the battle for blog supremacy begins among the grade levels…

ah, I love a good battle – although, it’ll be unfair at first with the sixth grade basically writing “I write pretty – and mr. Mayfield is mean to me – and I can read big picture books!!!”

yeah, i’m thinking “the talk” about actually posting content vs. just random whatever will take a while to sink in – for some – obviously, there are at least two already that probably could survive schs English – except for the grammar part…

oh, I started my corbo story today – part II – before the first graders came in and I went brain dead…

“the last watch of the night” – high school BOB – should be a middle school BOB – would work well – anyway, it’s in our library – highly recommendable to you – the POV thing is pretty good – even though I can’t stand titanic b/c it reminds me of a very very bad movie:)

“the best American sports writing: 2013” – wow, what a book – great for middle school boys – my middle school boys – and good for the girls as well – like all top selection books, there are things that my kids will like more than others, but just some great writing in there – great writing selections that we’ll even look at in class – b/c as the editor says at the beginning (in paraphrase), we write about sports because it lets us write about life

I know, you thought band was life… well, YOU’RE WRONG!!!


102 thoughts on “the battle for blog supremacy begins among the grade levels…”

  1. That did NOT just happen! Ugh 6th graders :/

    I have a question, will i get in trouble if my essay is longer than “3/4ths-to-1-page”??

    1. My writing is pretty big
    2. My mind has too many things to say

  2. some sixth graders rock – okay, maybe three rock

    the rest are still trying to write the “ultra tough” essay from Friday about how their summer reading book addresses change

  3. Sixth graders… Congrats.

    Bazinga! Hahhahahahahahhahahhahaaha

    Only someone who watches the Big Bang Theory would know that.

    Hope to see little sixth graders at their first dance. They grow up so fast.


  4. Haha I remember that essay….

    Sarah Bosshart is one of those rocking sixth graders right? Yep, that’s what I thought. She is AWESOME!


  5. Speaking of essays… I need to discuss the 80 days essay with you. I wasn’t clear with my point on how 80 days is considered a classic and would like very much if I could clear some stuff with it… I don’t think starting off the year with a low grade is very appealing. 🙂

  6. Haha dem 6th graders just got told!! Haha BOOM!!!

    Please answer my question….

  7. queen – I e-mailed – you’re fine

    fred – you’re probably fine as well – but you’re still welcomed to tell me what you wanted to clear up – I thought your original idea “it should be a classic b/c there are great movies about it” was a good idea… 🙂

    and as for the dance, surely you know marching band will be forbidden to come – they always are…

    as for me, I’ve got my 1D shirt out – and ready to rock

    and sarah b is totally not in the cool crowd

  8. Sarah is a trumpet player, and band people are definitely cool.

    Trumpet players unite!;-)

  9. I just finished my daily trumpet practice, now on to summer reading questions. I love homework and extra credit work! 🙂

  10. All sixth grader are uncool, trust me. The only cool ones would have to trumpet players (Fred, back me up on this). Congrats to the little sixth grader who was first, but us seventh graders shall never, ever give up. Mwah hahahahaha. Peace out!

  11. Almost forgot. The scholar bowl questions for our summer reading, we are supposed to do that for all of the books except “80 days” right? (Crash, star girl, and Shakespeare’s secret)

  12. Listen you don’t have to blog multiple times little 6th graders to be the “best grade on the blog” you have to say funny (oh no that word scares yall doesnt it) stuff and be smart like us 7th graders. Okay we might not be the SMARTEST (no Mayfield student is, we are all obviously in this class for help) but we are funny. Or at least the 7th grade is…*burn*

  13. Mr. Mayfield, if I read all of the books how many books do I need to do questions on? For the summer reading books, I mean. Thanks!

  14. Can we all just agree Billy’s life is pretty topsy-turvy at this point? He is a seventh grader in 8th grade math, in a 6th grade gt class, and flirts with the sixth graders-please don’t tell me I’m the only one that thinks this is a little crassy!!!

  15. Anyhoo, moving on from Billy’s “love life” I presume he calls it, I AM BLOGGING FROM THE IPAD IN MAFS CLASSROOM!!!!!! Yup. It’s pretty boss.

    So I’ve been reading a book I checked out from the library called “Summer Ball”. The main storyline is about kid named Danny Walker, who is n avid basketball player. His dad in fact, was an NBA point guard for the New York Knicks. He and his group of buddies all play travel basketball together, as do my friends and I. A lot of the characters I can compa to the personalities of people I really know. That is a way I believe that the author writes practical characteristics for his characters, which is GREAT.

  16. First of all why is everyone trashing the new sixth graders the other 7th graders last year didn’t do that top us on the blog that much so easy up a little.

    Book: Gathering Blue

    Author: Lois Lowry

    I have read up to page 111 and well I am not going to give a summary. The book is very interesting. I love the other and also his other works including “The Giver”. Well were I am now Kira has been visiting Annabella to learn how to die threads or else she can’t stay in the village or what ever they call it. Kira has made a new friend Thomas my prediction is that Kira and Thomas will end up dating or have more feelings than just friends. The false side of that is Kira has a twisted leg a birth defect to say it is a burden to her she can not walk on only lean on it and it aces and throbs like an elderly person with arthritis. Kira was kicked out of her home or her land. Kira’s home was burned down after her mother had gotten ill and passed away if someone is sick and dies their home is burned to minimize exposer. Kira’s land was need to build a pen for tykes and chickens and yes I mean both in the same pen they weren’t very clean. Well the peron who had come up with the idea was a women named Vandra she has never liked Kira and she was willing to kill for it other women to she was willing to stone Kira to death. Vandra is after Kira after she was spared from death the villagers believe that there are beast in the woods. When Kira goes to learn the about dyeing from Annabella she says that there was ab east who followed her but there are no beast said Annabella only people I think Vandra is planning on ambushing Kira or doing something to her. Kira also needs blue to finish the singer’s robe witch is basically royal and she dose not know how to make blue but some people down east know how to make it and have blue but it is a long journey and kira might not be able to make it because of her leg but I think she will try to make it and take the journey the author makes it unclear as if its a mystery but if she is desperate enough I think she will until 2morrow 🙂

  17. Hello everyone, I know you’ve missed me. I can’t WAIT to read those little 6th graders first blogs. I bet none of them could beat MY first blog. Back then i didn’t get off topic as much as i do now, i didnt have intros or endings and my blogs were super long. Haha and now look at me, my blogs pretty much just look like poop in comparison to my old blogs. Sadly today i am going to do a poem, i promise i wont go back to that stage where i only posted poems and then they got all crappy. I read a book, but to me i didint read enough of it for it to be blog worthy. I mean knowing me i could probably hold out 2 sentences and make is a whole paragraph, BUT i dont feel like is. Sowy

    Poem time (dont you remember when i used to say that??):

    Okay, I like you, flat out,
    I’ll say it, I’ll scream it to the world.
    Wait, do I like you?
    Or is my heart just playing games again?
    I hate when it does that.
    I really just don’t know what I think anymore,
    I thank you for being so patient with me and my dissensions.
    But I do like you, a lot.
    I guess I’m just afraid.
    I’m such a wimp when it comes to this.
    I don’t know what to say,
    I guess I’ll just say this:
    I like you, but that scares me,
    because every time I’ve liked some one it never works out.

    Alrighty, I’m done blogging. I guess I’m alittle rusty from over the summer. (I came on here over the summer, what am I talking about?) I just have stuff on my mind. Sooooo….I don’t know if im going to the dance, but i think i will just to see all the little 6th graders hop around like grasshoppers. I’ll be back on here soon to judge all the little peasants (anyone who isnt a king or queen, *cough cough*, I’ll be the first to state aloud, that is a this year, us, my grade classes thing) who blog (8th graders, 6th graders, any 7th grader who hasnt claimed a thing to rule over yet)

    Peace Out Homies!!! ✌

  18. so i am reading the broker and so far all that has happened is that the president pardons a killer under one condition that he move out of the country and that he changes his name and is never to be seen in the united states again. But what the kill don’t know is that he will be killed three years after he arrives were ever he is going to. -COLT

  19. Dang! Sixth graders are going to take over the blog, AGAIN! but Rachel if your saying trumpets unite, does that apply to me as well being in Eighth Grade? oh yeah and who in the blue is Willyum the Baller because if thats Will M…

  20. I’m going to blog what I read rather than writing it down. Because this is my first time blogging for class work, it might be bad.
    Book Title: “Nine Days A Queen”
    Author: Ann Rinaldi
    Lady Jane Gray was the cousin of Mary Tudor, Elizabeth Tudor, and King Edward VI. So far, King Henry VIII has died and left the throne to Edward. His widow married Thomas Seymour, and died giving birth to a child. Thomas Seymour was accused of building an army to take over the throne, and beheaded, under his brother’s order. Thomas Seymour’s brother Edward, is Lord Protector over King Edward VI and rules in the boy’s stead until he is old enough. (At this time, young King Edward is about 12.) That’s all I’ve read so far!

  21. I am reading My Life as a Stuntboy it is about a kid named Derek and his best friend Matt. I have not gotten to far into the book because this is my first blog. They got a male teacher they had never had a male teacher and they had allways wanted one then Mr Maroni’s [the teacher] dad died and is moving to Cincinnati to take care of his mom, so they got their old kindergarten teacher Ms. McCoddle. They were so disappointed. They where afriad that she would embarass them, but it turns out she acts like they are not even their.

  22. I am reading Hells Guest, by Glenn Frazier who joined World War Two when he was only 16, and at that time you had to be 21. The main conflict in the book is that col Glenn Frazier was captured by the “japs” as he likes to call the Japanese. He has to do a death march in which there is much killing and walking. He walked about five or six days without any water or food. The japs would kill them if they got water or food. Many of the people in the march died before they reached their destination. The japanese would kill them for doing no harm at all. When they got to the camp they were but in cells and were made to work with little food to survive let alone work all day long.

  23. Yep, you’re right Will. Billy should have stayed off the football field until half-time with the band, Right?

  24. That was a totally unrelated comment, just had a very long conversation and my mind drifted… unless. Willyum the Baller is Billy!

  25. SHOUT OUT 🙂 to Mr. Mayfield! Loved your shirt and how you sang the song and quick question. Where you the one that requested the song” Solja Boy”? Now I am not going to do my usual book thesis but I am going to write a Poem and in the famous words of are Awesome Queen ” Poem Time”. The poem I write today is dedicated to the Dance we had today. I hope the sixth graders enjoyed it :). The sixth graders and the dance are the soul, roots, and inspiration for this poem (sniff, sympathetically wipe tear away) don’t feel left out your ARE HERE!!

    Standing on the side lines looking, waiting
    Trying to find someone to talk to getting your own “Crew” so to speak
    If you choose to dance you will but it will be simple or you will go all out
    Slow dances are awkward even if you are dancing with someone
    People go back to grade school when they see two people dancing together
    Different types of music genres circling throughout the air
    Seeing how people are learning there personalities
    Looking around observing but not interfering or joining
    An aurora of colors spreading on a screen
    Laughter and Screams lurk
    The vibrations from the bass of the speakers spread through the air
    Songs pick up in the volume and beat
    Songs start to hop genres and pop back
    People broken off into little clicks some rotate and others grow larger
    Crowd gathers at the front heart of the dance beats rapidly and never stops until the end ( of the dance)
    People say goodbye
    They walk out into the sunlight and realized they had fun 🙂

  26. I started off the year with an easy book because i couldn’t find a hard one in the library that I liked. I might read Tom Sawyer when I finish this book.The easy book is called The Enemy by Charlie Higson. It starts with in passive voice which I know you aren’t supposed to do but I do it all the time when I write so I shouldn’t be telling other people what to do. There is a third person omniscient narrator but there are a few main characters. Small Sam is playing outside in the courtyard of the grocery store with some other kids because they get bored easily. A grown up climbs the wall and kidnaps him. All of the people over 16 broke out with a sickness that makes them like zombies. Their bodies start to decay and their brains turn to mush. Some kids took refuge in the grocery stores that their parents went to in London becuse they were smart enough to go towards food. Waitrose is the main grocery store/base camp in the book but there is another one and some kids just wonder around in groups. Sam is actually still alive and fights the grown ups but his friends and sister don’t know that so they give up. their leader is Arran and he comforts everybody if he can.


  27. The kids have to fight grown ups so that they don’t get captured and killed. Archilleus was the best fighter and could have been the leader but he wanted to take in the fame when he killed grown ups without having to make tough decisions. He used a spear that he made out of a ground stake for his main weapon and he had a wooden tool handle if he needed it. There were two gothic kids that arrived at the store and they were engineers. They rigged up a door and speaking tubes to communicate throughout the building. The kids had made a crows nest on the roof to for lookout and there were two kids who practically lived on the roof. Maxie was second-in-command and most of the little kids loved her. She liked Arran but she didn’t know that he liked her too. That is important later in the story. Small Sam is put in a bag and when he is put down and the grown ups got to sleep, he breaks out and finds a lighter and a butterfly hair pin. When the grownups chase and corners him, he lights one’s beard on fire and the whole sports arena burns down because of it.


  28. Soooo! I didn’t do my blog yesterday so I need to do it today! And today’s blog to, unfortionally. Or I might just do that knew thing you told us we could do. So I am reading 2 books,Imagioanlis and The Truth About Forever. So Imagioanlis I read it last year but I only got to read half of it so I’m just going to read the whole thing again so I can remember everything. Ok so Mehera she is reading this series of Imagioanlis and she had to do this book report and she did the fourth book of the series. And this miss know it all says that she had already done that book because she had already done other books in the series the past years. So she finishes the book report and the bell rings. So grabs her things and heads for the bus. Her friend Celeste is on this excercise kick so she walked home, and Mehera would usually walk home with her but she didn’t want to today. And honestly that’s all I can think of right now but you know I think of it later!!!!!!! And now I shall go do that other journal! Yeppppppppiiiiii!!!,

  29. Well i just typed my whole funny intro, talking about how Mr.Maf scared the fart outta me today, and it all got deleted. So now i have to redo my blog part and not my intro cause that takes long. And now im really pieced because i have to redo all of it, but to bad so sad AnnMarie. But its probably not going to be that fnnt because it WAS funny but now it cant be because i have to type this fasts and i dont have time to be funny

    Okay the book im reading is Stowaway by Karen Hesse. The main character is Nicholas Young and he has red hair (dont question it, it will be significant at one point) He paid 3 guys to stow him away and they bring him food and water and make sure he gets his exercise and all that stuff (they’re really nice guys, 1 of them dies later on, sorry i had to say that) He is hiding in the Pinnace (idk how to pronounce it but it looks like a cool word so yeah) The captain of the ship (boat, whatever) is really mean and yeah. One of the servant people finds him but he’s a nice guy and stuff so its all good bro, i mean he gave him food and everything (bribing to get friendship, always works) oh and FYI i forgot to tell you Nicholas ran away from his father and the “butcher” because his father doesnt give a rat patootie about him so he send him off to this mean butcher dude who hurts the poor kid a lot. but anyways the dad sent him to him [the butcher] so he [the butcher] could make him [the son] “a man”

    long story short Nicholas blacks out one day so the servant and one of the other people that knew about Nicholas take him to the i guess nurse’s office of the boat and this dude saves hi but the servant got hurt. So Nicholas uses the nursing skills his mom (dead) taught him and then the nurse dude gets him a job there and the captain meets him (not knowing he was a stowaway) and puts him to work and he ends up helping on the ship (boat, whatever)

    OKAY, THATS ALL!!! I feel really bad cause that was short and terrible, im really sorry, my first one was way better.

    Peace out homies!!

  30. Today on my life as a stuntboy Derek and his friend Matt met a nice man named Tony, he saw Derek walk up 5 flights of stairs on the hand rails. When he saw that he told them who he was. Tony is a pro stunt produser. He also gave Derek his card when that happend Matt got jealous and thought he sholud be in the movie instead of Derek. They are in a big fight and Derek had his first day on the set and it went very well but he is nervos for tomorroww when he is going to be on film. I wonder what is going to happen.

  31. So apparently I have someone posing as me…which might I add is pretty creepy.


    Get off your couch.
    Get in your bed.
    I’d rather go to sleep early tonight,
    then be groggy tommorow morning.
    In a perfect world, we wouldn’t have to get up
    for such endeavors.
    We would sleep in, and…well…get fat.
    This however, is not reality.
    This reality we live in pushes us to get up to
    get an education to provide for our future
    I see no problem in that.
    By the time I’m up in the morning
    Mafeld has been running for a while,
    my dad is at work, as with other adults everywhere.
    Besides, whenever we start our day, we forget about
    the morning anyways, right?
    (I actually reflect back to breakfast when I’m starving
    wondering “Why didn’t I finish that bacon?!?!?!)

  32. SUP FELLOW MAYFIELDERS !!! 🙂 I am going to blog about my book and these chapters are dramatic , and leave you wondering makes me wish the book was longer( everyone knows that doesn’t happen often).

    Book: Gathering Blue

    Author: Lois Lowry

    Turn out I was wrong Kira didn’t make the trip Matt did he and his dog were kicked out of their house and kira had explained to matt days before what a gift was and he knew how badly she need the blue to finish the robe so him and his dog took an ” Adventure. Kira doesn’t know where the blue was and if she didn’t know how could matt possibly figure out. Kira had told Jameson that the old dyer AnnaBella had told her that there were no beast Jameson’s tone was mad and frustrated. Jameson told her that since the old dyer was elder that her mind was starting to wander but kira could tell that old woman’s mind hadn’t and she was sharp and showed no signs of her age catching up to her mentally. A day later the women was dead( FISHEY FISHEY!! -__- ). I think the woman knew something that they didn’t want to leak I think there are no beast and the only reason they say that is to keep people from leaving. Thomas also heard child crying and they discovered that it was a little girl no older than three they say her parents were both dead and that she could sing and sing. Ir seems to me people that have special talents there parents seem to die or are taken by best but know one has seen them if they say they have they are sketchy. They are killing people or taking away and spreading rumors so to speak saying they were taken or died of some weird sickness and then their home is burned down ( Ya that is totally normal). That’s all for know FOLKS 🙂 !!!!

  33. Today on my life as a stunt boy Derek got encouragement from Tony that helped Derek get rid of the butterflies in his stomach. Then when he got dressed in his outfit for the scene and happened to notice ‘Tanya Billings.’ She is a teen star. Derek and Matt think she is pretty, but then he sees that she is wearing the same outfit as him. He asks Tony why, and finds out that he is doing stunts for her!!! Then he begins to think and asks himself so I’m really a stunt girl! Derek is constantly checking to see if Matt had texted him. But he never did so he thought the only way to talk to him is to go to him. So he waits in his driveway for Matt to come home from school. When Matt gets home Derek is surprised to see a smile on Matt’s’ face. So they talk and when Derek tells Matt that he is doing stunts for a girl he burst out laughing and starts to text everyone Derek asks him why he is acting like this and walks of Matt yells, ” See you tomorrow stunt girl” that is all for today read tomorrow!

  34. I’m reading hells guest by Glenn Frazier. I’m to the part when Glenn has been in several camps because they keep moving. They force them to work but the POWs refuse to help them because they would be helping the other side, so they do work but they damage the machinery they’re working on so that they cannot use them. Hey also game them very little food so they stole raw beans and rice from the food the Japanese had stored.

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