Friday homework: read p. 508,509, 510 if you did not complete in class
Mon. work on vocabulary, read 20
Tues. work on vocab worksheet due Wed. Remember heading and looseleaf
Wed,. Review for vocab and comprehension strategies test tomorrow.
Thurs: read 20 work on Independent Reading project ( see pages)
Sequencing activity Independent Reading activity due October 3 150 points
The novel that you read must be 80 pages, approved by the teacher and one that you have read or finished reading this school year.
Using hand written index cards and ribbon, yarn, twine etc. , or computer generated graphics affixed to a card, show the sequential order of important events in your novel. You may use blue or black ink to list your information on the cards. Index cards may be placed on backgrounds but the total length of your chain should not exceed 6 feet. Remember, what I cannot see or read I cannot grade
First card: Title and author, YOUR NAME AND PERIOD
Second card: 3 to 5 main character’s names and a brief description
Third: Sentence telling the main conflict or problem in the story
Fourth: Sentence telli9ng the main settings in the story
5th thru 10th( or more) : Sentences about the major complications or events in the story.
11th (or more): Sentence explaining the climax or how the problem was solved
12th( or more): Reasons you recommend other students read the book.
You will finish with at least a 12 card chain. Do not copy from the book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Plagiarism will result in an automatic deduction of 50%.
I applaud caregivers who work with their students on projects. That can be a wonderful bonding experience. However, if a caregiver gives excessive help the student misses out on a learning activity. Projects are designed to teach not to torment. If there is a problem I need to know about it early in the process. WOW points up to 20 are given for “Wow factor” projects. Projects handed in by September 17 receive 10 extra points.