quick poll – if you could have any pie at thanksgiving, you would have…

nice, pretty day to be indoors nanowrimo-ing…

“noggin” – high school BOB – the author wanted to explore what happens when it feels like we are out of sync with others – so he tells the hilarious story of a boy who has his head removed – frozen – and then re-attached when science catches up – it’s really awful – and part that all high school guys preying on Christian girls are gay was tough reading…

“we were liars” – high school BOB – i can’t believe i’ve recommended this book – although, i do think some of my students will “enjoy” it – it did read fast though – so that was nice – the twist at the end was worth reading – but it’s certainly not “stop everything and find this book – and read it!!!” material:)

mike matheny – book about the cardinals’ manager way of thinking for young kids of the game (baseball) – really a great book – some great classic lines in there from other great coaches – one is that champions don’t lose – they just run out of time in some games – that one i really like b/c i definitely played games – athletic and academic – when my heart wasn’t always in it – i think the older you get the more you do fight all the way through

“we should hang out some time” – non-fiction – unusual for YA – author tracks down why he made it to 25 and never had a girlfriend – of course, part of the early part of the book was me – very much a book i could’ve written – there was an eventual veer and it very much wasn’t the book i could’ve written at all – which made it sadder for me in that light – anyway, seemingly set up as a “what went wrong” examination, of course, the author figured out it was him – oh, and that all these girls had really been into him – and his religious parents were jerks for holding him back – okay, now i’m into a rant…

tough week of reading – i have baylor coach’s book on order though – and neil patrick harris’s book – so life will get better – plus, there’s my whole book – which is awesome:)
