Welcome to 6th grade ELA!

I am excited about your first day of middle school! See you tomorrow!

5 basic classroom rules:

Be here!         When you miss just one day of school you miss over 5 hours of classroom instruction.

Be on time!    You will be a busy bee from bell to bell! You can’t enter after the tardy bell rings.

Be prepared!  I will show you easy steps to take to stay organized so that you can be prepared with all of your materials every day!

Be on Target!  The more on the target you are in class the less work you have to do after class to learn and make good grades.  I know I have things to do after school–don’t you?

Be responsible for yourself!  Do all of your own work.  School work is practice for learning.  Nobody does your music lessons, dance lessons, tennis lessons, throwing lessons for you.  That won’t help you learn to do those things well.  The same goes for reading and writing.  Do your own. Be responsible for keeping track of your handouts. You will only be given one copy.  Not all handouts will be posted.

We have adopted a new writing program in Shelby County.  I am very excited about the program.

Good readers make good writers.  So we will read, read, and read.  You will read in class and read independently.  Some independent reading will be chosen for you and some you will choose for yourself.

I understand you may not like to read or write. Don’t panic or start crying yet.  We will work on that this year.  I believe kids who don’t like to read just have not found the right books or topics yet or there is a reading “problem” that needs to be addressed.

You will be given classroom codes and codes for your reading and writing programs over the next few days.  Write them down.

Food for thought: What is one thing you want me to know about you?


Unit 1
