Book Project and English assignments

Reading:  Today students were fiven topics for 6 index cards they will be

able to use to complete the Book Talk projects beginning 12-9.

A. Title and author

B. Protagonist, antagonist and brief description of both

C. Theme of the book.  This should be a complete sentence that states the theme.  I am not asking for a topic or summary

D. Genre, sub-genres that apply and the general setting

E. Your 5 interview questions.  You may include the answers.

F. Interviewer copy of the questions.

Index cards will be turned in at the completeion of the interview.


English:  You do not have to write the whole sentence.

for Tues. night, due Wed. Ex. 1 page 440 and Ex 3 page 442

for Wed. night due Thurs. Review exercise 3 and 4 p. 447

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