Update Saturday, January 31

I miss my school family. My kiddies are in my thoughts and prayers.
I love teaching 6th grade English. It gives me great joy to see students walking through the door to their future as the ancient Chinese proverb tells them to. I love to see them turning on that light switch of Intellectual Illumination. The look on a 6th grader’s face when they have that,”Oh, I get it” moment is a blessing to me. Adolescents are an enigmatic Rubic’s Cube and as my lunch class knows, I love Rubics Cubes.

I urge you to read, read, read challenging books–fiction or non-fiction– while I am gone. The only way to increase your reading level skills and vocabulary is to practice. For the rest of your life reading will be a valuable skill no matter what direction you take after high school.

Having stated this, I will be out another few weeks.