i name myself as opening day starter…

happy first week of baseball – and last week before testing

i finished spring break up with the book “lombardi” by manariss – nonfiction about the coach of the green bay packers – the guy didn’t get a head coaching job until his 40s – so good story about hanging in there when the breaks don’t go your ways – sad book with his family (he wasn’t the best dad)

i then moved to “the best i can be” by rafer johnson – gold medalist at the ’60 games – wonderful, encouraging story about overcoming – from race to depression to the little things that bump up in a sporting event – would love for you all to read this book

then, on to the electronic kind – “portrait of pacifists” – wonderful complement to anne frank’s diary (for those of you that have read it) – a french town during wwii helped keep jews from the nazis – and this pastor and his wife helped – they hated war, all wars, and yet felt compelled to do something b/c of the nazis – but rather than fight, they used non-violence (which is a form of fighting – guess we just never think of it that way) – enlightening story i never knew about

remember to get in a good testing pattern early – so start getting those breakfast foods ready for your nutritional needs:)


21 thoughts on “i name myself as opening day starter…”

  1. Hey I am going to do a blog on the book Eragon that I am reading right now. I have heard great things about the series andd it lookds pretty lengthy so i might actually blog about it for a few weeks. It starts off in the prologue as this guy named The Shade and the Urgals are waiting to ambush something. Then comes in three elves. there are two guys on horses and then one lady in the middle. Each one had an assortment of weapons and in the lap of the lady elf was a sak with something of value in it. The wind blew and they were about to attack when the wind changed direction and they smelled the urgals. They changed direction quickly and the Urgals sent of sky of arrows at them. The two men were dead instantly, but the lady ran with the sack. The chased after heer.

    I have finished 2 books recently. When You Reach Me, and The Scorch Trials. When You Reach Me is a story about 12 year old Miranda, who begins getting mysterious notes from an unknown sender, who claims to be trying to save Miranda’s friend from an awful death.
    I really like this story. The author makes it mysterious and exciting, while still keeping in tune with a 6th grade girl’s normal activities. I like how the author put an interesting twist at the end of the story and espcially how she involved a classic work. It makes me wonder if the writter had any special ties to the book, A Wrinkle In Time.
    This book has many interesting suprises. Such as Colin having a crush on Miranda, and Marcus ending up marrying Julia. I wonder what happens to Annemarie. Perhaps she ends up with Sal, like you would expect Miranda to.
    I was really suprised when Miranda and Julia became friends. Miranda seemed to hate Julia’s guts!

    As I mentioned, I also read, The Scorch Trials. This is the second book in the Maze Runner Series, and Thomas’s life becomes even more confusing as he is betrayed by the person he cares most about.
    I think that Thomas has an excellent reason in not trusting Teresa by the end of the book. She very near killed him! Of course, she claims it was all to keep him, and the Gladers and girls alive. It took me a while to really understand what was going on. Teresa tells him not to worry and to trust while she hits him in the face with a stick and throws his in a gas chamber. Who would trust her?!
    But if it is all an act, Teresa thought it out very well and is a really good actress if she can fool her best friend.
    I am really glad that Minho and Newt don’t die, but it’s really sad that only 11 Gladers made it out of The Trials alive. I am also sad that Winston dies. I liked his character.
    If any of you are ever bored, try out these books!

  3. next week is testing

    Abeline is walking from where she jumped off to where the city is. While she’s walking a man named Shady comes up to her and gives her her compass that she dropped when she jumped off the train. Abeline finds out that Shady is the pastor and the one she is staying with while her dad is working away from home. Shady leads Abeline to the city and shows her the place where they print the papers. There she meets a woman who offers her a cold drink and a sandwich. She says yes and she looks through the papers stacked around her. The paper lining the box where she keeps is a cutout of the same article that this women writes. Abeline finds all over the papers from the year of the paper in her box, 1917. Abeline walks into where Shady and the women are and can instantly tell that something is wrong. That’s all for today, blog again tomorrow.


  4. omg.. i saw the hunger games movie sunday and might i just say that it was AWESOME!! 🙂 anyway back to the book. catching fire. as katniss and peeta are shoved on the train with effie, katniss looks out the window to see that her good-byes hang on her lip.she watches as the last bits of home and her hope of winning the 2nd time drift away as the woods swallows the last sight of District 12. she never got to say good-bye to Prim, her mother, and Gale .as she stares out the window, Peeta says to her that since they didnt get to say good bye, they could write letters and haymitch would deliver them. although katniss didnt turn to let him know she was listening, she thought of how she couldnt shake Madge’s hand, sroke prim’s hair, the caress of Gale’s face. she knew they could not deliver her cold, stiff body. being to upset to cry,all she wants to do is crawl up in bed and sleep untilv tommorow morning when the reach the capital.

  5. Hey Mr.mayfield I am on Eragon and i left off as the Urgals and the Sjadow are chasing the elf woman throught the woods to get whatever was in the sack she brought with her. The shadow climbed to the top of a rock where he could see the top of the forest and where the elf lady was. He spoke some words and the whol forest in a perimeter of 200 yards was burning. The elven lady ran out of the forest quickly with Urgals on her tail. She bagan to climb the roch where the shadow was. Whenn she reached the top she realized she was surrounded.As they began to close in on her she lifted the sack above her head and spoke some magic words. The shadow tried to kill her before she could transport the wock, but the sack was gone in a fflash and the shadow killed her with a beam of light.

  6. Happy Birthday to someone in the world

    When Aebeline walks in and Shady and the woman look like they are about to give some bad news they just ignore her and act like they weren’t talking at all. Then Shady takes Abeline home. They go down an alley that lets out on a backroad They walk on it for a while until they reach an old barn looking thing that Shady says is his house. When they walk inside it looks like a mix between a woodshop, bar, and church with sawhorses in the kitchen, a bar top in the middle of the room, and stained windows and two pews. Shady says the windows and the pews are from the first baptist church that burned down. Abeline’s room is upstairs and she really likes it. She lies down on the bed. That’s all for today.


  7. ok i left off where katniss wanted to crawl in bed until tomorrow morning, so i will start there. but as she lays there, she remembers, i have to keep peeta alive and she has to be @ the top of her game. she has to let her loved ones go. say good-bye and forget. ” i do my best, thinking of them one by one, releasing them like birds from the protective cages inside me, locking the doors against there return.” as this all runs through her mind, it is rudely interuppted by effie’s knocking on the door for me to come to dinner. as i thought i would not feel hungry, there was emptiness in side me that i needed to fill.

  8. Alright. I think the last time I blogged I was reading The Name of the Star. I finished that and two others over the weekend. I’m not reading Pathfinder By Orson Scott Card.

    This book is the most confusing thing in the whole world… It’s got some crazy time travel stuff going on…

    It takes place in the future but I’m not sure when.

    The main character’s name is Rigg and he can see people’s pasts. And their paths that they have walked. Him and his father are hunter’s. One day a tree falls on his dad and he is dying.

    So Rigg’s dad tells him to go find his mother and sister. Rigg thought that his mother was dead so he was surprised. On his way home to get a few things he saw a boy named Kyokay from his village that was being reckless. He was jumping on stones around a waterfall and Rigg knew that if he fell in the water it would kil him. Needless to say Kyokay fell but to a guy named Umbo that was watching RIgg it looked like Rigg had pushed him down when really he was tryng to save him

  9. continuing from last blog.
    as for dinner, we were served with cold pureed vegetable soup, fish cakes with creamy lime paste,birds with orange filling and more.but as fopr effie, she had her hair done to look like Katniss’s pin. and she wants peeta to get a gold ankle band and haymitch to get a golden braclet so we will all look like a team.after dinner, they all go to watch the recap of the other 59 victors that are still alive. when peeta comes back we all sit down to watch as the anthem begins to play. haymitch has to keep peeta alive during the Quarter Quell. but to see that they will have to fight against his old friends he will probably fail.

  10. Hey mr mayfield Im doing a Pov story of the suspicious rock in the elf ladies hands that she zapped away.
    OWWW! I keep getting thrown around everywhere. I wonder what’s goiing on out there. Oh, nevermind. I dont want to know because i think i just heard the sound of Urgals. I’m glad its aa elf caring for me because anything else would suck. They are very gentle creatures. So i feel my self steadily rising upwards so i get that we are trying to get away. after a few minutes of jumping around i hear the elf lady say some of the worst words and object as my self could here. Instantly im thrown into a black tunnel where im just zooming downwards for what seems like forever. When i can see i’m in a green field with deer scattering away from me and a curious looking boy walking toward me.

  11. This week I am reading The Outsiders!
    Monday- Author’s Purpose
    I think the author’s purpose was to entertain. He tells a story of a boy, whose type is called greasers, who doesn’t have any parents. He lives in the East part of a rugged, shook-down town with his two older brothers, Darry and Soda. The only one he liked was Sodapop, because he was nice. Darry was always screaming at him. If he was inside doing homework he should be outside throwing football. When he is outside throwing football he should be inside studying. He makes all A’s and is really smart but doesn’t use his head. Well, that gets him in alot of trouble..
    I think my story is going to change a tremendous bit. He always wanted to know what it was like having a girl. I figure he will end up with a girl like Soda, but I may be wrong. He has changed alot since the Socs, rich kids, got a hold of him. He has been smarter like not to be on the streets alone. Darry isn’t going to change at all. He is described as a tough man, for 26, and a stone cold heart. I have a feeling that one of the boys in their group is gonna get it bad from the Socs. Worse than Jonny, a kid a few years younger, and that won’t be pretty!
    Wednesday-POV of Jonny
    I remember that day like it was yesterday. Left all alone in that dark parking lot. No one heard my screams of terror, till’ it was too late! I wish I could take that day back! Never have left the house, but that can’t happen. Not with how poor we are down in this city. I never did anything to those rich kids. I always left them alone while the others picked fights. I didn’t see em’ coming till’ I heard them all yell… “GREASER!!” Right then and there my blood ran cold, I was shaking like a puppy. I knew what was about to happen and tried to run. It didn’t help it that my mom ignores me unless something goes wrong then I get blamed! And my dad abuses me, what now?

  12. Okay so I finished Pathfinder last night. Ughhhhhhh.

    It was like Eragon. I got the book So Yesterday by Scott Westerfield to read. It was requested to me by Jake’s significant other 😉

    Jake and Adelyn aren’t dating yet… But she’s already eaten dinner with us.. 😀 She’s awesome too.

    So yesterday is weird. It’s about trend setting. It’s good but I’m a little confused right now.

    I also started reading The John Carter of Mars series by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

    Disney made a movie based off of the first three books recently after seeing it I decided to read the books so I got the first five books on my nook for only a dollar. WOO!

    Edgar Rice Burroughs also wrote Tarzan which I read last summer. I like reading books that are older they tend to be better than some of the books writeen now.

    The first book in The John Carter of Mars series is called The Princess of Mars basically it’s about a guy living in the west his friend goes missing and John Carter sets out to find him. His friend died from having been attacked by indians. I hate it when that happens.

    John Carter has to hide from the indians so he finds a cave. He suddenly found himself getting tired and when he woke up he was on mars.

    They explain in the book later on how he got transported to Mars.

    John Carter had to learn how to walk on Mars all over again and because there wasnt as much gravity he could jump really high and really long distrances.

    A group of Martians found him and they took him in to watch over him

    That’s all. -Julie

  13. catching fire.
    katniss goes to bed the next day as Peeta told her to do but she woke up in just a few hours screaming from her nightmare of the 80 year old women turning to a rodent and chewing her face.(HOW GROSS IS THAT?) anyway, she went to ask one of the capitol attindents if they could make some warm milk because that is the most calming thing. afterwards she hears voices that seem to be coming from the room where the tv is. she finds peeta on the couch watching the tapes of the other victors and the hunger games they fought in to see if he could get any fighting skills. the only tape he had not watched was the one where haymitch was crowned victor because he knew it would make him upset.so Peeta and Katniss decided to watch it bc he was asleep and it was the only quarter quell they have.

  14. Hey Mr. Mayfield I am going to do my last blog before testing:(
    So that was the end of the prologue and now its in the first chapter with the main character , Eragon, in the forest hunting. So the elf lady zapped away the egg soomewhere. Eragon has been following a group of deer through the Spine which is a group of mysterious mountains that runs like a spine near the coast. He is about to release the arrow into a doe when a burst disturbs the silence and in the middle of it all is a blue rock. The deer all run away and Eragon becomes frustrated. The meat was supposed to bring in food and money for his family but maybe…. He goes and checks out the rock that had mysteriously burst out of thin air.

  15. For some reason these past two weeks I have completley forgoten about journals until Wednesday night when I’m laying in bed and I’m like, Hmmmm, I have to blog tomorow… 🙂
    (And about the nutritional breakfast, my mom makes me eggs every morning for a whole week, and my sister has testing on Friday, so I get them that day too. One good thing.) 🙂

    I am reading The Help

    Mon.- The begining of this book you meet Aibileen, who has been a maid since she was fifteen years old in Jackson, Mississippi. She’s currently working for the Leefolt’s. She really likes to raise the children, until she says, “They grow up and be just like their momma’s.” Which is true, she’s raised seventeen children in her lifetime, and she’s working on Mae Mobley, Miss Leefolt’s daughter.
    Tues.- This story is told from three different POV. Skeeter, Aibileen, and Minny. Skeeter is a white lady that lives at home with her family after going off to college at Ole Miss. All her mother worries about is how she looks, and if she has a date, which she never does. She wants to be a journalist, but doesn’t tell anyone, because, of course, all her mother wants her to have is a husband.
    Wed.-Minny is a maid, who worked for Hilly Holbrook’s mother (Hilly’s basically a too-good-for-you type of person, but adds a lot of character to the book) until she was put in a nursing home and then Minny did the Terrible-Awful and says she won’t ever find a job again because of what she did.
    Thurs.-Minny does find a job, for Miss Celia Foote, who lives way out in the middle of nowhere, and she knows she has to take it, because Hilly will tell everyone not to hire her in town. So she goes a works for Miss Celia, who won’t tell her husband she has a maid but she’s really sweet.

    Okay, I’m done for this week. I would highly reccomend this book. I’ve enjoyed it a lot so far.

    -Saint K
    -when the moon is blue, the clock strikes noon

  16. i am going to type for twice as long for two journals, here we go, ok so i am reading incarceron, and may i say,best book ever!

    i cannot wait to read the 2nd one, sappique!

    anyway, incarceron is about two worlds, the one we live in and incarceron. incarceron is more of another city than a world, but its a world away, and hidden from the real world. none enter none leave. it would be more escaping than leaving, but finn believes he is from the outside. he is a cell-born, or born from the prison itself. he is a star-seer, which means he sees visions. he watches the light remembering he is trapped and that the light is always there. but when he mets a woman who knows what the mark on his arm is she is captured. jormanric, their evil dictator, wishes for her weight in treasure, but finn wants the key she spoke of, the key out of incarceron. as finn, Gildas(a sapient, or wise teacher), Keiro (finn’s oathbrother), and a sly prisoner from jormanric search for the way out of incarceron, finn finds incarceron is not a city but a great monster, his father, the prison, a beast he must face; and he can speak into the key, to a girl named………..

    claudia. Claudia’s father is the watcher over incarceron. she was betrothed to giles when they where both very young, and she liked him. but mysteriously giles’ teacher was tricked to leave, and when he came back, giles was dead, but when he sees giles in the casket, he laughs……it was not giles, but someone similar looking, claudia and her sapient, jared, only know this after they went to his house searching for answers. the kingdom’s ‘eyes’ must have seen or heard them because when they got there he was dead, but they found his testement. she was furious b/c now she has to marry giles stepbrother. and she can talk to finn, a boy she really believes to be giles, through a crystal key stolen from her fathers closley watched office.

    she is determined to rescue him, and he is determined to find who he really is, and escape incarceron!

  17. This week I’m blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley.


    Wondering what would have happened if Neb would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybe if he didn’t like the dog anymore … sell the poor black lab. I mean that’s what I would have to do if I were him, but I’m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark.


    After a lot of thought The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman is like the beginning of Peter and the Starcatchers. They both have characters get on ships. Neb got on because he was running from his stepbrothers and one of them hit him and he fell into the ice cold water, then all of a sudden a stringy rope hits his head and he uses all his strength to climb onboard. In the other book orphans get onboard because the are forced to be slaves to an evil king overseas. Well, I mean, they have \the same ideas just different plots.


    So far the captain of the Flying Dutchmanis making a deal with a chinease merchant who is offering FOUR emeralds for him to deliver emeralds to other high-paying people. On another POV a boy is running from his stepbrothers and runs into a dead-end. His stepbrothers or the ocean? Which is worse? Well, he doesn’t have a choice because one of his stepbrothers hits him in the jaw and falls into the freezing cold ocean shivering and alone.

  18. Hey! I have finished Fairest and it was really good. It’s about this really ugly girl who becomes a lady-in-waiting to the Queen and falls in love with the prince. Her love for him nearly shatters when he refuses to speak up for her when the government finds out that she (Aza) has been lip sinking for the queen. (a major offence when your country revolves around its subject’s singing capabilities.)
    I really like the major twist near the end where you think Aza might be part Oger but it turns out that she’s really part nome, which is much better. I also like how the dog, Oochoo, was a major part in the story. she was a great companian to the prince and Aza, and in a way, saved Aza’s life.
    The story gets a little confusing when she enters the mirror. It took me a while to figure that part out. But I really like how the author made the man in the mirror act. He was cheerfully deseatful and always calm. Until Aza pushed him out of his comfy chair, of course.
    Now I am reading The Shadow Project. How the author came up with this idea I have no clue, but it’s a really good on. I am at the part where Sir Roland (who I don’t really like for some reason) has just finished explaining the Project’s mission and how it works to Danny. I really hope that Danny can save Opal, though I think it would totally jack up the book if she didn’t manage to get away some how. My money’s on Danny to save her.
    I am curious to find out how Opal was captured in the first place. Obviously the guy used magic but how does it work? And why can no one else do it? Where did her learn it from?
    I also want to know what makes the Skull so bad. I get that he’s the leader of an army of terrorists, but he’s described as an old man that doesn’t even have the strength to crush a fly.
    Any-who, I’ll see ya’ll tomorrow!

  19. Didnt blog yesterday

    Wednesday- The author’s purpose for writing this book is to entertain with a story about a country girl that has basically no family and has to hitch hike on trains. I think that later on in the story something bad will happen like Abelene’s father might die. I hope that doesn’t happen though. The point of writing this part was probably to show how bad her life is without family and hoe bad its about to get now that she has to start a new school on the last day.

    Thursday- Creative I was in a treestand when all of a sudden a man with an ax jumped out of the woods and took off. I dont think he saw me so I used my scope to see him a little clearer. He was a white man in a plaid shirt and jeans with black hair. He ran down a trail when all of a sudden a cop on a four wheeler came out of the tril and I pointed him in the right direction. He said thanks and told me not to shoot and just to go home so I did. On my way home the man with the ax started chasing me and I ran as fast as I could. He chased me all the way home until the cops came and arrested him. I was so scared that I slept with a gun.

  20. Sorry! Last night the storm caused us to unplug our Internet, soo blogging this morning!
    SO, softball is starting and I am getting to bed later, not cool! My name is Olliva Franklin and that’s all you need to know for now! I am almost failing science, and for once it isn’t the teacher! Sometimes, I think back about being little, then thankful I grew up! No more babie toys, clothes, treatment!! My mom didn’t take this to well, neither did my father. So I have decided to travel back in time and change my life. I can take one person eith me ad that will be you. Yes, you the reader! You will travel with me through my life to see where I went wrong. Well, fisrt off, I messed up as writing this as a book report!

  21. Look at this blog. Full of students craving for knowledge… (more or less)… I guess it depends on the student. (laughs hysterically.) don’t you miss the Olivian sense of humor roaming around the middle school?
    🙂 so Dr. Mafild, I know you’ve read “The Hunger Games”, and “Twilight” and has anyone noticed this odd comparison? A lot of people are saying “The Hunger Games” is the new “Twilight”. I had to investigate, so it’s pushed me to finally read “The Hunger Games” for the first time. I’ve noticed so far that there’s Gale who obviously loves her, but she has no idea, and then there’s Peeta, who is a new love (well possibly fake – I think it’s real.) But he is the love that has been shown do to abnormal circumstances. (Seen this theme before?) Not only that but in a “sting hallucination” the sees Peeta come through to save her, and he’s “sparkling”. I find this to be funny. 🙂 I think the Hunger Games is way better then Twilight so far, but I had to make fun of the new hit thing that has all teenagers losing their minds.
    Love to all-

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