“my mommy said i was a happy surprise!!!”

ah, first grade on sunday mornings…

“running with the pack” – guys, when the important girl in your life takes a philosophy class, it’s important to read a book on the same subject so that you can interject randomly things like “you know, Spinoza might have been right about object-perception analysis” – and such and it sounds like you care about what she cares about – although, in all likelihood, she ended up in the class b/c Intro to Architecture by Ted Moseby was already filled – which is still okay b/c if the book is about philosophy AND running, hey, you still come out on top – even if you don’t know anything about what you read – even if it was about running – you know it’s bad when you’re reading about your favorite subject and you don’t even understand the book:)

“joy in mudville” – great picture book and companion to casey at the bat – joy is the relief pitcher called on to close out the ninth the next day for the Mudville nine – she does the job while proving that girls can play sports – although, the irony is that she doesn’t throw the ball at all in the matter of a baseball

“let me play” – I guess this week was my week for feminism – this book is in our room – the story of title ix and its importance in women’s athletics – women’s rights – really helped me remember lots of what I’d forgotten – and hopefully, lots of you will get to read this one b/c I have like 10 copies

“glory days” – let’s in the blog with a book about Alabama football – recaps important bama games through the years – I spotted errors – which always makes me feel smart – obviously, last night’s game wasn’t in the book (ugh… πŸ™‚

so see everyone tomorrow – except for anna – our honorary nanowrimo CMS-er


54 thoughts on ““my mommy said i was a happy surprise!!!””

  1. Prisoner B-3087
    The next day Yanek went to his job outside of he camp. When he and his other workers got there, a Nazi told them that it was closed. Yanek did not know why nor did his fellow workers. Then they looked at each other, and thought, “If we do not have a different job besides the one at the camp, the man that sits on his porch, they would be a open shot for him.” The man that sits on his front porch is the man incharge of the camp. The rumor is, is that he would not eat breakfast until he shot at least one Jew. When he sat on his porch his overview is the main spot. People are going in all difrent directions. If you rushed through he would shoot you on purpose. Then the Nazis told them they all had a new job. So the next day, they got on a truck. People were scared and squirmy, because no other Jew had, had this job before. Nor did they know where they were going. If they had known they would be fine. When they got off the trucks…
    That is all for today!

  2. Prisoner B-3987
    The Nazis told them to go onto every house (or flat) and find all valuables. But they could hardly listen because they place they got off of was There home town and there was not a soul left there. He thought that the town had probably been liquidated when he left. When the Nazis let them free he raced to his apartment and was on his way to his house on the roof, when he walked into Mr. Taraka’s flat and there was a decomposing body in the floor and a puddle of blood. That made Yanek sick, he almost through up. He ran back to his old, old house and remembered that his mom had sowed money into the pockets of there coats. First he looked into his dads coat, it had $1,000!!!
    That is all for today!

  3. As for the Alabama game last night, it’s not fun to write a novel while football is on. Yet, last night was my best night for writing. Oh, the irony.

  4. I don’t go for Auburn or anything but since we’re on the topic of football….did anyone see that catch?

  5. Prisoner B-3087
    After Yanek took the money from his dad’s coat, his mom’s coat, and then in his own coat, he made sure that he would be the first one to the roof, so he could find his own valuables. He wanted to be the last person to look at their stuff; before the Nazis took them and traded them for money. That day he checked ALL the pockets to see if any other mom or person had the same idea as his mom. When the Nazis called them to come back, Yanek slid the money under his arm and some dimond earings he had found. He also hoped that the Nazis did not find or see the stuff, that they wanted. That night, Uncle Moshe came to visit him. When Yanek showed Uncle Moshe the money and rings, Uncle Moshe said, “We will never be pour, not with this money.” One evning Yanek came home and asked a boy what the score was. The boy looked at his feet and did not say a word. Yanek raised his voice and asked the boy, “Who is it? Is it some one we know?” The replied softly and said, “It was the man thay comes and see’s you every night. “NO! NO! NO! You saw some one else!” Yanek said. “No it was him” The shy boy said. “You will see, he will be at roll in the morning.” said Yanek. The next morning his Uncle was not there. Yanek was so depressed, he could not belive it.
    That is all for today!

  6. Ummm, Sarah? Rool is not the correct spelling of rule… However, thanks for feeling sorry for me- I lost by seven minutes… πŸ™

  7. Time for “Corbo’s Adventures in Sethland, Part One, Chapter Two” (Note: I’m still Seth).

    “Who are you?” Corbo asks Me.
    “I am emperor/preator Seth Giaus Ceaser Walton, you will call me emperor, praetor, or sir. Understood?”
    “Yes sir.”
    “Good, I understand my Imperial Guards caught you on the bridge, correct?”
    “No sir, they caught me, the Great Corbo, on this side of the bridge.”
    “First off, your not the “great” Corbo anymore, just Corbo. Secondly, you were spotted on the bridge.”
    “What! How!?”
    “My guards have their ways.”
    “Just like the Canadians, you know they made an invisibility cloak?”
    “Lies, my tech I just had to show to a hockey-lovin’, ham eatin’, say eh after every question, gun shootin’, bobsledin’ Canadian.”
    “Not as bad as Mayfield tryin’ to take over my “kingdom” more like prison of a country.”

    To Be Continued (dun, dun, duuuuuuuuuuuh!)

  8. Mr.Mayfield, I’m not going to be able to keep up with the word count, like I said in my note a couple weeks ago, and I also said I’m going to keep writing for myself anyway. Can I still post twenty minutes of writing each night from my story as journal credit, even though it isn’t for Nanowrimo? Kind of like creative journaling? If so, I’ll post my writing for last week from my story tonight on the blog. Is that ok? I wasn’t sure.

  9. Chapter One.
    I consider myself, the number one fan, and opposite of, Alexander Johnson. He says I could be just as good as him, with focus and practice, but I’m not going to attempt.
    His skills in observation are amazing, and I couldn’t dream of doing any of those things myself.
    Our adventure began on the second to last day of school, In Math.
    In math, all we really do is talk. He tells me what he sees when he looks at other classmates.
    “Look at Jerome. When he walked up to the teachers desk, he hand his hand in his pocket the whole time. He was also blinking excessively, which he does when he is nervous.”
    “You never cease to amaze me, Sher….I mean…Alexander.”
    “I don’t know if that is sarcasm or a complime…” Alex started to say, and a gut-wrenching scream came from down the hall, scaring the life out of both of us. There was a second scream, but the girl actually said something, in the unmistakably smoky voice of Elizabeth Amber. She screamed, “ALEXANDER!!!!”
    He jumped out if his seat and ran into the hall, and I followed him out. He was running toward Mrs. Harrison’s room, where Elizabeth was. He opened the door where everyone was surrounding Elizabeth, while she was crying in the corner of the room.

    Monday, 11-12-13 Journal

  10. “It’s gone…..it’s gone….” She kept muttering in between sobs. Alex knelt next to her, telling her to calm down. She started to calm down as Alex was consoling her. She said, “It’s gone Alex. Someone stole it. I just got back from the bathroom. While I was in there, I put my binder by the door. I took it off and put it on top of my binder, because there was a smudge on my neck, and I washed it off. I went to the bathroom, picked up my binder, and left. I just know realized it was gone. I don’t remember seeing it as I was leaving the bathroom.”
    Alex took off as fast as he could out the door and in the direction of the main entrance. He burst through the doors into the lane for the buses to park.

    (I meant Tuesday on the first blog)
    Wednesday 11-13-13 Journal

  11. There was a car speeding past. Alex jumped in front of it, and it screeched to a halt. It was the principle. He got out of the car, obviously furious at Alex.
    “Boy, What on EARTH are you doing?!?! You could have got yourself killed..” He was saying as black Mustang with a white stripe down the middle zoomed by everybody, leaving a strong gust of wind behind. I only caught a glimpse at the driver, but he was wearing a gray hoodie, so I couldn’t see his face. As he sped off, I read the license plate. It was black, with white skulls on each side of it, and with only one letter on it. The letter was written in either cursive or calligraphy, and it had an evil look about it. One letter, no numbers.

    Thursday 11-14-13 Journal

  12. Mr. Mayfield, I posted this comment before my journals, but I’m not entirely sure it was posted. Just in case, I’ll post it again.

    In my note a few weeks ago, I said I’m not going to do Nanowrimo, because I won’t be able to keep up with the word count. But I’m still going to write my story anyway, and I was going to ask if I could turn in twenty minutes of creative writing on my story for journal credit every night. Is that ok? I wasn’t sure.

  13. hey maf. I haven’t figured out how to update word count yet, but I do have a definant #

    My word count is 5012, which is depressing because I want to be at atleast 9,000 words by the end od THIS week. I’m far behind Ill try and cath up after chores.

  14. Fred, while walking at the park with my mom, a car pulled up. The dude in the car disappeared and I though maybe it was you coming to get me. But then I realized you can’t drive, so I have decided it was your dad who runs the IKN(International Kidnapping Network.) Which only led to more thinking and discoveries: Your dad is a kidnapper, He kidnapped you from your real dad, and now the reason your better at kidnapping is because you are secretly taking lessons from him.

    And Raychull, poor poor Raecheel, if you aren’t already gone by now, I wish you luck!

  15. On the first matter, the word Selfie tops twerk .
    On the second and more important matter. Here is Bobby’s paragraph.

    Bobby Fryer
    (1)It’s a bird, it’s a plane.(2)No, it’s Uranus.(3)Can I tell you some facts about it?(4) Yes. (5) Uranus is far away from the sun. (6) It is the seventh planet from the sun. (7) Look it has rings like Saturn.[pictures looks like blue balloon] (8) It has 7 moons. (9) I hope you had a good time hearing facts about Uranus.

  16. Billy your Brother is a strange kid, now for the ending to the conversation between Seth and Corbo.

    (Seth) “What do you mean by prison?”
    (Corbo) “I mean once you’re out you never want to go back, but my sister, “Queen” Jamio, is EVIL and my sister and since I had the coolest name I got the throne for life, permanently, till death does my butt and the throne part.”
    “Well you’re not on the throne right now.”
    “I have my methods…”
    “You put a dummy that had your face taped to it, didn’t you?”
    “No, the dummy is my butler Cole in the smallest Sumo-suit i could find with a mask on.”
    “Corbotians are that dumb?”
    “No, he also has an awesome wig that looks exactly like my hair, plus he’s always has his nose buried in either his Percy Jackson books or his smart phone checking his fantasy princess, I mean fantasy football rankings.”
    “Back up, fantasy princess league?”
    “I have the right to remain silent.”
    “No you don’t.”
    “Yes I do.”
    “No you don’t.”
    “Yes I do.”
    “No you don’t.”
    “Yes I do.”
    “Fine don’t talk about it, I’ll tell my guards to escort you to your prison block on my death moon.”
    “What’s a death moon?”
    “It’s like the Death Star from Star Wars but has a superlaser with about 1,000 times the power and a quarter of the size.”
    “How do you know what it’s power’s like?”
    “Ever heard of the planet Eros in our solar system?”
    “Ever heard of the oort cloud?”
    “Yea, a little. Isn’t it the boundary of our solar system?”
    “Yep, that dern guy who might have discovered it was an idiot, it’s kind of hard to miss a planet five times the size of Jupiter.”
    “What! In Star Wars, the Death Star only devastated Alderaan which was only the size of the Earth.”
    “Well, now Eros is only particles in space, so yeah my death moon is only slightly more powerful.”
    “Remind me to never enrage you.”
    “Probably wise, take him away boys.”
    “Still better than Corbotia!”
    “I would highly doubt it Corbo.”

  17. Prisoner B-3087
    Yanek went on without his Uncle.
    He went from camp to camp. One camp he was at he had to go on a march witch they called it the death march. All Yanek had was a pice of bread in his pocket and no water. The only drink was snow that fell down in the morning. One morning a man’s ear had frozen to the icy ground. The Nazis let them get up and walk around. Yanek thought that was a small sign of mercey. Another day Yanek passed a boy that cepet getting slower and slower. He wanted to keep going and save himself but he wanted to save this one, it was something in the boy’s eyes. So Yanek slowed down until they were side by side. He told the boy, “You have to keep going! Only one more day!” The boy said nothing and fell into Yanek’s arms. Yanek draged the boy, but he barly had any energy for himself how could he put more wight on him.
    That is all for today.

  18. Sarah, are you some kind of receptionist now, where you have to tell everyone, whether you hate them or like them, to have a good day? And Nicole, I’m not taking kidnapping lessons from my dad, and you haven’t even been kidnapped yet. I decided that you weren’t worth my efforts. Now, if you excuse me, I have a trumpet solo to practice.

    Have a good day! (As Sarah would say)

  19. First the Trail of Tears Banner, to Ms. Miller leaving :), and finally the fact that Harvard students don’t know the capital of Canada.

    Fred: FYI it is definitely not Ottawa

  20. Monday- i finished Chomp by Jerry Spinnelli. It was about a boy, named Wahoo, whose dad was an animal wrangler in Florida. He had animals in his back yard that were used on TV because they were more tame. Wahoo’s dad, Mickey Cray, captured an alligator when he was 16. He raised the alligator and still had it in his back yard. Wahoo was trying to impress a girl that came over to see her and he decided to feed Alice the alligator. He became careless and Alice bit off his thumb with the chicken. The girl passed out, he lost his thumb, and she never came back. Wahoo’s mom went to china to be a translator for a big company. They were behind on rent and they needed a bi job. Mickey got hit by a dead iguana that fell from a tree after a frost. It gave him a concussion and made him see double vision. Wahoo accepted a job for a reality TV survival show before his dad could even walk right. He started to move a little bit more once he found out that they could get enough money to pay everything off.


  21. I’m only have 3,900 words right now!!! And i need 5,00 something by Friday, oh no. NEVER FEAR I AM HERE!! I am at a really good part right now so ill have lots of words in that part and hopefully ill have at least 4,500 when im done with it.

    I have no idea why im telling you this, but i am

  22. Hey I’m back and now for Corbo’s surroundings in cell block A-1.

    (Corbo) “We’ll, it’s not much but better in the desolate loneliness of space than back down on Corbotia, at least the bed’s relatively soft and has amazing support! Darn, I have to stop talking to my self…”
    (Captain of the Guard) “Who are you talking to in there!?”
    “Myself, bad habit I’ve to break.”
    “Do it quick.”
    (Seth) “What’s the situation Captain?”
    “So far he only has been talking to himself, I don’t blame him in that cramped quarters with the tiny tin toilet, horrible bed, and constant monitering, I couldn’t do it.”
    (Corbo) “Just like home your excellency.”
    (Seth) “Really?”
    “Captain, let him out.”
    “What! Why?”
    “Don’t ask questions Captain, just do it.”
    “Right away Sir.”
    “Corbo, let’s go to the imperial conference room.”
    “I’ve a job for you, if you will accept it.”
    “Maybe, what’s the job?”
    “I’ll give you the details in the conference room.”
    “Fine, your excellency.”

    As you can tell I gave up the chapter thing and went for just writing story.

  23. yo, what’s up?

    i tried to reach the word count for this week, but, unfortunatlely, i didn’t get to reach it. plus, my story (in my opinion) is kinda wierd, so, i’m gonna see if i can start a new story (maybe). πŸ™

    so, the book i’m reading this week is called Maximum Ride, and i’m already on the second book. it’s really good. it’s about this girl named Max, who can fly, and about these people who are after her called Erasers, who look sort of like werewolves. she has a “flock”, which is basically her family, that she helped escape “The School”, which is a top-secret lab in California. her “flock” is Gasman (gaz-man), Fang, Nudge, Iggy, and Angel.

    here’s my creative for the week.

    It keeps time from running on
    It keeps beautiful skin gray.
    In the corners
    Of a dark room
    On a silent night.
    Folded and etched into a story
    Every story has Darkness.
    The end draws near
    As you draw your head
    In silence.
    Pressing the lips of a prisoner
    Of Darkness
    Into an emotional figure
    A figure of stone
    With a cold heart
    Like his own master.
    that was actually one i planned to send in to the lit mag for last year. well, i’m gonna try to finish my story, or try to figure out a new one.
    Blue Hood, peace OUT!! πŸ™‚

  24. Young Corbo stuck in the death moon, willingly though, he says it is better than Corbotia and I would believe him, Corbotia is the stink pot of the planet Earth. (Sorry, I don’t have that much to write for tonight I could do an awesome one on Monday.)

  25. Well I guess since im rushed for time I will right a few poems. But I dont remember what kind of poems. I will do 3 more of these

    fast, flew
    flying, shooting, bombing
    High in the sky

  26. BOOK: I HAVE NONE OF THE ABOVE! (Thank you for existing old newspapers)
    PROMPT: Creative
    SIDE NOTES: Hi. And my creative doesn’t have to make sense. What’s the fun in making sense? Also the rhyme was coincidental.


    Dark, creepy
    Evil, scary
    Fright, sleepy
    Menacing, deadly
    Peaceful, Kingly
    Knightly, Nightly
    Dark, Light

  27. Creative, again (realized the other wasn’t long enough)

    I was walking. I was talking. Then everything shut down. The Lights shut down. The electric, self-controlled cars went hay-wire. They just stopped and sputtered out random sentences. “Turning rightSpeeding upTurning rightTurning Left,” said mine. My phone lost reception. It beeped loudly in my ear, the sound echoing in the now-dark, lonely, metropolitan city. It was low on battery and automatically shut off, my only light leaving me in this dark world. The only light now was above the cover. They told us the ozone layer dissipated, and that we would burn in the sunlight. I didn’t believe them, as all the scientists would refer to natural discovers including ozone, but, according to them, the ozone layer, the only known natural source of ozone, was gone.

  28. I just started reading Eragon so yeah……. only 47 pages in πŸ™
    Anyway, in this is the first book of a 4 book series and i don’t know the series’ name πŸ™ πŸ™ also i lost ruling over Keaton πŸ™
    Ok time to get to what I read. When i first started reading the book it was a bit boring….. Yet suddenly when Eragon goes hunting in a range of mountains called the Spine, he finds a Dark Blue stone that has white webbing under it. Later he ends up finding out it is hollow(*gasp*) when suddenly that night he hears a sqeaking noise he learns it is coming from the stone. That morning it suddenly rolls of the shelf it is on and a crack appears in it. The more appear and meet in a circle at the top. suddenly it lifts open and a dragon head pops out. Later(about a few weeks) the dragon’s shoulder reaches Eragon’s elbow.

    P.S. Dragons grow fast……..

    P.P.S. Eragon goes into town and the dragon gets lonely

  29. ok anyway i am getting of the blog until next week so:

    Goodbye everybody and WORLD PEACE

  30. Im reading the year of the hangman

    The story starts off with a boy named Creighton and goes to see an execution. They called the year of the hangman because it was 1777 and the sevens look like gallows .one night Creighton was kidnapped by some guys hired by his mom. On the way to America they were raided by patriots who took them captive and escorted them to one of there territories.

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