celebrate your day off with more christmas music!!!

it’s getting that time of year – I wake up to my alarm – and Christmas music is playing – on the positive, it gets me up quickly to shut the thing off:)

“Raising a Princess” – By John Croyle – loved this book – even though I don’t have a princess of my own to raise:) just a great book about the values parents should be teaching their children – for girls, that they’re beautiful, they’re loved, that they are free to become whatever their heart desires in the services of a greater good – Croyle talked a lot about modeling behavior – that you can’t teach patience if you’re not patient – definitely reminded me of my walk before my students

I also read more in a book on traveling to boston – and a book on identifying sea shells from the florida gulf coast – both very useful reads in light of my adventures:)

happy novel writing, first posting, and other sundry activities you pursue


43 thoughts on “celebrate your day off with more christmas music!!!”

  1. went to watch Ender’s Game…..
    Book- Terrible!!!(at first)
    Movie- Probably my favorite movie ever!!(Extremely good)

  2. and I have a theory only the annoying ones play early in the morning – just to aggravate me:)

    I should write a nanowrimo novel with Nicole going berserk at fred’s dino diner when the Christmas music is switched on – meanwhile, detective ryicheal would be on vacation – because, apparently, she doesn’t care about solving mysteries and missing girls…

  3. You should lock Nicole in a room and force her to write her novel. Then, it can be added to the Dino Diner library, and Nicole can be flattened and used as a bookmark. As for the Christmas songs, I know the words to all of them. Detective RACHAEL does not like to solve mysteries and will just let Nicole die.

  4. We didn’t get popcorn, but the man sitting beside us obviously made me jealous.

    And Mr. Mayfield, speaking of Christmas, I have like one fourth of your present!!(but by one fourth i mean that’s all your getting) πŸ™‚

  5. you do realize your time on here is “berserk?”
    And not me… well maybe just a little, but still, you didn’t have to remind me.

    It makes me even more sad then when my mom and dad and sister died and i had to do journals on their “coffin”

  6. Oh yes, I forgot about the funeral part. When you die (and Renegan dies with you,) Ornor will reign supreme…Until it is destroyed by Niakillian. I will write on your coffin.
    Billy, I have three thousand words and one chapter.

  7. Mr.Mayfield, is the sentence, “Your shoulder is an example of a ball and socket joint, what parts of a joint do you think allow you to make these movements?” correct?

  8. arrrrrrrrr-rachel – we all know billy is an underachiever and a disappointment – you don’t have to rub it in…

    and people, i’m working on the time thing – or at least, i’m trying – we were apparently on hawaiian time – you know, CMS is so much like honolulu…

  9. Prisoner B-3087
    After the trucks had left, you could hear old woman waling from every door. 7,000 people, fathers and mothers, wives and husbands, brothers and sisters, and children had been taken to the death camps. Rumors on the street was that hunting in the woods was too hard for the Nazis so they were gazing Jews in trucks and boiling their bodies to make soap. But Yanek did not know if that was true or not. When Yanek heard that story it made his stomach turn! Yanek thought that his life in the ghetto was not a life but an existence, went back to what it was. People who could work, worked; but if were taken away you stayed away. Yanek’s dad went back to work, as did Yanek. Yanek was assigned to a tailor shop.
    That is all for today read tommorw!

  10. Well I suppose i’d better do a Corbo story; so picking off from where i left off which would be:

    Corbo’s Adventures in Sethland, Part One, Chapter One. (Note: I’m Seth in this story.)

    Since Corbo had made his daring escape from Corbotia, he had stumbled into a cave. Yes stumbled, he ditched the carriage and horses for the less convenient method of travel: on foot. In this cave Corbo saw a bridge spanning a huge gap and Corbo thought that the bridge was a test of some sort, he was right. The Sethlandian Empire, former known as the Sethlandish Republic, was ruled by Emperor/Praetor Seth Gaius Caesar Walton, that would be me, when I had that bridge built it was for my legions of troops to conquer Corbotia (with the help of Mayfield and Princess Sarah Elizabeth) which was unbeknownst to Corbo. After all it was supposed to be a surprise invasion. When my’s Imperial guards caught Corbo on the other the Sethlandish side, I gave the order to my guards, through their high tech com-links, to send him to me.

  11. Dreams
    Dream, Dream, Dream
    all you can do is dream.
    Whether it is during math class
    or in your bed at night dreaming always put’s you
    in another world.
    When you dream, random things pop
    in your mind.
    Things from your underpants to your trip to Pluto.
    But dreaming is sometimes bad.
    Like in school.
    You know when you doze off in class
    and then you get yelled at.
    Yes, that is also dreaming.
    Now go dream about my favorite

  12. Prisoner B-3087
    One day Yanek decided to go to his friends house instead of going straight home. When he was on his way home the streets were cleared! Yanek thought, “That can only mean one thing! Deportation!” He became aware of his surroundings and was prepared to hide anywere! Even if it meant hiding under dirty rags or trash! He needed to stay alive, FOR HIS FAMILY! Just then he heard marching! So he squeezed himself between a wall as tightly and closely as he could get to the corner of the wall. Then he saw the Nazis and many Jews. The Jews had their heads hanging low and the Nazis had their heads high and straight. He saw a couple that looked just like his mom and dad. He wanted to yell their names; however he knew that would give him away and his mom and dad would be sad. So when the march had gone by, he raced up to their cooped up house on the roof. When he got there the bars were still there, so that was a good sign that someone was still in there. He banged on the door like he was dying. When the door opend it was only his cousin, Sala. Tears were running down her face. “NO” Yanek said. “Yanek, i am so glad you are ok!” Sala said. “Where are they” Yanek said. “They got taken up when they were on there way back form getting bread!” Yanek fell to his feet and cried.
    That is all for today read tommorw!

  13. No kidding Mayfield, unfortunately I had wrestling on the same day as scholars bowl… but anyways I will finish the story of how Corbo came to Sethland another day which is not today because i’ve already decided this story should last all year, much like the original Corbo stories but now our not-so-fearless dictator, sorry tyrant, opps emperor, dang it “king” Corbo has stopped writing his Corbo stories or stopped coming to fourth and fifth block. Now it is up to me and Cole Marker (Jeffries, colors, esq… who could that be?), who found his stories with the remains of Craig Pantaloons (seventh grade should also be getting this), and My stories which I found researching the great empire of Sethland (which is a total rip off of Rome, if you hadn’t figured it out yet, cough sound, Billy, cough sound) in the old Corbotian library.

  14. Tuesday- Will and the other Bulldogs lost their first two games. The first one they got beat by 24 points. The next game was against Castle Rock, the rival team across the river and the money team with everything that they could ever want. they had nice uniforms, a lot of players, and more fans than the Bulldogs. The Bulldogs held their own the whole game and they almost won. On the very last run of the game, Will got stopped on the one yard line. They came up one yard short on a team that should have beat them by at least thirty. Kendrick, a cocky wide receiver for Castle Rock, had been trash-talking Will, along with everyone else, the entire game. Will had asked Toby Kennan, a big kid with a mean dad, to play for them. Kendrick was trash talking Will behind the bleachers after the game and Toby came to Will’s aid, scaring Kendrick over to his bus. Toby decided then and there that he wanted to play.
    Wednesday- Will’s dad had guessed Toby’s sizes and already had all of his gear at his house. Toby’s dad always yelled from the top of the bleachers during the games and had caused Toby to quit in 5th grade. Everyone knew that Toby’s dad was going to yell anyways, but they needed Toby. Tim, Will’s best friend, was moving to Arizona after the next game. The Bulldogs only lost those first two games when they were playing without Toby. Will’s dad asked Mr. Kennan, who had played the same position as Toby in high school with Will’s dad, to come down and be his defensive coordinator since he wasn’t going to stop yelling and he knew what he was doing. The Bulldog’s quarterback ended up breaking his ankle on the last play of the last game before the championship. They figured out Toby was a great quarterback at practice and Mr. Kennan designed the first ever nine-man and one-girl defense. They beat Castle Rock and Will’s dad became the high school’s head coach, and he took Mr. Kennan with him.


  15. billy – sigh…

    nonfiction novel is a contradiction – it’s an impossibility – novels are ALWAYS fiction

    thus, you shouldn’t be novelling nonfiction – which means it shouldn’t be for nanowrimo

    which means i have to side with wraychael – i’m sorry it had to come to this – your teacher has failed you:)

  16. Queen of BACON (If you know who I am you're a 7th grader-8th grader and 6th graders you're VERY lucky I left before I could annoy the waffles out of you!!!:D) says:

    This is Anna Carden, reporting LIVE from Riverchase Middle School! πŸ™‚
    I’m on BOB this year so you might see me there, fellow….readers?
    (That is, of course, if I make the team…)
    So just saying Hi. Also, if you try to steal the title of Bacon Supreme Overlord, I GUARANTEE you will wake up on the other side of the room…
    (I will hire a bacon minion to destroy you…:D)
    SO. Hi, and I’m doing NaNoWriMo again this year, but sadly haven’t had time to do it (I’m at like 2,500 words…this time last year I had 4,000-5,000…)…
    Well, I need to make a long blog.
    *That took a really long time.

  17. BOOK: ? (Why does my mom never bring me to the library when I ask?)
    PROMPT: Creative – Darkness
    SIDE NOTES: MWA-HA-HA-HAA BTW, I love how you place a smile after you say you failed him. XD

    Never ending darkness
    There are worse things
    I won’t list them
    Because I like to

  18. anna – ms. beth and I fought over the best reason you’re awesome yesterday – I think she won:)

    hope BOB tryouts go well – too bad you missed the bestest book in the series – missing girl:)


  19. Ok the book I read is called The Fire Ascending. When David(the one from Fire World) goes to the real Earth he meets a person called Agawin, who later on comes to get a set of wings and becomes part Dragon, Firebird, Premen, and man. When Gawain meets David they talk to each other in dragontongue and then Agawin learns why he has come….

  20. also Wraycheill says i look alot like Ender from Ender’s game

  21. In The gym yesterday apparently someone put a shoe in the toilet so the boys didn’t play today…… Well at least i could still read in a quiet environment .in the next units it talked about John Locke , who was not a orthodox Puritan like his father but he was still a Christian . When he was suppose to be executed he went into hiding and lived .

    Then in moves over to the new King James II and how both the colonist and the British hated him.lets get back to Locke he started telling people that his arguments came from Lex Rex in chapter one that the king is against their rights.

  22. Prisoner B-0387
    A few years later, the Nazis snached up Yanek when he was at work. When he was walking to the bus he was afraid what the Nazis were going to do to him and the other people that were with him on the bus. When he was on the bus he started to think about the rumors that had been talked about. Then he started to remember, “The Nazis were taking the Jews into the woods and shooting them, one by one.” Those were some rumors going around. He wanted to Junp out of the bus and run but when hr looked back there were Nazis with guns marching behind them. When they got to where they were supposed to be the Nazis ordered them to get of the trucks. They listened. One Nazi solger yelled at Yanek and pushed him down. :(meany): Yanek quickly got up and nodded. But Yanek was still confused why the Nazi pushed him. The the slogers took to a man. The man said, “Hello, I am the chosen person to rule all of the prisoners. If you are bad you will be struck.” Then the Jews and other people were marched. Then Yanek saw a familer face. It was uncle Moshe! Ten Yanek called out, “Moshe!” Then his uncle got wide eyes and looked in his direction and looked quickly down. Then one of the Nazis yelled, “Who said that?” and the Nazi struck a man in the back. Yanek felt really bad.
    That is all for today!

  23. First off Keaton/Osama Jr. is insane but I’ve known that since I gave him the nickname Osama bin stupid at the band concert, secondly my body hurts EVERYWHERE (wrestling does that to a man), and lastly it’s too late to be doing this. Bye.

  24. Hey Anna we miss you if you ever move agian and get a chance to decided were you move, come here. We have not forgotten about you and your cows Bye or should I say Mooooo………….Hi madison speaking well typing πŸ™‚ noooooo dont come back we are better off with out you and your cows,…. just kidding. we miss you and hope to see you again. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee:p

  25. OK so i hope that the bacon minions do not kill me in the middle of the night…

    Make up journals…

    MONDAY- Creative- So off in Marinelandia the Drill Sargent (or king) is taking his pre-chewing out the recruits nap when one of them comes into his room demanding that he give them that day off but the Drill Sargent was not going to do that so he made them run 16 extra miles that day and when they got done running one of the other recruits came up to the him and said that he didn’t think that they ran fast enough for today and then they ran 16 more miles but soon enough those slaking recruits went and made there own branch of the Military called the Army πŸ™‚

    TUESDAY- So the way i got the idea of the creative story above is because i read a book that was a fiction story but had some facts about the army in it. Why You Should Join The Army was the title of this book and this book was about 2 brothers who were shot over seas and they both ended up in the same hospital and their rooms were right beside each other but one wasn’t so lucky and a piece of bullet fragment was to close to his heart to operate on. and one day they bullet fragment moved up toward his heart and killed him then the other broth was took out of the hospital and gave over to his mom who took care of him but soon after his brothers death the other brother took his own life.

    Wednesday- Well i found this book called The McBeans and it was about this family who used to live in Ireland and was a pretty important family to there town and then it went on to tell you that this family was part of the towns food source and that the later changed their name to Bean and that they all lived in Shelby,Alabama.

    Thursday- So now in Secrets of the Grave Marissa Fordhams best friend had just been murdered and now Mendez the one who is obsessed with Steve Morgan is now driving around town trying to spot Gina’s blue Honda Accord and he finds it but it has blood all over the inside there are bullet holes all in the car and a black garbage bag full of cloths in the back seat and Mendez smells something rotten so he opens the trunk and when he did he found 3 dead dogs and 4 dead cats and a pistol so he follows the bloody foot prints to a old well and when he looks down the well with his flash light he finds Gina ( and that’s as far as i have

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