Welcome to your 2nd Semester at HMS

One of the posters on my wall says ” Teachers open the door but you must enter by yourself”. Hopefully you have made a grand entrance into your middle school years. If not, there is still time for you to enter without assistance from the rear.

You will need to get your binder organized by subject and make sure you have a blue or black pen and pencil, your 2nd semester composition book, your grammar workbook and the appropriate AIO pages with you each day. You will not have time to search for pages or assignments so make sure you organize a folder for this class.

We will be using units 5 and 6 in our literature books to help us cover the CCRS for this 9 week period.
We will be utilizing pages covering these units in our AIO workbooks. You will need pages 229 thru 252 with you in class in January. If you tear the pages out, I suggest you save them in the plastic subject divider folder for English class.

The school spelling bee is in January. My class qualifier will be held Tuesday, January 13 during my classes. If you are the best speller in your class you will participate in the spelling bee for the 6th grade spots on the 14th and then for the school bee winner on the 15th.
My pages on this blog have a listing of the words.

Monday: Complete p 236 in AIO then Read pages 698- 702 in lit book
Tuesday: Write a brain burp sentence for the words defined on 691 and 706