is “story of my life” by 1D just for the start of nanowrimo???

the answer to the subject header is yes, of course… 🙂

“boston marathon” – started this week by finishing last week’s book – I made a copy of the map of the course to keep and use as I read a book about the city of boston – so, like last week, a productive book

“William Shakespeare’s star wars” – we read part of this in class – if you like one or the other you should enjoy the combo – good use of creativity

“2 Minute Drill to Manhood” by John Croyle – really enjoyed this book – Croyle’s daughter was at Alabama at the same time I was – and Brodie was after – but I have all the respect and admiration for the father – who has helped to raise 1,800 boys and girls unwanted – this book addressed teaching young boys what they need to become men – something we don’t do a great job of currently – so great, encouraging read – made me question how I lead my young guys (I take no responsibility for billy:)

“The Hinge” by Bell – very easy to read book about the mental discipline it takes to be at the top in sports – that to successfully compete, you have to take advantage of the good and the bad and treat the next play, the next mile – as if it’s your first – no history, nothing to hold you back – I thought I would use the lessons of this book in my 10k race this weekend – but when i’m racing, i’m not thinking about much other than hoping the next milemarker comes soon:)

happy novel writing this week – i’m off to watch more of the NYC marathon


43 thoughts on “is “story of my life” by 1D just for the start of nanowrimo???”

  1. billy – blue – and the interesting question is whether i would’ve worn one – i would’ve likely considered it extra weight or something…

  2. Yes Rachael, now Fred doesn’t want to kidnap you,(or me) anyways, I was tired of him not giving me bacon, so I guess I can make my own!

  3. wow random stuff like marathon then Fred’s diner then nanowrimo what will it be this time?
    I am hand writing it this time so… yeah.

  4. Prisoner B-3087
    “Well… come with me and I’ll show you!” said Yanek. He walked with them even no he wanted them to run. When they got to the door that led to the roof. Yanek told them that they could live in this and the Nazis would never find them. Yanek’s mom stood there and stared; while Yanek’s dad said, “That is a great idea!” Then his mom spoke up and said, “Can you put bars on the doors?” Yanek’s dad said, “Yes; we can put bars on the doors.” That day they started working on the new home. In a few weeks they were finally done. It became there new home, and NO NAZI was wiser! One day there was an army truck outside and a man called out to everyone to come down to him, he said not one person was in trouble. They came out and the man said that they needed people to come into the army. He said he did not want to; but he had to choose who would go. He said that he did not have to give them people that could fight good; but he could just give them people, then he said, “Do you see what I am trying to say, give me your children!” Then crowed went crazy! The man said, “They will be in a better place, it is better than being a “Prisoner”!” Then some people shouted, “DEATH CAMPS!” The Yanek looked at his father and said, “They can’t do that! Can they?”
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  5. Prisoner B-3987
    When Yanek and his father went back to there house on the roof, he told his father can they really just take me away? His father said, “I won’t let them take you away, because I won’t let them! Besides you won’t be a kid anymore tomorrow.” Yanek had for-gottin all about his birthday! He would be 15!

  6. When Yanek and his father went back up to there house on the roof, Yanke said, “They can’t really just take us away! Can they?!” His dad replied, “No, I would not let them!” “What do you meen by would? There coming tomorrow!” Yanek said. “Well you don’t have anything to worry about, your birthday is tomorrow.” Yanek had forrgotten all about his Birthday! He would not be a kid anymore! He was so happy! He did not have to worry about leaving his mom and dad. If he did leave his mom would never get over it and his dad would probibly get killed trying to save his chiled! Then his mom would be all alone! But there is nothing to worry about.
    That is all for today read tommorow!

  7. The Call of the Wild

    Buck loved his family. But when he was given he put in a stranger’s hands to watch him, he was choked and thrown on a train to a far away place. Or as he thought far away from his master and his masters children.They threw him in a crate and left him one of the rail cars. When he was let out it was at this building where a man in a red sweater would hit him with a club every time he tried to bite him. But Buck thought he could get him so he tried, ried, and tried but he just had no energy. All the other men laughed at Buck, but Buck had no energy to chase them and he had lost his dignity. He was then put up for sale. $300 to buy him. It mad him feel like he was a worthless dog. Then one day this young boy bought him and took him to a ship. Wen they got off Buck hit this white, cold stuff. He had no clue what it was so the owners laughed. It was Buck’s first encounter to snow.
    That’s where I am now.

  8. Prisoner B-3087
    Well there is something to worrry about! The Nazis did not care who you are and how old you were, they just wanted SEVEN-THOUSAND JEWS! His dad walked up to Yanek and said he had some bad news, “I have some bad news. Anyone cought celebrating a birthday will be shot and killed.” Yanek was not happy, one he could be taken away by Nazis ans two he wpuld not be able to celebrate his birthday. He asked his dad what they were going to do about his birthday? “We are going to celebrate it anyways!” That night he was woken up and he put on his nice clothes, he followed his father and went down allies and more allies. They got to an old run-down building and his uncles were there. They went to the bacment and read some scrolls allowed and his Uncles congragelated him. Yanek’s dad told Yanek’s uncles that they could come and hide woth him,Yanek and his wife. They came and in the morning they were all squished up together and scared of the
    That is all for today read tommorow!

  9. Monday- I am reading the Underdogs by Mike Lupica. He wrote a book about baseball called Heat that i read and so far they have followed basically the same pattern. There is an unlikely hero with a broken family that comes back and does something great. In Heat a teenage boy’s parents are both dead and he lives with his 17 year old brother. They are waiting for him to turn 18 so that they don’t have to hide the fact that their parents are both dead. The main character in The Underdogs, Will Tyler, whose mom died when he was young and it is just him and his dad in their house in a small town, loves football and his dad used to, until he got his knee blown up by two linebackers when he was a senior. Both Will and his dad were star running backs. The main character of heat was a good pitcher and a rich man helped him get somewhere in life. The New Balance owner sponsored Will’s youth football team and that is as far as I have gotten in that book.
    Tuesday- Will met a girl that just moved to their town on the football field. She told him that she was really good and trashed talked him because he fell in a hole in their run-down field against air in one of his made up defender runs. She kicked better than anybody Will knew that was their age. Later he realized that he likes her and I think that she will end up liking him. This was all before Will received a reply to his letter asking the New Balance owner to sponsor them. He received a reply and ended up getting all of the gear but only had 10 members because their quarterback/kicker moved to Castle Rock when his dad got a new job. I predict that Will will convince everyone to let the girl play because she can kick and they need another player.


  10. Fall

    All the leaves falling and changing.
    All the animals running wild.
    All the birds chirping,
    and the sun shining.
    All the trees changing colors.
    Red, brown, yellow, and orange.
    So beautiful to see.
    All the burnt orange leaves,
    so big and so small
    Fall, Fall,
    you gotta love fall.

  11. Wednesday- Will’s dad gives Hannah Grayson, the new girl, a tryout because he is desperate for another player and needs a kicker. She does great and Will’s dad lets her be on the team. It took Will a while to convince his dad that she was good enough to play with them. I predict that it will be even harder to get his teammates to accept her than it was to get his dad to give her a chance. After she hits a few of the guys pretty hard they will realize that she could help them a lot. Last year I was one of the smallest kids on the football team so all of the running backs wanted to go against me because they thought I wouldn’t hit them, but after knocked Mason’s helmet off they knew I would. She is in somewhat of the same situation where people don’t think she will help them but she really can. If she gets hurt everyone will be mad at Will because he let her play on what has become his team.
    Thursday-Creative- First game tomorrow so I’m actually doing my journals early. My dad is really rich but he never spends time with us. We asked him about it one day and he realized tat he had missed the first 12 years of my life, along with my sister, brother, and twin’s. He bought an island and told us that he wanted to get to know us better so apparently to him it is a good idea if we go and explore a tropical island by ourselves. All that we had thought to bring was a .22 survival rifle, a machete, and a fire started, along with some food, water, and extra clothes. Right when we got there we found a natural trail along the edge of a stream that floods regularly, leaving it’s banks clean. There was a dormant volcano on the island that the stream ran up to. We saw two deer and a bear in the first two miles until I suddenly realized that my dad, who had been at the back of the group, had disappeared.


  12. Can anyone tell me what the classroom for nanowrimo is? Im looking and i cant find it!!! 🙁

  13. BOOK: ? (Why? Why is there no book?)
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: If your wondering how I’m reading every week, I read random articles I find in newspapers.

    It’s needed.
    For Everything.
    For Nothing.
    For Blogging.
    For Reading.
    For Gaming.
    For Trolling.
    For Seeing.
    For Listening.
    For Eating.
    For Sleeping.
    For Walking.
    For Running.

  14. I bet you all thought I would start of my blog like normal with my formal “Ok I read …” but not today! Anyway I read Fire World in which David is back and, but younger than ever because, he is only 12, but not for long! He has a Fain inside him and he is able to make things and move things with his mind(and no he is not physic or magic, his Fain is what creates and/or moves it)! when he is at a place called a librariuam he finds a door leading to a mysterious floor called floor Forty-Three. Later he learns how to open it with dragontongue from a book about dragons and the password is “Sometimes”. When they learn that the Aunt there is evil after they detect it in her Fain’s aura they learn to not trust her when she says David’s dad killed his friend: Mr.Henry. Later, when David gets back to his house, he finds out that his sister was hatched from an egg…

    Ok that is enough for that time to tell everyone who encouraged me to read this book(technically): Mr.Mayfield for have Eragon, i decided to read a dragon book!

  15. Hey Mr.Mayfield I may need to borrow your Eragon book(and series!)!

  16. The story im reading has bits of history from pre-revolution to post revolution. In the first unit it talks about the English Martin Luther and his beliefs . He wanted to be able to have his beliefs of different religion. Then it moves of to King Charles the first and how he became friends with the other country and he was beheaded. In unit two it talks about the civil war and the opinions on each side.the opinions of both side were changed during the battle and some left because they thought hey were fighting for a lost cause. Then any soldiers they found that left were shot after they had their trial .

  17. Sup guys, as you can tell I, Seth Walton, am now a fully qualified member of the SC Wrestling team. Seems to be going around and now everyone knows… but the one problem I may run into is Scholar’s bowl practice, not sure how that’ll workout but it will. Please don’t come down be like AJ who sprained his wrist, going to hate the singlet though… still going to be fun!

  18. .When Yanek’s Uncles and cousins were all smashed up together in their house on the roof, they were hoping that the Nazis were not going to be able to break through the bars. They heard some people on the ground warning, that if they do not come out by 6:00, they will come in and find you! Then they heard screams from the hospital and Yanek looked through the window and saw people falling from the windows of the hospital! People were being taken from the hospitals to fight!!! Yanek could not believe what he was seeing. He was devastated. His mom pulled Yanek away from the windows so no one could sot them. Then they heard banging on the doors! They were hoping whatever was on the other side did not want to kill them. Then the banging stopped and never came back. By the end of that night, the trucks were gone, 7,000 Jews were taken!
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  19. Fred, I just remembered, my littl sister got a turtle and we decided to name it after you because you are being slow about kidnapping me. HURRY UP!!!

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