WWFD – What would Fred Do? He’d write a bad poem:)

four decently good reads this week

“Out of Nowhere” by Padian – coming to a bookstore near you soon – highly recommended for next year’s high school Battle of the Books (BOB) – senior soccer player who has to deal with his small town’s “issues” – and the “issues” the senior has as well – which, of course, are college related because every senior must have every life step planned prior to graduation – or else life’s a mess – sort of a fiction story that relates well to st. john’s “outcasts united” – again, really enjoyed it

“Scoop” by Nelson – story of a journalist in the south – and his story as it relates to the large stories in the South from the 1940s on – particularly, the story of Civil Rights – that said, there are lighter parts in the book too – as a writer, I definitely enjoyed it – and with the 50th anniversary of the children’s march coming soon, it’s a timely read

“goblin secrets” by Alexander – would be a good middle school BOB next year – if elem doesn’t snatch it up first – it caught my eye b/c it’d won a national award – enjoyable fiction story about a boy that comes of age thanks to goblins and puppets:)

“father’s day” by bissinger – echoes of steinbeck’s travels with charley – story of a father and his son who take a cross country trip – for the father, so that he can maybe figure out his son’s life in a more full fashion – as a friday night lights fan, i LOVED the part about going to odessa – although, it was painfully sad – lots of the book was sad – but the book was very beneficial to me – because in the end, the people around us are all that’s there – and it’s our job to love and understand them as best we can

please remember to avoid fred poems this week – and make sure you get me some literary work by friday for the magazine


75 thoughts on “WWFD – What would Fred Do? He’d write a bad poem:)”

  1. My mom told me I was top scorer I wonder if you could take the 7th grade team next year because cole certainly can’t win it for you but me and Fred are the dynamic duo

  2. Haha-what was the poem, anyway? I thought you would put “WWAD”-
    What would AnnMarie do? (You know I’m joking, right? I’m not mean=)
    SOOOO…I just ate a spicy cheese-it (I guess that’s how you spell it) so I will write a poem about the weird taste of nacho cheese-it things.
    Well, after a lot of backspacing I decided not to do that. It didn’t work out.
    And I’m not currently reading anything (I can fix that) so bye.

    who be there
    (get it? old people goo toodle-loo when they are leaving and stuff. oh well.)

  3. no more amazing jokes today. well, maybe some more…

    answeeeeer: they all have chips
    sanchwich shop-potato chip
    computer-computer chip thing
    casino-poker chip


  4. Dont count that last joke i didnt make it up




  5. why did the kid eat crayons before bed? he wanted to dream in color

    ok, no more im driving everybody “crassy”.

  6. WWFD? He’d write a poem about dinosaurs. I think that answers your question Mr. Mayfield, and I have decided to use this as a business opportunity. I’m going to make t-shirts with WWFD on the front, with He’d write a bad poem on the top of the back, with dinosaurs under that going “We love Fred!” Yeah, I should make millions.

    Also, I am honored to finally be the title of one of Mr. Mayfield’s blogs, even though he’s making fun of me. However, I think I may be the first to be the title of a blog, so I don’t care what it’s about.

    And… Bill, we both knew that we ruled the Scholar’s Bowl team without a doubt, and without us, we wouldn’t have beaten Thompson, or Chelsea. (I was the one who dominated Thompson) Now, I need to address the homework section of my blog.

    I am reading Eldest, which I hope to finish by next Monday. Unfortunately, it’s not about dinosaurs, but dragons are pretty cool too. Eragon, Ayra, and Orik are in the forest of the elves, and will soon arrive to the Queen. They have come because Eragon needs to finish his training to be a rider.

    Meanwhile, back in Carvahall, Eragon’s cousin Roran is battling the Empire, along with the Ra’zac, the nasty creatures that I call Birdmen. Roran has also asked Katrina, his girlfriend, to marry him, and he gained her father Sloan as an enemy because Sloan didn’t want Roran to be her husband.

    Well, that concludes my blog for today, and the good news is I have a slogan and a logo. WWFD?

    P.S. Don’t worry Mr. Mayfield, there will be a dinosaur poem tonight. Just because I want to.

    Peace Out!

  7. BOOK: The Hobbit
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: Look out, someone will troll you! Anyway, I’m working from the library every monday from now on… well, mostly anyway.

    Still, though after the many fights we had gone through in that war, the Battle of Mount Everest had not been won. We needed help and the nearest chinese soliders were 200 miles away, helping guard our base, but we called for help anyway, which resulted in a victory, but also many loses. The battle raged on for another eight months, even with the help. Nearly everyone fighting blacked out at some point as a result of lack of food, water and/or oxegen, as we also fought in special pocket diminsions, which had little oxegen and was tied to the real world.

  8. yay, i’m early this time!! in fact, so early, i have nothing to blog about……!?!
    yes, i am still reading Gone, and my new book, Bye for Now. their really good so far. i’m really eager to get to the creative writing part….so sorry if this is a short blog (to all of you who loved my ridiculous comments)!! 🙂

    nothing has really happened in both books, except that a girl named Bette died of eternal bleeding in Gone. that’s all, really.

    i guess that i now could do my creative writing?? 🙂

    “Spring Dreams”
    The songbird of yest’rday has gone to sleep,
    and the newbird has begun to sing The New song,
    It gently puts you out of misery,
    As the world revolves ’round the bright sphere,
    seeing you are soaring ‘bove the hights of all of this,
    Letting go of the fear in The Atmosphere,
    Higher and higher as the song gets sweeter and sweeter,
    The ground is farther and farther as you think about
    The sunset embracing the New World,
    the plants and animals rejoicing
    like the angels in the New World,
    Spring dreams and the warmth of the New World
    God gives you freedom to escape the Old World
    And see the New World
    beneath your palm
    and feet
    the Future
    Gliding through the Outer Space
    Stars glowing beneath your feet.

    Gotta go, bell rung! 🙂

  9. Ok:
    1. I’m sitting in your class right now
    2. I don’t have spell check
    3. C.J. just told me to shut up haha NEVER
    4. Andrew just stated it, I’m going to restate it: Im going to write another terrible poem
    5. Fred, I would buy one of your “WWFD” shirts. But since I’m awesome I would get it for free right?! Right.
    6. I HAVE to do what Mr. Maf said, say this in my blog: Fred your poem about dinosours was terrible.

    Ok, thats all, now heres another AnnMaure original poem:

    OMG I CAN’T THINK OF ANYTHING!!!!! I’m totally brian dead. I’ll just do a poem when I get home. Right now I’ll just talk about some stuff. Well I got a puppy, her name is Daphne, she’s an Austrilan Shepard or something. She’s SO cute!!!! But she’s a biter, she will eat you, when she tries to it’s so cute, it’s like your getting attacked by a little fur ball.

    Ok, I’m gonna go now, I’ll do a poem later.

    Now I’m gonna go back and fix all my spelling errors. So every part about misspelling won’t make since but whatever.

    AnnMarue, no poo, queen of waffles, OUT!!

  10. Ok, here’s the poem! I’m doing this to make you all suffer! (And laugh yourselves to death) But first, Will R., I fell off my rip-stick because I made a too sharp of a turn, and I landed the same way as when you pushed me off last week! The pain had finally gone away, and now it’s back!


    Fred rules the dinosaurs,
    Really, it’s true.
    Every time he writes a poem about us, we get made fun of.
    Dinosaurs… We love Fred! We love Fred!

    Thank you everyone for reading this! (yeah right) But if you did I want you to rate this 1 to 10 according to badness on the blog, or verbally tomorrow.

    P.S. In Scholar’s Bowl, when we get to 8th grade, we should have t-shirts with WWFD on them! (Not like it would happen, but you know…)

  11. Oh wow, I made an acrostic… it was intentional… However, I should’ve made it longer to say We love Fred!

  12. Why would it be cute if a dog is eating your arm off?!?
    Just saying….
    So, I’m going to start making stupid Anna jokes for homework…like, once a week, but that’s better than dinosaurs and stupid poems =)

  13. Hey, for your information Anna, the dinosaurs love me, and they don’t appreciate you making fun of them, as they said in my last poem. Jeez!

  14. “Acrostic” by Mayfield

    Fred – first to blog again
    Read – his dinosaur poems and weep for the future of America
    EEK!!! or GRR!!! and EEK!!! Dinosaurs would say if they could read his work
    Dead – Who killed the dinosaurs? Fred’s bad poetry

  15. Ok, I already did my “intro”. I’m on my computer so I have spell check, but later I’m still going to go back and fix stuff. From now on, AnnMarue’s blogs are going to be readable.

    Everyday you light up to their face,
    Every time someone says their name you start smiling like an idiot.
    You love their eyes,
    Their nose,
    Their hair,
    You don’t know what you would do without them.
    I didn’t say a name,
    But you thought of them didn’t you?

    Ok, I’m done.

    Bye-Bye peoples

    AnnMarue, no poo, queen of waffles, OUT!!!!



    Red dirt flying in the air
    Girls scattering every where
    Softball bouncing left to right
    Coaches yelling with all there might
    Bats swinging here and there
    Strikes are called every where
    umpires eyes are piled
    girls in the outfield
    Fans cheering in the stands
    batters full of fears
    girls in the dug-out playing don’t stop Believin’
    The team is now undeafted

    this poem represents rhyme sheme and a little bit of soft rhyme

  17. Hey, let’s make a student section at the scholars bowl game against Chelsea after school tomorrow. It’s in the library

  18. Ok, this is my make-up blog form Thursday night (stomach virus) so I will type a creative poem for ten min. (already done 5 min.)

    Modern Poets

    They write of love,
    Finding the one.
    They sport afros,
    And skinny jeans.
    They use the word swag,
    Like it’s a new trend.
    They tattoo themselves,
    With dragons, and skulls.
    They date many times,
    As if they can’t make up their mind.
    They write poems in groups,
    Trios and quartets.
    They present their poems,
    aloud in front of millions.
    Screaming folk,
    With big signs that read “I LOVE YOU”.
    They talk to Oprah,
    And appear on magazines.
    They are adored.
    Trends are made,
    Old trends are tossed.
    Their names become household affairs.
    They rhyme like elder poets,
    Why not consider them poets?
    So with whatever ever you think, always know,
    Pop Stars are Poets.

    That was 15 min. WOOHOO!!!

  19. Haha Fred…I will rate your poem -6.
    Still doing my homework even if I wasn’t here!!!

    my jokes are amazing:)

  20. POEM:
    “To the emerald city!”
    “The emerald city lies ahead, where every shade of green glistens in the evening light;
    The yellow brick road leads straight to the wondrous city of green! The good witch and her captivating munchkins lie behind us; all that we see now are cascading fields of warm-colored poppies, but this is nothing to fret over! Come, golden lion, for courage; scarecrow, for knowledge; and Tin Man, for heart. We shall see Oz today!” Dorothy exclaimed.

    Its on Wizard Of Oz because I couldn’t think of anything and my sister just watched it.

  21. I would buy a WWFD shirt then write -6 on it.
    OK getting off the ‘pooter (computer) now.

    AnNa out!!!!!

    Because I know you missed me that much.

    Alright so I am reading Beautiful Creatures right now. Honestly, this book was nothing that I was EVER excited about. I knew a few people that had read it and liked it but it didn’t sound very interesting to me.

    But then I found out they were making it into a movie and I saw the movie trailer for it a few weeks ago and I thought the movie trailer looked pretty good.

    SOOOOOO I decided that I would give Beautiful Creatures a try. And I am glad I did.

    Beautiful Creatures is one of those books that I am ashamed to admit when I actually like it. It’s like Twilight. I secretly LOVE it but I don’t like to let other people know it because I feel ashamed.

    Although I make sure that my love for the bachelor is known (;

    So Beautiful Creatures takes place in a small southern town called Gatlin. The main character is Ethan Wates and he has a dream to get out of the town of Gatlin.

    Ethan’s mother died in a car accident so Ethan was left to be raised by his dad who now doesn’t really talk to anyone and locks himself in an office all day. Ethan’s dad is a loser. The town that Ethan lives in is super small. Like it’s smaller than Columbiana or Shelby if that’s even possible.

    No one ever really leaves Gatlin and NOBODY ever comes to Gatlin to actaully live there.

    Ethan keeps having the same dream every night. In his dream, there is a girl with dark black hair, he never sees her face in the dreams though. He has to save the girl in his dream because she is falling and he loves her even though he doesn’t know her. And every time his dream ends the same with the girl falling and Ethan not being able to save her.

    Then he finds out when he goes to school later on that day that a girl has moved to their school which is weird since nobody ever comes to their town.

    So then Ethan, of course, finds out that the new girl is the same girl that keeps showing up in his dreams… Because Ethan is creepy and dreams about girls all the time and then confronts them about it.

    Okay that is all


  23. Ok. I need to make up one of the prompts for Writing Journals because I was at the orthodontist. And, everyone was in shock of my refusal to eat at lunch today, which wasn’t a surprise because if you’re in my lunch class, you would know how much I eat. Also, Billy and Will slaughtered us during Scholar’s Bowl practice today, and the score was a grand total of 320 to 205, approximately. By the way, there would be shiny dinosaurs on the t-shirt, I just need to find a site that makes t-shirts and doesn’t charge much.

    Now, for my homework section of the blog…

    Still reading Eldest… Katrina is kidnapped by the Ra’zac, which kills Roran emotionally. Eragon and the others are close to an elf city, and they fell under a spell that the elves sing once a year to make the forest flourish with vegetation. They are now making more progress by horse, and the horses that the elves have are noble and magnificent, and it’s considered a great honor to ride one.

    That’s all I read today, because of the orthodontist appointment, so I’ll blog for Wednesday and Thursday tomorrow.


  24. I seriously think we need to ACTUALLY make a shirt that says “WWFD” then on the back say “He’d write a terrible poem” Then we could all wear it on the same day. Haha yeah…….wait NO……WED ALL BE WEARING THE SAME THING!!!!

    Ok, I have to go in a few minutes so of course I’ll have to write a poem. I actually would talk about this new book I got from the library but when i went to TSA I forgot my jacket and book in the room, so tomorrow I’ll have to go get it.

    People say love is something you fall into,
    and that after a sea of people one day the perfect person will catch you.
    People say love is something you cant stop,
    and you cant help but fall in love.
    I wish that you could NOT fall in love,
    that you could NOT fall if you didn’t want to.
    That you didn’t fall until you figured out who that perfect person was.
    But without falling in and out of love,
    and without finding the wrong person over and over again,
    we wouldn’t understand love at all.
    We don’t understand it not.
    But we will one day,
    if it doesn’t kill us first.

    Ok, I’m done, that was kind of sappy but, whatever.

    AnnMarue no poo, queen of waffles OUT!!

  25. bobby and loor went to lifelight to find the one who created the pyramid.when they jumped they saw a tumbleweed and knew they were in the old west.they went to look for him in the canyon when they heard a rumble.they looked around an saw a stampede.they ran for the vine and jumped on it,when it was over two cowboys.i’ll read more tomorrow.

  26. So if you are wondering (hopefully not) i have been sick therefore this will be a make-up journal i went to the doctor Monday and he said i have strep throat and i might not be at school at all this week… IT’S OCTOBER ALL OVER AGAIN (ha ha not really)…


    “Cousin It”

    Weird, you might say
    Strange even,
    Maybe even, a little odd
    Hairy all over,
    But, that can all explained,
    He/she comes from the adam’s family,
    There i said it.
    All in seven letters,
    I explained “cousin it”

  27. Wazzup and WWFD? I am doing a poem about Fred tonight for Monday and Today’s homework.

    What Would Fred do?
    He would look to the path to see dinosaurs weeping.
    He’d look to the future to see his name on T-Shirts.
    He’d write a bad poem to remember the legacy.
    But first before all of this he will bring more dinosaurs to blogging.

    And Fred i give your poem a 7.

  28. I was out today because I was sick. I know ya’ll missed me that is the only day I will miss so ya. Here is my poem for the day.


    They give you knowledge and in return they get put on a shelf
    They give you joy and in return they get set aside
    They give you happniess and in return they get to collect dust
    They give you answers and in return they get left in the rain
    They give you questions and in return they get beaten up
    They give you what they have and in return they are put in the dark
    They give you laughter and in return they get ripped and brused pages
    They give you curiosity and in return they get shredded
    They give you reasons and in return they get burned
    They give you life leasons and in return they get Nothing from us
    They give us………

  29. I’m here as I said to do Wednesday’s and Thursday’s blog, as promised, and Wednesday’s will be a creative and Thursday’s will be a regular blog. But before I begin, I need to get everything clear on the badness rating system of my dinosaur poems: The higher you rate it from 1 to 10, the more bad it is, so Anna, you messed up on your rating, because from what you said you’re saying it’s really good. Will R, however, got it right, so he knows what’s going on.

    So I’m going to do another dinosaur poem, and then take a break on them to let my brain rest, but never fear! The Dinosaur Legacy will live forevermore! Oh! Rate this one 1 to 10 according to badness too, but make sure you get the system right.


    We are big and strong,
    we follow Fred’s commands.
    He praises with his poems that aren’t long
    but they are very bad.
    We maybe rhyming, but we dinosaurs are so old
    We let our poems rhyme so our story can be told.

    Fred is bad at poetry,
    but he is not sad.
    He not used to sugar coating
    so his poems are very bad.

    Ok, that’s my poem, and don’t forget to rate it according to how bad it is. My goal is to have three 10s, the worst number a poem could have on the system, but please do not let that influence your opinion. Do it according to how bad YOU think it is.

    Now, I’m doing Thursday’s blog, and then I’m done for the week, but you guys know that won’t stop me from blogging more.

    Let’s see… What progress have I made in Eldest… Hold on, I need to read to actually do this segment of the blog, which I didn’t think about at all. Ok… Give me fifteen minutes. Oh wait, it will be on the same blog.

    Ok, here it is: Saphira, the dragon, is sad that Galbatorix, the really bad bad guy, has nearly put the race of dragons into near extinction, so she won’t be able to mate, and therefore the dragons will eventually become extinct. However, she is still hopeful that dragons from other countries, if they exist, will come to Alagaesia, so that the dragon race will flourish through the lands again. Eragon, who is told by Saphira of this, tells Ayra about it, who agrees with him, saying, “We can only hope.” She means they can only hope a male dragon will mate with Saphira someday.

    Well, I’m done with blogging for the week, but you know, I’ll be back.

    Fred, King of Dinosaurs, away!!!

  30. Well Today was horrible
    I feel nice and hated.
    My apologies for being late to class. Couldn’t help it.


    I had time to read today since we didn’t really do very much in my classes.

    Beautiful Creatures is taking off so yay.

    Ethan sees the new girl named Lena who is the girl in his dreams that he has been having every night when he goes to sleep.

    Lena has dark black hair and super unnaturally green eyes. Ethan tries talking to her in school and she is distant.

    She gets made fun of in school (KIND OF LIKE ME!) and she gets bullied a lot (KIND OF LIKE ME!)

    Ethan is the only person who is nice to her in school. She is the neice of this guy in town who everyone called Old Man Ravenwood. He is a recluse and nobody ever sees him because he stays locked up inside his house all the time.

    Most people are nice to Lena just because she is related to a crazy man. One day when there was a storm Ethan was driving home from school and almost ran Lena over with his car so he had to drive her home because her car had broken down in the middle of the road.

    He told her that he had been having dreams about her and she acted like that was weird but he could tell that she knew what was going on.

    The next day when Ethan was in school Lena was being bullied in class and Ethan could hear Lena’s thoughts and she was speaking to him. With her mind because Lena is weird like that.

    And then Lena got mad and shattered the glass of the window.

    And that is where I left off.


  31. Ok, I’m blogging on my computer:
    1. I just noticed all my blogs start with “ok,…..”
    2. I have spell check on.
    3. I’m still going to go back and spell check myself.
    4. I think my dinosaur poem was “terrible but Fred’s is worse” (Fred you’ll get what I’m talking about later.)
    5. I don’t know what to put for 5, I just wanted a 5


    Ok, caps lock is off now. Poem time: (said in song-tuney way)

    Your life is always going the wrong way,
    every minute of every day.
    Every time you want something to go right, your life goes left,
    your life isn’t exactly the perfect gift.
    If you’re happy then of course you life says:
    oh you’re happy, let me fill you with doubt.
    But your life is actually all planned out.
    Every choice that you didn’t make,
    every chance that you didn’t take.
    It all leads up to this,
    this moment.

    Ok, (another “ok”) I done.

    Go waffles!!!
    Go dinosaurs!!!

    AnnMarue no poo, queen of waffles OUT!!!

  32. Anna are you saying that you like Fred’s poem because the higher the number the more you like it.

  33. Bobby and loor go to a ghost town because they said they saw the man who created life light.when they got there they saw saint Dane, he told them the creator was on the dam.then he told them the trick the dam was going to blow in under ten minutes. loor and bobby ride there horse up to the dam the they started to be fired upon by saint Danes workers.they get to the top of the dam and see gunny.saint Dane lied to them and the dam was blowing up.

  34. first of if you are wondrin where i was for the rest of the day today, i is sick.
    i feel terrible but that’s life. nyway, i think i’ll do an acrostic.
    Stupid germs
    Icky feeling
    Keep Away! Unclean!
    that pretty much describes how i feel- 🙁

    Listening to others
    Opening your heart, let the kindness flow
    Very thoughtful
    Endless care
    FOR WED.
    Heart belongs there
    Open doors when you get there
    Many thanks I give you
    Everyday keeping me safe.

    i don't know, i just couldn't think of anything cuz i feel horrible so my mind is blank

  35. I didn’t get to make a dinosaur poem today in Mr.Mayfield’s class today so I am going to write ONE of them right now and the others………well…..I’ll save those until class time for are dinosaur wall of poems.


    (Rawr means I love you in Dino)

    Dear this so called FRED
    We dinosaurs need are story to be told and this so called FRED isn’t telling it quiet right for us. You see we dinosaurs are a very unique (and kind of extinct not get ahead off are selfves here) type of people( or to you creatures or the so called name reptile but that last one is only to some of our kind) We have decided to confront this so called FRED. We have heard that he is wanting to make T-Shirts and we want some but you will have to get some speciallly made for my friends that have…..well a little arm problem no pun intended. My arms can barley reach the key board I am onw of the so called people(or Dinosaurs) that need the SPECIAL T-SHIRT. When you see this we will talk more.

    RAWR ,
    The Dinosaurs

  36. Hey mr mayfield I will blog for ten mins on creative. As we planned out our senior prank we have came up with some of them to do at Waffle high we may put a bunch of waffles on the floor and cover them in syrup and then make them have to clean it all up and have to be taking off all the waffles and then clean the floors or take confetee cannons and shoot them all over the hallway or even zip tie all the desk togather because it would be a pain in the butt to get them all unzipped or we may just Saran rap the toilets so no one can use them

  37. THE ONE AND ONLY, GREATEST, ORIGINAL SQUISHY POTATOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (andrew west, for those not cool enough to know) says:

    I am sick. I threw up three times. The book i am reading has an inapropriate ( especially for HW ) object in it. This book is called No Easy Day. It is written by a member of seal team six whose fake name is mark owens. I am blogging a creative piece for the first time ever ( echo effect )

    BUT FIRST, I BET JULIE AND ADISON COUCH DIDNT KNOW I AM THE SQUISHY POTATOE. ( you probably weren’t cool enough to know )

    Once upon a time, there was a lawyer named sullivan. He was a terrible lawyer. Probably because he always sided with the guy who was caught on camera killing somebody or robbing somebody or trying to sell illegal drugs to somebody or hitting the elderly with a stick for no reason. Sullivan WAS NOT AND WILL NEVER BE A DECENT LAWYER EVER. One time Sullivan’s only defense was yelling to the judge SECOND AMENDMENT FOO’ !!! The judge proceded to say yes, yes, i know that americans have the right to bear arms, but what does that have to do with BEATING AN OLD MAN WITH A STICK!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!!???
    The old man who was hit with a stick survived because he used his cane gun to scare away the assaulter. CANE GUNS ARE THE WAY TO GO IF YOU ARE OVER 56 AND NEED A DISCREET GUN!!! ( that wasn’t part of the story and neither is this. ) anyways, the criminal that sullivan was trying to defend was Bob the Builder. Yes, the children’s show character we all know and love is racist against old people!!! Who knew.

    WITH MY FAITHFUL ( and currently asleep ) DOG, TANK, THE BOSTON TERRIER AT MY SIDE, I DECLARE MYSELF THE FIRST SQUISHY POTATOE TO WRITE A TWENTY MINUTE CREATIVE BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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