the wifi at Fred’s Dino Diner runs slow than a, um, dinosaur…

so greetings for the week from fred’s dino

currently, Nicole is busy playing Operation: Dinosaur – which is sort of like the game Operation except in this one you have dino bones and instead of a BEEP when you don’t get the object out, you get a ROAR!!!

Nicole isn’t that skillful at the game so I have plenty of time to write – sadly, little time to read – in fact, slacker now that I am, this is the first week in forever I haven’t finished a book…

“Boston Marathon” – so i’m like 470 pages in – 130 left to go – so I have failed to finish a book this week – and it’s ironically about something I actually enjoy reading about – oh well – sorry to disappoint all my fandom – in my defense, I am enjoying the book and I’ve been in no rush to get through it – I guess what I enjoy most about the book is every year since 1897, there’s been a success story – someone who pushed the edge, who worked and planned and hoped and dared – and it all fell together on one special day – and so I read every year’s story and think “how cool would it be to have a story like this when I run?”

the scrambled dino eggs were wonderful this morning reech-al – everyone knows you don’t have to eat “to go” outside – it’s just code for fast food workers to get your meal together quicker


83 thoughts on “the wifi at Fred’s Dino Diner runs slow than a, um, dinosaur…”

  1. Prisoner B-3087

    The man kept getting more angry! Then he said, β€œIf you don’t open the door! I will open it for you!” Yanek told his mother, β€œOpen the door! It is the Nazis! They don’t mind killing us on the spot! Open it!” His mom just sat there looking at the door with big eyes. So Yanek ran over there and unlocked the door and opened it. The Nazis pushed past him and said, β€œWhere is your valuables?” Mon still sat there frozen. Then Yanek said, β€œIN THE KICTCHEN!” They took everything! Food, gold, money, they cleaned out there house. Then when the Nazis left on of them said, β€œNEXT TIME WERE AT THE DOOR, OPEN IT QUICKER!!! When they left, Yanek went off looking around. He found a old gray door that led to the roof. There was a chicken coop on it! Then Yanek ran down to his mom that was hugging his dad. His dad said, β€œWhat is it Yanek?” Then Yanek said, β€œWell…
    That is all for today read tomorrow!

  2. Sorry, this is probobly going to be horrible, but I didnt have a lot of time.

    Basketball is my favorite sport.
    I like the way you dribble ,
    up and down the court.
    I like it when you,
    take it to the hoop.
    Dribble, Dribble through the legs,
    The sound of the net when you
    swish it sounds like Swoosh!
    The cheer of the crowd rises so high.
    You felt like you flew to the sky.
    So get out there and slam it hard.

  3. I had to blog 2 times so i did not have to blog on Halloween! But I will always like to blog!

  4. Sorry, this is probobly going to be horrible, but I didnt have a lot of time.

    Basketball is my favorite sport.
    I like the way you dribble ,
    up and down the court.
    I like it when you,
    take it to the hoop.
    Dribble, Dribble through the legs,
    The sound of the net when you
    swish it sounds like Swoosh!
    The cheer of the crowd rises so high.
    You felt like you flew to the sky.
    So get out there and slam it hard.


  5. I’m reading defender and I’m to the part where Cyrus joins Orion’s guild and they are going to attack a Titan city where there is basically giants and they are 20 ft tall so it takes a few people to take one down. It goes great until they startle one of the giants and before they could kill him and his comrades one of them escaped and alerted everybody including the city’s leaders and they are the best of the best and I’m mean they are ticked at then for attacking and they get everybody away and they need a big teleportation spell that can only be made by a wizard and they get one but they are running out of time to cast the spell the wizard starts it and one by one everybody dissapeared but Cyrus and the titans were getting closer and closer and he would certainly have died if the spell didn’t work at the last second, and he felt winds under his feet and all the sudden he was back at his old guild. 15 min

  6. Am i awesome or what??? (I make my password for everything always the same password) So i got back into my old NaNoWriMo account. (Is that bad?? Do i need to make a new one??)

    Im listening to “Gold” Britt Nicole, love this song, it just is a good song to listen to when you’re going through something.

    I officially hate math. AND people who cheat on math teats because they get 100s and of course they aren’t going to retake the test when the teacher says the people who want to can……OKAY that’s over (not really) but since i have had so many feelings today i shall write a poem about them:


    Some people hate crying, (me)
    others say its a stress reliever.
    But whoever you are we must all admit,
    whether you do it a lot or rarely, we all cry.
    It might be over a boy,
    or a friend you’ve lost.
    It could be from a grade,
    or family problems.
    Competition you can never beat,
    or even crying when someone else is hurt.
    Crying is a way of expressing yourself,
    but to me its a sign of weakness.
    Now that may sound stupid to you,
    but its my way of thinking not yours.
    I still cry,
    who doesn’t?
    Just not in front of others,
    because at a young age i decided I wasn’t going to be called a “wimp” anymore.
    No matter who you are,
    people make fun of you,
    people mess with you,
    people press your buttons,
    people talk behind your back.
    You just kind of get used to it,
    and then at one point you stop letting that happen.
    But its hard to do that,
    when some people get worked up if they start yelling they’ll end up crying,
    others end up crying if someone yells at them.
    Everyone is different when it comes to it,
    but everyone cries.

  7. You can spell my name wrong to
    cow… WAIT that’s not my name
    You can add me as Sidney.Paine on nanowrimo.
    Poor nickcoal went on an uninspected trip to Fred’s diner.
    I am so glad she had no brain damage… Like she had a brain same with Sarah Turner but she has no brain so. Nickcoal you have no brain ether so…

  8. Monday- I am reading Death Run by Jack Higgins with Justin Richards. Chance goes to his boss, Ardman, and complains to him about being the back up because he was supposed to be off for a little while. Rich and Jade are going to meet up after drama club and detention again after school, but while at drama club, Rich hears gunshots and a wounded woman comes in the doors to the Auditorium. Shortly after, a group of heavily armed men come in and tell everyone to get on the ground. Jade hears all of the noise and goes to check it out. She leaves the Banker’s classroom and goes down to the Auditorium. Sge sneaks in and uses signals to tell rich that she was going to make a diversion so he could get out. She threw a textbook and all of the men except one went to see what it was. She made more noise and while he was distracted Rich snuck out under the stage through the trapdoor. The man didn’t notice that he left and rich went over to the injured woman. She had a diamond inher pocket and he took it so the other guys didn’t get it. One of the teachers had wrapped the gunshot wound on her shoulder.
    Tuesday- Rich got around to backstage and Jade got back to the Banker’s room. They made a break for it and the Banker told her the truth. When they heard footsteps around the corner, they went upstairs and one of the men chased them. Jade tripped him with her tie and he broke his jaw. They hid his gun instead of taking it. They met up with Rich and they went back to see where the other men were. Chance got back to the school and saved all of them, but Rich and the Banker were taken on the helicopter. Rich had been hiding in a cabinet that was in the Banker’s room and they had found the Banker. Rich and the Banker were taken to a castle on the island and everyone else was safe. They were locked up in the same room but Rich had remained undiscovered. Rich got out of the room when the Banker left for questioning and he explored the castle.


  9. okay, I want to go out on a limb and tell you guys one of my awesome ideas for nanorimo.
    so, you know how I love japanesse culture. I’m actually doing the book on the event of heroshima bombing during WWII. The title is “Life of a Heroshiman”. I know it sounds weird but hear me out. I’ll actually have it set up in the perspective of a teenage guy (probably 14 years-old), and I still don’t know what to name him (and yess I’m taking requests on some awesome japanesse BOY names for the character). The book starts at a school in Heroshima (of coarse) one month before the bombing. It might have happened in the summer so I might have to change some of the detailing of the setting. if you guys could help that would be cool, but when have i known you to be that helpful, towards me anyways.
    now toget to the video game. I have made a hoge amount of progress in the background of the levels, how many acts the levels have, and other VERY specific detailing.
    here they are:
    level 1-
    *city environment
    *two acts (minimum)
    *introduce four or five enemies
    #sound track avaliable

    level 1 boss-
    #sound track avaliable for boss

    Level 2-
    *swampy environment
    *three acts (to suprise players)
    *introduce five enemies
    #sound track not avaliable

    level 2 boss-
    *Bajin and Jerome
    #sound track avaliable for boss

    Level 3-
    *ocean (beach, docks, and 2 pirate ships
    *three acts (2 on beach, 1 on docks)
    *four enemies introduced
    #sound track not avaliable

    level 3 boss-
    *on a pirate ship
    #sound track avaliable

    level 4-
    *a grassy prarie, a winter not-so-wonderland,
    and a desert waistland
    *four acts, one in the open grass fields, one
    in a forest/jungle temple, one in the fun not
    -so-wonderland of snow, and one in the desert
    *since there is about four acts, there are 6
    for the grassland and the jungle temple, 4 for
    the snowy land, and 3 for the desert. 13 total.
    #sound track not avaliable at this time

    level 4 boss-
    *an outerspace type of theme for the level
    *two acts (to give players a break)
    *introduce no new enemies, instead take lower
    level enemies and give them an oxegyn mask, like
    astronauts wear, and of coarse an oxygen tank
    (although tank will only be used for looks)
    #sound track avaliable

    level 5-
    *go with a midevile theme
    *use castles, knights, the whole kazoo
    *three stages before , two aproching castle, and one in
    the casle’s lower level.
    *two or three enemies are introduced
    #sound track not avaliable

    level 5 boss-
    *on top of the castle
    *one act before boss battle
    I know it seens it’s a little lengthy, but I was just getting thoughts, which is a miricle if I actually use my mind, and ideas out.
    sorry I posted my blog sooooo late. I was at a mascarade party, for the youth group, at my church, New Life in Westover. it was really fun. I went as an anime character I was developing. I’ll actually wair my “costume” to school tomorrow.
    I have to log off now.

    Peace OUT!!!

  10. oh, I forgot. The part on my last blog, “level 5 boss”, wasn’t complete, so I’ll only post the updated lvl. 5 boss instaed of the entire thing.
    Now I’m leaving for the night.

  11. their keyboards are too small on the ipod touches. It was me sara, the guy of your dreams (since you were drawing naked pictures of him[no inappropriate parts F.Y.I])

  12. Best Part- Mayfield
    Best Video- I really wish someone had recorded me cussing along with the pants song.(there wasn’t really cuss words Mr./Ms. High School Person, just random censor buttons) :0

  13. BOOK: ? (Still looking)
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: Joseph, “Heroishman” isn’t a word. It can be taken as “Hero-ish man” which is not a good thing. KEATON, AWAY! *Keaton slams his head on the ceiling and passes out.*

    Suddenly bright.
    Day, yet still night.
    In bed.
    Suddenly on the street.
    Selling “treats.”
    In altered reality.
    Chasing a man.
    Wearing a wall.
    Morphing into a wall.
    Getting crashed into.
    Becoming the car.
    Crashing again.

  14. I’m finished the book about civil war

    In the last few chapters it talks about the different armies in both sides like the Native American and African American soldiers that joined to fight for their side.the African Americans fought for the union and they ranged from the one-hundred thousands and above,they were fighting for their freedom and showed great courage on the battlefield .on one battle they were taking a fort and the white Commander and his entire regiment of African Americans walked for days straight to reach there destination.they charged and most of them got shot including the commander . The confederates buried the commander to insult the union officers, but the father of the commander told them to leave the body because it was a heros resting spot to be on the battlefield

  15. Ok i suggest reading this series, it starts with The Fire Within. I am reading Dark Fire in which David is back…and so are dragons. The Dragons are hiding in a mist that is covering the Arctic ice cap and so far are waiting until the world is ready to accept them again. All the will in the Pennykettle household Gwillian has shed his Fire Tear and then Liz’s baby extended his auma(his power) into Gwillian bringing him back from life. Suddenly in all of this chaos Lucy and Tom Farrell have left for Scuffenbury hill, in which a white horse is in the grass, because they believe that a dragon of the last 12 dragons who, when they where being hunted to extinction, had a meeting and agreed not to fight back and to try to die alone in which Gawain absorbed there tears and when he shed his tear someone caught it(that is as deep as i am going for i wont tell you who caught it for you have to read it) and later got on the back of a bear called Thoran(the first bear to walk the ice) who swam to the north in which Gaia(the Earth goddess) and told her to drop the tear into the water and it made the Arctic.

  16. I went to the monster walk in Columbiania today with my friend Hannah, we dressed up as nerds. I saw Fred and Shelby (Nesbitt) there.

    I read more of Being today, there were some really gross parts, it took me forever to work it up to read them.

    So Robert leaves and pretty much just goes to a random hotel (he has all the stuff like his papers and the video of the endoscopy in a bag) and he gets drunk and watches the video and he sees like meta looking things and wires and stuff like that. (FYI he heals pretty fast, like not normal) so he finally did it, he took out his stitches and opened himself up (gross part) and looks at himself with a mirror. When he opens up the skin there is like a sheild thing under it, like metal, he then cuts through that and looks at himself, and he sees like creature like things “moving without moving” and then he stitches himself back up, then he tested the healing thing, he took a scalpel thingy and cut a gash in his arm (deep) and there was like a pain, but it wasn’t pain, it was like distant. and he just stared at it and then at 12 minutes it had closed up, scabbed over and healed. (kinda awesome) And now he is trying to go to sleep but he cant, he is thinking about the thing inside him

    okay, BYE

  17. Oh Joseph name him BOB!!! And if you want it to sound more Japanese-y then make it Bob Lou (I don’t even know what im saying, im on a sugar high)

  18. so I’ve come up with a date and (of coarse) a place for the novel to begin. also I’ve foud a cool name for the character. I also made a synopsis to go with the book.
    This is the synopsis I typed up.
    It’s July 6, 1945 at the world renound Academy of Japan and it just happened to be in Hiroshima, Japan. Also, the world is in the middle of WWII. Adio Kadoia thinks he has a hard life keeping good grades and staying out of trouble. He’s about to get a rude awakening.
    *Note for Maf: I did set up an account, my name is joseph.lee.

  19. So today is what?? Duh it’s HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!! So thats what i will blog about because its late

    You go out on the street
    and yell Trick or Treat!
    You wear your costume
    and go out and scare like a bear
    You rack up all the candy you can get
    and stuff it in your mouth when no one is looking.
    You go everywhere you can
    and get all you can.
    Later when its time for bed
    your as sick as a dog.
    Your mom says
    “I told you so”
    So from me all I can say is have a
    Happy Halloween!!!!! πŸ™‚

  20. Brainstorming:


    Main- Elijah (Eli) Thompson (Britain)
    Eli’s Best Mate: Derek Woodley (Britain)
    Head of “Lone Eagle”- Kirk Foster (American)
    Foster’s Assistant: Mario Capaldi (Italian)

    Go’s to buy song
    Fictional world (Scottish)
    Present day Mexico
    Pre revolution

  21. Yeah Rachael, well mine is Nicole.Smith! (At the Iron Works park, a little kid dressed like barney gave me memories of Fred’s dinosaurs!) πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

    Oh and don’t forget to yell at Sarah and Braden!!!!

  22. Moon Over Manhattan

    so she has jumped out of a train joing to live with a preacher that her dad was good friends with and the reason that she is going there is because her dad is either sick,dead,or over seas fighting in the war ( it didn’t say but it is in the time period where all the men are being drafted into the Military.) and when she jumps she gets a stick puts it to the fence and starts walking toward the town and when she gets to a forest ( again the book didnt specify so im just guessing) when she trips over a root and when she gets back up she hears what seems to be someone walking so she walks faster (another words she pulled a Mr.Mayfield πŸ™‚ ) and when she hears what seems to be a person walking even faster and then she fell again and thats when she stopped and it was the preacher trying to give her her compass back that she had dropped when she fell… (Mr.Mayfield would have done been gone)

  23. ‘Good-bye Is Harder Than Hello’
    Hello is hard.
    Nervous flutter of excitment.
    “Nice to meet you!”
    Four years as BFFs
    And suddenly
    They move away.
    You cry yourself to sleep,
    Every night
    Good-bye is much harder
    Than hello.

    my depressingly true poem. yes, Olivia Clark my best friend for life, is moving.

  24. Secrets to the grave

    So mendez is now trying to get in contact with vince and anne so that he can tell them that there murder victim’s daughter had woke up from her coma and now they think that she has brain damage b/c she wont stop screaming and vince doesn’t want anne anne to go b/c he thinks that she couldn’t handle it so they go on arguing and then thats the whole chapter

  25. so this guy nate is a really strange character(these next 2 blogs are going too be short b/c they are short chapters) and they interview him and then they go to his co-worker at the collage that he works at and his co-worker said that nate has been a germaphobe since he could remember and he has been working with him for 17 years. He also said that he is a hoarder and when they went to his house the outside yard was loaded to the max with things and the inside of the house was cleaner than a surgeon scalpel.

  26. So affter they talk to nates co-worker they go and try to find some one that can or will tell them were some of marisa fordhams relatives live or if there were any still alive or whatever but even though they could find any one they still could not do any thing with the case so far so they turned to trying to get a foster parent for her daughter but no body do far would take her so they decided that some one at the po-po station is getting a new daughter…

  27. so, who’s ready for NaNoWriMo?

    MEEEEEEEE!! πŸ™‚

    yea, that was kinda cheesy.

    i’m thinking about doing a mystery, but i’m not sure yet. TOO MANY IDEAS!

    so, i’m still on FEAR, but i haven’t gotten to read it in a while. so, i’ve started…..the most epic book EVER! i started reading a Shakespeare-ish version of STAR WARS IV, A NEW HOPE. It’s called “William Shakespeare’s Star Wars; Verily, A New Hope”. it’s really good. in fact, as far as i can remember, it started off with the same script as the beginning of Star Wars, where the Stormtroopers kidnap Princess Leia and bring her to her detention cell aboard the Star Destroyer. one of my favorite scenes is where Grand Moff Tarkin is questioning Leia about where Alderaan’s Base was, and she tells him and he blows Alderaan up anyway.

    here is my peom for the week.

    ~by Blue~

    It’s not tangible.
    Is it even there?
    It leaves me wondering,

    What is time?
    It is here.
    No clock has the same time.
    What is time?

    Time is important.
    You can give children things….
    or time.
    Time is better!

    well, that was my blog for the week. NANOWRIMO forever!

    Blue Hood, OUT! πŸ™‚

    (btw, Anna is gonna be coming over to my house this weekend, so i’ll fill her in on all the newest “news”.)

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