foul ball weekend at the ball park…

so there i was, talking to dad in the corporate area of the sec baseball tournament, hoping against hope (b/c they lost) that bama could rally and beat the hogs friday, and lo! and behold, a foul ball lands near me – and i grabbed it!!!

little kids, sick people, old men – all begged for the ball – i told them to get lost:)

anyway, in between all of the baseball watching, this was what i read to kick the summer off…

“becoming odyssa” – by jen pharr davis – book about hiking the appalachian trail as a 22-ish girl looking for the answers to life’s questions – sort of the story of how the journey in life makes you a different person – makes you better (or can make you better) – i think i speak for everyone who’s read it that we probably all worried about a lone girl off hiking – glad that the trip ended as relatively well as it did…

“running dream” – new YA book by a decently published (in amount) YA author – the book is about a 16-year-old 400 meter runner who loses a foot in a bus accident – and learns to adjust to being an amputee – great book about learning to “see” people, learning to overcome difficulties, and adjusting to disappointments by resetting your goals (like when i realized i would never win the boston marathon or even qualify for the olympic trials – oh, wait, i still hold out hope on both – but that’s b/c i’m silly…)

“bottom of the 33rd” – great book to take to the ballpark – reminded me of rickwood – of watching barons games with my dad in the late 80s, early 90s – basically, this game in 1981 between two triple-a teams kept going until 4 in the morning – a fluke ruling by the ump on the curfew rule – lots of issues raised in the book – one, like what you do when the repetitions you do don’t come to an end one day but seem to keep forever going on (like the way a baseball game can go forever b/c there’s no clock)

who am i rooting for today in the finals??? not sure…


4 thoughts on “foul ball weekend at the ball park…”

  1. Okay, so I decided to do my summer blogs to get them done…. Even though I’ll probably comment during the 1st nine weeks on blogs.
    Any who, that is really cool you got the foul ball. Tell those old men in their death beds that they need to keep coming back in hopes they’ll get a foul ball. Yes, eighty years old, never caught a foul ball… Never will. πŸ™‚

    That was mean… okay blogs on Fire this week.

    Mon.- this is the sequel to Graceling (which is awesome, it is medieval, and medieval stuff is cool) and is set years before Graceling started. The main character is a girl named Fire. She is a monster, which is ironic, because when you think of monsters you think of scary stuff. The monsters in the Dells are beautiful (Example: Fire is apparently drop dead gorgeous, bright red hair, and bright green eyes. Her dad, Cansrel, had bright blue hair, and I think silver eyes?) monsters can read thoughts, she is the only one left.
    Tues.- So Fire is sort of in love with her best friend Archer. Well, it is complicated, it is definitely not a ‘mutual’ relationship. So I guess they love each other, except the fact he sleeps with a ton of women. I’m confused. But anyway, Fire and Aarcher go to meet the Queen Roen, because Fire likes Lady Roen because she actually doesn’t get really jealous of Fire like most women do.
    Wed.- When Fire and Archer are in Roen’s home, she meets the two brothers. One being Briggan, the military leader, and the other is the King, Nash. Now the the Queen nor King are married. Roen is Nash’s mom. The other king died years ago. Anyway, Briggan was really mean to her, and pinned her against the wall and told her she was a monster just like her father. Cansrel was like a really bad person, and he used his manipulative power against people because monsters can do that and that’s what he did. That was a confusing sentence.
    Thurs.- So they have these monster animals that are beautiful and can manipulate peoples minds like human monsters. They are attracted to human monster blood, so Fire has to be protected at all times to keep them away. She finally goes away from Roen’s home and back to hers and gets really bored. So I’ll blog the rest next week…

    Okay, have a good week. We have the Duke TIP ceremony this Sunday… gonna see T-Town for the first time since the tornado. Oh well, happy thoughts. πŸ™‚
    -St K

  2. Mr. Mayfield:)) Just wanted to tell you my BEAUTIFUL story:)) I started every single one of my books. Except Mockingbird, and I thought okay today i was going to open it up and see how it was going to be.. I open the book to page 325.. Yepp thats right, my book was all mixed up!! it didn’t even have page 1 located any where in the book. So looks like I won’t be starting my mix up of a book til another day. Figured you would enjoy the major mix up of the printing place of the Mockingbird:) I’m enjoying all the books by the way, Speak and The Pearl are my aboslute favorites!! Hope you enjoy your Summer Mr. Mayfield.

  3. ok well obviously I’m NOT here to start off my blogs for next year πŸ™‚ however it’s not very surprising that you have already read close to shelf -full!!! I was on the AWEFUL SOCIAL NETWOKING SITE, (facebook) and Julie Smith started something that just grew and grew, and I thought you would appriciate reading it!!! (and could possibly have tormenting material for Julie next year!! πŸ™‚

    Julie S: Alright lets try something interesting.. I’ll start a story and then everybody keeps commenting till’ we have an awesome story… Once Upon a time…..

    Matthew G: Winnie the pooh married a midget in a tu tu wearin blue shoes

    Kelli R: But the midget hated honey so winnie the pooh ditched her/him and ram to Canada.

    -see i created my own story πŸ˜›

    Matthew G: hahaha

    Nancy C:While Winnie-the-Pooh was in Canada recovering from having his heart ripped out by a midget in a tutu wearing blue shoes he bought a laptop computer. Since he is a silly, willy, nilly, ol’ bear he started a facebook account to ease his lone…liness only to be stalked and interrupted by Cyndee Goodwin . . . who was supposed to be at school cleaning out the desks of important people who had better things to do than go to school today. (There! I’ve tied both storylines together.) Next?

    Jackson B: While on Facebook he meets Julie Smith… intimidated by her height, he screams in terror. He leaves Canada and moves to Alabama where Julie finds him and keeps him as a stuffed teddy bear…

    Matthew G: Then Matthew logs on fb and is confused why everyone thinks Julie is a giant…

    Kelli R: After that, Winnie was tired of being ignored so he cane to life and haunted Julie in her nightmares. Then headed to Switzerland.

    Matthew G: While in switerZerland he met a goat names kelli

    Kelli R: Kelli spit in his eye and then walked away.

    Jackson B: Winnie then met a girl named Hollie who took him to a circus in Switzerland

    Caleb R:then he found a donkey back stage and told her that they were ment for each other and they go on a honey moon. When in honolulu Winnie finds out that he has married aman donkey. He runs away and hides by dancing with the hula dancers.

    Kelli R: After that he decided he wants to be a brain doctor so he goes to medical school for 20 years.

    Jackson B: After 20 years he doesn’t like brain doctors so he lives as a poor hobo

    Julie S: And then falls in love with the goat named Kelli and decides to find her… And then he unfriends Cydnee Goodwin because she freaks him out.

    Matt L: but never finds the goat named kelli so he moves on and looks for a girl named Meredith Mccullers and stalks her and her horny mama (a big insider πŸ™‚ )

    Meredith M: and then me and my horney mama comes finda matt lipscomb to come and save us but… he fails… and so that goat keeps stalking us but also matt then Olivia Snyder trys to kill the goat but it doesnt work cause the goat cant be killed cause its kelli!! πŸ™‚

    Olivia S: then kelli got so stressed from trying to run away from olivia, that she got giant wrinkles and became the spokes person for old people butt creme

    Matt L: the meredith realized its winnie the poah stalking her not the goat named kelli, even though kelli is a creeper.

    Maureen M: they died. the end!

    Julie S: But it really wasnt the end!!! Because Winnie the Pooh, Kelli Michelle Roper, Matt Lipscomb, Olivia Snyder, and Meredith Mccullers all came back to life. And they bought an awesome Castle until Winnie the Pooh the Masked Murderer Killed them all again! (I think the story is over now I think its impossible to make it longer)

    Meredith M: no we have special powers that brought us back to life AGAIN!!! and so we all join together and live happily ever after in the castle without winnie the pooh πŸ™‚

    Julie S: Then you hunt down Winnie the Pooh and cut off all his fingers!

    Olivia S: and kelli always smelled bad b/c of her butt creme, so war started in the castle b/c someone put the winnie the pooh fingers everywhere, and no one could take the smell

    Meredith M: not me.

    Julie S: And Kelli smelled like Butt Creme and dead rotten fingers so she ate the fingers to get rid of them.

    Olivia S: then died again of finger poisuning

    Meredith M: and then me Matt Lipscomb Olivia Snyder Julie Smith lived happily everafter with matt as thier king and julie thier queen!:)

    Julie S: Until Julie divorced Matt Lipscomb, -But then realized she liked his money so she married him again.. And then Matt Lipscomb and Julie lived happily ever after(:

    Meredith M: awwh πŸ™‚

    Julie S: Well isnt that a nice story.. Haha

    Olivia S: it’s not done yet then olivia married the confused Matthew Gibson, and Meredith Mccullers got jealous and tryed to kill him.

    Julie S: But Matthew Gibson pulled out his magic wand and made Meredith fall in love with a snake.

    Meredith M: because he was going to poison her and kill her for her money and then meredith broke up with the snake when a random guy who was her true love kissed her and made her fall out of the spell

    Julie S: But it turns out that the random guy was really Winnie the Pooh’s Brother!!!!!

    Meredith M:whic was named… umm what was his name?

    Olivia S: River?

    Meredith M: no.

    Julie S: WAIT STOP THE STORY!! I just had to send him a friend request so that he could see these comments and join in on the story… ok continue…
    -It was Jackson Bailey!

    Olivia S: and River was Olivia’s dad!!

    Julie S:But it was weird because River and Olivia Snyder were the same age!

    Meredith M: yea but jackson and meredith lived and then another guy and took meredith away leaving everyone questioning the guy even meredith so olivia and julie and mattt and townsmen came to look for meredith and they found….

    Julie S: β€ŽPhil J. Powers!!!!!!!
    -sorry I had to try and rag him into it…

    PJ P: PJ had a hunch-back and dirty fingernails, but he was only looking for love

    Olivia S: and phil was a transvestite

    PJ P: crap

    Julie S: But PJ got a manicure and fixed his ugly fingernails!

    Meredith M: but yet he thought he found it with meredith because he took her and seh finally fellin love with her because she was a transevestite from translevania too πŸ™‚

    Olivia S: wait what ended up happening to Matthew Gibson????

    Julie S: Ummm Matthew Gibson marries a unicorn and dumps Olivia!!!

    Meredith M: he gets killed by julie and me :))))

    Julie S: Nope just Meredith Mccullers Because Julie has a clean soul and would never do something like that!

    Olivia S: then Olivia becomes a mermaid and swims away because she was so sad :'(

    Meredith M: and she finds mermaid love with a mermaid guy.

    Olivia S: named?

    Meredith M: River!!

    Olivia S: BUT RIVER’S MY DAD!!!

    Julie S: so ou and him do something illegal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Meredith M: the genetics test was wrong.

    Julie S: Ooooooo BAd Olivia! Going and marrying your father! OH IT WAS WRONG!!!! THANK GOODNESS!!!!!!!

    Olivia S: but Olivia Snyder’s still creeped out because it was her dad, and turns him into a guinea pig

    Julie S: And Julie Smith becomes grateful that her and her husband Matt Lipscomb have a nice healthy relationship and dont get in fights… And they havent killed each other yet.

    Olivia S: but you said you divorced him

    Julie S: I divorced him and then married him again! Thats what I said. Cause Remember I’m Queen Julie Smith and he’s king Matt Lipscomb

    Olivia S: oh… ok πŸ™‚ and meredith is princess meredith with prince transvestite pj, because they end up marrying each other whil walking on burritoes

    Julie S: But PJ Wasnt a Prince!!

    Olivia S: Julie made him turn into one

    Matthew G: Then Matthew comes back from the dead and takes over the world and gets dominions by making them eat radioactive twinkies

    Julie S: GO JULIE GO JULIE!!!!!

    Olivia S: and olivia hides under arock whispering, “if i can’t see you, you can’t see me” over and over again
    —— pause the story!!!! ——–

    PJ P: everyone dies

    Olivia S: mr. mayfield would be so proud of us if he read all this!!!! Maureen Mayfield, make sure he reads our awesome creation!!!! ok, we may continue!!

    PJ P: the

    Olivia S: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo we already said we can’r die b/c we have special powers
    -no dark endings

    PJ P: fine, we die and we all go to heaven, happy?

    Olivia S: no because you and meredith start fighting over the better band, dashboard confessional or skillet

    PJ P: skillet sucks, Dashboard Confessional is one of the best bands of all time, hands down. Geez

    Olivia S: not according to Meredith

    PJ P: What’s wrong with her??? I know every Dashboard song and I’ve gotta say, Skillet doesn’t compare, every skillet song sounds the exact same. Has she ever even heard any Dashboard Confessional?

    Olivia S: ikr? so Julie Smith makes everyone listen to it all year long

    PJ P: I’ve listened to them since I was four, the first song I ever heard was β€Ž”Saints and Sailors”

    Julie S: Alright I’m getting bored with this music stuff!!!!!! start with something interesting!

    PJ P: even a four year old knew good music,… it won’t let me post the link to “Saints and Sailors”

    Olivia S: sorry… um Julie Smith told me to keep the story going so then Matthew Gibson decideds he desperatly in love with pj, and quits ruleing the world so he can try to win him over

    PJ P: too bad I reject him, Now I take over the thrown, MWAHAHAHA

    Olivia S: and olivia is still hiding under a rock, and Meredith Mccullers, has become a worker at mcdonalds. (and is falling in love with ronald.)

    PJ P: I divorce her, I never did have true love, So the ugly hunchback sets out once more for true love

    Olivia S: no now he’s a beautiful young prince

    PJ P: but i still have a hunchback

    Olivia S: no meredith beat it out of you with a hamburger patty


    PJ P: Dashboard Confessional is better, they were better in the ten years they were together than skillet will be in a hundred

    Olivia S: so the war comences of the singing group with pj, and olivia, v.s. Meredith Mccullers, and Matthew Gibson

    Matthew G: Ur so funny, maybe Ur rippling abs are getting to your head! O.O jkjkjk

    PJ P: Chris Carrabba is a lyrical genius, he’s had Adam Duritz of the Counting Crows (one of the other best bands of all time) sing on an album, and he’s been the lead singer of multiple highly successful bands, including Further Seems Forever

    Meredith M: but then meredith comes back and agrees with pj that dashboard confesionals IS better then skillet!!!!!!!!!!

    Olivia S: ok olivia’s hiding under a rock again until the war is over

    PJ P: nope matthew isn’t convinced yet

    Meredith M: no i think dashboard confesionals is better smart ones!!!!! gah KEEP UP!!!!!!!! i agree with pj and olivia and together we kill matthew!!!


    PJ P: I’m walking away from this conversation now, bye

    Meredith M: ok then me and pj kill matthew

    Olivia S: wait but me and pj get married, pj can’t leave

    Meredith M: well bye but anyway matthew dies im the princes and pj is still the prince but we divorced and now matt and julie end up getting divorced because julie cheated on matt with someone way powerful and rich,more then matt.


    Meredith M: WELL FINE!

    Olivia S: fine then leave me loveless and lost. i don’t matter

    PJ P: okay, bye πŸ™‚

    Matthew G: I can’t die bc I’m already dead!

    Meredith M: wow….. exactly matthew!!!!!!!!!!

    Olivia S: so what happens to me?

    Meredith M: olivia you fall in love with jacob

    Matthew G: Wow, no, I’m leaving now

    Meredith M: ok recap: julie and matt get divorced and then they still rule together but they dont love eachother and meredith and pj are divorced and olivia is marrying jacob and then matthews dead. THE END!

    Olivia S: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo never!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Meredith M: always

    Olivia S: I fall in love With Matthew Gibson!

    Meredith M: nope matthew’s dead :p

    Olivia S: I bring him back as a zomie…

    Matthew G: No, but Jacob never exsisted. And Matthew marries Olivia and together they turn the world into their slaves one radioactive Twinkie at a time. THE END

    Meredith M: no i dont turn into one because me julie and matt TAKE.YOU.DOWN.!

    Olivia S: I can’t let it end julie told me not to… sorry um, and why r we taking down matthew?

    Meredith M: because you and him try to take over and thats not how it supposed to be.

    Olivia S: no im still hiding under the rock

    Meredith M: wimp! lol just kidding

    Matthew G: No bc I’m on magical steroids so I can’t be taken down

    Julie S: I dont divorce Matt Lipscomb I’m not gonna be lonely my whole life! Ya’ll got the story WRONG!! Me and Matt are still happily married!

    Olivia S: and me and Matthew Gibson, are now living it a house made of crayon gritz, and Matt Lipscomb, brings us the updates on the yankees

    Matthew G: who are having a bad season…..:/

    Olivia S: sadly, so we send Noah Reece, to join the team


    Olivia S: and Meredith Mccullers, is their cheerleader!!!

    Matthew G: its baseball tho…………..

    Olivia S: this is a made-up story!!! there can be baseball cheerleaders!!!!

    Matthew G: ooooooooooooo true…..

    Olivia S: THAT’S why Julie Smith, is also a breathing narrator

    Julie S: GO JULIE SMITH!! (:

    Olivia S: β€ŽOlivia Snyder&Matthew Gibson, Julie Smith&Matt Lipscomb, and believe it or not but jacob from twilight runs in on a white horse, and takes Meredith Mccullers to be his. and Noah Reece fell in love with kelli. who was also brought back as a zombie… and they all lived happily ever after… the endless ending.
    -how’s that ending?

    Julie S: Thats a nice ending.. After 171 comments the story is finally over! YAY!

    Olivia S: this is officially sent to Dr. Roy, himself!!!

    ok, I know that was really long, but I figured if this didn’t make you luagh, then atleast you’d see that being in your class makes u, TRY to be creative…
    hope you’re summer is great,
    Olive-A πŸ™‚

  4. Hey Dr. Mafeld, Im havin a fun summer pretty much A question popped in my head while i was watchin country music videos , Can I do summer journals on my summer reading books??? please comment back.

    Sincerly ,

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