twas the night before teachers reported, and all through the school…

so happy “week of” – wow, it seems so far away and then POW, summer just leaves you – of course, the heat is around to stay at least through football season

“The President’s Devotional” – a year’s worth of devotionals President Obama was sent from one of his advisers – like most devotional books, you can plow through the book quickly – of course, it doesn’t mean you learned much – and like most devotional books, some days are better than others – and different days hit different people – i did like the personal stories about the president – and his faith

“Elvis” – wow, this was a sad book – i learned a lot – Elvis and Michael Jackson are both people i wanted to read biographies on – b/c their music made so many people happy – there was almost a tragic flaw to it all – and with Elvis – I just wish he could’ve found joy/happiness in something – his search was sad – but again, I learned a lot

“guide to writing YA books” – i have a note Monday to write a few things down to teach in class – like the author included a seven-step plot outline – which I thought was good – and some tips for Nanowrimo – of course, one flaw of the book is that it’s basically saying “write like Twilight if you want readers and a book contract” – and my creative outlet in writing could never be done that way – hence, i write wacky stories about a Binder of Truth, a detective, and a stalker that protects us all

“the terrible reasons why i run” – oh, what a funny, encouraging read – the author was me – a former fat kid that sometimes feels he’s still an injury away from being that kid – the part about sleeping in to eat waffles with the kitty was one of my favorite parts

yep, busy week – about to get even crazier on monday


36 thoughts on “twas the night before teachers reported, and all through the school…”

  1. YEAH FRED!!!

    fred is awesome – i desperately wanted to fit into a boy’s medium t-shirt yesterday b/c it had lots of dinosaurs on it – and it reminded me of the diner – that’s now less than a year away from being written into extinction (i never should’ve brought annmarie’s waffle shop into the mix – well, too late… 🙂

  2. I have a talent of being silent for weeks upon weeks of Sundays and then suddenly appearing first on the blog 🙂

  3. story update!!!

    “Why did he say your name first?” Sarah Nicole asked before flicking her binder lightening fast to knock away a marker. “Hey, those markers are fine-tipped!!!”

    “And you should know brown is banned at this school anyway because Princess Sarah Elizabeth…” The rest of the detective’s explanation was interrupted when the two girls realized their progress had stalled. In their haste to break down the supply barrier, they had run into a gooey mess, specifically, a glue stick mess.

    “Aha! You two fell into my evil trap!!!” the very, very bad kid said. “I knew you’d assume the globs were just regular student snot in the hallway!!!”

    “Well, this is a sticky situation,” the detective correctly pointed out.

  4. Haha, yes, I would be the one to point out the stickiness of a gluey situation. I do like glue. But it’s sticky.

  5. billy – party any time – i’m here all day

    tyler – i do have the list – thanks for checking – i have one of the high school BOBs already from the public library – they’re working on getting the rest

    detective – out with meetings yesterday – sorry to drop the ball on the blog – i did get two episodes of buffy the vampire slayer watched though – so it wasn’t a total loss

  6. Maf, you need to teach ms jones a subbing strategy. The good one (leave you best 2 players in at all times and then you will win, that strategy) so far i’m about 30-4 with that strategy, im about to do the math.

  7. crazy day…

    Middle School
    January (Conspriacy 365 Series) – Garielle Lord
    Sure Signs of Crazy – Karen Harrington
    Left for Dead:…. – Peter Nelson
    Counting by 7s – Holly Goldberg
    Tesla’s Attic – Neal Shusterman
    Romiette and Julio – Sharon Draper

  8. Hey I just wanted to say that this is our last year with Mr. Mayfield so we have to make it count every day has to be memorable , not that it wasn’t before and to also tell Mr. Mayfield that I have his magazine and I’ve keep up with it this whole time and I feel quite proud of my self considering how cataclysmic my room is. I will return the magazine tomorrow !:)

  9. The BOBs look interesting this year.

  10. Speaking of sixth graders, where are they??? I had already found the blog by now! Someone has to talk to them…

  11. “What We Found In the Sofa and How It Saved the World”
    The Detective’s “I might read it” essay.

    When I first saw that my little sister had “What We Found In the Sofa and How It Saved the World” by Henry Clark as a Battle of the Books book, I thought that Clark must have been crazy. Now that I’ve looked at a description on Amazon, I’m certain that he’s crazy. The description called it “truly original and utterly wacky.” I think that I might like to read this book because [I’m original and utterly wacky! 🙂 ] I love to write, and I know how much fun it can be and how difficult it can be to incorporate seemingly pointless objects into a story. Any author that can use an “artificially intelligent domino” and a “rare zucchini colored crayon” to save the world and actually have the book become slightly famous is worth reading.

  12. 1. Only 1 sixth grader will find the blog.
    2. The Cubs have a better chance at winning the World Cup conpared to the World Series.
    3. Mobile’s pitching will boost them to win the southern league over the stars.


    4. I will be able to call my brother names and not get in trouble for it. (Thanks Ms. Garcia

  13. I was too lazy to blog three times. And if you dont understand this look at your pocket schedule that mayfield gave you. Already ordered my WVU shirt for the thirtieth

  14. One sixth grader? How about no sixth graders…

    I’m curious as to which of the little children will be come the Detective Apprentice.

  15. Jason, of course there are multiple blogs. Mr. Scott has one, Ms. Garcia has one, nearly ALL of the Oak Mt. Teachers have one, etc.

  16. Rachel, i meant this year. Not this week. Btw binder girl, finished january. Wrote 14 in the first 10 pages.

  17. Billy- WHO CARES! haha. BOB is going to be way more fun this year, hopefully. I really want to read Counting By 7’s… *sigh* after I finish my current book…

  18. Article from The Atlantic ” Do Cell Phones Really Belong In The Classroom?.”

    “Cell phones distract students from schoolwork and class activities.”

    This was towards the end of the Article the author restated this multiple times, the point is very correct in fact I agree with it if you allow phones into the classroom for Educational purposes it might work at first but then kids are going to start getting off task and misusing the technology.

    “But whatever a school’s approach to technology, cell phones seem to be nearly ubiquitous.”

    This is also correct , some schools are very careful about how much technology they allow into the schools or how much they allow the students to use They are scared some might abuse their technology or vandalize the equipment. In truth it doesn’t matter what they say , want , or how they in-force it they are dealing with kids they are in there rebelling, and their going to do what they want to do whether or not the school approves with it.

    “After all, this is a generation that is used to being entertained.”

    They are right if kids get bored they start acting out, misbehaving, stop paying attention, and most of the time resort to getting technology going on social media and texting to fellow classmates. If you take a kids technology away they wouldn’t be able to function , but that doesn’t apply to all kids some aren’t so caught up into technology that they can focus when they need to. If someone looked or tried to figures this out I bet you are attention spans are shorter than say… twenty years ago. If you give a kid a choice of a ball any type including a glove or a goal or technology that they can play with , my bet is they would pick an Iphone over a baseball.

    I hope I did this Dialectical Journal right I hadn’t read enough in my book to get something from there, if not can someone tell me tomorrow 🙂 Thanks

  19. And side note Our Generation are lazy they pick technology over exercise this is why more than half of adolescence kids are obese….HINT this is why are school lunches are 500 calories Thank you Michelle Obama! Now kids go home and eat because their hungry causing them to over eat and then get on electronics so their not burning the calories they just ate. Its only my opinion but I don’t think you can burn any calories buy playing a game that people jump and run to collect coins.

  20. I’m doing four journals on what i’m sick from.


    BEGINNING: I haven’t been going to school because of my cough, nobody knows what it is, it started last week from a cold. I had that cold for about three days and then randomly I started coughing. So my family thought it was my asthma but it isn’t.
    MIDDLE: So people are thinking right now that it is my asthma but it’s not like I just said. Really we think it’s golden rod or acorns. If you don’t know what golden rod is, it’s a long stem that grows pretty tall and grows little flowers on it.
    MIDDLE: Now you should know what a acorn is, if not that is why i’m blogging, to tell you. An acorn is a little nut that falls from a oak tree. So we don’t really know what is yet exactly but I know that I am not going to school tomorrow.
    END: Speaking of me not going to school tomorrow I also haven’t been going to football practice and i’m going to my game but not going to play because of my cough. Just going to say this……my mom just called the doctor beside me! :O

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