“my mom won’t let me wear a bikini b/c she says it’s unmodest…”

ah, the wisdom of first graders at the snack table…

“the agent” by steinberg – we’re going to do an activity from the book steinberg used to do with the athletes he’d represent – i actually did the activity with the fifth graders at EHES friday – so they can tell you how terrible it was – anyway, steinberg ruled the world of agents for a while – and then alcoholism cost him his agency – and his family – and he’s now working to get that all back – he’s incredibly bright – highly gifted – so it was a good read about the dangers of being the smartest person in the room

“players first” by john calipari – coach butcher’s kind of book – b/c he’s the head coach at UK – i enjoyed reading it – calipari is not afraid to speak is mind – i found it cool that he spend as many pages on his championship team two years ago as he did the team that “failed” to make it out of the first round of the NIT last year – b/c in basketball, like with teaching, when you work with youth, they’re so sensitive sometimes than when things get bad, it can be hard to reverse that trend – no matter what you try

enjoy testing – no, you don’t have journals this week


41 thoughts on ““my mom won’t let me wear a bikini b/c she says it’s unmodest…””

  1. Who is the impostor name your self at once. In other news i only have eight fingers for the ASPIRE

  2. I didnt copy you. You see i used a question mark, not an exclamation mark.

    Mr teacher man will be in tuscaloosa in a pokadotted bow tie sukers

  3. Meanie Head! Fred would get that….. Speaking of Fred…. He’s a stealer!

    Mayfield- I most definitely don’t have a disease! At least, not a deadly one anyways… 🙂

  4. Oh, and by the way, there is another website practically exactly like NaNoWriMo called WeSeWriMo and It is the entire month of August…

  5. So, now I’m a private detective. If anyone has a mystery that they want me to solve, contact me!

    Last? is Billy.

  6. Hola señoras y señores (In honor of Cinco de Mayo, I know it’s may sixth though), day one of rookie camp was a general success in rookies, strangely the most rookies we had were either the clarinets or the flutes (Don’t know what to tell you there…) with only one trumpet rookie, you know who you are, but I’m reading The Seventh Door by Bryan Davis who is an awesome writer and if you haven’t read his books i highly recommend them to anyone who has even a slight interest in dragons, King Arthur, Merlin, and Excalibur. So far the book has been good but it came to a very weird part when i got to chapter six (it’s bad) but it’s a good book so far and i would write something for it but I’m not even halfway through the book so i can’t write an alt. ending for it or an author’s perspective since it constantly changes tone and mood or a creative since i don’t want to completely change the meaning of a apocalyptic scenario which the main characters are trying to delay and at the beginning of the book the character Enoch (the biblical one who was pulled into heaven) sai “I wonder if the horsemen are riding,” You’ll get the reference if you’ve read revelation.

  7. It said CHARACTERS, not words. So i was sitting with 300+ words per essay and it eouldnt take it. I cant cut quickly either, do sorry maf. Next year (if i can remember) for sure.

  8. If I am correct, Detective, I do believe Last!- would be Jason……….

  9. hey sick girl, read my final story of the year – you get included at the end – you know, for next year…


    “Good evening, we interrupt your local weatherman, it’s not like he’s been right lately anyway, to bring you this live shot from Detective Rauchel inside storm pit at Fred’s Diner as the pageant contestants and their entourages sit out a two-hour weather delayed start. Raichael, what can you tell us about what we’re seeing?”

    “Well Jimmy, we’re watching just as much as our viewers at home are watching. The ninja goose cam showed us all that fierce rotating cloud, and when ninja goose started swirling around and around, it was as good an indication as we all needed to find our place of safety…”


    “Sounds like trouble in paradise there Rhachel.”

    “Yes, well, even the best of us panic during storms. Our own live reporter Trevor fled pageant headquarters due to the looming storm threat, he said he had a wife, kids, and his precious journals to think about saving, leaving me the mike, the camera, and a bunch of black t-shirts he was going to pass out for some reason…”

    Yes, we’d finally reached the last scene, closing time at Fred’s Diner. You see, everyone arrived for the pageant, but the terrible weather caused a delay and forced everyone to seek shelter. Originally, they were all going to crowd the hallways, but Fred, one of the pageant night sponsors, insisted that they cram into his storm shelter. Fred had spared no expense installing them in every one of his diners, just another luxury that ran him into debt and caused the rise of Hello Kitty Waffle Shops.

    But that night? That shelter was as good as the Golden Dragon on a Friday night.

    Of course, no space was truly large enough for the egos in that room that fateful night. Corbo started the fuss when he insisted on turning on the giant TV when they entered.

    “Must have TV!!!”

    “Fine, if you’ll leave me alone,” Queen Jamio said to her brother. “It’s not like you’ve been any help this year anyway.”

    “Ooh, look, Ninja Goose is swirling on the TV, and is that…?”

    It was, a Mack on the Shelf, swirling in the storm debris.

    “It looks like my alter ego got taken away by something that sounds like a freight train,” Corbo sniffed.

    Meanwhile, Mayfield and Princess Sarah Elizabeth huddled in a corner.

    “I should go run right now while there’s a good tailwind.”

    “Mayfield, this is not the time to be thinking about running.”

    “Oh, excuse me, princess, look, you got this far with me always thinking about running and so if you think me not thinking about running is going to help you can think again.”

    “Oh, I give up. For a mentor, you’re not very helpful. Why don’t you think of something to do with those straws, paper, and glue over there.”

    Mayfield busied himself while the princess tried to take a nap, which was hard to do sitting straight up, so as not to wrinkle her dress or affect her hair.

    “Master Corbo, I got them,” Cole said as he flew in (thanks to a gusty wind).

    “You got my mascot head from the ballpark?”

    “And even better, I found another list of Craig’s floating around in the wind.”

    “Let me see… ‘From the office of Craig, a list…’ Yep, that’s the stationary alright. Some of the writing appears to be smudged. Cole, dry this with one of the billion hair dryers around here. Cole?”

    “Okay, ladies,” Cole was already on the other side of the room addressing the “lesser” pageant contestants, “I just updated your pageant predictions based on this delay. Of course, Sarah Elizabeth is still the favorite, and Jamio is second…”

    “I HATE SECOND!!!” Jamio had super-sensitive hearing when her name was associated with less-than-excellent scoring.

    “Johnna, everyone has you all over the board but I still have you third…”

    “Awesome,” Johnna Manziel said, “I should get a good shoe contract out of that.”

    “And that leaves Alexa Jenny McCarron…”

    “Oh wise butler, I’m soon to be married. Should I change my last name?”

    “Nah, McCarron is a pretty cool last name. It’ll be good in ‘The League.’ And then there’s Sarah Nicole and Morgan Elizabeth.”

    The storm outside intensified.

    “Okay, look,” Cole’s sister, MoLiz, began, “First of all, Sarah Nicole isn’t even the princess of Hart anymore. Second, you picked your own sister to finish last?”

    “Ooh,” Corbo said, “the TV is showing us again. Now it’s showing hail. Now us. Now hail.”

    “This is pathetic,” the detective uttered.

    “Actually, it’s a pathetic fallacy,” Mayfield said, and if there’s one thing Mayfield loves, it’s correcting an improper use of a literary feature.

    Just then, the pageant officials came in to update everyone that high winds were in the area, and everyone needed to put a helmet on.

    “We’re going to die and I’ll never have been revenged!!!” Jamio said.

    “We’re going to die and I will have only kissed, well (blush), not enough boys,” Princess Sarah Elizabeth said.

    “Mmwfff, mmwff, mmwff,” Corbo said under the mask of his face Cole had brought.

    “Corbo’s right,” Cole said, “It looks like on TV that the Golden Dragon has been destroyed.”

    “I think the midst of such a terrible tragedy, that the pageant just has to be cancelled,” one official said.

    “Don’t you dare…” Jamio began.

    “We shouldn’t cancel,” Princess Sarah Elizabeth said, “the Golden Dragon would’ve wanted us to go on.”

    “I agree,” Fred said. “The dinosaurs didn’t die out just for us to live in fear. They would’ve wanted the show to go on.”

    Actually, Fred wanted the show to go on because he knew it would be televised live from his storm pit. He knew the pageant’s publicity would be a boom for his diners. Well, it would’ve been had people not been tuned into weather coverage (priorities…).

    “Okay,” the officials, easily persuaded (how do you think Princess Sarah Elizabeth won in year one anyway?) said. “Um, okay, everybody. Five minutes until talents.”

    “Talents?!?” Cole said. “I forgot they would be judged on that. This changes my prediction completely.”

    Cole went back to the drawing board to figure out how the respective talents would impact the pageant. Jamio, of course, was going to do everything (b/c she’s just that talented). Princess Sarah Elizabeth was going to do absolutely nothing because sweating and performing are for “lesser” people (yes, this strategy did win the previous year). Johnna Manziel began practicing autographs, and Sarah Nicole the morning news announcements.

    “It’s pronounced COR-boat, like if Corbo had a raft,” Alexa Jenny told Sarah Nicole, and that was actually a warm up for Alexa Jenny who was known as a pageant manager rather than for having any specific talent.

    “Can someone help me with my cheernastics mats?” Morgan Elizabeth said.

    “Sure, I will,” the detective said, and that was when Rachael found the mat, found the ring (it was in Sarah Elizabeth’s purse but fell out when the door opened to admit Cole – the high winds carried the ring far enough away from the purse that the detective pocketed the ring.

    And the detective lost the ring the very next day to a new Sarah Nicole – the Sarah Nicole that became a superhero with her “Binder of Truth,” the ring serving as the anchor for that binder.

    But I’m sure you know all about that tale… Wait, you don’t? Well, give me a year to write it up…

  10. Nicole, are you sure you’re sick???
    Fred had a guilty look on his face, so I was worried…

    And Last with a question mark on the end is Billy. Last with an exclamation point is Jason. Don’t question my detectiveness just because I can’t find you.

  11. nicole – since it’s just us now, i have new-ish joey mac music (from 2010) – downloaded it yesterday – after testing, of course:)

    (and super pumped that you’re feeling better – or at least that the medicine is making you feel that way:)

  12. Okay i want to make a bet. How many people do you think are going to try to turn in journals. my guess is 4

  13. Cant you write it quicker aka: 1 week. I might hve to change my fantasy writing league to the following:

    1. Mr scott
    2. Maf

  14. Are you doing journals this week? We aren’t supposed to you know that right

  15. I’m betting some of 9th period, and most of 10th period, won’t know we didn’t have journals.
    What horrible role models we are.

  16. i have to say something about this 9th period has tragedy bear we have …. Ty 2.0

  17. BOOK: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
    PROMPT: Alternate Ending
    SIDE NOTES: Seeing a character change and evolve is one thing, but seeing them devolve is a whole different story. I’m reading the Harry Potter book again, but this time with a twist. I reading through them in reverse chronology. Okay, seriously though, why can’t I new book? Also, I’ve never seen this prompt used, so this will be fun. (Note: This contains spoilers about the Harry Potter series.)

    Alternate Ending:
    As Harry felt himself hurdle toward the ground, his life flashed before his eyes, his time under the stairs, his first year at Hogwarts, the Chamber of Secrets, meeting Sirius, the Triwizard Tournament, his battles with Voldemort, Sirius’s death, Dumbledore’s death, Dudley’s thank you, and Hedwig’s death all flashed before him in but a few milliseconds. As he gave up hope of preventing the crash, he braced for the surprise landing and hoped that he would survive the fall. As the bike hit the ground, time seemed to slow down and Harry saw the old motorbike crumple under the weight. Harry tried to jump out, but found himself immobile. He realized and accepted his death now, his only worry being that of his friends and the Wizarding World. Right before he hit, his vision went black. Harry could see nothing. But arising from the darkness he saw a figure, that of Dumbledore, and was dumbfounded. How could he see Dumbledore? He began walking towards him, but when he came near Dumbledore disappeared and was replaced by a dark mass recognizable as Hagrid.

  18. Ughhhhhh, yes we have the draft pulled up also and the rams havent drafted a vandy player yet. Such a disappointment, they should totally trade for jordan matthews

  19. So, only one person in 9th period turned in journals. How many people in 10th turned them in?

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