from a snow-encased house somewhere in alabama…

greetings and happy snow day!

no, sixth grade, you don’t have to write on mondays – save your generator at the house for something else other than blogging – like updating your facebook page or something (“10:17 – threw snowball at sister, 10:18 – threw snowball at sister, 10:19 – cocoa break, 10:21 – threw another snowball at sister…”)

as for my reading last week…

galileo’s daughter – by dava sobel – galileo was, of course, a famous scientist, math guy – he got in trouble for supporting the sun-centered universe – anyway, he had three daughters – one that he was close to – who liked in a convent – and the two wrote letters for all their lives, back and forth – good read

choosing to see – mary beth chapman – awesome book – sad book – funny, at times book – chapman is the wife of my favorite artist ever – steven curtis chapman – and she wrote about her life – and the tragic loss of the chapman’s five-year-old daughter – now almost three years ago – very encouraging story of how faith can carry you through dark times (also, how pathetically little i’ve ever had to “suffer”)

the winner’s manuel – by jim tressel (coach of ohio state) – tressel gives his players a book at the beginning of every year – and he sort of modified that for this book – a collection of how to use advice from others to make good decisions – pretty quick read – admire tressel and his faith now – although, not sure if it’ll make me a fan of the big ten:)

i finished the david ortiz book as well – papi – red sox player – not that good – what do you expect from a current superstar (sort of like what it would be like to read justin beiber’s book – you can’t expect literary excellence from something like that – it is what it is…) – anyway, the book did get me in baseball mode (oh, forgot, ortiz did neglect the substance he was taking in ’04 that made him test positive on a drug test – go figure that that detail was left out…)

ran a marathon in mobile sunday before hopping in the car and making it back just before the ice/snow got bad – thankful for that – thankful as well to have run a decent time – might even have a trophy coming my way…



21 thoughts on “from a snow-encased house somewhere in alabama…”

  1. Hey, um im on The Lost Hero by Rick Riordan. I left off as Coach Hedge got The Wilderness School off the bus and Jason woke up not having any memory. He has a girlfriend named Piper and his bestfriend is Leo. They get off the bus and they arrive at the Grand Canyon museum. Out of no where comes a kid about the same age and he grabs Piper by her arm and against her will. His name is Josh and he was explaining how they all needed a partner and he wanted her. So as he drug her away she mouthed the words HELP ME! Jason and Leo walked behind them. AS they walked they noticed some of the preppy highclass girls were making fun of her. She was about to fight them when Josh held her back. Leo told Jason that if those girls knew her dad they would be bowing to her. But before Jason could ask who her dad was, they arrived on the skywalk that overlooked the Grand Canyon. A storm started to brew overhead and thats when it started to go wrong.

  2. Wow I can.t believe that we got this much snow this winter well not all of it was snow a pretty good bit of it was ice but either way it is still pretty cool because right before i went to school this morning there was still snow coming down at my house but none of it stuck. Okay tonight i am reading the book the house of the scorpions which is still turning out to be a pretty good book. the young bore matt (who is actually a clone) is starting to turn out more and more like the old man El Patron th elderly person who died and noiw somtimes escapes from hell. which is kind of scary even though i know this is just a book but if this were real life then just imagine what else could escape from hell if just a plane old elderly person can get out of that wretched place. now matt is acting like patron because he is starting to get very mischevious and sneaky. and i dont know if eh is being ba enough top wind up in hell but he sure as heck anint doing to good to stay out of that horrible place i don’t maybe he just wants to meet El Patron. Matt has completely changed because at the beginig of the story he was this sweet, nice, careing, non-phsycotic little kid (clone) but then he changed drastically within a little bit of a time gap and he is now definately phsycotic.

  3. hey mr mayfield did you like the icy snow and icy encrusted cars and roads and everything
    well now i am reading life on the river by my uncle tom edwards
    and i am reading chapter three the trail and so far i have read that there was a trail that was by passed by everyone but exempt for i experienced woodsman who new pretty much every square inch of the the wood who examined the trail over and over
    and then the woodsman found out from really close examination he found out that it was an old indian trail and he found that it lead to an indian burial ground that hasn’t been used for many years

  4. i am reading Amelia’s 7th grade notebook. i am going to do a character story. amelia’s story.
    ther was a school dance coming up and Amelia was not looking foward to it. all of her friends were very excited about there 1st school dance and the best part was that it was just for 7th graders.
    during the dance Amelia’s friends wereboth asked to dance by cute boys and Amelia didn’t get asked at all. she went home and cried, but you can understand why. i know i understand. Also the worst part of the dance is that she and her best friend carly got into a fight. but they talked it out the next day b/c Amelia felt bad and apoligized 1st. but what did carly say. find out next.

  5. I finished the book called Hush, Hush. Nora Grey is an average girl who always does the right thing. She has a level head and an independent streak that comes from raising herself for most of her life. She is very smart and has a straight, clear plan for the futureโ€”but her entire life is turned upside down by the appearance of the new and dark student at her school, a mysterious guy named Patch. Apart from Patch, Nora becmes friends with the two equally mysterious boys named Elliot and Jules.

    Nora finds Patch intolerable and unsettling, as Patch is in turns able to draw her in and repel her with his behavior in a way thats very confusing. Patch seems to know more about Nora than her best friends do, and after several unexplanable and life-threatening experiences that all seem to involve Patch, Nora becomes obsessed with figuring out who Patch is and why he is so determined to be in her life. Her search for answers lands her in several dangerous situations, finally leading to the answer that Patch is an angel who fell from Heaven, and who meant to kill her: explaining why he was in her school to begin with. Patch had found a way to become human through the text in the Book of Enoch. By killing Nora, he succeeds in killing his Nephilim vassal, Chauncey, turning Patch to human. Dabria, Patch’s ex-angel-girlfriend, wants Patch to save Nora’s life, turning him to a guardian angel so that they can be together again. Patch insists on becoming human, following his original plan. But this plan goes haywire when he accidentally falls in love with Nora.

    In the end, Jules is revealed to be Chauncey, who wants revenge on Patch for tricking him into swearing an oath that will allow Patch to take over his body during the Hebrew month of Cheshvan. Nora kills him by sacrificing herself amidst their fight in the school. Patch, having fallen in love with Nora, chooses to save her rather than accepting the sacrifice to become human. By saving her, he becomes her guardian angel, but also effectively killing Chauncey, who had no soul to reanimate his dead body. At the end of the book it is clear that Nora and Patch have their happily ever after… for now. Thats all I haveto blog about. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Hey, im on The Lost Hero i left off as they got off the bus at the museum at the grand canyon. The kid named Josh took off with Piper because he didnt have a partner, so Leo and Jason were stuck together watching Piper get made fun of by the preppy girls. They finally made it to a skywalk that overlooked the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Overhead a very bad storm started to brew. When everyone got on the skywalk, an invisible wind pushed everyone except Josh, Leo, Piper, Coach Hedge, and Jason on the skywalk. When he looked back at josh he had turned into a living storm. He was a teenager in a mini tornadoes body. He stood their and from behind him appeared behind him. Jason, Leo, and Piper all looked around wildly. Jason didnt know why but he told the rest of his friends these things were VENTI, or storm spirits in Rome. Jason felt in his pocket as the storm spirits approached and he felt a gold coin. He took it out of his pocket and something told him to flip it, so he did. When it landed in his hand it turned into a 4 foot long golden sword. Beside him stood Coach Hedge except he wasnt human he was half goat, half human. He was a satyr. And the bat he had turned into a small club.

  7. Hey, im on The Lost Hero i left off as they got off the bus at the museum at the grand canyon. The kid named Josh took off with Piper because he didnt have a partner, so Leo and Jason were stuck together watching Piper get made fun of by the preppy girls. They finally made it to a skywalk that overlooked the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Overhead a very bad storm started to brew. When everyone got on the skywalk, an invisible wind pushed everyone except Josh, Leo, Piper, Coach Hedge, and Jason on the skywalk. When he looked back at josh he had turned into a living storm. He was a teenager in a mini tornadoes body. He stood their and from behind him appeared behind him. Jason, Leo, and Piper all looked around wildly. Jason didnt know why but he told the rest of his friends these things were VENTI, or storm spirits in Rome. Jason felt in his pocket as the storm spirits approached and he felt a gold coin. He took it out of his pocket and something told him to flip it, so he did. When it landed in his hand it turned into a 4 foot long golden sword. Beside him stood Coach Hedge except he wasnt human he was half goat, half human. He was a satyr. And the bat he had turned into a small club.

  8. whats up mr.mayfield
    alright what is the deal wit you giving us this paper that implied that we shouldn’t use the internet so much because it use so much energy but yet you make us do journals every night what is up with that. You are the one causeing GLOBAL WARMING. but that still has not started here yet because it is still way to cold here right now.

    Okay now back on task tonight i am still readign the book house of the scorpions and i am still likeing this book. tonight while i was reading this book i was very briefly introduced to a new character whos name is ralf and i really do not know very much about this person all i know is that he seems to be very sneky and kind of kept to himself but in my opinion i think he is going to be this very mystiriose person and then toward the end of the story i think that he is going to turn out to be a pretty good person and somehow turn out to some how save matt”s life and or someone else like celia. obviosley this part of the story took place sometime in between late november or december. Therason that i say that is because Matt was putting up some christmas decoration and he stepped on a bullheadthorn which to me souds pretty painfull because i know how much regular thorn hurts in the foot. i also found out that mr. el Patron obviousely has some money somewhere but i dont know were because he has a mansion and not only that he rides around in limo. Matt got dropped off at Mr. El Patrons mansions and then they very fastly sped away like they were scared but i would be to if I were sitting in a truck in front of a dead persons house who has sometimes escaped from hell. alright that is all that i have to say for today and i will see you tommorrow mayfield.SSSEEE YYYYYYYYAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Okay guys, I have to blog really quickly.

    I’m reading Numbers

    Tues.- Numbers basically introduces a girl who lives in the projects of London. Her mother is dead because of an overdose. She died when she was 6 years old. (Not the little girl) The mom died when she was older than six… Gah! y’all know what I mean. She can see in peoples eyes the date they die.
    Wed.- The girl meets this guy named Spider. he is like really tall, smells bad, and he like moves around a ton. He is like everything a girls wants right? No! Well, they hang out all the time and she meets his Nan, who has purple hair and she is really strange. And then she thinks that she sees
    peoples like, personality traits. So, yup, thats that.

    I really need to go, sorry for the short(er) blog.
    Bye guys
    – St. K

  10. I am reading the Maze Runner for B.O.B.

    In Maze Runner, Thomas witnessed his first “Banishing” Ben was basically thrown out of the Glade into the Maze for trying to kill Thomas. Thomas felt horrible the whole time that the ceremony was unfolding because Thomas thought he was responsible for Ben getting thrown out. That night, Thomas couldn’t sleep because of what had happened the night before. Newt woke him up that morning and then he said that work was probably the best thing for him and Newt said that that was probably the smartest thing that he had heard from Thomas yet.

    Well Thomas was working with Zart, the Gardens Keeper when Minho runs into the Glade from the Maze and freaks out because he needs water, Alby and he found a “dead” Griever. Alby comes and Minho tells him that he found a dead Griever and that they could probably get there and back by the time that the doors close. Alby says that they will wait until morning. In the morning they go out in search of the griever. A dinnertime, the two have not returned and the mood is solemn.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜‰ 8)

  11. i am reading Hachico Waits. i am doing a character story. Hachi’s story. the story begins when he was a puppy and he plays tricks on his master early in the mornings. Afterwards they would get ready for the day. then they would both go downstairs to eat their breakfast the house keeper had made for them before she left to go to the they ate hachi stopped and went to the window looking out and at his master with pleading eyes. the master knew that hachi wanted his favorite meal.then after that he stated the day off the right way the way it should start off.

  12. hey im so glad i only have ten minutes tonight . there is so much homework.

    Wednesday:i am going to do sabotaged. jonah and katharine and andrea chase the tracers to the ocean and they get into a canoe. the tracers take them to some island but on the way two boys fall into the canoe. suddenly jonah falls out and when he gets back in he finds out that the boys are the orriginal versions of the tracers.

    thursday: i am going to compare this book to the book sent.

    they are both in the same series. they both have the same main characters. and both of the booke about time travel

    they are at different time periods.the people jonah are trying to save are different.the settings of the books are different.

  13. i am going to blog for 10minutes tonight.I am ready Pretty tough by Liz Tigelaar.
    At Krista’s house her parents have a rule and it is”No leaving after 8o’clock P.M. But Krista’s older sister Charlie always sneaks out so she can go spend time with her boyfriend. Krista is the only person that knows that Charlie is doing that.One day Charlie snuck out and she was coming back up her road while the morning paper was getting thrown onto her drive way. At this moment she knew that she had to hurry to go back to her room before there parents came up to wake them up. Krista got really lucky because right when she climbed through the window a laid down her mom cam in the door to wake her up. When Charlie went downstairs so she could eat her breakfast before school Krista stopped her in the hallway and asked her why she came in so late Charlie didn’t reply. On there way to school Charlie was really doing her best to ignore Krista so she wouldn’t have to answer.After school Krista and Charlie both were trying out for the soccer team but Charlie knew that the only reason Krista was trying out is so that she could be mean to everybody on the team and boss them around like she always does. Charlie was really mad because She wanted to be the soccer captain again but she knew with Krista trying out she would have to try even hareder than ever.

  14. MAYFIELD!!!!!!!! I dont know why I just wrote your last name in all caps… I am blogging tonight for 10 minutes. YAY. ๐Ÿ™ I am so happy Because I have finished Skipping Christmas So therefore I dont have to tell u about it!!! I decided to re-read the CHRONICLES OF NARNIA! (I think I get more excited about things when I write in all caps) The last book series that I read all the way through was HARRY POTTER but after reading HARRY POTTER the CHRONICLES OF NARNIA seem like really short books. I am working on THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE. I dont know how to say this so that it will make sense but I love that C.S. Lewis made fictional Characters into Biblical Characters. Does that make sense? Aslan is Jesus and when Aslan died on the stone table it was like when Jesus died on the cross. Another thing. Aslan’s Country is heaven. I think that makes sense. So anyway.. This is my summary.
    Four Kids Lucy, Edmund, Susan, And Peter have to live with a professor… Lucy was one day exploring the house and came to an empty room with just a wardrobe in it. So Lucy goes inside the wardrobe to find that inside is a whole different world Called Narnia. With talking animals, and evil pale witches who like to kill people. This would be a lot for me to process in one time. In fact, if I were Lucy I would run right out of that Storybook and tell C.S. Lewis to make her walk right out of Narnia and back into the professor’s house. But C.S. Lewis had to make this book interesting so Lucy keeps walking and out in the middle of nowhere….. SHE FINDS A LAMP POST! WOO that was exciting! Then she meets a Fawn named Mr. Tumnus. He takes Lucy to his home that is inside a cave where he then ends up bursting into tears telling Lucy he has done something very very terrible. He says he was going to kidnap Lucy DAUGHTER OF EVE and take her to the white witch (who is very pale) to be killed. But Mr. Tumnus is a nice fawn so he decides to take her back to the lamp post at the risk of his own death. Lucy goes back into the real world where she tries to tell her brother’s and sister what has just happened. They dont believe her and they think its all Jank.
    Ok that was ten minutes and now I have to go BYE

  15. Tuesday

    I am reading the book taken. I think that the reasoning of this book was to tell the reader to always be prepared. dont go into anyones car if you dont know them. if an ambulance comes make sure that your mom, dad, or guardian goes with you. make sure to check the ambulanceโ€™s personel license. remember to alwyas be prepared and never ever go into an ambulance. tell the driver that you want to ride with your parent. also, if an ambulance comes to your house for no reason and says that they got a phone call that the girl is sick, this is for you parents, dont let em go.


    i think that this book compares pretty well to the movie taken. who knows if they made the book or movie about one or the other. they both have basically the same plot. plot is the things that happen in a story. i saw the movie and the girl is kidnapped at the beginning. its the same for the book. but the story in the movie is told from the dad and the book is told from the girl. in the book the girls dad is hardly ever home but in movie the dad takes action and saves the girl. the thing the story is about is being kidnapped and they both have that in common.

  16. hey, song of today is Holiday by Green Day, and i decided to do something that was not by jk rowling or eoin colfer. i read midnight for charlie bone. kinda old, but not a direct spinoff of harry potter (cough lie cough) it starts with charlie’s mom coming back from a photo place with a weird photo. charlie hears voices from this photo. this freaks out granny bone, and she gets her sisters to test charlie. they decide to send him to bloors academy. they go to a little bookshop owned by a woman named miss ingledew. she gives charlie a small box that has to find the key for. while he searches for it, a person from bloors shows up to teach charlie music, for he will be shoved with the musicians. now i guess ill do comparison. charlie is like harry because they both have a weird outcast for a friend, and a female as another companion. they both are gifted although i dont think harry has a spell to read pictures. and they both have an angry teacher and regular teachers, although snape counts for 3 mean teachers. buhbye now… go away…..GOODBYE.

  17. I am rereading the book City of Bones. The main characters, Clary Fray, is at a club with her friend Simon where Clary sees a murder by a group of teens, and is shocked that Simon and the club’s security guard, cannot see the killerโ€”a boy called Jace, who says that the boy he murdered was a demon. The next day, Jace offers to take Clary to meet his tutor, but before she can do so, she gets a phone call from her mother. She returns home to find her mom missing, the apartment trashed, and a huge creature, a Ravener demon, lying in wait for her. She kills the creature, but is injured in the process, and Jace takes her to his home. His home is called “The Institute”, an old gothic cathedral in New York that humans, or mundanes, can’t see, because it is concealed magically by glamour. Here, she gets better. She also meets Hodge Starkweather, Jace’s tutor, as well as his half-siblings Isabelle and Alec Lightwood.

    Returning to her apartment with Jace, Clary is attacked again by a monster called a “Forsaken”, which Jace kills. They escape through a magical portal in to Luke’s, a family friend’s, house, where they meet Simon and overhear a conversation between Luke and two men who Jace says to have killed his father. They return, with Simon, to the Institute and tell the conversation to Hodge, who in return tells them the story of a group of ‘”Shadowhunters”, or demon hunters who are invisible to humans, known as “the Circle”, who attempted to kill all “Downworlders”, or vampires, fairies, warlocks, and werewolves.

    Although the Circle’s leader, Valentine, was supposedly burned to death, Hodge feels that Valentine may have survived. Hodge also reveals that he, the Lightwoods, Luke, and Clary’s mother were all members of the Circle.

    Hodge then acquires the help of a monk, called a “Silent Brother”, Jeremiah, to discover how Clary is able to see Shadowhunters and why she was attacked. Jeremiah discovers a block on Clary’s mind, and takes her and Jace to the City of Bones, where the Silent Brothers attempt to break it. Although the attempt fails, Clary discovers flashes of information, particularly the name Magnus Bane, which, with Isabelle’s help, Clary traces Magnus Bane to a party, which she attends with Jace, Simon, Alec and Isabelle. There, they discover that Magnus is the High Warlock of Brooklyn, and he placed the block on Clary, although his attempts to help her remember are unhelpful. During the party, Simon is turned into a rat by a faerie drink, and Jace and Clary have to rescue him after he is taken home by a vampire.

    Clary begins to draw, and draws a rune which allows her to make her drawing real, leading her to believe that this was how her mother hid the Mortal Cup, within a Tarot card. They return to Clary’s apartment, and are attacked by a demon who is searching for the Mortal Cup. The battle leaves Alec badly injured and Simon saves their lives. They return to the Institute and give Hodge the Cup, but he betrays them and gives the Cup, and Jace, to Valentine. When he tries to escape, Hodge is attacked by Luke in werewolf form. Luke then tells Clary that Valentine was her father, before he and his pack attack Valentine’s headquarters.

    During the attack, Luke and Clary get inside, and while Luke is distracted, Clary finds Valentine and Jace. Valentine says that he is also Jace’s father, making them siblings. Luke then returns to fight Valentine, with Jace’s help, but Valentine escapes to Idris, where he has hidden the Cup. Clary retrieves her mother, who is in a coma, and takes her to a hospital. In the meantime, Alec has been healed by Magnus Bane. Clary and Jace meet at the Institute to say that they cannot be together forever like they once believed. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. I am reading monsters of morly mannor. I will blog for ten minutes on authors purpose. They go to the mannor and they get to looking like human i think the author included this because he liked to make a twist in the story they go home and there grandma know them I think the author included this because you may run into people that you knew at any time. So the go to the basment and start to go to the land of the dead to warn the spirits the will be used for a weapon I thik the author included this because he wanted a dramatic scene. Well that’s it for this week.

  19. Matilda
    Matilda is becoming good friends with her class mates and this could set up a good scene. The author makes me feel sad for Matilda becasue her dad called her a nasty twit all the time. The principle is the exact same way to her. But, the way her teacher is to the students, it looks like she has a good friend to lean on. The author purpose of this story has changed from it being more like a biography on Matilda’s childhood its more like a friendship kind. Matilda is going to need to learn he powers to help her teacher out for when the principle comes to check out the class she can just close all the art work with a sheets. The story goes from humorous to kinda of a mad and sad feeling. Its humorous because the principle had a neut get on her and she was dancing around a shaking trying to get it off her.
    My prediction was correct when i thought that Matilda’s powers would come very useful to the class and Miss. Honey. Matilda had to proof to Miss. Honey that she had powers by lifting up a pitcher of water. She didn’t even notice it at first and was shocked. I predict that if they go into the principles house the will either make her mad or scare her. When the “speed boats men” were in the house with Matilda’s mom the dad walked in and was happy. that is all i have read

  20. hey, I’m reading A Wrinkle In Time. I think I’m going to create another summary. right now meg, (the protagonist) is at aunt beast’s planet near camazotz, where “IT” (the antagonist, and a giant brain that takes over people’s brains, for example Charles.) lives. she is deciding who would go fight “IT” on camazotz, meg, Mr. Murray (Meg’s dad), or Calvin (Meg’s friend) with Mrs. which, Mrs. who, and Mrs. whatsit. After careful discussion, they decided that it should be Meg that goes to fight “IT” and take back her little brother Charles Wallace, whom “IT”stole and is keeping custody. then Mrs. which brought meg to camazotz to the central central control building where “IT” lived. then Mrs which told her that she had some thing that it didn’t have. When meg made it to the top, she found Charles by “IT” and as she approached “IT” she felt it trying to take over her brain. it was at this time that meg found that it was love that it didn’t have……

  21. …….so she said that she loved Charles, and “IT” lost its grip on Charles, and meg had Charles in her arms once again. right as they were hugging they heard a call from their father & Calvin, “Meg!” then they stood up. they were in their vegetable garden! then they saw mrs which, mrs who, & mrs whatsit slowly fade away…….

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