“and to think that i saw it on mulberry street…”

happy WIM week!!!

(Write in the Middle – not Walmart Is Mad:)

finished Musketeers, and then read a biography on Don Mattingly (who’s an awesome person – was an awesome baseball player and now i know the other side of him – at least, a bit more), a non-fiction/fiction self-help book (The Noticer – it came recommended – i’ll do well to forget who recommended it…), the president’s alzhemeier’s initiative (downloaded it to the nook b/c i wanted a bit more info than the news articles had on it) and Bobby Bowden on Leadership (by Pat Williams, Orlando Magic GM – great book – already been lent to someone – someone who’d better be studying state spelling bee words)

I go back to Musketeers b/c i think i was trashing it last week – the last 100 pages were okay enough to make me glad i read it – pretty decent classic – each musketeer was unique – so that was a good feature – and my favorite was highly gifted – so i ended up pretty okay with it – except that it was still very, very long – just can’t fit into a classroom environment – which is actually probably good for it b/c then teachers would llikely kill the enjoyment of the thing

hope your week is wonderful – i think we’re getting closer to “last journals of the nine weeks”


13 thoughts on ““and to think that i saw it on mulberry street…””

  1. Hey. So Im on Ranger’s Apprentice Ruins of Gorlan and i left off as they were all discussing what they wanted to be chosen for. So Will says he wants to be in battleschool, but Horace goes on a rampage of taunts because he is unfit for it. Will and Horace always seem to pick fights with eachother, but Horace usually wins. Sometimes Will runs away because he is very fast and agile. So Will makes a final remark that pushes him over the edge, and Horace gets out of his seat befre anything happens, and Will is running through the courtyard of the castle, and quickly scales the tree. Before Horace leaves he make one final remark that really hits will hard, “That’s right, run away Will No-Name.” It was true Will was just left on the doorstep of the castle with a simple note:
    His name is Will
    His father died a hero and his mother died at chi9ldbirth.
    Take care of him.

  2. First of the week

    It turns out that Mr. Big Bucks Ballard did actually give Doug the baseball and Doug kept it in Joe Pepitone’s jacket pocket on a nail under the stairs. Doug had to do his deliveries and people finally started liking him. Some people gave him chocolate covered doughnuts, while others gave him ice cream and he even got tips for changing lightbulbs. Now that it was getting colder people gave him coffee and hot chocolate. At school things were starting to look up too. His teachers would call on him, he could kind of read, he even made some friends. When good things happen, something always ruins it and you go back to the begining. This time someone robbed the Tools ‘n’ More Hardware Store and guess who got blamed. Yeah, Christopher. Lucas was supposed to come home soon. They went to the bus station and waited. When they got there all of the soliders got off and hugged their family. When everyone was off the bus and Lucas wasn’t there, the bus driver said,”You lookin’ for the person in the wheelchair.” That’s when they saw him. That’s all until tomorrow when I blog again.


  3. Hey i am on rangers apprentice: the ruins of gorlan and i left off as horace was tormenting will about not having a last name. So horace finally leaves and Will stays in the tree thinking. the reason he feels as if he needs to go to Battleschool is because his father must have died in the battle against morgarath so he feels like he has to be a knight like his dad. So he gets down from the tree later and slips into bed nervous for what the next day was to bring with the }hoosing. wedensday- so he wakes up in the morning and the barons helper lets them eat breakfast and then he leads them to the Barons study where they ar lined up as all the craftmasters come in to appoint apprentices to the 5 wards. So they present themselves and say what the would prefer.Up first is Alyss who instantly says that she wants to be on the democratic side of the castle. The craftmaster accepts it. next is Horace.

  4. So hey Mr.Mayfield. I am doing my last journal of the week on Rangers Apprentice of course. So next after Alyss is Horace whose craftmaster is pretty obvious because of his athletic build and great speed. He instantly chose Battleschool and Sir Rodney, the head of Battleschool, looked him up and down. fter a moment of thing he agreed for him to be in Battle school to become a knight. Next is George who is normally really talkative and a great writer so this fits him good as a scribesmaster. But he can’t seem to speak because of nervousness, but the scribemaster tells Baron Arold that they can fix that and he of course is chosen as a Scribemaster Apprentice. So that just leaves Will and Jenny to be chosen.

  5. Alright. I havent blogged at all this week. I guess it’s because I’m a terrible person.
    I finished reading The Hobbit. And it was extremely good! It made me happy! Can’t wait to read it again over the summer.

    Also, this week I read the book Hush, Hush. I’ll admit when I saw the book I thought it looked like a dumb book and I didn’t really get into it.

    Kaitlin and Nathan told me to read it so I trusted that it would be a good book.

    It was fantastic! I finished it in 2 days and I would read it for hours straight.

    Basically, it’s about fallen angels that are left to roam the Earth and they can’t feel things. They can posses people though and they aren’t really good.

    So Nora who is the main character meets one of the fallen angels. She doesnt know it at the time but his name is Patch.

    They could close, fall in love, Yadda yadda yadda.

    Either way, it was good and Patch had to protect her.

    That’s it


  6. Well, I did write my journals, long story short… I am blogging!
    Monday-Author’s Purpose
    I think the author’s purpose is to tell a story of an anorexic girl. Her little sister tattles on her because she sees he puking! Mom makes her go to group to discuss her problems. She doesn’t like group at all! Something really surprising happens her first day after her big come apart with her mom. The most popular girl in the WHOLE school walks in…. Why? She was perfect, she couldn’t have to be in this class!
    At the beginning of my story, Isabella was a fun little girl. Then, they tell the sad story of when the father died. It is really upsetting to the family. Now, all she does is puke up her guts! She won’t eat, but when she does she throws it back up! Her mom doesn’t know what to do with her except send her to group. She tells her mom she is getting better, but pukes up after supper!
    Well, I am almost done with the school year! Can not wait until I get out of this jail house. School, I can’t even say the word without cringing! There is fights that no one wants o be in! But, we have to go to ‘learn’. We don’t do anything interesting! That’s why I am writing this in my journal! I am only writing because I have nothing better to do! Well, I only like writing. I can express myself in a way that I usually can’t. Well, gotta go! I will write in you again soon.
    S- 1st and 3rd person because they start to use dialogue in the middle of the book. After they find Isabella throwing up.
    O-Isabella is starting her group sessions with the most popular girl in the school. It isn’t very fun, but quite interesting.
    A- The kids that go to the high school with Isabella. But they don’t know she is anorexic until the end.
    P-To tell kids that your body is a gift. So don’t go and ruin it because you don’t get another one.
    S-A young teen begins to see herself because of what her cousin said. So, she thinks puking is going to help when it makes her worse.
    T-Cheerful and Gloomy because Isabella gets better towards the end but there are many sad parts to her step in healing.

  7. Monday

    This week I’m blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley.


    Wondering what would have happened if Neb would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybe if he didn’t like the dog anymore … sell the poor black lab. I mean that’s what I would have to do if I were him, but I’m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark.


    After a lot of thought The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman is like the beginning of Peter and the Starcatchers. They both have characters get on ships. Neb got on because he was running from his stepbrothers and one of them hit him and he fell into the ice cold water, then all of a sudden a stringy rope hits his head and he uses all his strength to climb onboard. In the other book orphans get onboard because the are forced to be slaves to an evil king overseas. Well, I mean, they have \the same ideas just different plots.


    So far the captain of the Flying Dutchmanis making a deal with a chinease merchant who is offering FOUR emeralds for him to deliver emeralds to other high-paying people. On another POV a boy is running from his stepbrothers and runs into a dead-end. His stepbrothers or the ocean? Which is worse? Well, he doesn’t have a choice because one of his stepbrothers hits him in the jaw and falls into the freezing cold ocean shivering and alone.

  8. Okay Monday- Soapstone-The Help 🙂 Great Book!
    Speaker- Minny, Aibleen, Skeeter (1st people)
    Occasion- 1962
    Audience- Womwn and older Girls
    Pourpose- To entertain
    Subject- Minny has now aggreed to help Skeeter and Aibleen with the stories.
    Tone- The tone of this is scary because Hilly has now found out that Skeeter supports AA pople.

    Tuesday-Creatitive-The Help
    Okay so after i got finished hacking his profile I did two more no need to go into detail. So let me tell you about my day. I went to schol made two more hacking friends an everything went from there. Did i mention i am in the sixth grade. It is like awesome people think that i am amazing and it is known that i do it and so people fear me. And i thuink that that is all i want to reveal about myself today. Bye.

    Wed.-Authors Pourpose-The Help
    I think the author’s pourose is to entrtain. This time Skeeter left her satchel at the leauge meeting. Hilly then took it to her house. Well hilly is snoopy snob and she looked in Skeeter’s satchel. Skeeter had stolen a book from the library and Hilly looked in Skeeter’s satchel. Hilly took it out an Skeeter is not happy about it.

    Thursday-Change-The Help
    Okay the book proposes Hilly as a nice guy. She is’nt she is terible. She is a mean guy. So i don’t know why Cathrine Stoket did that. She is snoopy. And conroling. And mean. And crazy. And she does not like AA people. So that means she is raceist. Which i don’t see how some one can judge some on by the color of thier skin BUT ANYWAY! I just do not understand her ways.

  9. i saw where paul Larose posted last week 🙂

    mon- once they saw that the prisoner A.K.A the flood had escaped the forerunner (finally found out that his name is born stellar) and the didact took the humans to a system to see the san shyum.

    tues-the sanshyum were the humans` ally during the human forerunner war. they were graceful and intelligent. once they got to the system the didact told Bornstellar that one of his friends was assigned to this system.

    weds- as soon as he said that the ships ai told them that they had an incoming call. it was the didacts friend. he said that they needed to park their ship in order to get the information they wanted about the prisoner.

    thurs- when they got their ship parked they walked to the brig and they already knew that the ship was abandoned by the way it looked. they walked to the brig and talked to the didacts friend. he told them to go to the sanshyums world.

  10. Ok so journals, im only doing one and im im readng : middle school, the worst years of my life. Ya come on, tell me about it 🙂 haha
    Anyway this guy rafe has this thing called project rafe where he brakes every rule in the code of conduct. Wow wish i could do that! I would get in sooooooo much troble though. Rafe even goes to the extent of running through the school in his boxers!

  11. should be in class tomorrow 🙂 song of today is Nowhere Man by the Beatles. Don just got beat up by the mail carrier and innkeeper, then insults an officer and gets smashed over the head by a lamp. Don, in great pain, begs for the ingredients for the basalm of fierbras, which are wine, oil, rosemary, and salt. He mixes them together, heats them for twenty minutes over a fire, takes a gulp. . . then throws up and passes out. upon waking three hours later, he feels refreshed, and encourages sancho to drink it. he sips, and throws up, but doesn’t pass out. don figures that the basal did not work for sancho because he is a knave, not a knight. sancho begs him to answer why he didn’t reveal this beforehand, then pukes. don rides away, until the innkeeper starts demanding money. Don realizes that the castle is only an inn, then refuses to pay, riding off while insulting the innkeeper. sancho is captured for refusing to pay, and some people throw him in a blanket. Don realizes he is not being followed by sancho, then speeds back to the inn. the gate is shut, so he rides until he sees a low wall, complete with sancho rising gracefully into the air and then falling back down, all while flailing profusely. don starts to help, but is too battered to move. he believes that the inn is enchanted, keeping him immobile. he starts slinging insults at sanchos executioners.sancho escapes, but doesn’t realize he left his saddlebags. they ride on, sancho complaining throughly about his pains and the misadventures that cause them. don sees two coulds of dust, and belives that they are caused by two armies preparing to fight. Sancho, however, sees that the brave soldiers, willing to risk their lives for their kings, are simply sheep. don points out the various knights, while sancho says he is reeling off information form his lying books. don ignores this and rides into battle, swinging a pitchfork and killing around seven sheep. two shepherds throw stones at him, knocking out several teeth and throwing him from his horse. the shepherds takee him for dead, while sancho rides up. sancho says that the soldiers were sheep, while don stubbornly repeats that they were soldiers until a wizard changed them. don takes some balsam, pukes on sancho, then sancho returns the favor. sancho rides back to look for towels and sees that his saddlebags are missing. he and don ride toward a different inn. as they ride, sancho points out that all of their troubles stem from don keeping his stupid strict lifestyles. don agrees, then complains that sancho should have reminded him about the vows. they ride until they find some preists mourning a dead man. they refuse to name themselves, so don knocks one off his horse. The rest scatter, and don claims he hit the preist for avengement, which spurs the preist to complain that he was hit for no reason whatsoever. game over, score: over 9000, replay? denied. see ya!

  12. Still disappointed that Write in the Middle didn’t happen but I’ll get over it. (:

    Right now I’m reading Fire. It’s the companion to Graceling. I enjoyed Graceling a lot but so far Fire is probably better.

    So Fire is the descendant of a monster. She isn’t a Graceling but she can control people’s minds and get them to do what she wants. I wish I could do that.

    Life would be a lot easier if I could control people’s minds. So Fire gets shot with an arrow when she is out in the woods so she controls the mind of the man who shot her and gets him to take her back to the castle where her friend Archer is.

    He fixes her up and she is told not to leave the caslte. But she sneaks out at night and then controlled the minds of the guards so they would let her back in the caslte without putting up a fight.

    Alright that’s all


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