well, i’m guessing the replies will improve now…

so it’s back to journaling for you all – which i think means you all have to start reading again – oh, the insane torture… πŸ™‚

remember, four by friday – and a perfect nine weeks gets you a week off (and an unperfect nine weeks gets you what best is described as my junior high experience…)

as for my reading…

“God and football” by chad gibbs – b’ham guy – au guy – went to all the SEC stadiums (currently 12 – if texas a&m is added this week, then please amend) in 2009 and then to a church the next day – all in a “quest” to find out how Jesus and football mix – to me, if you have to ask whether one is more important than the other, then there’s no question that it’s not JC… the book was cleverly written, although didn’t scratch the surface too much (i had a hard time believing the author at the end that he somehow learned a lesson – b/c i couldn’t trace one through the road trips and he didn’t point one out – of course, he may have thought the lesson was obvious) – worst part was that the guy was raised a bama guy, went to au for three years and was still a bama guy, then met his future wife and became an auburn guy (or family or all in or whatever they do there) – and if he’d admitted that was why he changed, i would’ve been fine with that – but nooooooooo, he had to suggest that the conversion was some sort of other experience – whatever… πŸ™‚

“the last icon” book about tom seaver – comes out this fall – by steven travers – great, great book about a neat guy (tom seaver – baseball pitcher – hall of fame – 1967-1986 era) – lots of lessons to learn – even if you hate baseball (and shame on you if you do:) for ye gifted and talented out there (that would be you) – how you can develop your talent through the years – seaver didn’t make his high school team until his senior year – but he grew physically – and he worked exhaustively – through the years to get better – and was considered the best for a long time – i enjoyed the book also b/c it took me to another era that i didn’t live through (sort of like wednesday wars and okay for now)

i read another book about filling fridays with fun things – but the fun things were from the 1990s and included worksheets so i sort of ran through that book quickly – i’m now in the book of jeremiah in the old testament – and i got through sports illustrated and the economist this week (SI has a story about the alabama guy that killed the au trees)

hope your return to journaling isn’t too painful


12 thoughts on “well, i’m guessing the replies will improve now…”

  1. Oh it feels so good to blog again. πŸ˜€ I saw the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 so after the movie was over.. I was kind of depressed knowing that there werent going to be any more movies. I was very sad. So, I went and I read The Deathly Hallows again. I think… That I’m going to write an alternate ending… instead of being my usual boring self and writing a summary(: My alternate ending will probably be really twisted.. But Oh well. It should be pretty funny. I’ve put a lot of thought into it.

    Alright.. So this is where it starts at. Harry is going to face Voldemort.. So he’s walking to where he is…

    Harry walked down the hill, where he found Voldemort waiting for him… with his ugly yellow eyes, Slimy Skin, And HIDEOUS NOSE JOB! “I have been waiting for you Harry, I was beginning to think you weren’t going to come,” Said Voldemort. Harry rolled his eyes and kept walking to Voldemort. “Are you ignoring me Harry?” Voldemort asked in his creepy voice like nails on a chalkboard.
    Harry kept walking to Voldemort.. And as you can imagine it was a pretty long walk since he’s still on his way to Voldemort.
    FINALLY, When Harry gets there he runs up to Voldemort and hugs him. Then Harry grabbed Voldemort’s nose and started playing a mean nasty game of “I got your nose” with Voldemort. As you can imagine Voldemort wasn’t a fan and he soon started crying. It was quite an unfair game considering the fact that Voldemort basically has no nose.
    Voldemort kept crying and said, “Harry, I am so ugly..”
    Harry Responded, “Well that’s what happens when you go and kill people and split your soul into little tiny pieces and hide them all over the world and even in creepy snakes, Whose names happen to be Nagini.”
    It just so happens that Voldemort was a really attractive guy……. Back in the day…….
    But Harry being the crazy guy that he is started poking Voldemort and he started giggling and laughing. It tickled him and he did not like to be tickled. “AVADA KEDAVRA!!!!!!”
    Harry was dead on the ground. And believe me… He doesnt come back to life.. The main Character is dead. This is VOLDEMORT’s Story now.:D
    Voldemort was ashamed of what he had done. He began to realize that it’s not good to kill people. He told his death eaters to leave him alone. And he grilled his snake and ate it. Voldemort was ashamed of all the people in his life that he had killed. He stopped killing people.. went to church and started to turn his life around. He even got some money to have the plastic surgery he’s always wanted. He looks good Again.
    Harry is still dead.

    Alright that was the weirdest thing ever….. But Ok….
    Well thats all(: – Julie

  2. ahh, the joys of blogging and doing journals!!! Can’t wait to get started? So this year i actually checked a book out of the library(never did that last year). I checked out the graveyard book. Haven’t read the entire chapter because it’s so ongoing but i have read enough to blog about. πŸ˜€ So here it goes!!!!!

    Okie dokie… so this book starts sort of creepy with an old man named the man Jack that has a knife in their hand. Okay so this book doesn’t say word for word that he killed these people, all it says is that the knife was wet, he wiped it off with a handkerchief, and that he had left a woman on her bed, the man on the bedroom floor, and the older child in her brightly colored room. If that doesn’t mean that they are dead then somebody needs to tell me what it does mean. Then there was a baby, barely even a toddler, and he wants to go after him!!! Now that is a sick man!! But once the man Jack got to the baby’s room, the baby wasn’t there. When he had woken up to a cracking sound he had gotten up out of his crib, fell on the floor and headed out the outside door!!! Okay so 1. that is one SMART baby and 2. this is one very odd book. so 2. may have not been right on topic but it is the truth… so anyway, the toddler had snuck out and is now in the graveyard. Oh yeah, the man Jack, I forgot about him. So he starts wondering where on earth the baby is. So then he starts sniffing, yes SNIFFING like a dog, the baby out. ??? And now he is headed toward the graveyard. Now back to the baby. So the baby/toddler is now in the graveyard and he sees this old lady -which is dead- calling to her husband-whicj is also dead?- saying hey! there is a baby!!! And now I am at the part where the old lady, Mrs. Owens, is talking to her husband about a newly buried, freshly dead woman.

    So that is my blog. 10 minutes…… CHECK!!!! πŸ™‚ Well I am going to have to journal till my mom gets the laptop back thursday. Byeeee!!!! πŸ˜€

  3. Well, What a coincidence… Cailea and I are reading the same book…. WE DID NOT PLAN THAT AT ALL AND CHECK THEM OUT OF THE LIBRARY AT THE SAME TIME πŸ˜‰ Unlike Cailea I’ve read 2 WHOLE CHAPTERS!!! Can you believe that? Haha Cailea, I’m beating you πŸ˜› I think the Graveyard Book was a BOB Book last year.. I’m not sure. Well anyway I’m pretty sure I’m gonna try out for the Battle Of the Books Team. I gave in to Peer Pressure… Thank you KAITLIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and Nathan..
    So anyways… I have to go back to doing the boring Ole’ Summary… πŸ˜€
    So I started reading the Graveyard Book. It has pictures(: Thats a great thing. The chapters are VERY Long though… I start to lose concentration but it’s still a good book. I’m just a fan of really short chapters.. Thank you Around the World in 80 Days!
    Anyway… If I can finally get on topic..
    I started Reading The Graveyard Book. It starts off really creepy with a Guy named Jack… With a big knife.. And he’s a fan of shoving that knife through people’s chests… I hate it when that happens. I think he’s cool a mom and a dad and he’s going upstairs to find a Baby. Jack gets into the upstairs room and he thinks he sees the baby in the crib. But really its just a stuffed animal and he has no clue where the baby is. But the baby snuck out and is really crawling around in a graveyard. Jack leaves the house to go and search for the baby. Well Jack just happens to think “Hey, Maybe the baby snuck out of the house and ended up in the graveyard” Why he thought the baby would be in the creepy graveyard with ghosts in it… I don’t know.. But he was right. He must be able to see the future or something. I actually think that this Jack guy is a Werewolf.. Wouldnt that be a shock.. Well, He does try and sniff out where the baby is… Kinda weird Huh? So anyway… I still cant get on topic.. Thats what ADD does to you.. Oh my.. Where was I? Oh yea… Jack can’t get inside the graveyard because there is a huge fence in front of it that is locked. It’s really dark outside and Jack can see the baby scooting around the graveyard.. He is one SMART BABY. OH yea… And there are ghosts.. Well Jack climbs over the fence and gets inside but is unable to find the baby cause a creepy guy that works at the graveyard shows up and kicks him out..
    Ok I’m done…
    BYE! -Julie

    P.S. Jake is moving into his dorm tomorrow :'( I’m so sad. I’m really going to miss him.

  4. Ok.. I just wrote a REALLY REALLY Long blog. For 10 minutes straight and when I clicked submit comment.. It deleted all of it….

  5. Something weird is going on with this blog… I have no clue if you just got the other two things I sent….

  6. Hey Dr. Mafeld, gonna do journals (or blogging as of tonight) But anyway, lets get to what i read……….

    Diary of a wimpy kid (the 1st one) and im gonna do……………alternative ending

    From what ive read, hes introduced his family to me,and instead of him being in a gifted classroom like he doesnt want , we could put him in a “intervention class” where he thinks he wont have to do anything. OR we could put him in the middle between the classes…… say average. then that would change the story completly b/c im guessing that most of his plot is in the gifted classroom.
    That’s all for now,

    P.S. ive finishedCrash and now on 80 days, LOVED CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Hey looks like it is bak to blogging and i have to do 4 blogs because i have had so much other work to do(sarcasm).
    Well i started on Treasure Island because it is on the list of classics and i felt like i needed to try something a little different.
    Monday- It starts out with a young boy named Jim Hawkins. He works with his dad at a small family owned inn on the coast. One day a man walks in who tells them to address him as the captain, he had a long white scar across his cheek. He laid down 3 gold coins on the front desk and told his dad to tell him when that money has been used up. He had a chest carried behind by someone who told Jim’s dad that he specifically asked for a small Inn and that the chest he was carrying was full of gold. The Captain went up to his room and placed the chest in his room. Something mysterious was happening and most of the people in the inn knew it too.
    Tuesday- For months after months the captain stayed in their small little inn and each day he would wake up and have his usual breakfast of eggs, bacon, and rum(breakfast of champions). Then he would head out to the cliffs with his small telescope and watch. At nights he would always become very drunk and talk to the residents of the inn. he would tell stories of him on the sea. He would sing songs, and nobody would ever cross his path. If he slapped his hand on the table that would meen silence, everybody would have to laugh at his jokes, nobody was alowed to go to bed until he got up, and every time Jim’s dad asked for his pay he would just ignore him and breathe through his nose heavily.
    Wedensday- He starts paying Jim money every month to look for a sea man with one leg. For months Jim has never found the man with one leg. So time passed on and the only really exciting thing that happened was when doctor Livesay came to visit one of his patients. He walked into the room being all fancy and stuff. He starts talking to his patient as the captain is singing a song. Once the captain is done he hits his hand on the table which means to be quiet, but Doctor Livesay keeps on talking to his patient. The captain gives him a scowl and jumps out of his seat. They exchange some mean sentences and the captain is forced to pull out his knife. Doctor Livesay threatens him to be hung. This shuts him up. The doctor tells him to be good and he will be checking up on him every once and a while. He said if he has any complaints about him that he would have him thrown in jail.
    Thursday- Okay last blog. This next one is the best part of the story so far. Remember how i mentioned the man with one leg, well one winter day the captain heads out to the shores with his telescope and not soon after he left a man walks in to the inn. He has one leg and really long black hair. He introduces him self as Black Dog. Jim instantley realizes that it is him. He asks if the Captain has been their and Jim obediently says yes. He says to wait in the corner for him to come back and “surprise” him. As soon as the captain comes back he walks by to his break fast and is instantly greeted by Black dog. The captain goes pale in the face and the best part will have to wait for later.

  8. Just so you know, I did read all My summer reading books.. I wanted to tell you.. That I did not like Stargirl at all. It was weird and depressing. I LOVED Shakespeare’s Secret… And Crash was just alright.. It was a bit simple. I read that book the first time in 3rd grade. And I LOVED Around the World in 80 Days. It did start off slow but it was very good! And I loved all the characters:D So now, I have to blog.. I’m going to have to be boring again and write a summary…
    I’m just a boring person.. So Anyways.
    Here’s My SUMMARY on The Graveyard Book. And I promise that when I have a finished it there will be an alternate ending.. Because I just like that a lot:D
    Sp back to writing a summary..
    I left off with creepy Jack getting kicked out of the graveyard but a guy… Whose name I don’t remember.. I will call him Bob. So Jack got in the graveyard by climbing over a large gate. He is still trying to murder this little kid. But this guy BOB Comes up and tells Jack to leave. Jack debates killing Bob because it would be very easy, All he would have to do it pull out his knife and then BAM! Bob would be dead. So Jack tells Bob that there is a baby inside the graveyard and Bob is like Yea sure Whatever and he doesn’t really pay attention. Luckily Jack doesn’t stick his knife into Bob’s back. But Jack does still try and look for the baby and he walks off to a different place… Well while all this is going on the ghosts have seen this baby and they see that he is lost. And no one knows what to do with him. But the baby’s dead parents are in the graveyard and they see their baby they tell the other ghosts to take care of their baby and then the parents have to go to some other Ghost place. Some ghosts decided to take care of him and they name him Nobody Owens:D
    Alright.. I’m done blogging.
    I hope you enjoyed my boring summary.
    – Julie

  9. I have been reading the book, taken. its about a girl who is kidnapped by a group of hispanic paramedics. She flashes back many times to happy times. she even had classes back in her school about kidnapping because there were so many. she lived in the safest neighborhood in the usa and still got napped as she would call it.

    Dear taken girl(your name is never mentioned),
    As always i put myself in your position and talk. If i were you i wouldnt care if i got shot leaving the ambulance. You knw that they probably wont do anything because if they do the deal will be off and they dont get money. also, how many people can an ambulance hold five or six. there’s not that many so i would atleast make a break for it. if they shoot you, they shoot you. theyre not going to make you suffer so it will either be a one shot one kill or they just dont shoot at all. boo yah. i may have just saved the day for you. but theres still a whole lot of reading to be done so i will soon find out if you follow my advice.

    i think that the reasoning of this book was to tell the reader to always be prepared. dont go into anyones car if you dont know them. if an ambulance comes make sure that your mom, dad, or guardian goes with you. make sure to check the ambulance’s personel license. remember to alwyas be prepared and never ever go into an ambulance. tell the driver that you want to ride with your parent. also, if an ambulance comes to your house for no reason and says that they got a phone call that the girl is sick, this is for you parents, dont let em go.

    i think that this book compares pretty well to the movie taken. who knows if they made the book or movie about one or the other. they both have basically the same plot. plot is the things that happen in a story. i saw the movie and the girl is kidnapped at the beginning. its the same for the book. but the story in the movie is told from the dad and the book is told from the girl. in the book the girls dad is hardly ever home but in movie the dad takes action and saves the girl. the thing the story is about is being kidnapped and they both have that in common.

  10. hey tonite im gonna blog for 20 mins

    mon.: star girl starts off as a book in first person. but it seems like it moves to third person because he telling the story about stargirl. i think it would be cool if the book was in star girls view( i hear the next book is). the book eventually turns back to first person because it tells about stargirl and leo dating

    tues: at the biggening of this book star girl comes to this new school and everyone thinks she is wierd. every day someone has a bday she would sing happy birthday to them on her ukelele. then at the first football game she goes on to the field and dances.

    wedns: she everyone hears abot stargirl dancing so everyone shows up at the next game. they are all dissapointed when she doesnt go onto the field.the next day at scoll the cheerleader captain asks star girl to be on the team.now she goes to every game and even cheers for the oter team.

    thurs:there is allot of change in this book. first stargirl turns out to be a nobody then she joins the cheer squad and becomes a somebody. then leo thinks that star girl is a total nut and ends up falling in love with her. lastly star girl changes herself to become normal.
    well thats my blog good night

  11. does anyone else notice that it’s mainly Julie posting? πŸ™‚ lol just pickin on my favorite marching band rookie. I miss your class Dr. Mafild!!! I tell you I’m still coming back, and will you plz define something for me? what was your life like in junior high? (based on the reading of your post.) However I’m letting ya’ll know that highschoolers have not beaten up and killed me. Love you all,

  12. Hey! Time for blogging. First time this year. Not the last hopefully. Sooo lets get started.

    8/31/11—– The book I’ve been reading is called Games. (Point of View Shift.) When I woke up this morning, I opened the mail. In there was a huge credit card bill. When Boot my child got home from school, I asked him if he was the one who used my credit card, he responded no. I was really furious at the time, so when he bumped into me by accident, and I shoved him into the stove. He was making mac and cheese at the time, so when he hit the stove, boiling water went everywhere. I asked him if he was ok, and then I said, “Sorry, I just lost my temper”. Then he asked me if I asked his older brother the same question. I didn’t think of that, so immediately I called him. When I hung up, Boot asked me what he had said. “He told me that I asked him to go to the Corner and buy some ice for my poker game,” I answered. “Oh,” Boot said sounding relieved. After a few minutes, we watched T.V. and fell asleep. This point of view has taken place from Boot’s dad.———–

    Hope you enjoyed. πŸ™‚ Cya until possibly next week!!!

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