does it count to have a reply to julie just be an entire post???

oh, the questions that keep me up at nights…

“not exactly a love story” – cute book – new book – YA – i guess high school – those are the characters – easily read – for some reason, set in 1978 – really could’ve been any time – guy cold calls a girl – the girl of his dreams – at midnight – and he botches the call (really, really bad) – so then he starts calling her every night – sort of an idiot stalker at first – beautiful lover in the end – ah… anyway, it wasn’t bad – read quick – and that’s all i can ask out of such books – maybe a high school BOB next year???

“i still believe” by far my favorite book of the week – by singer jeremy camp – it’s hard to believe i’ve known camp and his songs for longer than my sixth graders have been alive – anyway, his book is history – the reasons behind some of his songs – he was widowed at 22 – met, married, honeymooned and the wife came back with bad cancer news – all that i knew – more about his hope – how he got through it – i didn’t know – for 130 pages, definitely a recommendable read – and, of course, i had to download the one album i don’t have of his afterward:)

currently reading a book about economic theory – i suppose this is the last week of journals – so hope you have fun with them



“For Julie”
By Mayfield

Three years of your books
and how to reply?

Three years of your ups,
three years of your downs
and how to reply?

Three years of Giants baseball,
of classmates in and out,
band/drama/Scholar’s Bowl
and then it’s all gone
and how to reply?

Goodbye – harsh, I know
for this was the reply
but this is also the end
and there’s no
reply to silence.

52 thoughts on “does it count to have a reply to julie just be an entire post???”

  1. Well then I’m second 🙁

    But Maf, Fred is right. you can’t be first, you’re the teacher.

  2. “Haters a plenty”?? Oh gosh.. Is this what the world has come to? People talking like THIS?! Oh the faith in humanity is dropping. (Well it actually almost shattered when Carden was here) next thing ya know we’re all gonna he hippis ✌

  3. The King- of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, Stick People and Ninja Master says:

    I won’t be at school until lunch today!

    I have an orthodontist appointment!


  4. All of y’all are just mean. Maf, if you want to be first go ahead and be first. Whatever you want to be, you go for it. If you want to be a unicorn, be a unicorn, if you want to be first on your blog, go ahead and be first! And fred and annmarie, stop drinking all the haterade. Y’all just jelious and won’t let a teacher dream. Well pooie on all of y’all. Who’s going to the dance tomorrow? I am! But I wish I had someone to go with. 🙁 well their is one perso n I can go with but I really don’t want to go with that person. I guess I will just go alone and be a lonely little bunnie… BOOK BLOGGIE TIME!!!!!!!

    I finished specials and it was pretty good. Tally finally got to the new smokes and it was worse then she could have imagined. All the people are independent and it was extremly hard to get people to leave her alone. Then, people started to ambush her ans shay tried to change tally. Also, a war broke out that killed zane which almost emotionally killed tally. Then tally went to dr. Camble to tell her it was all tallys fault the war started and dr. Camble locked tally into a cell. Tally then excaped and she ran off with david. And that was the end of the book.

    I finally finished specials (ha. I finished a book) and it was pretty good.

  5. Step back from behind that curtain
    Take those chances you never got a chance to take
    Live life to its fullest
    Don’t stop to smell the roses go for what is ahead
    If it doesn’t work out you can go back and smell them
    Don’t look back it will only slow you down
    Once you reach your place then you can look back
    It all works out in the end
    Always keep ypu friends close but your enimes closer
    Know if you have any true friends
    Don’t let any of your personal secrets out to anyon you don’t trust with them
    If you doubt them then you are probably right
    Take risk but not stupid ones
    What goes around comes around
    Every one does their bit
    Trying to put people before you
    Standing up for what you believe in
    Fighting back for people who can’t
    Taking hits and blows and always getting back up
    Putting your fist up and yelling ” Is that your best!”
    Keeping your friends close and pulling them closer when they try to go away

    This is my poem Dr. Maf I combined to of my original poems and colided them so they could match the theme of the poems were the same as the theme you gave us as I hoped. You said and I qoute ,” Basically anything you write about will work” 🙂 here it is all you have to do is print it out 🙂

  6. So guys, i am blogging from my phone so I’ll have to make it short. I read The Future of Us in about 2 hours, its a great book, i highly recomend it. But if you can’t be mature and take a “bad word” without showing it to everyone going “ooh look what this says” then this book isnt for you, if you can’t take a “bad word” then DONT READ THIS BOOK.

    Im gonna do a poem (pros):
    Sometimes people will get mad and they will lash out at the people trying to help them. They might not even notice it but they are being real jerks. I mean i get when sometimes you need to be left alone, but you dont need to start yelling at someone and cuss them out just because you’re not having the best day. Sometimes you just need to stop, take a breath, and walk away. Not start yelling your brains out and making someone ELSE feel the way you do.

  7. My word, they’ve taken over,like you should do to Corbotia. but Mafeld your right, plenty of teacher haters here. You were first and that’s that, to the sixth graders: that bridge is built, burned down, rebuilt, and rotted away. In others words, get over it quick.

  8. okay so i guess this is the last poem i ever write b/c it’s the end of poetry month – and i would say “boo” but that means may is coming, so hey, i’m okay with that:)

    “Let’s Hasten the Day”

    If our lives are
    “Choose Your Own Adventure” books,
    then you’ll find us
    mostly all in the beginning
    chapters – reading straight
    through as though we had
    no idea choice was involved.

    It’s not our adventure though
    but there is choice
    to run
    to love
    to write
    to teach
    (at least for me).

    What’s there for you to decide?
    Choose it and live,
    not for yourself
    but for choices that
    hasten the day.

  9. Link to the game is down. Major bugfixes are coming. If you find a bug, tell me what you did before it happened so I can try to replicate it. I will have a personal game blog out soon that I will include a link to in my next blog. On that blog, there will be a link to beta test the game. I will also make an optional .exe file you can download and run.

  10. good morning, my fellow peeps. i know, my blogs are usually a mouthful….buuuuuut……

    if you need some entertainment right now……LOOK AT THIS!!!


    wait….he, he, he……that was me……(blush). sorry.

    so, here it comes… blog! ta-da!! so, i’m reading this great new book called Eight Keys by Suzanne LaFleur, and it’s about his girl named Elise Bertrand who starts middle school. in a way, i feel like Elise, but it’s too complicated to say. she’s 12, and is bullied for being odd, she can’t get her homework done on time…..

    i’m almost to chapter 3, and I just started the book, but it’s pretty good so far. I think LaFleur wrote this book to present the idea of what a kid goes through when entering junior high, but with a mysterious twist.

    anyway, here’s my creative.


    Gently they fly,
    Those white ballerinas,
    How soft they are,
    Those little white tortillas.

    They bask, in the peachlight,
    Those white merry fellows,
    Their call, in the break,
    Are like little gold cellos.

    Their eyes made of jade
    Calm the dragonflies,
    They are white of the truth,
    Never black of the lies.

    Their skin,
    Cocoa-butterscotch creamy,
    With white feathers clothed,
    Fond of the dreamy.

    They are slaves of the many,
    They flew,
    But you see,
    To this day,
    You already knew.


    well, that was 20! see y’all later! 🙂

    blue riding hood, out!!!

  11. The King- of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, Stick People and Ninja Master says:

    Tonight’s just gonna be a creative.

    “To Maf”
    by the Ninja Master

    I come to ask for forgiveness.
    Be first, be a unicorn, write poems to haters.
    To what you want
    It’s your blog.
    It’s ok.
    I apologize.

    Boom! Bad poem from the heart! Goodnight peeps!

  12. So today was the end of school dance, that’s another story, for only certain people. And since today we went over the different commonly mistaken words I’m going to make sure I get everything right I mean, I’m real good that even sometimes when I’m texting i’ll even go the extra mile and type “you’re” when I’ supposed to.

    Maf, I made the shirt different, now it says, “See this crown?? Yep, just stand and wave as I walk by.”

    Then on the back in like a jersey number way it says, “Waffles” then under it, it says “10” (my number)

    I’m not really happy right now long story, so im going to do a poem, sorry:

    You’re having fun,
    but from the corner of your eye you’re looking.
    And in your brain you’re thinking.
    All while pretending to still have your cool,
    but in your mind you’re smashing glass and punching walls.
    Your friends ask “Are you okay?”
    You lie straight through your teeth, “Yep, I’m fine.”
    Tomorrow you’ll have to go through it again.
    Some people are really good at hiding their emotions,
    and they might not know it,
    but it kills the people around them.
    Because they might be dying inside but all everyone sees,
    is what they want everyone to see.

    When people do that I guess its because if they convince everyone else they’re okay maybe they can convince themselves.
    But sometimes it hurts,
    to lie to everyone,
    and to lie even to yourself.
    And then when you finally cave in and admit to yourself that you’re NOT okay,
    it hurts,
    a lot.

  13. Where are the others? They’ve usually sent five hundred thousand blogs already, unless…

  14. Heyo my peeps! Just got back from the dance which was AWESOME!!!!! So I have been getting excited about the field trip tomorrow and thought I would write a poem about it.

    “Field Trip”
    On the bus.
    Sitting away time.
    In the school watching a play.
    An unknown play.
    Then we get back, we play and eat.
    Field Trip

  15. heyyy peps. so I hope all y’all had fun at the dance. yeah. hope all the guys had the courage to acually ask someone. to all the dudes that didn’t. shame. I know someone who dinally got the guts to ask someone. 🙂 yep you know who I talking about. so anyway the damce was awesome. except for the little “acident” don’t worry all y’all that have no idea what I’m talking about, y’all will find out tomorrow,trust me. I didn’t read much of tue book and this book is completely different from all the other books in the series like not even the same characters so I’m gonna forget about it. so I’m gonna get my creative on. (woop woop) lol. k.


    I had no idea how you would react.
    hate, shame, or love.
    all I know is It had to be done.
    the scariest part was I thought you would turn.
    away from me forever.
    it was my last chance.
    ro dance with you.

    I had no idea how you would react
    Hate, shame, or love.
    The warmth of your body next to mine.
    Inching closer ever second.
    I wanted to tell you.
    How much you ment to me, but how to start?
    Now it was time.
    To say “I love you”

    I had no idea how I would react.
    Hate, shame, or love.
    Never did I ever think.
    This terrible day would come.
    I had nothing to say.
    As your body went past mine.
    Now I guess its time.
    To say goodbye.

  16. THE ONE AND ONLY, GREATEST, ORIGINAL SQUISHY POTATOE!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHO EATS NINJAS FOR ALL 3 MEALS OF THE DAY (andrew west, for those not cool enough to know) says:





    those annoying little creatures you watch on t.v.
    those annoying little blue blobs you laugh at cause they
    are stupid.
    those weird little dudes who run from the evil guys cat.
    those weird little dudes who worship a blue santa clause.
    those weird little guys who run around shirtless.
    those awkward little monsters who eat mushrooms all day.
    smurfs smurfs smurfs.
    those weird little guys who’s only cuss word is “smurf”

  17. okay, this one really goes back to fred, but…

    “To Unicorns”
    By Mayfield

    They protect the land from dinosaurs,
    both creatures larger than imagination.

    They run on a rainbow of endless sun
    all to Kaleigh’s delight

    “Look at this!” they seem to say
    but too late, you’ve been kidnaffed.

  18. Hey, what’s up? I have a great poem stirring in my mind, so I must share it with yall.


    Your mind sometimes plays tricks on you,
    it makes you sometimes think things that aren’t really happening.
    I think we would all be better if we didn’t think sometimes,
    you wouldn’t freak out in moments of distress,
    you wouldn’t lash out when you’re mad.
    Because when someone is on a very tight wire,
    and you mess with them,
    they will lash out on you.
    They might not want to,
    they might really regret it later,
    but they will.
    Sometimes it’s a person,
    sometimes it’s an action.
    Whatever it is,
    people get ticked.
    Sometimes they totally lose it,
    and they blow up.
    But I bet if we didn’t think as much some stuff wouldn’t bother us as much,
    and stuff like this wouldn’t happen.
    Trust me,
    I’m an expert at getting mad,
    and lashing out.

  19. The King- of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, Stick People and Ninja Master says:

    My recital is tonight so I’m making this quick.

    Nasuada is still being held captive. She tried to escape but the guards caught her and strapped her back down. Galbatorix stormed in angry and put a huge grub on her and it started eating her.

    Murtagh came in a few hours later and tried to heal the wounds, but the spells didn’t ease her pain. Nasuada asked him to let her off the slab. They were sitting together when I stopped.

    Eragon and Saphira are flying through the storm to get to the island of the Dragon Riders. Saphira is losing energy and Glaedr is doing all he can to keep her in the air.

    That’s what I read. I will finish up blogging this week tomorrow with the final five minutes.


  20. bravo on your poem maf!!! anyway, I started reading this autistic book about this girl who had autism wrote the book. I’m the beginning, it talks about autism and how it effects xhildren. people with autism cannot lie, cheat. this case works for most people with autism but changes for someone with a bipolar disorder or something lile that. it also goes into detailsabout all the things an autistic child need to grow up and become somewhat independent. the book was acually extremely good and I very much injoyed what I was able to read. bye!!!!

  21. Waz up my peeps?this is my it from my iPod, so this is basically a journal that is daring to be different (sorry Maybelline, it’s my saying now!!!! *evil laugh*). Right now, I’m going to do a creative poem.


    It’s like a curvy road.
    Many twists and turns.
    Sometimes, you run into people (no pun intended).
    You have to be careful, or you’ll veer off the path.
    You’ll become with something over there, and mess up your ride.
    You are equipped with your car, you can’t keep getting new ones.
    Your car is your car, you’re stuck with it.
    Life is rough, just like a windy road.

  22. I’m reading Taken by Edward Bloor. I’m to the part where charity is going to kid to kid day and they are handing out clothes for the kids in the mangroves in exchange for the villagers tornada dolls that mean that whoever has one will be paid back for their good doings someday. Then something goes wrong because the village kids are offended by the highlands kids thinking they’re better off than them. The mangrove kids start pretending like they’re slapping the highland kids and saying stuff about them in a different language. The highland kids are told to get on the bus immediately. After they take off the village kids start throwing hardback books back at the bus.
    There’s ten minutes for today

  23. I’m home sick today. Like…really sick. AND GUESS WHAT IS WEIRD?! Usually I do All my blogs on Monday, and on the last week of blogs ever (yes, ever for me because I am not going to columbiana next year, maybe Riverchase or oak mountain..) and I do mine all on THursday.
    Finished Insurgent, so here I will sum it up: (20mins in one blog) (oh yeah)

    Tris decoded to side with Marcus so she could do the right thing and save the data because the faction less and dauntless were out to destroy it. Trips was with CHristina, Marcus, some erudite kid, anther erudite kid, (spoilers alert she died), and that is it. OOPS and FErnando. (That erudite kid who dies) so when thy come to the erudite compound there are candor mind controlled people guarding the place. None of them were divergent, and they shot EVERYTHING in sight at the slightest amount of movement. Tris hatched a plan. They crawled through the window of a building and found a ladder. They put the ladder between the two buildings and crawled by the ladder. Fernando fell on the way across and died cuz he was shot and killed and stuff. Yep grody!!! Then they ended up in a bathroom and walked into the erudite compound from that building. Christina got shot on the way to the lab and they left her behind. Don’t worry she was fine, just shot in the leg. (When u read this u get attached to that character) then cara left behind too. Tris and Marcus split up to find the lab. Marcus rent the wrong way, tris ended up in a simulation. She had five minutes to escape to the door or she would die. (Poison) there was a clone kind of thing in front of her fighting to keep her from getting into the door. She killed it and got through. Tori killed Jeanine and tris was accused of being a traitor. She was captured by the dauntless and Tobias showed the secret data to everyone.

  24. That book is AWESOME, I strongly recommend the Divergent series to anyone who likes to read. They are so hard to put down, and the dumb lady who writes them is mean. You know why? The third book doesn’t come out for 6 MONTHS. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

  25. I may or may not be at school tomorrow, I don’t know, so…

    20 minutes

    (Pretend this is a notecard in the basket on Friday. If you are mean go eat moldy waffles)

  26. Chapter 1: Corbo the Great Returns

    After a long time of the Corbo vs. Mayfeild war corbo decided to come home. As he returned he road in on a flying golden unicorn pony that he stole from mayfeild vault.
    “Good citizens of Corbotia I have come with great news. The war is over and mayfeild is ended.” Corbo announced. At least that’s what corbo thought. Corbo headed to his castle walking with swag. He sagged his pants and cocked his head at a 45 degree angle. When corbo entered the castle he noticed a gift basket sitting on the table in front of him. The basket had a card that read “Corbo, you may have won the war but you haven’t defeated me just yet!” corbo through the card down and yelled upstairs for his butler.
    “Craig get down here and make me some corbo juice!” corbo yelled.
    “Yes sir right away.” Craig ran down the stairs wearing a mad hatter hat and his mom’s tutu. Craig was excited to see corbo home with a brand new outfit given to him by the hello kitty god Angela.
    Corbo went over by the wall and pulled down a lever opening a elevator to corbo’s secret lair. Craig and corbo entered the elevator. “bum bu bub u bu bub.” The elevator music was getting on corbo’s nerves but he was to tired from walking into the elevator. The elevator spun around and a door opened with a Russian corbo voice saying “You may enter now baby.” Corbo booted up his 500” flat screen monitor connected to his super computer. In corbo’s Irish voice the computer said “Top of the mornin’ to ya. How can I help ya lady!” Corbo and Craig started flipping light switches and turning on air conditioners.
    “Hey Craig, can I ask you a question?” corbo said.
    “Sure thing my royal Hines” Craig said as corbo pulled out a pistol marked with the letters M-A-M-A-M-A-Y-F-E-I-L-D.

    – this is a sneak peek to the upcoming corbo vs mayfeild fan fiction

  27. Hey Mr. Mayfield,
    Today I read the beggining of Fake Mustache. So far the main character and his friends just went to the fair and the best friend is going to buy a fake mustache and a tuxedo. Once they got there they headed straight for the store or stand to buy a tuxedo.
    Once they got in the shop the owner started yelling at them and then he asked is he was a kid’s brother. The friend asked if he could buy a tuxedo and the guy said to go to the kids store. Then the friend said that he wanted a man tuxedo.
    That’s as far as I got. Peace out hommies.

  28. Well hello there. I just spent most of my blogging time going back and reading my old poems (yeah im THAT crazy person) so im going to have to do another poem because my blog time has been cut short. Sorry.


    My whole life is metaphorical,
    something will happen,
    and it means something totally different.
    My whole life is metaphorical,
    metaphorical brothers,
    metaphorical sisters.
    My whole life is metaphorical,
    nothing is what it seems,
    something always means something else,
    my whole life is metaphorical.

  29. The King- of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, Stick People and Ninja Master says:

    Five minutes left to blog this week. Here it is.

    Ok so Murtagh is going to help Nasuada escape. He doesn’t know how but he told Nasuada that he would do everything he can to help.

    He also warned her of what Galbatorix was planning on doing to her next. To Nasuada’s relief, he told her that he wouldn’t use the burrow grub again, but he’ll torture her by fiddling with her senses so she can’t tell what’s real and what’s fiction. Murtagh touched her mind so Nasuada could know what it feels like so he can warn her when he’s about to fiddle with her senses and when he’s stopped. After doing that, Galbatorix will directly enter her mind if all else fails.

    Meanwhile, I stopped reading where Eragon and Saphira have arrived at Vroengard Island.

    20 minutes. Bye

  30. Monday- I finished The Boy who Harnessed the Wind so this will be my last week to blog on it. I think it’s the last week that we can have homework, other than when teachers give you textbook study guides and nobody uses them. They sound like a robot or like Tyler spelling words in games. Anyway William got all of the parts for his big windmill except the generator. His friend knew that he needed it to finish the windmill so he stopped a guy and bought his bike dynamo right off his bike. William had the windmill put together the next day and all he had to do was test it. He took it out to a field with the help of his cousin and it spun. Then they made a tower for it out of blue gum poles and attached it. a crowd came before they could even test it but the first try it worked. The light bulb came on and everyone started asking questions.
    Tuesday- William didn’t have any more wire that was strong enough to wire his room but his friend bought a spool of that for him too. William would later pay him back for everything that he got for him. William wired the light bulb to his room and attached it. His whole family came in and stared at it for about an hour before they went to dinner. Then next week William had to keep putting the chain back on the gears and every time he turned the light on he got zapped. William fixed the zapping problem by making a simple switch. When the wind blew too hard, the wire would start a fire from all of the heat. William made a breaker box where a spring pulled off a wire to break the circuit. The box worked and everything was fixed except the chain.


  31. i personally believe that my whole life is quotes. That is what i live for… QUOTES!””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””””

    anyway i just realized that THIS week is the last week of journals when all this time i thought it was last week. woopee for me. so i have FOUR jounals. FOUR 🙁

    journal #1-creative

    amanda’s journal

    The war was deadly, me and jessie had seen grimacing sights. we were hospital nurses for the war between first block and fifth block. There were some bloody soldiers, i’ll say. Jessie and i were informed one day that we had a new patient. To our fate, it was a first blocker. Sadly, we tended with the best of care to a wounded ninja, will ro. after two months will was back in shape to defeat the evil fifth blockers. We are just waiting to see who comes next. As we care for the wounded, not only do we physically help them, they seem reassured when they return to fight the battle of first and fifth block. I must go, jessie is calling for assistance with an old patient of ours, annmarie, who i regret to inform you, cannot stop talking about waffles.

    BLOG #2

    amanda’s jounal

    today annmarie died in the hospital. We do still mourn her death, even if she was a fifth blocker. we gained another patient, who is a……………….
    fifth blocker. Anna seems to be wounded in a minor degree. It seems she will only need a couple of days to heal. i will see you later, anna is calling.

  32. Only 37 comments? Ussally there are 60-70 comments by now, what’s up?
    So I guess I’ll make it 38 blah-blah-blah, Seventh grade get to go to Six Flags tommorrow, it’s going to be awesome! Sorry sixth grade… You’ll get to go next year and blah, blah, blah, etc, etc.

  33. Wednesday- William put power boosters on his wire because the wire looses electricity through heat the longer the wire is. William also needed a new setup for his bike chain because his normal method of grabbing the windmill blades after the chain fell off failed when the piece of rubber broke and he cut his hand. His cousin worked at the maize mill and told him that a belt would help him and that they never came off. His first belt was a broken piece of rubber that a man used to tie down things on his bike. it was ok for a while but then his repair on the joint started to give him trouble. He finally just got a good belt and his windmill worked flawlessly. Many people had seen his windmill and someone got him back in school. This was the first time that he had been in school for a while so his was way behind. After that he went to conventions and toured the world for different things.
    Thursday- Creative- Before I start this, I just want to tell people to make their last words before they die “I hid the money in…” and just leave their family hanging, especially if you have a greedy uncle. Now this is my creative for the week. I was going through my grandfather’s old junk when i found his old bible. It looked really thick but at that time I was more concerned about moving everything out and getting ready to sell his house. Later that day we found a door in his basement, but no one had a key for it. Once again, we just thought it was an old closet or something so we pushed a bookshelf in front of it so that buyers wouldn’t ask about it. My son was reading his great-grandfather’s bible and he turned the last page to a little slot with an old key. That explains why it was so thick and heavy. He didn’t tell us for about a month but him and his cousin knew exactly what it was. They snuck into the house after the new owners were in it and moved the bookcase. The old room was a mine shaft so they naturally went down it, like and kid would.


  34. Heyo my people! So getting really excited about tomorrow at the writing fieldtrip tomorrow! So I need to do 15 min tonight so here goes…

    An idea
    An action
    A feeling.
    But above it all you can write a…
    What is a quote?
    It’s life it’s everything, it me and its you!
    It’s dogs and cats.
    Armadillos and rats.
    It’s cars and planes.
    And rain.
    Even this,
    This poem is a quote!
    This blog this world is all a quote.
    So quote on and
    Quote night!!

  35. So, once again, my blog got deleted.

    I am reading mocking jay. Katniss passed her training to go to the Capitol to fight. She was assigned to squad 451 which was snipers. (excuse poor grammar). The squad was made up of Katniss gale leeg 1 and leeg 2 Boggs Jackson and some others. They went to the Capitol mainly to shoot propos but ran into trouble. Boggs stepped on a mine and lost his legs and a lot of blood. He made Katniss the new squad leader. Then one squad member got caught in a barbed wire net. A large black tar like stuff rise up from the ground. Then peeta went coo cow and tried to kill Katniss again. The team had to lock him in a closet of an abandoned house. Then they discovered that the tar like stuff was giving off fumes.

    That’s as far as I’ve gotten so far.

    Good bye

  36. Watching tv and blogging . Darren and harkat are traveling with the cirque to relax.while traveling they encounter a small boy.the small boy(don’t know how to spell his name)was watching the and figuring out about what they are doing.Darren seems to like the boy so he give him a ticket for tomorrow nights show.when every thing was ready and people started to enter they don’t see the boy.but Darren meets his old friend tommy and tommy invites Darren to watch his soccer game.while watching R.V. And Morgan come out of the tunnel and shiv tommy in the chest leaving him to bleed out on the floor.In rage Darren runs after Morgan and R.V. ,but is soon to find Steve out there and the small boy . Before Darren can speak the small boy says “shoot now dad ” then pulled the trigger of the cross bow and let a bolt fly through the air into Darren’s shoulder.

  37. I’m reading coming back stronger by Drew Brees. I’m to the part where Drew is playing and they are trying to win a game that could wad them to the rose bowl. They have won the first few but they have a tough team to go against the next game. To start off the game they are losing by five or six after the other team scores a touchdown. Drew us really upset with himself and then he realized it that he couldn’t just give up or they would lose for sure. He decided that no matter what he would try to the best of his abilities. They were running a play with four options. The first and second were normally the ones that were best to throw to. The third option was sometimes used but the fourth was never used. The first try he messed up and it was second and ten but he saw the first, second, and third were all covered the next time but the fourth wasn’t in that instant he let go of the ball for a winning touchdown.

  38. Waz up my peeps? Tonight, I’m going to decribe the little bit I read in “The Name of This Book is Secret”.

    Cass goes back to school, and sees the couple from the magician’s house (Dr. L., and somebody else, his wife it is) talking to the principal, asking about enrolling their child. Cass knew that they had no children, or she believed so, and knew that they might be spying on Cass and or Max-Earnest. Cass followed them out, and saw them get into a limo. To her suprise, Cass actually saw a child inside the limo.

    Earlier that morning on the bus, Cass was examining the magician’s notebook. She was trying to figure something out about it using the clue she had gotten earlier, “UNDERNEATH”. Cass found out that the pages were folded over themselves, and that all of the writing was “underneath”. She wanted to read it, but hesitated. She knew that Max-Earnest would make a HUGE deal about it if Cass had read it without him. Cass didn’t read it, and talked it over with Max-Earnest in study hall.

    As they began reading, the magician’s words indicated that you are pretty clever if you were to be reading the message. It was a good accomplishment, no normal person could decode something, and then figure out that the writing was on the opposite side of the pages-inside that is.

    The magician is obviously very cautious about who reads his writing. It seems though that he knew someone like Cass would come along. It semms like he designed a master plan, err… scavenger hunt for whoever was adventurous enough to take that challenge.

    That was my journal, excited about Write In The Middle tomorrow, looking forward to it!

  39. mon- this week i started and finished among the imposters. it was the secong book in the among the hidden series. luke is given a fake ID and sent to hendricks school for boys as Lee Grant. at the school luke meets a kid he calls jackle boy (A.K.A Jason). this “jason” kid tells luke that he is a hidden child and that is ok to admit that luke is one too.

    tues- after about two weeks of hanging out with jason and his other friends luke becomes accustomed to having friends. every once and a while the boys would sneak out of the indoctrination and go meet up with some girls from harlows school of girls. these girls are also hidden children.

    weds- one time luke is asleep and he is awakened by a door opening in his dorm. he waits about five minutes then starts to look out the door. before he decides to leave he turns around and sees that jason and lukes beds are the only ones that are empty. luke decides to take his textbook with so if he gets caught he can just say hes studying.

    thurs- luke creeps down some stairs and he hears wispering. luke knew he heard jason talking but he didnt know to whom he was talking. luke kinda felt left out because he thought that jason was planning for the rally without him. then he turned the corner and saw jason talking into a phone. he heard jason tell the man that he knew of four kids for sure. then he said that no one knew he was working for the population police.

  40. The King- of Dinosaurs, Birds, Sea Anemones, Armadillos, Snakes, Stick People and Ninja Master says:

    Mr. Mayfield

    Blogged 20 minutes

  41. Not cool, Fred, notecard thing was my idea. :-[
    Soo I’m in science right now. Yeah I’m done with everything so I broke out the tablet.
    Since I will probably never blog again, I will write a song (singbit like the waffle song) on all the weird blogs that I remember:
    Do you like waffles?
    Yes, I like waffles.
    Do you like bacon?
    Anna does!!! ♥
    Do you write weird poems about dinosaurs?
    Fred does!!!
    Do you re-name yourself as ‘the queen’?
    AnnMarie does!!!
    Do you write many poems about a phoenix and a ghost and stuff?
    Will does!
    Do you do every blog on Thursday?
    Many 7th and 8th graders do!
    Do you write cheesy poems?
    We all know eho does!
    Do you write stories about middleaged cage foghters?
    Andrew does!
    Do you love bacon?
    ANNA DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I know that didn’t fit the waffle song or rhyme or anything, but hey, its sciene class right now.

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