“life’s a happy song when there’s someone by your side…”

just out of a marathon session of “The Muppets” dvd watching:)

(that’s my way of saying “Happy release of ‘The Muppets’ week” – otherwise known to you as “Happy Hunger Games Week”)

lots of reading – and I’m late anyway – so here goes…

“bill veeck” by paul dickinson – great autobio on a baseball owner – i actually read one on the guy when I was ya’lls age – which was years ago and why a new one needed to be done – veeck was prominent when robinson integrated baseball – which was important in the country – so veeck’s interest in the phillies particularly made the book good

“stan musial” – the author makes the point that stan has been overlooked as a great baseball player – one of the rare guys that has been dimished through the years just b/c he was the “swell” guy in the 1950s and 60s – really good -defended thesis – and sad that musial now suffers from dementia

“creating comics from start to finish” – book about breaking into comics as a job – good recap of all the roles – and then about the creative process – i’m out of my league with the artistry of those guys – but entertaining reading while you wait for (more) car repairs to your volvo:)

“bullpen gospels” by hayhurst – former big league player describes a year in double-a – and describes it more realistically than anything i’ve read – excellent book – although, you’d want to put it down many times b/c of the things young boys do in their 20s to each other – makes me glad i’m out of baseball

finally, reread “the scarlett letter” – third time through – oh, what a wonderful book – redemption – grace – forgiveness – bitterness – magic – love – there are just too many issues addressed – but i love them all – and love the book – probably my favorite of all time right now

enjoy the break


12 thoughts on ““life’s a happy song when there’s someone by your side…””

  1. i am still reading Catching Fire bc of no extra time for reading. now that i get the chance i will tell yall all about it. katniss went through the the woods (where it is forbidden to go) to see the lake. but she is caught by a what she thought was a peacekeeper.katniss drew up her bow and arrow but was surprised by someone else behind her. she thought there were more surrounding and drew down her weapon. the “peacekeeper” held out a cracker with the mocking jay on it.

  2. Spring Break was awesome

    No that I finished Okay for Now I started my new book Moon Over Manifest. This book was written by Clare Vanderpool. So far it is about a poor country girl named Abilene whos dad works for the railroad company. Sometimes she stows away on trains and has to jump off of them but sometimes they slow down so they can stop further down the tracks. Abilene has a bag of valueables. They are her blue dress, two shiny dimes that she earned collecting coke bottles, a letter from Gideon, and most important her dads compass. Its in a box lined with a newspaper from 1917 but she says its not that old so I think this book is set in the past. Abilene seems to live in poverty. That’s all until tomorrow.


  3. Spring Break was amazing and I was crushed when I came back to school. I want to be riding roller coasters again and be attacked by birds and emus! I read a lot though. 10 hours in the car gives you lots of time to read. I read some. Then I slept. Then I read some more. Then I slept. Then I sat and stared. Then I complained about my back hurting.
    And I read and read and read. I finished four books over Spring Break. I felt like I had accomplished something besides killing my feet. All the walking I did has seriously messed up my feet I walk like I’m 90 years old.

    Well Jake has made LOTS of friends at Montevallo. They are all girls. There is one named Adelyn who Jake likes… You can tell. Anyways, Adelyn is cool and she reads great books so I got a long list of books I should read from her. I’m reading “The Name of the Star” right now. It was recommended by her. I didn’t think I would like it…. because it didn’t have unicorns in it. But it is very good. I havent been able to put it down.

    It’s about a girl who goes to school in London and she has a “Near-death expierience” Afterwards, she starts to see people that no one else can see. She gets a new roommate who really works for a special kind of police who tells her that she can now see ghosts.

    There was a guy back in the day in London, who people called Jack the Ripper. He woul go around killing people and taking out their organs and rearranging them… It’s kind of grim.

    Well now back in the present there is another guy recreating the Jack the Ripper murders but the police havent been able to catch him.
    Rory, the main character stumbles upon a ghost who scared her and she later found out that he was Jack the Ripper and is killing people again. And he wants to kill her next.
    It’s spooky πŸ˜€


  4. Sick, but gonna stay caught up! I am reading, more like re-reading, Freak the Mighty.
    Monday-Authors Purpose
    I think the author’s purpose is to entertain. It is always hard when you move. Meeting new people, new homes, and new schools. There is always that one weird kid you end up being friends with! Well, it is that way in this book to! Max and Freak end up best friends, until Freak gets his new body. Max just thinks Freak is well… a freak! No one knows what a ‘new body’ is but Freak’s parents. The didn’t want to make Freak worry. He is living in the moment with his best pal Max. Until that one night…
    S- A boy is dying without knowing it so tells his friend he is going to get a new body, but he doesn’t know.
    O- A young kid id going to die young with no clue, but he lives his life in the moment with his best friends Max.
    A- Max’s family and other school kids witness what goes on with Freak and his family day to day.
    P- To tell a story of a very sick boy with a great heart. He does well for others then himself.
    S- 1st and 3rd person because it also uses dialogue between the characters.
    T- Joyful at the beginning when Max and Freak become friends. Blue towards the end when Max finds out Frerak died.

  5. Okay I finished The Name of the Star. It had a pathetic ending. THE MAIN CHARACTER DIDN’T DIE! I was hoping that she was going to die. I really want to read a book where the main character dies. When I read The Hunger Games I secretly wished Katniss would die and then the book switched to the point of view of Thresh. It would be awesome, yeah?

    So in The Name of the Star The Ripper ghost wants to kill Rory. She has to meet him in an abandoned train station. She has a special phone thing that can send ghosts away so she intends to use it but the ghost gets it from her. Then he slashes her across the back with a knife. I seriously thought she was going to die. But she didn’t…. Of course.

    Another ghost came and got the magic phone thingy that makes ghosts disappears. So now the ghost is gone and Rory is dying.

    People found her and then it ended with her getting better and leaving London.

    That was it.. No. One. Died.


  6. Last blog!
    Well, this week was rough. Out sick, testing, and worst of all… I LOST MY PHONE! I am going so crazy, and mom says it is a good thing. She says i depend on it to much but whatever! She is a mom, you know how that is.. or do you? Anyway, my crazy mother isn’t letting me on the Internet either!
    You might be wondering how I posted this on a blog then right? I had to sneak off and do it! Told mom it was homework, and she believed it! Wow, she is so easy to trick! Hang on.. i hear breathing at the door, oh no!
    1 hour later
    Well, she got caught! I hope you enjoy this last blog from her for a while. All my attention is going to her! She is so insane, but I love my daughter! Love Mom!
    **This was Fake!!**

  7. hey Im goin to do a few blogs on one of my favorite books, Peak.
    Monday- the main character is peak marcello and it starts off with him explaining his end of the year assignment. His assignment is to rigth in the to notebooks given to him about his trip. His english teacher is VIncent and he is given lessons avbout writing. He tells him to start off with something from the middle of the story(aka the hook) and then move towards the begginning. thats where the story really starts out as he climbs a 700 footy building.
    tueday- He is 500 feet upthe building when he starts to think again about his whole plan. he could climb bakdown. he could call for help or he could climb another 2 hundred feet and not get caught. Well he went with the 2 hundred feet and headed up the rest of the building one foothold at at time. As he headed up he realized that his face was stuck to the wall. He was stuck to the wall and couldnt movehis face:) he ended up peeling his face off the wall and half of his face was dripping with blood. He proceeded up the wall.
    wedensday- he was 4 feet from the top and his face was frigid and cold. he took out the mountain stencil and placed it on the top of the building. Took out the spray paint and left his mark on the wall. He proceeded to the top when a holicopter zoomed in from nowhere and threw a black ripe down to hiw. they told him u are under arrest but he decide to finish his climb and he climbed to the railing where swat members handcuffed him and handed him off to the cops so the could take him to the emergency room.

  8. Didn’t blog yesterday

    S-A country girl moves from city to city because he dad left for work
    O-when a girls father leaves for work, she has to go to a new town and stay with the preacher
    A-teeenagers who can relate to a basically orphaned country girl
    P-To entertain with a tragic and exciting story
    S-1st person Abilene
    T-Happy but i think some bad news is coming

    Thursday-My plane just crashed and now I’m trapped in the Everglades armed with only a machete and a flint. I am stuck with only a girl that was on the plane with me. I found the machete in a survival kit that had spilled on impact ad the only other thing was the flint. First things first: I need to make a shelter and find some drinkable water. If I can’t find any water me and Megan are both going to die. We searched the plane wreck for anything useful. We found another knife, a water bottle, an infladable raft with a pump, and a back pack. Next thing I heard was, “I foud a place to sleep!” Megan had found a part of the plane that was completely dry so we slept there. I mad a fire and we got about a gallon of drinkable water until we couldn’t find anymore dry firewood. That’s all for this week.


  9. So, I just realised it was Thursday night! Wow, this week was really fast… Not always a bad thing πŸ™‚

    I’m rereading The Hunger Games for the 8th time now, so be patient with my screaming fan-girl atitude towards Peeta πŸ™‚

    Tues.- So, Hunger Games is once again amazing, can a book be this amazing? I think not πŸ™‚ And I’m being sucked into this Harry Potter reading circle, so I might just read it. None of my friends like it as much as the Hunger Games… Of course not, how could you like anyone more than Peeta? Anyway, Katniss goes and meets Gale (blech) at the begining of the book and they go hunting and eat bakery bread and some cheese from Prim’s goat.
    Wed.- Katniss takes Prim to the reaping with her mother, and isn’t really worried about her like I noticed she was in the movie because her name is only in there once but she isn’t worried in the book. She’s worried about herself… So selfish πŸ™‚
    Thurs.- Katniss, of course, hears Prim’s name, has a freakout moment (I can say these kind of things because I’ve read it seven times before, and I memorized most of it) and she volunteers, and she vows not to cry. And she doesn’t. But Peeta does, and that’s completley cool because Peeta is awesome… πŸ™‚

    Alright, I’m done, and very happy with the American Idol outcome πŸ™‚

    -Saint K
    -When the moon is blue, the clock strikes noon

  10. man i miss spring break

    tues- i am going to blog on the yearling. it starts off with a young boy named jody who is doing the hoeing for his daily chores. he looks around and notices what a beutiful day it is. he thinks that it would be a great day to go to the glen.

    weds-he looks in the house and sees that his mom isnt looking. he remembers that his dad was out trading. he puts the hoe against the fence and takes off toward the glenn.he stops on the way chasing a frog and wondering about the trees.

    weds- when he got to the glenn he looked around and found some stuff. he made a watermill and laid down. he fell asleep and when he woke up it was very dark. he ran home as fast as he could and found his dad doing his chores in his good coat.

  11. This week I’m blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley.


    Wondering what would have happened if Neb would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybe if he didn’t like the dog anymore … sell the poor black lab. I mean that’s what I would have to do if I were him, but I’m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark.


    After a lot of thought The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman is like the beginning of Peter and the Starcatchers. They both have characters get on ships. Neb got on because he was running from his stepbrothers and one of them hit him and he fell into the ice cold water, then all of a sudden a stringy rope hits his head and he uses all his strength to climb onboard. In the other book orphans get onboard because the are forced to be slaves to an evil king overseas. Well, I mean, they have \the same ideas just different plots.

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