oh, the last week before the sixth grade invasion of the blog…

such a fleeting, fleeting moment…

“Play with Passion” – only Billy could even guess who Rex Ryan is – and he wouldn’t really know until I gave him a bunch of hints – so a head coach book is lost on my audience, i get that – still, it was a decent book – he spent 1/2 the book talking about how awesome his dad was as a coach (the dad wasn’t) and how awesome the NY Jets are going to be (they aren’t) – my takeaway activity is this: he allowed the players to speak with the media – no restraints – but they had to mention at least two other teammates when they were interviewed – the players have caught on to the point that they have a game as to who can mention the most people – i thought it was a neat way to get players to realize there are people around them that make their jobs easier – so i’m trying to figure out how that works in the classroom b/c we don’t have that many interviews

“Cosby” – biography on the Jello man – or the Fat Albert man – or the original Noah – any of those work – even in his 80s, Cosby still hits the road and does his stand-up – which is amazing to me – the book brought back memories of my childhood with “the cosby show” – and the tapes my parents had of his stand up – which is brilliantly funny

“Queen of the Slayers” – in the words of a t-shirt i recently coveted “Buffy should’ve staked Edward to the heart” – my final book this week was fan-fiction – from “Buffy: The Vampire Slayer” – the book wasn’t great – surprised, probably not – and i’ll probably end up reading the other books out that go with the series – there are over 100 – so i have a long reading life ahead of me – but not recommendable fiction:)

band preview is when this week???
