The first week

My first week in this class has been great! Students are excited about learning and that makes my job easier! I told the students that I do not believe in homework and they cheered (of course). However, I also told them that I didn’t consider READING homework because reading is fun!! We will NOT have scheduled homework in this class, but What this means is that if a student is NOT using their time wisely in class then he or she might have some catching up to do at home. I will keep you posted about quiz dates etc…

We are focusing on Grammar every day as a bellringer. Students are given the same sentence every day for a week and discovering something different about the sentence each day.

Monday- we locate the part of speech of each word
Tuesday- we locate the sentence parts (subject, predicate, prepositional phrases, direct objects etc…)
Wednesday- we identify clauses, type of sentence, and purpose of sentence
Thursday- we punctuate and capitalize using editing symbols
Friday- we will diagram sentences (eventually)

We also created myth “foldables” in class yesterday comparing the Greek myths of “Daedalus and Icarus” and “Pandora’s Box.” Students are working in small groups and discussing the creation of myths, symbolism in myths, and morals in myths.


We are also preparing for the ASPIRE test. We have scheduled the computer lab to practice taking this computer based test so that students feel comfortable when the time comes to take the actual test.

This 4th 9 weeks includes poetry and drama. Some of my favorite lessons to teach!

As always, feel free to email me with concerns, comments, and questions.