counting by sarah’s…

just watch the marathon record fall under two hours, three minutes – amazing…

“brewster” – my “tough” book – or book i can brag about in adult conversations – b/c i totally have those – enjoyable read – the passages about running were outstanding – traditional adult fiction book with issues that would make not non-recommendable to YA – but i can’t fathom why kids would read outside of their target area anyway – but i really enjoyed the imagery in the book

“do life” – quick read – how a 360 pound guy lost 140 pounds, finished a marathon, and became a triathloner – there was a sad beginning – the kid knew he was overweight but it took a comment from the “cute” girl in fifth grade to destroy his self-confidence and spiral his life out of control – i could identify, in ways

“sure signs of crazy” – i actually would’ve liked this book better if it’d been about the title – about a girl trying to hold it together with a mom that’s been committed – but sadly, the book wasn’t anything like that – yucky BOB read

“counting by 7’s” – so i don’t know what book sarah is reading b/c 7’s took me a day – not nine weeks:) as for the review, i feel obligated to ruin it for sarah since she won’t read it – apparently – it was a decent enough book – to be technical, i had issues with the counselor – and the unlikely-ness that a genius would just fall through the cracks like that – but whatever, most books are about boys liking girls – or vice versa – so genius books are okay with me:)
