another year, another liberty day sack full of candy and beads:)

again, fred, marvelous job

billy, I appreciate the taunting of the Georgia runner:)

and annmarie, thanks for, um, NOTHING!!!

“the sports gene” – great book for my athletes and budding scientists – the author, a runner (so you can trust him), looks at how genetics, DNA, affect sporting performance – everything from sprints to jumps to throws to long runs – very interesting, informative, and didn’t make me run faster this weekend, but I now know why:)

“11 Rings” by phil Jackson – former Bulls and Lakers coach – story of all 11 NBA championships he led – classic book for me on how to motivate people – obviously with me, it’s teaching – several things Jackson talked about I can do with my kids this year – and I told that to several teachers I taught Wednesday and I think they only thing they learned from my presentation was to go buy that book:)

“Playing with a Purpose: Football” by Yorkey – story of football players in the NFL and their faith – this book is similar to the other books Yorkey’s done, funny how that works that way, but this one is also very different from them – Yorkey blends in more personal asides which make the book funnier, also more insightful when he follows the Chargers’ chaplain the weekend of the Chiefs’ tragedy this year – obviously, with Aaron Hernandez in the news, the NFL and its players have problems, and Yorkey’s book highlights the good that goes on

hope everyone has a great fourth – to follow up Liberty Day, I’m off to Oak Mountain to run in a race up and down the Mountain – 8.2 miles of fun…


13 thoughts on “another year, another liberty day sack full of candy and beads:)”

  1. Actually it was hack at golfballs and hope i get less than double par probably not but if so FIRST

  2. sorry fred – late – good that you weren’t at the park this morning – the post rain made the humidity a bit rough…

    lots of candy still out there for takers – I even saw a sock – I totally don’t remember those being thrown… 🙂

  3. Youngest in my “cabin” and one of three from the southeast ( florida, tennessee) 2 others are from scotland. The last from freds favorite country (dramtic pause) Austrailia

  4. Correction 2 from down under and im the only boy as far as i know of. I hope nothing gets crazy. 😉

  5. if it does, call the camp counselor:)
    just make sure you have the remote to the TV in the cabin or else you’ll be watching chic flicks the whole time…

    sounds fun though – keep me posted

  6. But if you get stuck watching chick flicks, it might be good dating practice. Being able to survive a chick flick. That’s a skill for life 🙂

  7. Sorry. Typo.

    I have to go to summer camp for a full week next week. Can I do that week’s worth this weekend? I leave Sunday.

    I’ve been reading a ton.

    Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets- finished yesterday- Harry hears a voice in the wall which in the end happens to be a gigantic snake, which he kills because it’s been petrifying students and a ghost. Turns out that this happened fifty years before, and then and now it was Lord V*******t…. (couldn’t say the name because of all the youngsters who are afraid of it) and Harry stops him from regaining power a second time.

    Around the World in Eighty Days- Good start- page 19 and the journey has already started. Phileas Fogg has wagered twenty thousand pounds (seriously, what is up with this guy and 20,000 🙂 ) to go around the world within eighty days and return to the Reform club before his time is up. Passepartout is not pleased, due to his desire of settling down and not bustling about, and in the hurry forgets to turn off the gas in his room.

    Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban- started today as well- page 158, absolutely love the series, even when I’m reading it for the fifth time- and Harry has blown up his aunt, fainted from a dementor, ridden a hippogriff, met a boggart, and resisted the impulse to kill Draco Malfoy countless times. And I’m not even halfway through the book. I started it after lunch- I don’t think I’ll be finishing it before tomorrow, although that would be a pleasant thought. After that one I’ll have approximately 1600 pages on my reading log when the time comes to return to school in August. That’ll be a great start for the silent auction 🙂

    Hope you guys are having a great summer. I spent today hiking to a waterfall and saw a snake, which we agitated by throwing rocks at because it was playing dead and when it did, my brother nearly wet his pants. Wonderful day.

    Shame it rained- I was thinking about to the 500 club today. Also glad it didn’t because I wouldn’t be so far into Harry Potter 🙂


  8. Plus mafeld you said it counted as journel a couple days before school let out

  9. billy, sarcasm… please, i’m fully aware I okayed campnanowrimo – otherwise, you’d have a lot of fred-type blogs to makeup:)

    happy barbeque day

  10. Fogg arrives 5 minutes late and his friends forgot he exsisted so he didnt have to pay the money for the bet

  11. I must be on a roll, with my book completion count rising to five, due to my finishing of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. It must’ve been a record for me, finishing the book in approximately 28 hours.

    The rest of the book contained Harry winning the Quidditch match against Ravenclaw with his new Firebolt, the best broomstick in the world. Before he could use it however, it had to be stripped down for jinxes, since the public was very aware that Sirius Black may have sent the broom in an attempt to kill Harry.
    Everyone thought that this was impossible, since Black was supposedly poor and didn’t have the money to buy such an expensive broomstick. However, in the end of the match, Malfoy and a couple of his friends dressed up as dementors, and Harry produced a Patronus, which impresses everyone, even though it wasn’t a true Patronus.

    Exams were also in the second half of the book. Harry passed every exam, and his best marks were in Defense Against the Dark Arts, which he got full marks in, something nobody else accomplished, not even Hermione, who had a breakdown in front of the Boggart, which assumed the shape of Professor McGonagall informing her that she had failed everything. The weirdest exam of all, in Harry’s opinion, was the Divination exam, where Professor Trelawny actually made a real prediction, and it wasn’t a pleasant one either. She predicted that the Dark Lord’s most faithful servant would set out to join him again and bring him back to full power.

    Buckbeak and Hagrid lost the appeal, which meant that Buckbeak would be executed at the end of the day, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione go and visit him, where Hermione finds Scabbers, who had been missing for awhile. But then the Minister and the executioner, with Dumbledore with them, approach the hut, they must leave, and soon, Buckbeak is executed.

    At that moment, Scabbers escapes Ron’s grasp and escapes for the Whomping Willow, where Ron finally catches him, and then Sirius Black shows up, in the shape of a dog, and takes Ron under the Whomping Willow. Harry and Hermione follow, and then Professor Lupin shows up, and the truth about Sirius Black is revealed. Scabbers is actually a rat named Peter Pettigrew, the wizard that betrayed Lily and James Potter to Lord V*******t, which resulted in their death.

    Harry also finds his true Patronus, saving himself, Hermione, and Sirius from hundreds of dementors. It is a stag, the form of James Potter when he took his Animagus form.

    20 minutes for this week. Peace out.


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