Week of Sept. 9-14

Your first reading log is due 9-21.  You may have 2 blank or unread nights and still get all of your points.

“Priscilla and the Wimps”   & “Don’t Let the Bed Bugs Bite” 

Test  on Sept. 20     Homework  Due 9-19

Write 1 good sentence that will help you remember what the word means for each selection word.

academic  words plotexposition   what happens in a narrative–all of it see chart
setting use chart
complications or rising action use chart
climax use chart
falling action or resolution use chart
Characterization anything the author writes that gives us information about a character’s looks or  traits.
indirect characterization anything  the author  writes that gives us information that we must infer about the character  including what the character says, what others say about the character and the character’s actions ( Mr. Peckham ducked through the door)
direct Characterization any description of a character the author states outright( Mr. Peckham is tall.)
selection words parody   a humorous , comic, exaggerated imitation
sordid dirty; foul; mean
aggression angry, unfriendly behavior
fate a power that some people believedetermines events before they happen
contemplate v. to have in mind as a possibility; to think deeply
immense very large
swagger to walk in a bold proud way

 Progress reports go out on Tuesday.

Open House is Monday night.  I will not be able to discuss individual students on this night.  I will explain to caretakers what a student does–or doesn’t__ do in my class on a daily basis.

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