draw a direct relationship between what I know?” The answer to that question determines the next steps you take! Check the summary out!
Our PowerUps today helped us review the procedures for solving Indirect Relationships in a ratio table. I have attached our PowerUps below for you to review if you get stuck working on tonight’s homework!
Our independent classwork today was a combination of Direct Relationship & Indirect Relationship ratio tables. We referred to the summary notes A LOT!!! I have attached a copy of the independent classwork from today below in case you need a copy.
Finally, homework was assigned for tonight. Once again, it is a combination of Direct & Indirect Relationship ratio tables. I have attached a copy below in case you need one.
We are checking the Classwork from today AND the Homework from today for a homework grade tomorrow in class!!!!! Be sure you’ve got all 3 pages completed!