About Mrs. Hobbs

My Family-Easter 2018, Wilsonville, Alabama

About your teacher:

I was born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama. After I graduated from Jefferson Davis High School in 1998, I went on to the University of Alabama.  I graduated from Alabama in December of 2003, where I obtained a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Elementary Education from the University.  My husband and I live in Wilsonville with our 6-year-old son Isaac.  Recently, I  obtained my Master’s Degree in Instructional Leadership in December of 2015.  I would attend school forever if I didn’t have to pay for continuing my education, because I love learning and increasing my knowledge of education.

My future hopes and aspirations are to become an assistant principal.  I love teaching and making a difference in the classroom, but I know that I can make a greater impact if I were to be in that type of position. However, I will perform to the best of my ability to meet the various needs of all my students.

For fun, I enjoy painting, doing crafts, movie watching, game playing, and spending time with my family.

I am extremely committed to giving your child the best education to fit his or her needs. I hold high expectations for all of my (children) students. Although, I understand that each child comes with unique experiences, interests, and learning styles. I have a motto that I that I will strive to encourage all of the students to live by in school and in their everyday lives.  This motto is to “never settle for less than your best”.  My goal is to truly know each and every child well and to use this knowledge to guide, support, and motivate him/her to be the best learner possible. I value and believe that parent involvement, at every level, is extremely important!  I want to encourage you to join your child and me to create a team that will give your child the most powerful and enjoyable learning experience possible. Your children will be encouraged, motivated, and taught using my passion of learning and my heart of compassion.  Thank You for trusting and allowing me to be with your children this school year.  It is an absolute honor!

One thought on “About Mrs. Hobbs

  1. Abby is excited to start 5th grade! The three of us feel blessed to have you as her teacher. Thanks in advance for all of your help and leadership!
    Barry, Dana, and Abby

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