WWFD – What would Fred Do? He’d write a bad poem:)

four decently good reads this week

“Out of Nowhere” by Padian – coming to a bookstore near you soon – highly recommended for next year’s high school Battle of the Books (BOB)Β – senior soccer player who has to deal with his small town’s “issues” – and the “issues” the senior has as well – which, of course, are college related because every senior must have every life step planned prior to graduation – or else life’s a mess – sort of a fiction story that relates well to st. john’s “outcasts united” – again, really enjoyed it

“Scoop” by Nelson – story of a journalist in the south – and his story as it relates to the large stories in the South from the 1940s on – particularly, the story of Civil Rights – that said, there are lighter parts in the book too – as a writer, I definitely enjoyed it – and with the 50th anniversary of the children’s march coming soon, it’s a timely read

“goblin secrets” by Alexander – would be a good middle school BOB next year – if elem doesn’t snatch it up first – it caught my eye b/c it’d won a national award – enjoyable fiction story about a boy that comes of age thanks to goblins and puppets:)

“father’s day” by bissinger – echoes of steinbeck’s travels with charley – story of a father and his son who take a cross country trip – for the father, so that he can maybe figure out his son’s life in a more full fashion – as a friday night lights fan, i LOVED the part about going to odessa – although, it was painfully sad – lots of the book was sad – but the book was very beneficial to me – because in the end, the people around us are all that’s there – and it’s our job to love and understand them as best we can

please remember to avoid fred poems this week – and make sure you get me some literary work by friday for the magazine


75 thoughts on “WWFD – What would Fred Do? He’d write a bad poem:)”

  1. Well, as promised, I’m back to blog, for you know… whatever. I have finally written a poem for the Shelby County Literary Magazaine, and I would share it, but I can’t find it, so I’ll blog it later, and I’ll give you the poem.

  2. Ok, I got it, and here it is… Hope you like it… If not, too bad.

    Black Night

    I see nothing in a Black Night.
    I lay in bed, listening to
    the few rumbles of cars
    as they pass by, driving off
    to a place unknown to me.
    The wind wheezes, sending a
    small stream of air under a tiny
    opening under the window, cooling
    my face. Shadows illuminate on
    my wall.

    Dreams are reluctant to come. The
    Flagpole of the neighboring building
    keeps singing the same pitches again
    and again… The black of my bedroom
    engulfs me, and I drown in its darkness.
    I hear the house moan. Is it okay?

    β€œSleep, little one,” says the Black Night.

    β€œAs you wish,” I reply. I ask the Dreams
    of the Black Night to embark on a journey
    with me, floating in the darkness of the
    Black Night.

  3. Waz up? I’m blogging two times in one day, so here is my first one. I will do a creative now, then a blog on my book when I get home.


    We walk down the streets.
    Many people look as if their
    talking to themselves, using
    bluetooth devices. They sport
    trench coats, holding buisness
    suits underneath. If I look up,
    my view of the sky is blocked,
    by many tall skyscrapers. If you
    decide to continue on your path,
    you might see The Empire State.
    It is quite a sight, up close and
    personal. What about the Freedom
    Tower? In memory of the lost,
    but the ones that will always be
    remembered. “I need money.”
    “Any spare change?” are
    seen, as hoboes hold up signs,
    hoping for enough to buy a bite.
    In a town so rich, how could anybody starve?
    In a town with enough money,
    why isn’t it provided to others?
    As I near the end of my trip,
    I hop into a cab. “Welcome to the
    Cash Cab!” A day with no shortage
    in suprises. The day was great, I saw
    many a folk. But now I’m glad, that I’m
    home sweet home.

  4. Alright I had another stressful and exhausting day.
    This is just NOT my week apparently.
    But oh well.
    Gotta have some bad days to appreciate the good, I guess.

    Read some more in Beautiful Creatures today.

    I think Ethan is starting to realize that Lena has some weird powers because she keeps doing really weird creepy things and if he hasn’t picked up on the fact that she isn’t normal then there is something seriously wrong with him.

    After Lena shattered the glass of the window at the school she ran away back to her house.

    And Ethan followed her and they were communicating with each other through their thoughts. And Lena didn’t want Ethan to come.

    He came anyways though and Lena was laying outside by a Lemon tree and she was crying/

    Lena was talking about how on her birthday something really bad was going to happen. Lena and Ethan also found a locket buried underground that had Lena’s birthday written on it and Ethan’s initials.

    When Ethan brought the locket home and showed it to his housekeeper Amma she started like freaking out and using some kind of weird voo doo stuff on it to charm it.

    She then told Ethan to bury it.

    But of course, he didn’t.

    That is all

  5. ok some wierd blogs this week..(FRED) i rate the poem a 2

    mon- when jason piper and leo make it outside on the skywalk at the grand canyon a storn cloud appears. the only place that it looks stormy is over the skywalk where the class is. everywhere around the class it is sunny. that gives jason a bad feeling that something is about to happen.

    tues. jason tells leo to hold his paper while he goes to talk to coach hedge. hedge immediately asks jason who he is and jason lets out a big sigh of relief and tell him that he didnt know. hedge tells jason that he has been smelling monster for weeks and the jason gets confused.

    weds- suddenly the cloud above the class starts spinning. it gets really stormy and coach hedge tell the kids to get inside. piper and dylan hold the door open for the kids to get inside. once theres only leo piper jason hedge and dylan on the skywalk the the doors slam shut and dylan lets go.

    thurs- piper tells dylan to come help but he says hes done helping. he then changes shapes and becomes a storm spirit. hedge throws his bat in the air and it turns into a giant club. dylan laughs and then sends out a giant gush of wind out at leo. leo falls into the grand canyon and barely grabs onto a ledge.

  6. Journals
    When Cleopatra was 18, she beat her couple other relatives to the throne. It was kind of unlikely to have a woman pharaoh, but Cleopatra was determined. Her first husband was Julius Caesar and had a child. Then afterwards. He was assassinated. After that, she went on and fell in love with Mark Antony , a roman leader. She had 3 children with mark Antony. And she knew that their love would never be broken or separated until the day they died.

  7. yea mr. maf i still have a 0 but i have it done i just been sick so i don’t want to give you my disease, like Caleb is secretly doing. (oops sorry for telling)
    okay i just wanted to ask how horrible everybody’s day was today without me and to describe it in great detail.

    -my very long name

  8. Grimms fairy tales
    ~ Jorinda and Jorindel
    Jorinda and Jorindel and a young couple who are walking through the woods one day. They are taking a day stroll through the forest. What they don’t know is that in that forest their is a castle. Not a haunted castle. Just a little castle that houses a witch. The young couple end up walking to close to the castle and the old witch comes out and takes Jorinda. She turns her into a little bird and locks her up in a large cage inside the castle. Inside the witches’ castle, there are hundreds of cages filled with maidens that were turned to birds and the witch makes them sing to her. No one has ever been able to free any of the birds of get even close enough to the castle without being able to leave.

  9. Waz up? So, as promised, I am doing a ten minute blog on a book. (in this case, an article) So Iread a article called “A Different Drummer” by John Papanek. This was about the big men in basketball, and which one seems to dominate press.

    Tonight, I will discuss the prompt of ‘what would the story be like if something had changed?’. So, I will adress the possiblity of Chamberlain’s 100 pt. game being erased from the history books. Without this game, dominance form Wilt would not have been established. I think that this game showed the true potential of Chamberlain, exposing him to the leaderboards. Not that Chamberlain was not a well known facebefore the game, but like I said, a star was born that day.

    Chamberlain was able to play with other stars (Jerry West, etc.) who were able to draw even more attention to Chamberlain; even with eyes on him anyways.

    Whenever you get put in the history book, it does great hings for your career. This, as said earlier, put Wilt out there-just a little farther. It should be known that the history book, opens SO many more doors.

  10. Shelby, I absolutely loved your dinosaur thing.

    Fred I liked your poem.

    I didn’t start my blog with “ok” this time.

    I had TSA today, it was fun.

    I don’t know what to talk about now.

    Hi peoples.

    Andrew you spelt “Potato” wrong, it only has an “e” when there’s an “s” meaning more than one.

    Hi peoples….again.

    I’m going to write a poem now because my blogs that don’t start with “ok” aren’t off to a good start at the moment. I mean if I write a poem it will just make the blog worse but whatever.

    Poem time (said in song-tuney way) :

    People lie,
    they cheat,
    they steal,
    they use profanity,
    they do all these things.
    Guess it’s just human nature,
    but it really isn’t.
    People have the choice to do all these things and yet they still do.
    They drink,
    they do drugs,
    they do things at sixteen that you’re supposed to wait till twenty-one.
    They can stop if they want to,
    but their not going to.
    You always have a choice,
    just sometimes people can never make the right one.

    I really don’t know what caused me to write this poem. I don’t mean for anyone to get offended so please don’t.

    AnnMarue no poo, queen of waffles OUT!!!

    P.S. (that means “post script”) I didn’t start my blog or anywhere in my blog say “ok”. And I’m pretty sure my grammar is all correct and everything.


  11. And I made that username up, it’s not my e-mail or anything like that. So don’t even try, I know some of you are stupid enough to. No offence, I love you all!!! Maybe not some of you as much as others. KIDDING!!! I really secretly hate all of you. KIDDING!!!

  12. So I have heard something I will blog about its cam newton is back at auburn so I know he is but it’s not to take the ball and beat Alabama again but to study my personal views on this is it would be awesome to have a class with him and be able to talk to him plus my cousin lives there i may try to see him some time just because he is the best player in the entire world of football no matter what he’s still a hero at auburn and even though that is not a career for a life time but he still gets money to last him a good wile I think it would be amazing to have a class with him that’s my ten minute blog

  13. The name dosen’t stick that well but it will be good for now and it is also an inside joke for the peeps of TSA , and because of TSA I am going to be writting about Monsters(the monster I am talking about is the drink)


    They give you frights on a cold a dreary night
    They give you nightmares and then your parents tell you to not be scared
    They give you mini heart attacks when everything goes black
    They give you courage to look under the bed and then you get discouradge
    They give you fear when you think they are near
    They give you head aces when you see something that isn’t there
    They give you a sense of wonder when you hear something mumble
    They give you the feeling of when your scared when your ears flare
    They give you a feeling that you can’t control when you hear a bump, thump, clump, mumble, grumble,and a whisper.
    They give you a feeling that you can’t seem to deni when you see a figure, shadow, apperation, ghost, monster, or maybe just a simple clothes pile that looks like a person, or maybe a coat rack that looks like a monster.

    To: People that do belive
    From: The Monsters…….I……Mean…..Shelby πŸ™‚

  14. they enter Dr.zetlins real dream and began to look for him.when they first get there they see frozen rain drops,not snow.they were frozen in time bobby and loor can still move but every thing is stuck.they ask aja to use the disk and unfreeze every thing.when all the stuff starts to move bobby is almost hit by a car.they then move over to the strange building on its side.when they got closer the building was starting to move.when it was finished bobby and loor enter the building to find Dr.zetlin .first they had to clear a jungle with man eating flowers that have vines as sharp as glass.then they had to swim through some rooms,loor can’t swim,they saw some racers.i’ll read more next week

  15. No Mr. Mayfield, the Black Night isn’t a dinosaur racial thing. I was just inspired to write the poem while lying in bed last night with all the wind and I couldn’t see a thing.

  16. Also, you should know, with me being the King of Dinosaurs, that I would never be that cruel to my subjects.

  17. yea not so sick today but still sick (if that makes sense) mr. maf lauren will give you the poem that i wrote for the literary magazine. id love to be in it this again this year. πŸ™‚

    ok i wil do a poem now
    In your imagination,
    open a door.
    Go places
    you’ve never been before.
    Open your mind,
    and be set free.
    Be who
    your want to be.
    All you need
    is something with pages.
    These have been here long
    here for ages!
    Go to a shelf,
    and take a look.
    What you need
    is a book!

    – my very long name
    post script: how bad do y’all miss me? πŸ˜€

  18. Hello everyone this week i had a virus so here are my blogs for wednesday and Thursday I will be doing a ten min. poem.

    “The Sea”
    A calling comes from the east,
    a calling of blue, fins, and a whole new world,
    you take the call to the strong life ahead
    you become stronger through lies.
    Stronger in the call.
    You become it and it becomes you.

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