the battle for blog supremacy begins among the grade levels…

ah, I love a good battle – although, it’ll be unfair at first with the sixth grade basically writing “I write pretty – and mr. Mayfield is mean to me – and I can read big picture books!!!”

yeah, i’m thinking “the talk” about actually posting content vs. just random whatever will take a while to sink in – for some – obviously, there are at least two already that probably could survive schs English – except for the grammar part…

oh, I started my corbo story today – part II – before the first graders came in and I went brain dead…

“the last watch of the night” – high school BOB – should be a middle school BOB – would work well – anyway, it’s in our library – highly recommendable to you – the POV thing is pretty good – even though I can’t stand titanic b/c it reminds me of a very very bad movie:)

“the best American sports writing: 2013” – wow, what a book – great for middle school boys – my middle school boys – and good for the girls as well – like all top selection books, there are things that my kids will like more than others, but just some great writing in there – great writing selections that we’ll even look at in class – b/c as the editor says at the beginning (in paraphrase), we write about sports because it lets us write about life

I know, you thought band was life… well, YOU’RE WRONG!!!


102 thoughts on “the battle for blog supremacy begins among the grade levels…”

  1. HEYO, peeps out there! So first time blogging this year and here is also my very first scamper::: (for Treasure Island)

    Substitute: In the third chapter take out the black spot and put in the black square!
    Combine: the first paragraph to the very end, that would end the book with a story like ending.
    Adapt: i would adapt this book to a kindergarten level
    Modify: the black spot to become a green spot and make the title: THE TERROR OF THE GREEN SPOT
    Put to other uses: this could be used in a church setting because Jim had to persevere through His fathers death and fear of the blind man!
    Eliminate: take out Jim, and the Captain become the main character
    Reverse: Start the book from the end and come to the beginning.

    And there u have it my very first scamper!

  2. Guess what day it is!!! Guess. What. Day. It. Is!!

    Whoot whoot. HUMP DAY!!!! YEAH!!

    Okay, now since that’s over and done with i shall blog with my supreme awesomeness. Ya see today i read almost none of the book, because instead of reading during lunch i was doing work…..(procrastination at it’s best) So i didn’t get to read. Well I did but not a lot.

    The only thing that happened was a bunch of “flying fish” came on the boat and Nicholas kept throwing them back in and so the cook told him to quit doing that and just give them to him so he could fry them up, and that if he [Nicholas] threw one more out he [the cook] was gonna fry him [Nicholas] up instead. AND the whole crew later on all had to get dunked. Ya see what they did was they tied a chair to a rope and you would sit in it and they would throw you over into the water, wait a minute, pull you out a little then dunk you under again (3 times) Now a bunch of the other guys would come up all white faced, short of breath, and cussing, but after Nicholas was done he came up laughing. He knew every time you came up you had just a little time to get a mouth full of air and then hold it till you came back up again.

    So yeah that’s it.

    I think this was a successful hump day. I asked Mr.Smith what day it was and he looked at me all confused and goes “Wednesday?? The 28th) and I didn’t want to have to explain so i just let him think i was crazy.

    Yeah…..Bye my Mafield peeps/creeps

  3. Wednesday- After Sam burns down the sports arena, he runs to an old house. He climbs into the attic where there is a water barrel that he hides in. None of the grown ups mess with him and he climbs out in the morning. He makes his way back to the grocery store/base camp only to find that everyone except one person went to Buckingham Palace after a kid in a patchwork jacket tells them that life was better there. Sam uses the bike that he found at the house to go towards the Palace. Halfway there, he is chased by a pack of grown ups so he takes cover in a tube station. While there, he is attacked by more grown ups and spends the night in an emergency exit shaft. The next morning, Sam wakes up and is chased by more grown ups. A man, that somehow escaped the disease, grabbed him and shot the grown ups with a sawed off double barrel shotgun and they make an escape. The man lives in abandoned subway cars with his wife. They feed Sam and seem very nice. It turns out that when he wakes up the next morning, he is chained up with a bunch of other kids, who told him that he was going to get slaughtered and eaten.
    Thursday-Creative- At home, Sidney was waiting on her parents to get back from a dinner party that they had to go to for her dad’s job. She started to get worried when they weren’t home by one o’clock in the morning. She looked up to see a man’s face in her sliding glass patio doors. She blinked to make sure her eyes weren’t playing tricks on her and she saw the back of the mans head before he disappeared. Scared out of her mind at this point, Sidney called the cops. Because she lived in Michigan and it was the dead of Winter, the cops took a few minutes to get to her house. She said that she had seen a man staring at her through the doors and hat he walked off. The cops went outside and said that nobody could have been there because there were no footprints in the snow, however, there were wet footprints behind the couch. They said that the man was on the inside and that she had seen his reflection in the door.


  4. now in The Broker joel backman has been pardoned and is now on his way to court to decide were he is going to spend what he thinks is going to be 20 years in some country then return to the U.S but what he don’t know is the president set him up to were he is under 24/7 surveillance and after 3 years if they still remember then the president will pay some one to kill him.

  5. So i forgot to say this in my last blog so i’ma incorporate it into this blog:)

    Joel Backman offered 3 mill to be pardon and that is the only reason that the president pardoned Joel when he finds out that he has to go to court Joel trys to get out of the deal but he knows its either this or 14 more years in confinement, so he chooses to go to court to decide were he will go. After he chooses to go to court the president wants to meat with him and talk about all the conditions that he will have to follow as long as he obyes these conditions he will be granted back into the U.S


    So he gets done meeting with the pres. Joel goes to court and he has a circle of guards around him like he is going to be able to shoot or kill any one from a court room… Anyways then the judge looks up from his files and says to backman “Some record you got here” then Joel looks up and says “thanks you fat *** slob” then he got tazed by a guard and then they call that session to order and then they discuss were joel is going to be sent to and they come to an conclusion of that he is going to england

  7. HAPPY HUMP DAY!!! Trumpets assemble! Remember the Wilders in your prayers, marching band should know what’s going on with them… I HATE my phone!!!

  8. The next day at school everyone was talking about Derek then Matt speaks up and says, ” did you tell everyone you were doing stunts for a girl?” Then Derek saves his butt by saying that he was doing stunts for Tanya Billings and she was to afraid to do the Stunts so that is where he came along then everyone thought it was not so weird that he was doing stunts for a girl. When he gets home he sees a man and his mom sitting at the table his name was Ronnie. Ronnie was being interviewed for a job. Derek got Frank out of his cage because he had not eaten in a few days. Ronnie asks if he can pet hem as he did Frank raised his head up and hurled! But Ronnie still took the job! Later that evening they found one of Derek’s action figurers in Franks stomach. They did sugary and Frank made it out fine but not the action figure. The next day the principal asked Derek to come into his office there was a man and a woman standing there they were reporters they asked him some questions and took some pictures of him, and left. That is it for today, Read tomorrow!

  9. Billy hates Mayfield=Battle of the Brains

    So today I’m going to blog on a book I’m reading right now called Angelfish. This book is about a girl (I literally just went brain-dead, so I cannot recall her name) who enjoys doing ballet. At practice, she discovers that she has a lead role in their company’s production of “Beauty and the Beast”-she will be playing Beauty. On top of the world, she walks home with her friends. After her friends work her nerves, she hurls her duffel bag, containing her equipment, at her one friend in particular. Once the friend ducks out of the way, she realizes that the duffel bag is heading right for a storefront window. She commands her friend at who she threw the duffel bag to duck, and dives on top of him. They heard a shattering sound, and felt little shards of glass fall on their backs. They had broken the storefront window-shattered is actually a better word. FURIOUS, the store’s owner demands that funds be brought forth to repair the damage. Not wanting to further upset her mother, the main character (still can’t remember her name) chooses to work it off-her pay would be used to repair the window.

    This story is really grabbing my attention, mainly because the action started fast. I hope to finish this book.

  10. This poem will be about school spirit and it the blog will be short sweet and to the point.


    Waves of Red Flow through the school
    Football is the heart and soul of are school spirit
    Gray here and there
    Other colors weave their way in
    Paw prints cover the floors
    The question ” You going to the Game tonight?” is over asked to the limit
    The time of the game is branded into are heads
    The place of the game is where we call Home πŸ™‚
    Excitement flows through the air
    Pre-game day jitters eats away
    Class by class minute by minute
    School bell has rang Kids running shoving TIME TO PLAY πŸ™‚

  11. it’s me again! and wherever there’s a loud stalker, there’s a poem….. πŸ™‚

    so, i’m really into this book called HUNGER, by Michael Grant. it’s the second book in a series of four. everyone inside the FAYZ (fallout alley youth zone) ran out of food weeks ago, and Caine, Drake, and Diana are planning another attack on Sam, Astrid, Brianna, Dekka, Taylor, and sevral other people in the FAYZ.

    i kinda feel proud of myself, because i red the first book, GONE, in less than two weeks (and it was at least 3 or 4 inches thick).

    i’m so smart! πŸ™‚

    well you know how it ends. i usually do a long poem that last for at least 2 years. πŸ™‚

    “Our Existance”
    ~by Emily Stoves~

    Our existance
    is the meaing of time
    and places.

    Different cultures,
    and races.

    We are desprate,
    filthy creatures.

    Negelecting our very father who gave our perposes
    and made dust a living thing.

    Our existance is a mere loveliness,
    created by God,
    put forth by men.

    Our existance
    is the meaning of time,
    and places,
    differen cultures,
    and races.


    well, that’s it. i gotta go. hope you enjoyed it! πŸ™‚

  12. BOOK: The Roar
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: I felt so weird typing this again. But that’s a good thing. My blogs are organized. +Infinity points for 7th grade. Billy, sometimes life is cruel, but it wasn’t to us, HA! Emily, you should open up Emily Stalking Inc. for commercial stalking. I could do with a spy so I can know how to make sure the 6th grade gets no more points, but if you don’t feel like… Billy, I take back what I said, please make sure the 6th grade gets no more blog points.


    Why do we dream?
    Why do we live?
    Why do we breath?
    Why do we?
    Why can we?
    Why shouldn’t we?
    Why don’t we fly?
    Why don’t we slither?
    Why don’t we tunnel?
    Why don’t we?
    Why can’t we?
    Why should we?
    Why not?

  13. I have two email accounts. +10 points for 7th grade. The organization of my previous blog only actually counts as +100 points. πŸ™ +5 because of my grammar. +5 because I can program.
    Current standings:
    7th grade: 120
    6th grade: 1
    6th, you need to step up your game.

  14. Clary and Jace go into the abandon church to get blessed weapons before they go fight the vampires to get Simon back. When they arrive they meet a boy,secretly the vampires master, who shows them the way in. Jace was suspecting something about him , he saw the burn around his neck the fact he left no foot prints when he walked up the stairs to go to the top floor. When the reached the top they saw him standing in the middle of the room. Jace released a knife and sent it flying toward the vampire. The vampire moved but not fast enough the knife pegged him in a couple of inches away heart .he tried to grab the blade out but the hilt was a cross so it burned his hands . I will read more tomorrow.

  15. I read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by: J.K. Rowling and Harry changes by going from a kid being picked on and beat up to a kid who know’s he is a wizard that’s not getting picked on until he goes to Hogwarts. When he meets Malfoy on the train he has a feeling that Malfoy isn’t the brightest kid in my opinion and he seems to hate Malfoy for the way he acts. Now at the end of the story Harry becomes “that guy” who is always the hero after keeping professor Quirrell from stealing the stone by touching him because of his mom giving him the power of love on his side. When harry battles Quirrell he uses the spells he learnt and finds out that the spells he learnt are not only useful but good in battle and he didn’t learn just that he also learn’t no madder what Quirrell does he can’t hurt him and he takes advantage of that weakness.

  16. ok and guys i bet you never saw me coming did you? but i found the blog again yes score 200 for sixth grade score -500 for seventh and score 5 for eight grade and yes i’m just trolling seventh πŸ™‚

  17. also at the dance on Tuesday i got a date so yeah and geuss what SHE asked me out yep and here name is drum roll please!……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Siara Potter yep that is here name

  18. here is a poem:

    roses are red viloits are blue
    i am going to blow a hole through you

    there now everyone knows i am harry potter secretly

    ok now everyone knows i’m just kidding but i can still
    blow a hole through you by using a rocket launcher
    yet i hope we all know i am not going to blow a hole
    through you in real life but in your brain i will and not
    with a rocket launcher but with a annoying launcher

    RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (it’s my volicaraptor noise!)

  19. I am reading The Red Pyramid by Rick Riordan. So far,… Cater and Sadie are in the house of life and the went in the library but, was not suppose to. Carter asked Sadie if she could read the hieroglyph but she couldn’t read it sadly. πŸ™ Carter says out loud “I wish I could find the story in English.” So a retrieval shabti gets the story in English and when Carter reads it he is not pleased. Then 2 serpopards try to bring Carter and Sadie to Set the BAD! god. Carter thinks Sadie is doing something stupid when she says “Muffin, I order you to protect us.” AND “Muffin” from cat to human. Well… She is the god Bast (goddess of cats).
    Wow nice so far and hey. 6th grades are awesome and anyone oh disagree come tell me at school. Band is to and 6th grad band as one more French horn Summer and me.

  20. Mr. Mayfield, I’m checking out early tomorrow. What should I do about giving you my journals?

  21. Hey my first time man lots of peeps on. I love the comments and man IF you did not see Mayfield’s shirt at the dance Tuesday he was wearing a shirt that said “I <3 1D" man the dance was awesome nice. French horn awesome! I love French horn not gonna stop there though.
    πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ XD Man I need to breath in between my sentences. πŸ˜›

  22. Billy, it’s not nice to hate people. You can extremely dislike them with a burning passion (that’s my saying….don’t say it. Unless you use quotation marks). Good luck to the football team. I wasn’t able to go bc of marching practice then I had stuff to do. Marching peeps, Alabaster is going to be ashamed when they walk on that field during half time. Remember, we are the PRIDE of Shelby county, lets make people proud of us!!!!!!

  23. hi yall i am blogging for today and yesterday. One thing I have to say is that there is only one cool sixth grader in gifted….. Sarah. NYWAY!!

    I am reading this book called Replay by… ummmmm Some old lady I forgot her name. It is about a kid named leo (who i think is italian bcuz his mom talks funny and they all have really weird names) Leo has sort of a sad life. None of his family likes him, So he has developed a kinda social problem.:P He can’t do anything right and he daydreams. So he tries to make people like him auditioning for a big role in a school play. It turns out that he gets a tiny role instead of the big one. He still diligently practices his role in the play. His family is mad at him for practicing bcuz he practiced in the bathroom-the only free room. So this book is really depressing right now. πŸ™

  24. now for today’s blog. **btw** i think we should have a 1D end of the year party where all the guys dress up like Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayne, or Niall.
    That would be ama-a-a-zi-i-i-ng. then of course we’d rock out. πŸ˜›

    I will do a creative.

    You feel the excitement in the air.
    We run on the field.
    Its just getting started.
    We play the first song- a fast one- letting the last note linger.

  25. Sorry i accidentally hit submit!!

    You feel the excitement in the air.
    We run on the field.
    Its just getting started.
    We play the first song- a fast one- letting the last note linger.
    The next song is slow and beautiful.
    When we play the last song, everyone sings along.
    we march of the field with pride.
    pride for our band.
    NOBODY can top THIS performance. β™«

  26. Wuzzzzup peeps! Just got back from the middle school football game. We lost 28 to 14 πŸ™ Now it is time to finish blogging.

    Hump day

    Your alarm makes you jump.
    Which makes you remember what day it is.
    Walking into school you ask that one question…
    Before you could tell them you realize…
    It’s Thursday.

    This poem is a true event that happened today! Haha here’s another “true” poem!

    The Orphan
    She lives in a box
    She doesn’t wear socks
    Her name is Amanda…
    She draws ponies to make her feel like a
    Real person.
    She only goes one direction…and that is
    She is an orphan…

    Haha well there are my journals for Da week hope u like them πŸ™‚

  27. Well guess what happened to me?? I got that flu thing that the school ad done on Monday and today I got a runny nose, only me.

    Well today i really didn’t read that much so im not gonna write about the book. I guess I’l write a poem.

    It’s poem time (written in pros):

    Drama: “She THINKS we’re friends, but I really don’t like her.” Seriously?? If you don’t like someone dont even pretend to be their friend, there’s no point in that. I mean all that’s going to happen is they are going to think they have a friend when they really dont have anything but a bunch of fakes.

    Alright, bye

  28. HAPPY DAY AFTER HUMP DAY!!! High school pep rally totmmorow, going to be epic!!! Now didn’t miss much Score was 14-28 Bulldogs… WE WANT A REMATCH!!! GO CMS!!! Trumpets ASSEMBLE!!!

  29. Now that I don’t have to do journals I can sit and read everyone’s blogs instead of journaling. πŸ™‚

  30. kol I know many of yall on here but not allot. ya trumpets are awesome but FRENCH HORN is more Awesome Seth! πŸ˜› πŸ˜› :P:P πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› :P: ::P P: πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› πŸ˜› I LOVE class TO DO MR. Mayfield. YOU ROCK OUT to one D1 Mayfield even hitting the notes to πŸ˜›


    So RMS (riverchase) had their first football game sometime last week, so I was wondering if the ‘ol CMS has had their first pep rally yet?!
    If you have and Mr Mayfield did what he did last year,
    SOMEBODY SEND ME THE VIDEO becuz I gotz to see that.
    I would put my email, but we’re on a page that can be googled and seen by anybody.
    So…uh….I have Emily and AnnMarie’s cell numbers so maybe I could tell them my email and they could get me the video.

  32. So ends the second week of school at CMS. I ‘m still going to journal on Labor Day! πŸ™‚

  33. Well… Right now I’m reading Okay For Now by Gary D. Schmidt, and it’s mostly about a boy named Doug S. and he is having some trouble(mostly through his brother, and father, but) anyways, he moves thanks to his fathers job, and meets a girl named Lil Spicer, gets a job as a Saturday delivery boy, falls in love, and even goes on a “quest” trying to find the pages of a book that he discovers he likes. But still his life isn’t to great. His dad is EVIL to him, and forces him to get a tattoo when Doug is only like 12, and his Principal, and P.E. teacher are rude to him, for no reason. I definitely recommend this book to anyone who hasn’t read it! :0

  34. Nicole, I will totally not excuse commas:)

    billy, funny…

    anna, of course, the video will get up there as soon as we have the “wannabe” cheer – that is, if it’s done this year (I totally rocked out at the first dance – you missed it:)

    Sidney and Rachael – thanks the updates – I would write more but I just finished watching runners in the hot sun of Montevallo so I need to chill a bit


  35. Kol and tnx and ya where awesome at the dance Mr. Mayfield I wished I could have seen you dance though.

  36. HAPPY HUMP DAYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! ok so…today was the best day ever, we have finally gotten to write creatively!!!! Yay! So here is my journals for Da week,.

    “In the Morning”
    The alarm screeches…
    Making you jump like there’s a burglar in the house.
    You drowsily stumble into the bathroom.
    Next 10 minuets you jump! You somehow fell asleep on the sink!
    You dash into the living room get dressed brush teeth eat and jump into your shoes(now that is what I call multitasking!) and run out the door.
    Then you find out halfway,sprinting,to school…it’s a Saturday.

    “How to be “Skilly”
    Start out practicing, for whatever you do.
    Continue practicing exactly 34 hours strait.
    And I mean nonstop pull-ups,push ups, and running nonstop!
    Then after that go do 4 Iron mans in less that 3 days.
    This will get you in shape in no time.
    Look up the word “Skilly” and learn it in all the Languages.
    This will make you seem smart.
    Then last of all (most important) learn how to be a ninja.

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