the best part of “the hobbit” is when you see it with those you love:)

hope your final-ing goes great this week – and that you have time enjoy the week – which for me, will always involve reading:)

“the other kingdom” by price – very similar to “once a runner” by parker – except “kingdom” is older and british – the book addresses the whole question of meaning in life – like when you realize the activities that you do are absurd (in this case, running), how do find meaning? for the main character, it took staring that meaninglessness in the face before he figured out how his efforts, even in works that no one will ever remember, matter because it’s part of who he is and part of the gifts he has – the romantic stuff was garbage, of course:)

“dr. horrible: the book” – ah, what a read – basically, five pages of original work followed by 100 pages of reproduced material – still, if you wanted the sheet music so that you could play all the hit songs from a wonderful three-act play/musical/blog/podcast/theater work, it was great – best part, of course, was the bit from NPH (neil patrick harris, aka, dr. horrible)

“risk is right” by john piper – what if the safest, sanest thing in the world to do is to risk it all? excellent analysis – at 64 pages, more of an essay than a book – very middle school friendly – and good detailed support of the author’s premise

“the runner” by samuels – the one thing in a guy’s life that was constant was his running – the rest? he made up – like lying to princeton to get into school at 30-plus years old – like lying in colorado to people so he could live off the area – gripping story, i read it in two days, about what happens when genius goes evil – however, the guy wasn’t totally evil because he was a runner:)

i also read several magazines – as i always do each week – this week, i came across the same statistic – in both sports illustrated and harper’s, it was mentioned that 1/3 women and 1/6 men experience sexual abuse as children – the stories i read were sad – the statistic is sad – particularly when those that suffer from it feel alone

i hope you all have a great week


8 thoughts on “the best part of “the hobbit” is when you see it with those you love:)”

  1. well, its chritsmas week, and everyone is buzzing with exitement.
    (sorry if that sounded like the begining of a newscast) 🙂
    so, whattzup my peeps?
    i am being stalked by anna, so if there is a typo, it is entirely HER fault. also, if there are numbers in this post, it is ALSO entirely her fault, because she keeps typing her phone number on my keypad. 🙂
    there is an ongoing WAR between me and anna, so if you see “hobo” or “stalker” in any of these, or any wierd words and numbers, just remember……’s all part of a war……a DIRTY war. 🙂

    now, i will do some creative writing…….poems.

    By Emily Stoves
    I am a pink,
    you are a blue.
    I am old,
    and you are new.
    I am far,
    you are near.
    I am there,
    and you are here.
    I am gray and all alone,
    while you are gold and bright as the sun shone
    on that first summer day
    I saw you.
    You are opposite from me,
    but you are dearly loved,
    dearly loved as can be.

    well, i don’t think this was 20 minutes, but I will do some more blogging later this week. later!

  2. HEY!!!! The Hobbit was really good, but I forgot it would be 3 movies, so when it ended I was wondering why it only ended when Smog the dragon woke up. (I’m not stupid I just forgot, AnnMarie)
    AND in the middle of the movie Roopoo handed me a twizzler (yum) but I didn’t realize IT WAS WET until I already ate it. Then SHE said that she got it from Titus so I’m hoping it wasn’t in his mouth or worse, but then I heard him say that it was dry when he gave it to AnnMarie so he knew it was wet. So he probably licked it or something. (:O GRODY!!! Yes, I did just say that!!!!)
    WELL, this week is finals week (darn!) and I am pretty sure today is the writing exam. If not, I just hope it isn’t social studies because I don’t remember all the definitions. (:O) I also thought on finals week you didn’t do homework but I’m not sure so I will do it anyway!!!
    (BTW I did study! Yay! Big acomplishment?!?)
    BUT I did come up to you a couple times and type random things on the keyboard, messing you up. ( 😀 ) YEAH!!! ANNA STRIKES BACK!!!
    Oh, and I figured out how to make a paracord bracelet this weekend, but I couldn’t wear it to school because I am not good at making them so the string came through the buckle and it broke. 🙁 It’s fine, though. I can fix it. (That sounded too much like Bob the Builder!!!)
    “Hello, mister hobo.” The stalker says.
    “WHAT?!!? I busy lookin’ for a samich!!!” “Why do you not understand you stalker?!?!?!?!?”
    “Was that an insult or were you saying my name?” The stalker said.
    “No, you wierdo your name is Emily Stoves.”
    (That was part 1 of ‘Lord of the hobos’.)

  3. hi anna bacon i am amanda waffle, if that is ok and who went to see the hobbit?
    tastes sooooo good

    another cinquain thingy :o)

  4. Hello. I am instructed to make up journals from last week. Now I shall begin. :l Thats how lots of people begin their blogs. It’s annoying. Now for my beginning. Hey everybody :). Time for Calebs late night blogs, and yet you begin to think, WE DONT HAVE BLOGS THIS WEEK. Caleb is doing extra work?!?! He must have been replaced by an alien.(After being abducted of course.) Nope. Two words for you. MAKE UP. Not the kind you put on your face, but make up work. Now I need to start. Here we go. I am reading How to Be Like Mike. I can qualify this book the greatest book I’ve ever read. It’s taught me soo much. I can be a great basketball player, for two reasons. 1. I have a much better mind set, from the book. 2. I’m getting a personal trainer possibly. So this book is the second to last ingredient

  5. Hello. I am instructed to make up journals from last week. Now I shall begin. :l Thats how lots of people begin their blogs. It’s annoying. Now for my beginning. Hey everybody :). Time for Calebs late night blogs, and yet you begin to think, WE DONT HAVE BLOGS THIS WEEK. Caleb is doing extra work?!?! He must have been replaced by an alien.(After being abducted of course.) Nope. Two words for you. MAKE UP. Not the kind you put on your face, but make up work. Now I need to start. Here we go. I am reading How to Be Like Mike. I can qualify this book the greatest book I’ve ever read. It’s taught me soo much. I can be a great basketiball player, for two reasons. 1. I have a much better mind set, from the book. 2. I’m getting a personal trainer possibly. So this book is the second to last ingredient

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