the “i finally read books you might read” week of reading…

okay, so most of what i read aren’t things ya’ll are reading or will ever probably ever read – if you haven’t figured that out (not sure sometimes the level of brightness i’m dealing with) – anyway, this week was still no exception – as with…

“blood, sweat, and chalk” – by tim layden – sports illustrated author – book on football playbooks – specifically, different formations – like the veer, spread, tampa 2, 46, a-11 – not sure how many middle school kids, even football guys, would find the book interesting, but as a person who watches a decent amount of football – or maybe just watches and likes to appear to be smarter than the drunk fans around him at games – the book was interesting because it described the history and purpose behind different formations – so when alabama runs out of the wildcat now, i can turn to dad and say something like “boy, the zone blocking was great on that play”

(by the way, dad is a water drinker – like myself – don’t want any confusion:)

as for you ย guys though, i did read two books i’d recommend…

“the defense of thaddeus a. ledbetter” – i do hope this is a BOB next year – so you don’t all have to rush and read it now – but it’s a truly wonderful little read – very funny – and the ending didn’t compromise anything that went on during the book – which i thought was great

“the reinvention of edison thomas” – story of an autistic scientific genius 12-year-old who basically gets better at science by learning how to develop friendships – or he’s rather befriended – through the book – very good story – eddy was a pretty real character for me – the way he puzzled to figure out social interactions, i could definitely identify with (as i think most kids could who spend any amount of time in environments where they’re not considered the top of the social class, so to say) – good comparison book for “rules”

i finished the old testament – yeah!!! ecclesiastes struck me a bit differently this time – i mean, everyone says that it’s depressing, and i suppose on a level it is – but it does appear the author is trying to fight through that to figure out the meaning in life

i also read a fascinating study in “the economist” that if you make text smaller, the kids will get smarter – sounds great – waiting to try that one out

happy reading – i’m getting ready to run in a 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles) in tennessee this weekend


41 thoughts on “the “i finally read books you might read” week of reading…”

  1. Ok, First I must say I am so happy because for the past two weeks I was tortured By The Raven written by Edgar Allen Poe. I am not a fan and I was so happy to say Goodbye to it and I wish I had a video of me throwing away the notes we took on the Raven because when I am sad I can watch it and I will be happy again! I personally think I am too young to appreciate The Raven maybe when I am old and when I am fixing to die I will appreciate it. (Maybe) Well I am reading the Hunger Games best book ever I could read it over and over again. I am already Halfway so I’m going to summarize a lot.
    The Main charcters name in the story is Katniss Everdeen and she lives with her mom and he sister Prim in district 12. In the ruins of once was North America lies the Nation of Panem which is made up of 12 districts. Katniss Everdeen has to fight every day for food. The capitol makes you send one boy and one girl from each district to participate in the Hunger Games. The hunger Games is a fight to the death on live televison Katniss and her sister are going to the reaping to see who has been drawn to be in the Hunger Games when all of a sudden they call out Prim Everdeen. Katniss starts losing her cool and says that she will take Prim’s place in the Tournament because she wants to keep Prim and her mother safe. The boy who was drawn was Peeta and she remebered Peeta because he worked at a bakery that his Parents owned and after her father died her mom complete lost it and Katniss was the one who went out hunting to gather food for the family but soon they were starving so Katniss goes to the Bakery and is digging around the dumpster trying to find food when a woman comes out and starts yelling at her to go away so Katniss his left with no food. Then the boy who was Peeta runs out and gives her Bread so Katniss remembered Peeta. Katniss is taken to the Capitol where they will fix her up to make her beautiful. ok I have to go now that was five minutes
    BYEEEEE!! Love, Julie

  2. Mr. Mayfield, I will be ticked if you make those letters small! I am already far-sighted as it is! Anyway, I am reading a fascinating book, Saga. It s pretty swell under my opinion. Lets start journaling!

    POV of HOVERBOARD- OMG! Why do these people keep, like, stepping on mmmeee. It is, like, so a-nnoying! I wish they would just go bother some loooser like that old skateboard. OMG! I have to send a, like, virtual message to ma friend sayin that, Skateboard asked ma out! Like, he totally asked me out, I don’t even ,like, like him! I wish he could get that through his, like, big wheels! And like, that’s another thing, like, he doesn’t have wheels, like, like ours so he could ,like, totally leave ma alone! Anyway, OW! i just got like, kicked, and now my voice messagin is messed up like, like like like like like.

  3. Okay now I reread the book Inkheart over the weekend and it was better than I expected it to be… again. Mortimer (Mo) Folchart is a bookbinder and has a rare gift of reading things and characters out and into books while reading aloud; however, he does not have control over what goes in or out. One night, he read a book called Inkheart to his wife, Teresa. Mo accidentally read Resa into Inkheart and read characters out of Inkheart (Capricorn, Basta, Dustfinger, and his pet martian, Gwin).

    Nine years later, Dustfinger comes to their house and Meggie tells Mo that there is a man standing outside their home. She is confused when this “strange man” starts calling her father “Silvertongue”. Mo tells Meggie to go to bed and he and Dustfinger go into Mo’s study. Meggie spies on them and hears Dustfinger warning Mo that Capricorn’s men are coming for him and the book, Inkheart, although she has no idea what they are talking about. Mo, who is too smart for her, comes upstairs and tells her to stick out her feet which are still cold (This proves that she was eavesdropping on her father, since the ground is cold). (I know if I did that I would be in ALOT of trouble)

    The next morning, Meggie is woken up by her father. He tells her that they were going to see her aunt Elinor, her mother’s aunt. Elinor doesn’t like children much but Mo told her that she and her aunt would get along well because she too has a vast love of books. After breakfast, Meggie goes into her room to pack a few books to bring with her and discovers Inkheart, the book in brown paper binding her father refused to talk about the previous night. When Meggie get mad that her father kept her in the dark for years about the disapperace of her mother as well as keeping the book, Dustfinger describes Capricorn as an evil king from Inkheart.

    One night, Dustfinger persuades Elinor to turn off her alarm so that he can show Meggie his fire eating skills. That same night, Mo and a book are kidnapped by Capricorn’s men (including Basta) who take Mo to Capricorn’s village, a little town in Italy. Meggie becomes furious when she discovers that Elinor stole the real book just to browse through and now Mo has been captured with the wrong one. Dustfinger then takes Elinor, Meggie and the real book to Capricorn’s village. They arrive and meet Basta for the first time and Capricorn’s mother Mortola. Just after their arrival, Meggie realizes that Dustfinger had told Capricorn of their whereabouts and feels instant hatred for trusting him.

    Capricorn wants Mo to read out treasure from books. While reading, Mo accidentally reads out a young boy called Farid from the book One Thousand and One Nights. Meanwhile, Dustfinger rescues Mo, Elinor, Meggie and Farid. Farid develops a liking for Meggie.( Its like Twilight… well except for the fact that they are both human and instead of vampires hunting them is a king from a book of fairytales, but other than that and some other details its almost exactly like Twilight)

    After they have escaped, Elinor tracks down the author of Inkheart (Fenoglio) for Mo, who wants to see if he has any more copies of it. However, Fenoglio doesn’t have a copy, his only copy was stolen. He is very interested to hear about Dustfinger, and lets slip that he killed him off. Meggie is shocked that he just told him that he was going to be killed in the place he desperatly wanted to return to.

    Elinor returns home to her house only to find none of her books on their shelves; they are all trampled on the floor. She finds no books in her library at all, only a stone-dead rooster hanging from the ceiling: Capricorn’s mark. She looks out of the single open window and finds a pile of ashes, the humble remains of her most prized books. After going outside, she falls to her knees and weeps.

    Meanwhile, Mo goes shopping and Meggie and Fenoglio are accidentally betrayed by Pippo (Fenoglio’s eldest grandson, renowned for picking the chocolate chips out of cakes) and captured by Basta and Flatnose.

    As prisoner, Meggie soon discovers that she has the same gift of reading characters out of books. She finds out while reading Peter Pan, one of the books Darius (formerly Capricorn’s reader, also known as the Stammerer by Basta) had left behind. Basta finds out when he sees Tinkerbell and Capricorn decides to make her read out his assassin the Shadow.

    Mo, Elinor, Farid and Dustfinger try to save Meggie. Meggie meanwhile finds a mute maid of Mortola’s called Resa who she believes is her mother. She was read out by Darius when trying to red ot Capricorns men.

    With the help of Fenoglio, Meggie reads out the Shadow and makes him kill Capricorn and most of his men, excluding Basta. However, unfortunately because of the exchanging rule, Fenoglio is read into Inkheart in place of the Shadow. Basta and Mortola escape just barley with their lives.

    In the end, Dustfinger disappears with Farid and the only copy of Inkheart left, in search of someone to read him back. Wow i’m tired! Untill next blog. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ :p ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  4. Hey, I’m really annoyed so I’ll make this quick. I am reading, *A Paradise Called Texas*, and Mina has just boarded the ship with her parents to go to Texas. I will compare it to *The Last Book in the World*.

    they are alike b/c;

    *They are both traveling.
    *They both had an elder in the book.

    They are different b/c;

    *Nina is going yo Texas.
    *Spaz is a boy.
    *Nina is with her parents.
    *Spaz traveld with Little Face.
    *Nina is German.

    PEACE OUT!!!!!!@! Mattiโ™ฅโ˜บโ˜ป1538

  5. Hey, I left off with the great book The Rangers Apprentice: Book One the Ruins of Gorlon. I left off as i introduced the 5 orphans that live with Baron Arald who is the king of Redmont. Will is the main character who is having an external conflict with another orphan named Horace who is stronger than Will but Will is faster so after both of the orphans have a small kitty fight Will finds an opening and rushes out the door to the apple tree in which he loves to climb up and sit by himself. On wills way out Horace yells a remark out about how Will has no last name. When everyone is asleep he heads back in and prepares for the Choosing which will occur the next day. The next morning he nervously wakes up and saves his appetite by not eating. He then follows Martin who is the Baron’ apprentice upstairs to the Baron’s office where they find all the craftmasters getting ready. All the other orphans were in their in line from largest to smallest. It was Horace, Alyss, George, Jenny, and then him. Once the Baron arrives they all stand at attention until it is time to be chosen.

  6. Hey hey. Today is Monday and I’m glad it’s almost over with because Mondays aren’t really my kind of days. Oh well, tomorrow is Tuesday and that means that it is 1 day closer to my birthday which is 1 week from tomorrow. But anyway, tonight I’m going to write for 5 minutes. And yes I’m still on twilight.

    So, today I guess I will compare and contrast the movie from the book again. Well one thing that is the same in the book and movie is that Bella goes to find a bookstore while Jessica and Angela are on there way to the bay. Something different is that the book tells us that she doesn’t go into the bookstore-I think-. Also the book is much more detailed and instead of just Bella walking by the four men in the streets and Edward pulling around the corner in his car to save her, it talks more of Bella taking more of a longer walk and the men follow her, THEN that’s where Edward comes in and saves Bella.
    So I am now at the part of the book where Bella and Edward are going into the restaurant to eat.

    Well that is 5 minutes! I’ll blog again tomorrow. Bye!!!

  7. Well, my whole post just got deleted, so I am not very saintly right now.

    Bloody Jack

    Jacky kills Sloat because he gets a little too cozy with her. So she stabs him on accident. Now she is in trial because they think Liam did it. She ran out and told them it was her and Liam is saved. (keeps changing Liam to Lima) so what will happen to Jacky? She gets off the hook and all the guys are mad at her because they think she’s gay.

    Alright, I have to go watch Dancing With the Stars.
    I will blog tomorrow.
    It’s really cool you’re reading the Hunger Games Julie, it doesn’t disappoint.
    St. K

  8. The ending was real good in Charlot’s Web. Wilbert must take good care of those eggs for them to turn out good. Its said how she dies. The authors point of view changed because she now wants Wilbert to see how difficult things can get but if u work hard enough you will succeed. If she made another book about Charlot’s Web I predict it will be about the baby spiders and Wilbert has to help them survive just like Charlot helped Wilbert. If that is not what its about then maybe it could be about the spiders not getting along and Wilbert helps them become friends. Im not feeling good so im going to end it with that.

  9. hey me back for these boring exhausting journals that people with no life and twilight fanatics vampires and bunnies like to do me of corse hates oh i mean i dislike them ๐Ÿ™‚
    but now i am temporary reading the cay by theodore taylor
    so far i have read that there are big german submarines every where in the dark ocean waters
    and the main character who i forgot his name was taking a ship to the largest dutch islands (yummy dutch chocolate)
    and houses where tankers painted in soft colors like pink blue green basic colors

  10. hey today has been a crazy day. first its my bday and im sick. i check out of lunch and go to the doctor. well i found out that i have a sinus infection. so i go to shogun and have my breakfast dinner. the show was so hot that i was running a fever. well after that we went to barnse and nobile and i found some books that im getting for christmas. how about that for a bad birthday.

    well time to start with my journal. tonight i started on spy high. one conflict in this book is the spys have to crawl on their stomachs thru a bad guys layer. the resololution to it is they try not to think about it. another conflict is there is a guard in thier way. they solve this by beating him up. the last and final conflict is they dont know how to get thru the bad guys lair because it all looks the same. i didnt find a resolution for that one yet. well time for bed bye.

  11. hey, I left off with Rangers Apprentice. Will ran out of the castle as Horace insulted him because of the family background he didn’t have. He spent most of the night in the tree in the yard of the castle. When everyone is gone he leeds back into the castle where he falls asleep. The next day he prepares or the choosing and heads to the Baron’s office where he sees his fellow orphan friends and all the craftmasters. When they start Martin calls the first person up. It is Alyss and she states her name and says she wants to be a law maker. The craft master for that steps up and looks her all over. She confirms her and she steps back. Next is Horace he says the same thing and says he wants to go to Battle school. he looks Horace up and down and confirms him too.

  12. k song of today is….. by eminem ๐Ÿ™‚ and its the real slim shady. cant remember where i left off in the lost hero, so lets start with the red pyramid. alt ending time! instead of blowing up the Rosetta stone, how about the eiffel tower? here, we have the french chasing jason and sadie instead of egyptians. next authors pupose! same as pj and tlh, purpose is to entertain and inform.

  13. Hey Mr. Mayfield,
    okayy so i am reading the book: Bat 6 and i am doing my blog character traits. the characters i am doing are:
    Aki: nice, caring, loving, forgiving, compashionate, strong hearted, tough, hard-mind set!!!
    Tootie: strong hearted, competitive, impatient, cooperative, independent.
    Ellen: caring, uplifting, strong hearted, protective, competitive, compashionate.
    Shazam: strong herated, compashionate, cooperative, goes wit the flow, doen’t stresss!!!
    and that is all i have for tonight!!

  14. Well, I feel very special because I was and was reading around on my friends list and I opened mafeld’s and it said St. K (that’s me!) and Mr. Scott were his inspirations for writing! Now ain’t that somethin’? Yup. It is.

    Bloody Jack…. Again

    Kay, for Tues.

    One day when Jacky and Jamey are alone somewhere Jamey tells Jacky that he thought he was becoming a sod because he liked her. But remember, he thinks she’s a he. complicated. So finally, Jacky tells the poor sailor boy she’s a girl. Yipee.

    wed.- Well, the guys don’t know, so yeah. They don’t sit and kiss each other in front of other dudes. ๐Ÿ˜› Anyway, The Dolphin is at some port on an island and Jacky buys some shoes and a dress so she changes and they go to a little cafe. They eat and then they run into the guys and they play along and nobody suspects a thing.

    thurs- So everyone is jealous of Jamey because they think he’s picked up a local girl and everyone is fearing out. Tilly or Twilly one has this kite thing he wants to strap Jacky too and let her fly around in the air. So I read ahead and saw she finally did get attached to the kite and she floated off with tree attached. This book is so dumb.

    Okay, so now I am retired for the rest of the week, and everybody knows that all saints day is coming up. lets make the colors of the day blue. everyone wear blue on monday. all who shall not will be beaten with a yard stick.

    Allrighty, I have to go watch Dancing With The Stars! (Go Kurt Warner!!!!) ๐Ÿ™‚

    The Great Inspirational St. K

  15. I have to catch up on blogs for the week so my daily thank yous, comments, and complaints. None today except for I can’t believe your going to Tennessee to run of all things Mr. Mayfield. You must be crazy. ๐Ÿ™‚ Even though I don’t like to run it is good for you.

    Reading Grave Dancin’ a book I found a home that I hadn’t read yet. It is about this guy and his life in the pre-depression time. The first part basically sets up the book and the story for the later parts. In the beginning it talks about how one family had four children, two girls, two boys. They lived in this medium-size house in the country. they lived near the town of Buford’s Gap. They are farmers and the father is a postmaster for the town also. The oldest child has five children, but sadly dies after the fifth.

    So another family takes two of the youngest, Annie Bea and Heddie, into their home. The family of the mother keeps the two middle children favoring their mother. Obie, the oldest and only boy stays with the dad,, Dock. Dora, the mother, Edith’s sister takes primary care of them. Harold and Spivey go into the cotton mills to earn some extra money. Mr. and Mrs. Mack own the big house and tend to all the crops. Dora was a school teacher until Christiane and Mamie get brought into the household. All for the beginning of this week.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  16. I am reading Max the mighty. I started over on it because i forgot most of it. The author purpose was to show Max’s kindness inside him to the reader. After losing his best friend Freak”Kevin” he needs to move on. He finds out that a little red headed girl is bullied allot and they call her Worm. Max was going home one day from school and found out that worm was being bullied and he stopped the bullies from betting her up. Max walked her home so she would not get picked on trying to get home. I see that the author just made there friendship grow by doing this. I see that Max has another journey to begin. I predict that Max will fight threw the bullies with Worm just like he did with Kevin. That is my five minutes, Bye

  17. hey well this is my second journal which are so boring
    well i am still reading the same old boring funny historical
    well so far i have read that a german submarine attacked the ship and when the boy was leaving the ship to go to the raft he fell off of the ship and when he was in the ocean a piece of the boat fell and hit him on the head and knocked him out and when he woke up he was not able to see but he was on the raft and he was rescued by a guy named timothy and he was black and he also had his cat while he they were an the raft timothy was conserving the supplies the supplies they had were a flair a blanket some water and some food
    well that is all i want to say so bye

  18. hey hopefully i wont be out of school tomorrow. it all dependson if im running a fever. tonight i read spy high again. so far the point of view hasnt changed in this story. but the setting changes from the air ducts to the hall way of the villian.the author has put a whole bunch of new characters into the story. one thing that is a change about this book for me is that when a move works they try it again and when a move doesnt work they dont try it again. most storys just use a move once and are done with it. well thats my five bye .

  19. Hey I left off with Rangers Apprentice and they were just at the choosing and Horace and Alyss were both chosen by their destined craftmasters. Then it is Geoges turn he walks up and says his name and then he says he wants to be a scribe master. the scribe master makes treaties and newsforums. Then the scribe master steps forward and approves him. Next is Jenny she walks forward says her name and says she wants to be a Cook in the castle. Mr Chubb steps forward and asks her to state the ingrediants of a turkey roast. She quikly names off different ingrediants and Mr chubb approves her. Now it is will’s turn, he steps forward and says he wants to be in Battle schhol. The craftmaster walks up and denies him, then he tries to go for battle horse cleaning, he then denies him. so all of his offers were pretty much deminished.

  20. Oh if u want to go to the thing at my church called the Haunting Truth it is at Chelsea Community Church on Wedensday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday from 6-10 P.m

  21. Ok so terribly for me I ended up finishing The Hunger Games right after I blogged about it on Monday so I am going to have to write a lot. Yesterday was a strage day for me. Here is a story We were heading to lunch and NOAH REESE was in the hallway I dont think he knows who I am but I kinda gave him a strange look and he went all bi-polar in the hallway and he started yelling at me! It went something like DONT LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT! It was so strange to me but I was laughing the whole time. I just thought that was kind of a funny story. Maybe?
    Ok blogging time!!! Wednesday

    I think I left off somewhere along the lines of Katniss has decided to take her sisters place in the Hunger Games and she is taken to the capitol where they buff her up and make her all pretty she and Peeta are in like a parade type thing before the Hunger Games start and Katniss and Peeta’s capes are lit on fire! But they dont feel anything which is pretty cool. Maybe? So they are in the Parade thing and then they get ready for training so all the tributes from all the districts go around learning how to do all sorts of things that will keep them alive when the games start. Then they have Private lessons where you get judged by a score of 1 through 12. 12 of course being the best and so Katniss gets in there and she shoots arrows and stuff at things to impress the judges she then realizes that they are not paying attention to her they are focused on food so she kinda sorta shoots the arrow right through an apple that was in a dead pigs mouth and then she storms out of the room. That was not a good day for Katniss I dont think. Then all the tributes get their scores and Katniss got an Eleven!!! Which is like amazing. Girls Rule just sayin. But anyway the games start and I will go in more detail about that tomorrow
    Bye, Everybody
    Luv ya, Julie!!!

  22. I proclaim that my nickname should now be, wait for it — actually I haven’t thought ahead that far so I’m stuck with Trey. Boohoo. Oh well. By the way Mr. Mayfield (Dr. Roy, he insists sorry) I joined NaNoWriMo under guess what, TREY! I knew that I would forget tomorrow so here it is today. I officially declare a challenge on St. K. She will not get past 20,000 words this year.

    In Grave Dancin’ Dock comes and takes all the children back to where he is staying, a farm where someone lives called Jake. Jake is very lazy and gets Dock to work for his share of the money. Dock gets his wife and many children to labor in the fields for the cash crop, cotton. Later, Dock moves his family to the town in which the cotton mill is in to get all the older children to work. They live in a duplex and only get third shift. Dock doesn’t work but takes half their money and ‘pays rent” really he gambles it away at pool. He loses and is still in debt to Mr. Mann at his store. Very original last name isn’t it? All for today.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  23. Hey, song of the day is Mercedes Benz by Janis Joplin (I ran out of Eminem songs ๐Ÿ™‚ ) annddd i will…. do….. compaison. Percy Jackson and The red Pyramid are alike b/c they both deal with mythology, although the Red Pyramid is Roman and PJ is Greek. They both deal with gods, both helpful and hurtful. Last ill do….. alt pov of Bast (cat goddess. I know, cats don’t need a goddess like dogs do.).

    So. The brats of Kane don’t like Friskies, or milk. Why? It’s like they don’t know any better.Anywho, better get out of the Washington monument. Hey, there’s a window. WOW THAT THING IS HUGE. I think we should leave. The Kane brats run down the stairs while I jump out tto get the crocodile/lion/thingy’s attention. My knives slide out of the well described skin tight suit (lol ๐Ÿ™‚ ) and out of the corner of my eye i see the kids run for the airport to catch our plane to paris Nut (goddess of the sky, stop laughing) told Sadie about. I slash up crocface and run for the airport, where apparently Jason got out of his falcon form, though Sadie cannot, which draws the attention of the cops. I take on the role of Aunt Kitty (bad one) and rescue him, just for a moose thingy to come out and attack him. I take Sadie and run for the plane. Eventually jason joins us and we take off.

  24. Hey!!!!! I am reading *Farewell to Manzanar*. I the book, the narrorator’s dad is arrested and taken away from his family. If the story was told from this point of view, it would probely talk alot about the prison & the questions that where asked, he would also talk about how much he missed his family. He was arrested because ‘he made a contract with the enemy Japanesse peps.’ Ooooooooo! He did something bad! ‘;No Duh!;. So, this is a good book so far and I think, if you like WW2, you should read this book. Alright Peace Out!!! P.S I did this for 15 min. for the last 3 days. BYE!!!!! โ™ฅโ˜บโ˜ป1538

  25. hey im tired so im doing this quick. i think that the authors porpose fo writing this book was to entertain his audience . he could mean to tell the world that spys and thier gadgets could be real. in this book the author starts of with the two main characters in the middle of a mission. i dont know why the author does this but maybe it was to put some mystery into the story. he also puts the two characters in the middle of a fight and this was to put action into the story. well hope you like bye.

  26. So, i found out that Worm is really smart and likes to carry around book every where she goes. I predict that Max and Worm will go to the library a lot because she likes to read a hole bunch. Then she might be able to teach Max so stuff and might catch up to wear he needs to be. The authors point of view was to tell a story about to kids named Max and Worm. They show there friendship and have to carry on his journey from the death of his friend Kevin. Max see that he can help this girl a lot by getting the bullies out of her way. The author must like friendship story because both stories he has written are about friendship. Well it is my bed time, Bye Mayfield

  27. Okay I just got finished rereading the book Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It is summer at the Dursleys when Dobby, a house-elf, comes and tells Harry not to go to school this year. Meanwhile he gets Harry in trouble by doing magic in the house and is sent a letter from the Ministry of Magic that if he does it again he will be expelled. The Dursleys find out he can’t do magic without getting expelled and put bars on his window and lock him in his room. Ron comes for him in the end in a flying car with fred and George and he escapes to Ron’s house called the Burrow.

    Then when the barrier to Hogwarts is sealed and Ron and Harry miss the train they take the flying car and follow the train. When they get to the school the car goes crazy and drives straight into the Womping Willow Breaking Ron’s wand in the process.

    Soon after the start of Harry’s second year at Hogwarts, messages on the walls of the corridors say that the Chamber of Secrets has been re-opened and that the “heir of Slytherin” will kill all students whose parents are both Muggles. Over the next few months, different students of the school are found petrified in corridors. Meanwhile, Harry, Ron, and Hermione discover Moaning Myrtle was the ghost of a girl who was killed the last time the Chamber was opened and now haunts the girls’ toilet in which she died. Myrtle shows Harry a diary bearing the name Tom Marvolo Riddle. Although its pages are blank, it writes back when Harry writes in it. Eventually the book shows him Hogwarts as it was fifty years ago. There he sees Tom Riddle, Head Boy at the time, blame Hagrid, who was then thirteen years old and already kept dangerous creatures as pets, for opening the Chamber.

    Four months later the diary is stolen, and shortly afterward Hermione is petrified. However, she holds a note explaining that the thing thats been almost killing everyone is a basilisk, a huge serpent whose gaze kills those who look into its eyes directly but only petrifies those who see their reflection. Hermione thought that the monster travels through the school’s pipes and emerges through the toilet Myrtle haunts. As the attacks continue, Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic, holds Hagrid in the wizards’ prison as a precaution. Lucius Malfoy, Draco’s father and a former supporter of Voldemort who claims to have reformed, announces that the school’s governors have suspended Dumbledore from the position of headmaster.

    After Ron’s younger sister, Ginny, is taken into the Chamber, the staff insist that the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Gilderoy Lockhart, should handle the situation. However, when Harry and Ron go to his office to tell him what they have discovered about the basilisk, Lockhart reveals that he is a fraud who took credit for the accomplishments of others and attempts to erase the boys’ memories. Disarming Lockhart, they march him to Moaning Myrtle’s toilet, where Harry opens the passage to the Chamber of Secrets. In the sewers under the school, Lockhart grabs Ron’s wand and tries again to wipe the boys’ memories, but since Ron’s wand had been damaged, the spell backfires, causing total amnesia on Lockhart, collapsing part of the tunnel, and separating Harry from Ron and Lockhart.

    While Ron attempts to tunnel through the rubble, Harry enters the Chamber of Secrets, where Ginny lies beside the diary. As he examines her, Tom Riddle appears, looking exactly as he did fifty years ago, and explains that he is a memory stored in the diary. Ginny wrote in it about her hopes and fears, and Riddle won her confidence by appearing sympathetic, possessed her, and used her to open the Chamber. Riddle also reveals that he is Voldemort as a boy. He further explains that he learned from Ginny who Harry was and about his own deeds as Voldemort. When Ginny realised that she had been responsible for the attacks, she attempted to throw the diary away, which is how it came into Harry’s possession. Riddle then releases the basilisk to kill Harry. Dumbledore’s pet phoenix, Fawkes, brings a magnificent sword wrapped in the Sorting Hat. Harry uses the sword to kill the basilisk, but only after being bitten by the creature’s venomous fangs, one of which breaks off. As Riddle gloats over the dying Harry, Fawkes cries on Harry’s wound to cure it. Harry stabs the diary with the broken fang, and Riddle vanishes and since the memory has been destroyed, Ginny wakes up and they return to Ron, who is still watching over the Lockhart who thinks that the Chamber of Sercrets is Ron’s home. Then Fawkes carries all four of them out of the tunnels to a shocked Myrtle.

    Harry tells the whole story to Dumbledore, who has come back after the council claimed to have been threatened by Lucius Malfoy. When Harry mentions his fears that he is similar to Tom Riddle, Dumbledore says that Harry chose Gryffindor House, and only a true member of that House could have used Godric Gryffindor’s sword to kill the basilisk. Lucius Malfoy bursts in, and Harry accuses him of slipping the diary into one of Ginny’s books while they were shopping for school books. Harry gives Mr. Malfoy a sock which he throws away. When he throws the sock Dobby catches it restating that the only way to freedom is by clothes and his master just gave him clothes. Malfoy tries to attack Harry but Dobby stops him making him go flying down flights of stairs. Finally, the basilisk’s petrified victims are revived by a potion, which has taken several months to grow from Mandrakes. That is the book. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  28. What up DOGS!!!!!!! I am reading *Farewell to Mazanar*. If I altured this book I would make it to where her brothers were arrested with her dad and the women would have to survive on their own. I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t go too well. The girls can hardly find jobs in the first place. I think her dad may really be guilty, but I hope not. Anyway, I’ll keep you informed. BYE-BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! โ™ฅโ˜บโ˜ป1538

  29. POV of Shikamaru- Danggit…this is such a drag…why do i have to face a girl? Can’t the proctor just change it up, at least with a dude I can withdraw…whatever. Anyway, looks like she has a giant fan, she must get hot… but anyway. Alright, let’s see if we can do this. She likes to fight with a wind scythe, if I can just get my shadow possession on her, she would…she moved…lets try this again. Alright almost and, CRAP! She needs to stop moving or else i might be in HUGE trouble where i am. Alright, one shadow possess: failed. Two shadow posses and…fail…THIRD FOR THE WIN! Aha, she can’t move, so now, we drop the final move…and BOOM! IWIN BABY IWIN. Now, back to dragging my tail along…

  30. I am now starting to finish the sixth chapter of seabiscuit. very… friendly.

    authors purpose
    i think that the authour’s purpose of this entire chapter was to teach the reader to never give up. pollard, a blind in one eye, is cast out of mexico because mexico bans gambling. well his good friend woolf and him move to california. woolf gets rich and pollard goes poor. well pollard moves to detroit and begs for jobs. he begs for jobs and the trainers laugh him away until one day tom smith, seabiscuits trainer, introduces him to seabiscuit. spark of hope. ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  31. well no i just found out why the old man hennley killed himself in the book a hole in the world.he killed himself because he ahd cancver that had constanly been eating his stomach away and none nknew except for him.’ and he did not tell anyone. they used a pretty good similie or at least i thought that he was using a similie when he said that mr. hennley knew way before he strung the rope. but actually he did hang and kill himself i guess that is why he went to hell. but now when ever he finds that whole he escapes from hell and is now on earth. i still have not found out what he does while he is on earth but i think that i am going to find out soon and very soon and i hope that he is not supposed to stay in he;ll for a reason. b ut I will find out and i will tell you when i do so thats all for this weeek byyyyyy

  32. comparison
    my comparison is to the movie seabiscuit. well my comparison reasons are that both are named seabiscuit. they are both based on the same story of hope, friendship, injury, and a bounceback. in both stories pollard is the jocky for seabiscuit. he is injured in his eye. well and the hope of the story and the movie, well this is actually a prediction, is that after seabiscuit is hurt he is told that he will never race again. after months of training and physical therapy both seabiscuit and pollard are back and ready to win some horse races, fill some peoples’ wallets, and fill some peoples hearts with hope and desire for more.

  33. dialectal journals
    i am going to turn in my dialectal journals tomorrow because i am going to write them, on paper.

  34. Monday

    This week Iโ€™m blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley.


    Wondering what would have happened if Neb (the boy in Castaways of the Flying Dutchman) would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybeif he didnโ€™t like the dog anymore โ€ฆ sell the poor black lab. I mean thatโ€™s what I would have to do if I were him, but Iโ€™m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark.


    After a lot of thought The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman is like the beginning of Peter and the Starcatchers. They both have characters get on ships. Neb got on because he was running from his stepbrothers and one of them hit him and he fell into the ice cold water, then all of a sudden a stringy rope hits his head and he uses all his strength to climb onboard. In the other book orphans get onboard because the are forced to be slaves to an evil king overseas. Well, I mean, they have \the same ideas just different plots.


    So far the captain of the Flying Dutchmanis making a deal with a chinease merchant who is offering FOUR emeralds for him to deliver emeralds to other high-payng people. On another POV a boy is running from his stepbrothers and runs into a dead-end. His stepbrothers or the ocean?!?!?!?!?!? Which is worse?!?!?!? Well, he doesnโ€™t have a choice because one of his stepbrothers cuffs (hits) him in the jaw and falls into the freezing cold ocean shivering and alone.

  35. Fred is her often-aggravating best guy friend; her father is a lonely bachelor; Flora is her gorgeous best friend, a constant liability; and Ben Jones is barely a twinkle in her eye. Into this innocent scene are dropped 30 or so helpless French exchange students. Jess and her mother are assigned to house Eduoard, a shy, awkward, and painfully English-deprived boy Jessโ€™s age. To counter what Jess fears is Eduoardโ€™s growing crush on her, Jess convinces her friend Fred to pose as her boyfriend, but he refuses to take their fake relationship seriously. Add a gorgeous, womanizing French student, an ill-fated camping trip in a studentโ€™s backyard, and Flora just being, well, Flora, and you have all the makings of an international incident. Will Jess be able to keep the peace, or even translate the whole debacle to the confused French students? The future of England is on the line. . .
    Read an excerptโ€ฆ
    weell may i point out a couple things before i get started on my journals they will probably be super short bc my arm. but i will make them up next week if my arm is hopfully better by then.
    monday- thisbook has been totally sucky so far bc it is so similar tothe last book i read. but it is a tad bit different bc they have different problems but they still are pretty similar. i keep getting the two stories mixed up
    tuesday- Fred is her often aggravating best guy friend. her father is a lonely bachelor. Flora is her gorgeous best friend, a constant liability. and Ben Jones is twinkle in her eye. Jess and her mother are assigned Eduoard, a shy, awkward, and painfully English deprived boy Jessโ€™s age
    wednesday well the exchange student she was writing to ended up coming to live with her and her family for a little while. but shortly after staying with Jess’s family a little while he fell madly in
    love with Jess. so Jess asked her best guy friend Fred, but secretly Fred loved her to but got upse when she wasnt takig their fake relationship seriously.
    thursday so Flora and Jess arent seeing eye-to-eye bc Flora so greatfully fell dresspertly in love with Ed (for short) and the two girls get catty bc Flora gets mad for leading Ed on. and Jess gets mad bc she doesnt believe she did and Fred is heart broken (which i feel sooo bad for him) he gives his all to this girl and shes totally crushing on another jerk face while Fred is simpily a cover up…

  36. Arighty. Wow,I actually just said alrighty didn’t I? Well tonight I am going to have to blog for 15 whole minutes! Yeah for me. the reason I am having to blog for 15 whole minutes tonight is because on Tuesday, um, well, I don’t think I remember but I did have a good and reasonable explanation for it. Yesterday I remember why I couldn’t blog. It was because I had to go shopping with my mom before the stores closed and it was a little late when I got home and blah blah blah blah blah. Long story short, I didn’t have time to blog yesterday either. So that is the story of why I have to blog for 15 whole minutes. I know that was boring but here comes the REALLY boring part! Just Kidding!!!!

    Okay, so right now Bella keeps bugging Edward with all of these aggravating questions, and of coarse, Edward HAS to answer them. So later Edward is dying to know what Bella’s theory was. So Bella tells him and her theory was that he was a vampire but she didn’t just come up with it on her own. Oh no, she got it from an old story/legend that Jacob Black told her. So Edward and Bella are now talking about him and his diet, no sleeping and everything in the car on there way home.

    Well folks, believe it or not that was 15 minutes because I read AND blogged at the same time! That’s all for now. Oh and Happy EARLY Halloween! Bye

  37. hey i abandoned sky high for a while because i have started way to many other books. so now i am on percy jackson number 5 the last olympian. in the chapter that i read percy and his friend becendorf go on the titan lord knonos’ cruise ship to blow it up and all the monsters on it. in the end bacendorf gets captured after he sets the explosives but he fooled the monsters into thinking he hasnt. he sets the detonator and percy jumps off the side of the ship. percy bieng the son of the sea god is able to get away by telling the curents to push him away fast. then the ship blows up. if i were to create an alternate ending i would send percy with a pegasus and becendorf with a pegasus. i would let becendorf and percy set the explosives then percy create a distraction. the dis traction would work and percy gets caught while becendorf gets away on his pegasus. he would tell the other pegasus to leave. percy would battle the titan lord and lose but the titan lord hears about becendorf getting away and starts getting mad. percy slips away and jumps off the side of the ship and gets very far away and sets the explosives. this way its a win win because becendorf was a boyfrien to a daughter of afrodite and percy could et in big trouble with the girl and possibly afrodite. well that was more than five minutes but oh well night.

  38. hey! I’m back to one of my favorite series! Pendragon! I’m on the 9th book. it’s called “raven rise”. back to blog.
    #1Okay, first I predict that while Pendragon is on duendron, he will get alder (he’s a warrior- big strong guy), go to zadaa, get loor & siry (loor-also warrior-although, slender, black,& cute- siry-warrior- same aspect as alder)#2 go to second earth(earth today),& meet up with courtney & mark (his best friends) in his neighborhood.#3when this happens,they team up to stop the convergence (the the destruction of all mankind) and fight saint dane (big bad guy the cause of all this) to thwart his plan to destroy all mankind!
    Why? because, #1- he needs warriors, he can’t do it alone #2- second earth is where this big thing is happening & courtney & mark are already involved in this whole situation & #3- saint dane the whole convergence thing should happen, so this makes the situation worse. plus, after he destroys all man kind he will build a new empire in his image! so they gotta fight him.

    p.s. i would like to thank Mr. maf for giving me the journal pass ๐Ÿ˜‰

  39. Hey, I left off with Rangers Apprentice, and I’m sorry I blogged so late. I left off as all the orphans off Baron Arold were chosen by their destined craftmasters. When Will’s turn comes he is denied both of Battleschool and Battle horse caring. They all start brainstorming ideas of places that he could be placed. Then out of the darkness comes a mysterious figure. He realize it is the Ranger craftmaster Halt. Will doesn’t really know what the rangers do. Halt lays a piece of paper on Baron Arolds desk and Baron arold asks if he is sure. He nods and says that the Choosing is done. He tells everybody to head downstairs to feast but Will leaves to go sit in his tree and he becomes very curious of what is inside that letter. He decided he was going to find out that same night.

  40. I am reading Grave Dancin’

    Right now in this book, Dock Tarley, the father has gotten run over by a train. They Say he tried to beat it, but stumbled on the tracks while crossing. The preacher for their neighbor’s church goes to their duplex to try and comfort Desser after the shock. This works some what and they take Dock’s body to the Funeral home to be fixed up and embalmed so he can be buried. Then Brother Baker gets Mr. Trussell to bring the casket to their house force viewing. Desser basically lives beside the casket for the next two days.That is all for today.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜‰ 8) ๐Ÿ˜€

  41. hey mr mayfeild i just got done with a game so ill make this short and easy. i will blog for five minutes on the book amung the hidden i will finish in a couple of days. well anyways i will do the point of view from me. he couldnt look out the windows because there wernt sopossed to be third children so he had to hide. i couldnt stand without a tv a light or window. he found a vent to see out of he dosnt tell anybody about it. he looks out it every day. i would feel guilty about that. thats it for tonight

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