and so it was all just a big game full of blowing up alien starships…

happy first week!!!

no bailey, no journals first week – just a ton of paperwork – and i’m sorry for that as well – but there is good news for my eighth grade – and some of my seventh grade – which i’ll try to announce tomorrow if I remember

“driven” by Donald driver – green bay packer and dancing with the stars great – book about his life – from homelessness to super bowl to DWTS fame – great encouraging read – very recommendable for my middle school guys

“(something), girls, and dangerous pie” – third BOB – I can’t remember the first word – it might even be girls – I remember the dangerous pie part – anyway, so I read that one in a day – that was the good part – the bad? well, let’s say it’s serious – seems to be a trend in this year’s list

“ender’s game” – fourth BOB – so I have one to go – this one took a while – and I really can’t write much on this one except to say that i’m curious – out of all the books – how this one is received – it’s a good book for adult gifted teachers, i’ll say that – and it is going to be a movie soon – but if you’re one for language, this one won’t sit well with you…

happy first day – everywhere


54 thoughts on “and so it was all just a big game full of blowing up alien starships…”

  1. actually, I think you’ll like enders game the most – it’s really long – has the most to it – it’s really an adult book – which is why I think you’ll like that part of it – and you’re right about drums – side note, it’s hard to write a “fun” book about a five-year-old with leukemia

  2. Ugh, I finally thought I could get first comment. But of course BILLY out of anyone beats me to it. I feel so ashamed ๐Ÿ™

    Yeah, I CANT BELIEVE SCHOOL IS TOMORROW!!!! I can’t wait, AND *mwah ha ha ha ha* you have to deal with me and my sleepy self in the morning in 1st block.

    Hehe bye!!!

  3. I don’t really like action movies/books. To tell you the truth, I HATED the hunger games. I didn’t even want too see the movie. By tge way we should get resources from NAQT, that is the one they use at district for worksheet.

  4. I have a locker next to Shelby ๐Ÿ™

    Yes, thatโ€™s a bad thing.

    See you at school guys.


  5. SEE YOU ALL AT SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ITโ€™S FINALLY HERE AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. My shirt won’t impress you as much as it did last year. Bring on the mixed bell schedule and sixth graders.
    Things not to do in mafeld’s class
    1. Ask to go to the bathroom every 5 minites
    2. Stupid stuff
    3. Draw unicorns
    4. Be a hater of scholars bowl

  7. Mr.Mayfield random sixth-grader is Keaton Abernathy(don’t post this on the blog!)

  8. Jeez itโ€™s the first day and heโ€™s put in more comments than Shelby had all last year. Over achiever sixth grader. What are ya gonna do with them? ๐Ÿ™‚


  9. overachieving??? HA

    I couldn’t even get them on the right buses – and that’s ALL we did

    sheesh, it was like their first day to ride a bus… ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. now i’m the god of certain type of jellyfish and lions this is so cool

  11. MWAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA I now rule everything!

  12. Brandon, no Greek gods. sorry I don’t think your grade can handle it. Anyone in band want to swap schedules with me? I have a year with sixth graders HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP! plus ya’ll got to play with buzzers I heard the king dominated (sorry other team, next time pull me out of math to neutralize him:))

  13. Great now I have to share the Most Blogs in One Day award with a Keaton mini-me. No offense,

  14. wait did I say no offense, I meant to say please take offense. and you to the rest of the sixth grade ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. Well on my first day I couldnโ€™t even FIND the blog. ๐Ÿ™‚

    And kept asking myselfโ€ฆ. What are these weirdos doing in here? (Shelby and Wilsonville)

  16. Anna Carden Queen of BACON from 6th grade yep I'm not at Colombiana yep I'm at Riverchase Yep I am posting for no reason says:

    HELLOOOOO fellow 7th graders in the class of Mayfield which I have left to go to the other gifted teacher, who is Mrs.Craw-something.
    I stink at names…:’O
    ANYWAYS, yea, YOU SHALL NEEEEVER ESCAPE MY LONG AND REPETITIVE AND LONG AND BACON-ISH BLOGS!!! Well that statement made no sense whatsoever. And AnnMarie (Didn’t say AnnMarue! Well, now I did. HA. I forgot the poo. Neeevermind) since you are the only breakfast person left you must make sure Fred never finds a way to control ‘dah bacon. That’s MINE. Even at Riverchase! ๐Ÿ˜€
    And ya-know-what? EMILY should have told everyone ‘Hi’ for me…maybe I forgot to tell her that…
    AAnyways, I am trying to make this blog LONG to keep up my ‘Long-Blog-Anna’ reputation…
    O, and I actually forgot a lot of school stuff already because summer makes my brain turn into oatmeal. No it is not flavored. Aaaanyways I’ll cime back after that first-week-review.
    ~Queen ooof BACON

  17. Anna Carden Queen of BACON from 6th grade yep I'm not at Colombiana yep I'm at Riverchase Yep I am posting for no reason says:

    Ignore the repetitive letters and typos my keyboard is stupid

  18. Brandon i am definitly not going to try for the most blogs in a day (until summer.) im ready to start my lego video. Anyone gunning for it, it is 14 i counted.

  19. Mr. Maf,

    My mom will be sending an E-mail shortly. But this week are we finishing our easy-y thingys about the summer reading? Because if so do you want me to make them up over the weekend or in class? (so you make sure i dont cheat or plagiarize or whatever teachers want to call it these days) Because if i make them up over the weekend i can blog them, write them, e-mail them, I will do anything as long as i dont fail. That is NOT happening.

    (This will all make since when you get the e-mail)

  20. annMarie,
    we have the exciting code of conduct today, we have a library visit tomorrow, so right now, i’d ideally like to get an 80 days quiz in at some point – but it may be friday – remind me friday with a blog if you think of it and i’ll update you – without you, of course, the class will struggle so we may not cover anything:)

    speedy recovery wishes


  21. If 1st block is in right now tell them i said “Heyyyyyyy” and “What day is it???”

    “HUMP DAY!!!!!” *manly voice*

  22. I am in Mrs Crawford’s class now. Haad a messded up schedule and wasn’t in GIFTED. ๐Ÿ™ Butw its alllll good now. O yea when I told Mrs Crawford I was from Colombiana she said she knew u Mr mayfield.
    I am not going to fix the typos, gotta walk my doggir, but I officially hate autocorrext my phone and the dumb keyvoard

  23. I LOVE ms. Crawford – she’s my bestest friend in the gifted department

    it’s pretty bad w/o you here though – Emily has totally forgotten how to be a stalker (shudder)

  24. Wait so i write 15 questions and answers about Crash. And 15 about Shakesspears secrets. What about 80 days

  25. Hi Mr. Mayfield!
    I finally figured out how to post a comment! Well, I’ll see you on Monday.

  26. I counted all of the books you read, but I’m not saying anything until Monday. I can’t wait for school to start again! Well, I’m out of school for not even a day and I miss being in school. Anyway, I’ll see you on Monday!

  27. Oh no!! I repeat, oh no!! The sixth graders have found the blog!!! Us seventh graders have to sick together. I repeat, stick together!!! We have to keep our reining king and queen forces together and fight for our posts!!!!! Prepare your armies for misspellings, unfunny jokes, and people who are shorter than us.

    – Said by and awesome seventh grader

  28. I’m starting a list of things I’l do ‘When Monday Comes’ I believe it starts with
    “I’ll endure another torturous 40 minutes in Mr. Mayfield’s class” and “Enjoy another LOVELY school lunch.” ๐Ÿ™‚

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