yes, sixth grade, you MUST blog extra on labor day

i mean, that’s where the day got it’s name in the first place, right??? this evil teacher, mr. mayfield, made his students labor so hard, day after day after day, that a special day was created to honor everyone’s attempt to read a billion books a week – and write responses that were never exactly creative enough to meet his high demands (b/c he was creatively brilliant – i mean, a superhero with a binder battling a tragedy bear??? you just can’t make this stuff up people…)

“rickey and robinson” – book on the relationship between jackie robinson and the GM that signed up to break baseball’s color barrier – amazing as it is, the author knew both guys – i just honestly assumed everyone was dead from that situation that could add light on the subject – so it was a very good read – regardless of your interest in baseball, robinson is a great biography read

“you might have known me…” – biography on phil hartman(n) – he did SNL – he did tv – he was on peewee’s playhouse – he voiced troy mcclure on the simpsons – really funny/creative guy to read about – his end was tragic

“buffy the vampire slayer: season eight, volume 1” – okay, i don’t think i have any audience members out there, but those of you that regularly read comics/graphic novels – mega props – i was thoroughly lost and confused trying to do so – lots more to them than i ever figured – i definitely got a lot out of it

remember, all day reading and writing on labor day or else you fail sixth grade!!!
