starting national novel writing month…

so things will be busy with working on my novel – but i did do some reading last week – for those of you that are blogging…

“the gold standard” by coach k – duke u’s basketball coach – story of how he worked with the 2008 us olympic team to win the gold medal in china – good book – lots of lessons that are written to business people but that can also transfer to the classroom – like the fact that you have to create purposeful interactions in the room to get a class together and on the same page – things don’t just automatically fall into place

in other reading, i started the book of matthew, i read about the rise of turkey in the economist (the country is at somewhat of a crossroads in relation to europe), and i read in sports illustrated about what a wonderful pitcher cliff lee is – and then lee went and got beat by the giants – oh well…


13 thoughts on “starting national novel writing month…”

  1. This is very disapointing because most people are not going to blog! While you are in the process of blogging it is extremely boring but afterward it is very nice going back and reading other peoples blogs!!!
    ^-^ I was going to participate in National Writers Month or whatever but I was overwhelmed by the thought of writing 3,000 words by Friday! It was too much for me to process at one time! So Mr. Mayfield still gets to enjoy the company of my Blogs!
    Ok so I was still thinking about what I should write about for the nanowrimo thing So I asked my brother that if he was going to write a book what he would write about and his response was he would write about
    a rabid elephant running around Tahiti
    This should tell you a little bit about my brothers twisted messed up mind. I dont know why you liked him Mr. Mayfield! I really dont. I mean I completely understand why you like me but him??????
    So right now I am reading a book called Pharoah’s Daughter A novel of ancient Egypt written by Julius Lester. This book takes place during bible times so this book does have some references to the bible in it. This story is taken from 3 different point of view right now it is being taken from a girl named Almah who is 12 years old. This girl is Moses’ sister (bible reference) hint hint! So far in this story Almah has done her daily chores and nothing really exciting has happened then there is gossip that the king was going to kill the first born son from each family (bible reference) so Almah is made lookout for her town to watch if the pharoah’s soldiers come and if she is to see soldiers she is to run to as many homes as she can to tell them to hide their first born child from each family. They will hide them in baskets. So Almah is lookout and she sees soldiers and they are too far away and is is close to being dark outside so she knows that the soldiers wont come any farther. Then she says a girl who is the most beautiful person she has ever seen and she falls to the ground do Almah goes over to the girl and helps her to soon realize that it is the pharoah’s daughter but Almah being as nice as she is takes her home with her and gets her feeling back t o normal again. That is all I have read so far but I will see you tomorrow!

    Luv ya, Julie
    P.S. I better not be the only person left blogging!!

  2. Right before I started to blog, i realized I didn’t have to blog.
    Oh well, I’ll miss it this month. But I WILL check in when I have time.

    My dad took my computer out of town without telling me. šŸ™
    Julie, doesn’t your brother play the french horn? I thought he does.

    Alright, St. K feels a little better. (The things ibuprofen can do for you) Hehehe….

    St. K

  3. so Maf still missing you but i thought i would let you know something! first, have you read the hunger games series??? knowing you, you proly have but omgosh i just finished that series and it is amazing!!!!!! it only took me like 2 days to finish mockingjay when i finally got it hahaha! but now makayla’s got me reading the mortal instruments series and i finished city of bones of the weekend and makayla brought me city of ashes so for me all i can do right now is read read read and im getting plenty of AR points out of it! I swear its like im turning into makayla reading all the time now haha! yeah but a lil word of advice for your 8th graders.. if they dont like reading then i wouldnt get them into honors english next year! i love it but now that i love reading it all seems easy to me! best of luck with the 6th graders maf and i will check back in with you soon! hope all is well!!!! later maf!! ~ Jordan

  4. jeese thirteen thousand words shure does sound like a whoe lot of typeing and I do not have that kind of time so I am not going to do thst i sm just goin do my yjournals sorry mr. mayfield alright well anyyways this week I have been reading the book a whole in the world and write now the main character is thiking about climbing a moutain and i do not know if that is such a great idea . I think einstein is he smart one ( the dog)because he just walking around all of the time and when he is not doing thst he is just sleeping so i am going o just keepreading the bokk some more tonight and I will see you tommorow

  5. Wow this is depressing! and yes Saint K my brother plays French Horn. I dont have a lot of time to blog SO I will write for 5 minutes.
    Ok so in my las t long you found out I am reading Pharoah’s Daughter by Julius Lester. So we left off with Almah being the guard for the town and so guards come and she sees the pharoah’s daughter and Almah takes her into her house. Almah feeds the princess food and gives her water. Almah and the princess talk for a long time and Almah figures out that the princess is 16 years old. That means she is old enough to get married. Almah and the princess talk about marriage and girly stuff but it gets really dark really fast so Almah decides to walk the princess all the way back to the palace it was a long walk that took like an hour. (too bad they didnt have cars then) so finally when they get to the palace the princess tells Almah to go into the palce with her and she says she will introduce her to the pharoah and let her stay for the night but Almah declines because Almah doesnt trust the princess because she had seen the princess murder a baby and then throw the baby in a river so almah runs away all the way home
    That is where I stopped
    Wow this is still depressing normally there would be 12 blogs on here by now.
    Oh well peace and grace! luv, Julie

  6. Mr. Maf doesn’t “like” hunger games, Jordan.
    I updated my word count! 7,717,

  7. Ha guess what Mr. Mayfield I have written something for nanowrimo!! I have not updated it yet but I did something. What I have written is nothing like me it is sad and depressing and I dont think I am a sad and depressing person. Now on the other hand Mr. Mayfield you make me a sad and depressing person but I dont make other people sad or depressed. You got me?
    Well here goes
    Well Almah ends up realizing that she likes the princess that she wants to be friends with the princess. well anyway Almah and the rest of the towns people dont worry about the soldiers because they only go to one house every day so they know who is coming next. almah sleeps on the roof of her house one night when she sees all the soldiers running through the town. Almah runs downstairs where her brother is swoops him up and then gets him in a basket she goes to the river and hides him near some grass where the soldiers won’t be able to find him. then Almah sees the princess and the princess has found her little brother. The princess picks up her little brother and starts feeding it. then Almah pops out from behind the bush and tells the princess to put her brother down. but the princess says No that the baby is her baby now. Then almah says no that is my brother but the princess says the baby is mine unless you want the soldiers to kill it. So Almah and the princess go back to her house where Almah must explain that there baby is going to be taken away.
    well I have to go work on my story
    Bye, Love, Julie

  8. Hey Mr. Mayfield,
    I havn’t blogged in for-ever!!!!! First of all, I’m reading The Twilight Saga: Eclipse. It’s written by Stephenie Meyers. So far it has summarized what has happened in the end of new moon, and what happened between the end of new moon and Eclipse. I’m not so far into the book, but with what I’ve read, Charlie(Bella’s dad for all of you non twilight readers), has put Bella on parole instead of being grounded. But there is one circumstance- she can’t spend all of her time with Edward and has to spend time with Jacob and her other friends. Sure, it seems easy, but if you put yourself in her shoes(and read the other books) , It seems pretty hard… Well gotta go….
    Your student,
    Alisha H. (2nd period)

  9. Wow I feel lonely being the only person blogging! šŸ™ But I am still writing my story 896 words so far. Mr. Mayfield I am going to ask Jake tonight how the giant tomato would move then I will ask him another idea for a story. I am writing them down and I will give you the whole list! Happy Memories!
    Well I believe I stopped off with the princess taking Almah’s brother. So Almah and the princess go to Almah’s house where the princess says that she is taking the baby. And Almah’s mother is ok with it. She is just glad that her baby is not going to get killed. So the princess offers to let Almah and her mother live in the palace with her and Almah and her mother accept. So Almah and her mother and the princess go to the palace. Then when the princess gets to the palace pharoh’s wife starts yelling at the princcess telling her that the baby needs to be killed but the princess says no and she gets to keep the baby. Then for the next chapter after that they just take care of the baby and that is where I stopped.
    Well I have to go your one and only talkative blogger, Julie

  10. I have been reading the book, taken. its about a girl who is kidnapped by a group of mexican paramedics. She flashes back many times to happy times. she even had classes back in her school about kidnapping because there were so many. she lived in the safest neighborhood in the usa and still got napped as she would call it.

    Dear taken girl(your name is never mentioned),
    As always i put myself in your position and talk. If i were you i wouldnt care if i got shot leaving the ambulance. You knw that they probably wont do anything because if they do the deal will be off and they dont get money. also, how many people can an ambulance hold five or six. thereā€™s not that many so i would atleast make a break for it. if they shoot you, they shoot you. theyre not going to make you suffer so it will either be a one shot one kill or they just dont shoot at all. boo yah. i may have just saved the day for you. but theres still a whole lot of reading to be done so i will soon find out if you follow my advice.

    i think that the reasoning of this book was to tell the reader to always be prepared. dont go into anyones car if you dont know them. if an ambulance comes make sure that your mom, dad, or guardian goes with you. make sure to check the ambulanceā€™s personel license. remember to alwyas be prepared and never ever go into an ambulance. tell the driver that you want to ride with your parent. also, if an ambulance comes to your house for no reason and says that they got a phone call that the girl is sick, this is for you parents, dont let em go.

    i think that this book compares pretty well to the movie taken. who knows if they made the book or movie about one or the other. they both have basically the same plot. plot is the things that happen in a story. i saw the movie and the girl is kidnapped at the beginning. its the same for the book. but the story in the movie is told from the dad and the book is told from the girl. in the book the girls dad is hardly ever home but in movie the dad takes action and saves the girl. the thing the story is about is being kidnapped and they both have that in common.

  11. Hey. I need to blog for 20 minutes for the past 4 days. I am reading ‘Olive’s Ocean’, and I started reading Merritt’s book, ‘It Sucks to be Me’. I am going to compare the books.

    They are alike b/c:

    The main peps in the book are girls.
    Both girls live with their parents.
    Both girls names start with M.
    There is death mentioned in both books.

    They are different b/c:

    One is about vampires.
    One of the girls in the book experiances a friends death.
    One girl gets asked out.
    One girl is 16.
    One girl gets to see her grandma/godbe.
    The vampire girl’s name is Mina.

    These books are awesome. I really sugest you try reading them. Both are exciting. In 2 different ways. One boodsucking, vampireish way, and the other in death; AKA Maddie’s form of self expression, JK. Anyways, I’m tired, and I’m wathing Selina Gomez (and Demie Lavoto). PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Are you guys at all surprised that Met is reading a vampire book? Her favorite words are Twilight, Bella, Edward, Alice, and vampire. Ha. We still ā™„ her

  12. Hello Hello everyone! I am doing nanowrimo but I have not gotten up to 3,000 words yet and I am absolutely devastated! So I’m going to blog for 10 minutes tonight. I may not get lots of credit but here it goes.

    Okay so I have had to take a break from Twilight once again and this book is quite interesting. It’s so far about this man that goes down into the forest and gets lost. So this guys name is Bary and throughout the book he is trying to escape from all of the horrible creatures that live in side the forest. Well one day he comes across a mythical type creature that talks and when it talks it tells Bary to quickly get out of the woods or else he will get seriously injured and hurt. This is when Bary begins to get frightened like a little girl and screams and runs away. This book doesn’t really makes since to me but I love the whole grown man getting scared and screaming like a little girl.

    Believe it or not that was actually 10 minutes!!!! I had a timer!
    I hope this makes up for at least some of my words for nanowrimo.
    Again Mr. Mayfield I am sorry but my story is going to be a hit!!!! Bye!

  13. Hey!!! I have to blog for 20 mins tonight. I just finished *The Last Book in the Univerese* Wednsday. The ending made me sad. Why did the author have to kill Ryter? If I chose an alternate ending, Ryter wouldn’t have died and the story wouldn’t have ended so quickly. If I had to of made Ryter die, he would have died from sickness or old age. And Bean, Ryter, and Spaz would have gotten to stay in Eden. That made me SO mad. The masters of Eden decided that they had to go back to the Urb. So, technecly, it’s their faut Ryter got killed. I am also reading *Olive’s Ocean*. An alternate ending (as far as I’ve gotten) is that Olive wouldn’t have died, but was in acoma while Martha was at Godbee’s house. Then, when she cameback, Olive would be awake, and Martha would be cheering, dancing around, just being very happy. It upset me that Martha’s dad got so upset when her sister started freakin’ out about, ‘Bannanas!’ Boo-Hoo, Baby! So, 3 mins. left. Lastly, I will compare the books. They are alike b/c there is death in both of them.
    There are elderly people in both of them.
    They are different b/c one of the main characters is a boy, and the other is a girl.
    The dead person in one book is a little girl, and the other is an old man.
    any way, BYE!!! Mattiā™„ā˜ŗā˜»1538

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