time to work on my awesome tan…

let the bracket madness begin…

“unbroken” – a reread – from five years ago – about enough time for me to forget specifics – but remember general structure – wow oh wow were the japanese awful to american POWs – i don’t remember any of that being covered in history class – we just got US angst over dropping the atomic bomb – and over internment camps – but there was a level of viciousness that made the japanese look worse than the nazis – and how you forgive, overcome that – is a wonderful story to read – i’m disappointed that those that watch the movie won’t realize how “broken” the real character was – that doesn’t fit movie structure

“counter culture” by david platt – my former pastor – a good read – if by good it makes you depressed:) just a book about how to live counter to the societal norms we have now – the unifying tie with it all and the gospel in Chapter 1 made for good reading – some of the stats were very disconcerting – i’m always saddened by the choices of some people – and surprised by them


64 thoughts on “time to work on my awesome tan…”

  1. I’m reading a book called “Chicken Soup For The Teenage Soul” right now. It’s just a book to help teens and it’s just full of short stories written by people to help teenagers overcome the feeling that everything around them is crashing down. There are quotes on the pages of every chapter and I have highlighted many sentences in people’s stories. I will share them with you now.

    “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”― Mae West
    Some people look back on their life while on their death bed and are unhappy with themselves. People do crazy things and then say “you only live once” and it really is true, you need to do things with your life because if you do then when youre about to die then you’ll be okay because you know your life was worth living because you took every day and lived it right, and thats all anyone really needs in the end, you know you took every chance you had and that youre happy with your life.

    “Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up.”
    Jesse Jackson
    Dont ever put someone down and make them feel bad, never do that to someone because you never know who you could need in the future and who might not want to be there for you just because of some stupid mean thing you did. You should help people up and then in the long run people will help you up

    “The human spirit is stronger than anything that happens to it”
    C.C Scott
    Things will happen to you in this world and you won’t always be happy but your spirit is strong enough to get through it. Sadly kids tend to forget this and think they can’t handle what’s happening to them and they shut down and then bad things happen. They need to realize that your spirit is strong enough to overcome all the bad things that happen to you.

  2. 1. Vanderbilt got a 5 seed.
    2. Bama made the NIT
    3. Anthony Grant got fired
    4. Hopefully, Alabama will hire the guy from Mountain Brook and make a run.

  3. April
    Cal was expecting for someone to jump out at him and kill/hurt him, but there was nothing in there it looked like an old bomb shelter. He looked around still a little blind and and saw what looked like to be a carisine lamp. Then it took him a few min, to find some carasine. Then he lighted it. He could see so much better. Then he started to try and find some food. There were some dusty, old looking boxes on top of the shelves. So climbed to the top and grabbed the boxes, trying to still be quiet.

  4. In year out f the hangman creighton has a very very bad problem. But before I get into that I want to speak about how he saw a Man being hung and how so many people are being hung this year and so it’s killed year of the hang man. So creighton has a rally bad gambling problem and constantly disrespects his mother. He has lost a lot of money and is in major debt. He was going to steal a piece of jewelry from his mother and gets kidnaped.

  5. looks like i’m a bit early for this week, huh?

    by the way, i’m studying propoganda, mr. maf! that oughta help me when i’m stalking…

    “ma’am, did you know that 90% of stalkers across the state of Alabama are actually hobos, and need loving, caring homes? you can help by sending your donations to me, and stop the suffering of poor homeless stalkers. ”


    my SATs are next week, i think… speaking of which, i actually have finals every MONTH instead of every two months.

    i’m sharpening my art and writing skills the best i can. i’m actually studying the type of poetry called imagism and the writers who “founded” imagism, like Hilda Doolittle. i haven’t found any art competitions around here, but i’m hoping i can find one soon.

    here’s a random creative:

    Blanketful of Diamonds
    by Blue

    A navy blue blanket
    stretched taught across the sky.
    freckled with silvery sand
    and dotted with diamonds
    that shine and twinkle
    when I move underneath it.


    miss your class a whole lot, mr. maf.


  6. le blue,
    random poem is super cool – i thought yesterday we needed to do some poetry during poetry month (april) – the freckled with silvery sand is just a great, great line

    it is my hope to edit my binder girl story over the break so i can publish it by may

    i hope your finals are less absurd than what we give – ours seem to get crazier and crazier:)

    very much missed,
    from maf

  7. $1,000 Captain Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quennation,is celebrating Quennation's surrender to the Tacopire says:

    Alright I don’t know what to do now Quentin surrendered last week so now I have nothing to conquer 🙁 . But hey, it feels good to be supreme leader so… i guess im okay

  8. $1,000 Captain Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quennation is now ready to conquer detective says:

    I think im going to take time off from trying to conquer countries ( not that there are any left) and record the amazing adventures of the Tacopire. In a book. Styled like Arthurian legend. It’s gonna be good.

  9. $1,000 Captain Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quennation is now ready to conquer detective says:

    “Star Wars”;Line:”She’ll die before she gives you any information”
    Commentary: Darth Vader has captured Leia and is trying to get information from her when a commander says the above line. And what does Darth Vader say? “Leave that to me”.Best comeback ever. But im guessing Darth Vader ends up torturing Leia until she gives up information unlike the movie. The books are way different. But that’s for wednesday.

    aspManWay tOuay (pig latin)

  10. Eragon

    After eragon attacked the razac and killed them he had to deal with Sloan. Eragon took him down the mountain and travels away from the empire on his own because he sent saphira away. When saphira arrived at the garden without him nasuada started to worry and questioned saphira. Arya left and ran off into the woods to find eragon.

  11. Waspman, You still haven’t conquered Mayfieldya, Corbotia, or Jamiot. Good luck with those. (ultimate sarcasm)

  12. $1,000 Captain Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quennation is now ready to conquer detective says:

    I have been given some great ideas for the book. I think I may start working on it friday after school.

  13. $1,000 Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quennation is now ready to conquer detective says:

    “Star Wars”;Line:”…well, there are two things men have never been able to satisfy: their curiosity and their greed. There isn’t much the high imperial bureaucrats are curious about”
    Commentary:This is Biggs talking to Luke about him going into the Rebel Alliance. Biggs felt that the world was falling apart and luke said that there was no reason that the empire would want Tatooine then Biggs said the above line. I think this first sentence is true about even us humans. Our greed and curiosity consume us until we end up needing to consume others. Harsh world.

    Signing Out,

  14. Ready to Watch Alabama in the NIT! 🙂
    Can’t stop thinking about who will be hired?

  15. April
    There were 3 boxes and they were all labled. They said, “Item #252 VEGETABLE RATION PACK.” , “Item #250 CHOCOLATE RATION PACK.” , “Item #253 MEAT RATION PACK.” , AND “Item #5476 NIGHT GOGGLES.” There were also some maps in there to, along with the other stuff. Even thought you have to have food to survive (I thought it was wierd that there was no WATER) he thought the night goggles put him at an advantige. So he slipped them on and right away he could see much better. Then he put the food (NOT WATER BECAUSE THERE WAS NONE) in his backpack and set the lamp on low then tryed to get some sleep.
    That is all for today 🙂

  16. “The shot clock will be changed for the NIT tournament from 35 seconds to 30 seconds.” -Every ESPN announcer announcing the NIT tournament

    I think the shot clock will affect Bama more than it will affect Vandy. This year Bama’s strategy was wait until the shot clock was low and then drive. Now, we won’t be able to shoot ourselves in the foot as much. Vandy’s strategy is wait then shoot a 3 and make 1/3 of them. As a whole, college basketball will be sped up a tad and turnover rates will increase, because the clock will tick down and the players will feel the pressure and try to force something.

  17. (\(\
    ( -.-)

    Line- Taylor has the most perfect ponytail ever!

    Commentary- Beth goes to school in Michigan and she loves taylors ponytail it doesent tangle or knot it is just…. perfect and beths ponytail is curly knotted and absolutely knot perfect(see what i did there) but she wants hers to do that but it never will and she just has to deal with it

  18. (\(\
    ( -.-)
    ( -.-)
    Two bunnies sitting side by side
    one is getting tortured one is gonna die
    one has a really bad name
    one all it does is cry
    it makes me very upset
    what a baby ha

  19. le blue is another year older today! yup, i was a spring baby… (if it’s even called spring in Alabama).


    hope the class had a wonderful st. patty’s day yesterday!

    by the way, thank you mr. maf, about the poem. my mom actually gave me an assignment to write a piece of imagism poetry, and that poem is pretty much what i did. she liked it, and i remembered i had not posted any creative on the blog for a while, so i thought about using that.

    oh, while i’m thinking about it… so, yeterday i was at publix, and we came across some easter chocolate in the form of those fake one billion dollar bills. so, this easter money had a bunny where the president should be, and instead of saying “In God We Trust”, it said… wait for it…

    “In Bunnies We Trust”.


    Brandon ran up to me, saying, “we HAVE to tell mr. mayfield’s class about this.”, waving the chocolate around in the air. we’ll have to email you a picture of it.

  20. The Day Tragedy Bear Went West
    by Mayfield

    Most folks don’t know, but Tragedy Bear had a fairly legendary past in early America…

    For instance, I’ll bet you’ve heard the line that Davy Crockett killed him a “bar,” a bear, when he was only 3. Crockett killed Share Bear, the one true love of Tragedy Bear’s life, and so at that point, Tragedy Bear swore vengeance upon Crockett and the state of Tennessee for failing to prosecute such a high crime against humanity.

    You know that Crockett died at the Alamo, but I bet you didn’t know Davy was forced west in the first place because Tragedy Bear hunted him down.

    And Crockett’s heroic death at the Alamo? Well, Tragedy Bear isn’t the type of bear to kiss and tell, or rather maul and tell, but Mexican legend speaks of El Oso de Tragico, the Bear of Tragedy, and his keen military insight that led to the lone time Mexico won anything on US soil (which wasn’t really US soil at the time, it was Mexican soil which became Texan soil – the nation of Texas – for a couple of years – which gave us Six Flags – which gave us amusement parks – which gave me a splitting headache and a reminder that “I’m too old for this” when I was there in my 20s but which gave me one perfect day with my own one true love of my life, Adrienne, when we were both young and in high school, before the eventual breakup and my Tragedy Bear-like sworn vengeance upon the state of Tennessee).

    By the way, El Oso de Tragico’s keen insight for his amigos? He told them to attack because they outnumbered the opposition 10-to-1 (in other words, Tragedy Bear didn’t have keen military insight so much as an ability to point out the obvious).

    With Crockett out of the picture, Tragedy Bear, in the words of the great Toucan Sam, “followed his nose” west to the California territories and the land of gold – he could practically smell it (although, he may have also smelled the first In and Out Burger stand – which, of course, he helped put on the map).

    Tragedy Bear combed the land for gold in his quest to defeat Tennessee – of course he did some other good along the way, why else would Cal-Berkley and UCLA be nicknamed after bears?

    Within a short time, the bear was ready to crush the Volunteer State – and that was when Nathaniel Bedford Forrest put a curse on Tragedy Bear, luring him into a deep sleep (Story Note: When in doubt, blame the KKK).

    For almost a century, Tragedy Bear waited for true love’s kiss, which was ironically found from Judy Garland. Tragedy Bear awoke to find Tennessee had built a football powerhouse, most of which under the direction of General Robert Neyland.

    Tragedy Bear was glad Tennessee had devoted its heart to football for it gave him a brilliant plan for revenge. At the height of Tennessee’s reign, Tragedy Bear made a visit to Arkansas and a man named Paul Bryant.

    “From now on, you shall be called ‘Bear,’ my son,” Tragedy Bear said. “Go forth and crush Tennessee!!!”

    Paul “Bear” Bryant did, and Tennessee was reduced to such a lowly state that it took a bear charmer named Peyton Manning to restore Tennessee to a brief moment of glory. Tragedy Bear awoke though, and upon his return, he headed south to lure Nick Saban away from the Dolphins.

    “Look Nick,” Tragedy bear said, “We all know Saban is Russian for bear.”

    Saban didn’t know that everyone knew this, he sure didn’t know it, but Tragedy Bear had spent lots of money on a pretty etymological map showing it so it looked convincing.

    “Plus,” Tragedy Bear added for the kicker, “LeBron is about to take his talents to South Beach only to leave a bit later for Cleveland – yes, leave Miami for freezing cold, landlocked and rather winless Cleveland – do you really want to clean up the mess when he leaves?”

    Saban didn’t, and so he flew to Tuscaloosa, returned the Tide to glory, and the rest was history.

    To this day, the state of Tennessee lives in denial of the wrong it did Tragedy Bear – thus, the Vols lose annually to Bama and hire coaches that do crazy things that break their hearts like those that wear tacky orange britches (Dooley) or those that leave Tennessee for California (I mean, can you imagine?) before returning South to coach as a genius of the offense for Alabama (Kiffin – and you thought my story wasn’t connecting).

    The state of Tennessee has tried to right its wrong with me, chiefly through offers of season passes to Dollywood, but I too have been slow to forgive the loss of my one true love. I think I’m holding out for Ober Gatlinburg passes and a couple of pancake houses thrown in as the clincher because as we all know, the only true way to recover from the loss of our one true love is to take to the ski lift, go to the top of the Smokey Mountains, and eat some delicious pancakes.

  21. His arm our was simple a helmet a tapered shield and a leather brigands indicating he was little Moore than a mounted foot men

    Why should a man risk his life because he’s not wareing proper armor r because he’s of lower rank

    The king must be desperate to push us a his hard

    King queens and other people in high places are under constant stress while in war

  22. le blue, LOVE the head’s up on “in bunnies we trust” – we’ll have to keep them from kate

    as for st. pat’s, we wrote tall tales – it was really fun

  23. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quennation is now ready to conquer detective says:

    I told that I would contrast the books and movies today so here it is

    “Star Wars”;Creative: The books are better
    Luke is inspired by his friend Biggs to join the rebellion
    Luke joins after he meets Obi Wan

    Book:You would not believe how long it take them to get captured.It takes forever!
    Movie:C-3PO(see-threepio in the book)and R-2D2(artoo deetoo) are immediately caught by Jawas(my favorite SW species)

    Book:Darth Vader has only a breath mask instead of a full helmet. It even talks about being able to see his eyes (which are red unlike in the movie) at 1 point
    Movie:Darth Vader has a full on helmet that covers his entire head( including his eyes that are yellow in the film).

    Don’t forget tomorrow is PREDICTION DAY IX

    XbtqNbo Pvu

  24. Creative Writing
    Tall Tale’s that we wrote in Mr. Mayfield’s class!

    Jordy Orangeseed

    One day a man was walking down the road, to his house when he saw this boy in the woods. He was sitting under an orange tree. The man called out to hime “What’s your name?” The young boy replied “Jordy Orangeseed.” Jordy Orangeseed was a funny looking boy. he was tall with blonde hair and had orange stained all on his white t-shirt and overalls. But the best thing about Jordy Orangeseed was that he was strong. He could chop down trees with his bare hands. The man told Jordy Orangeseed to come to him. Jordy always did what he was told. So cut down a tree and walked toward the man The man said “Hi, I’m Johnny Appleseed. The two lived together until death. They never got at each other except when it was time to eat. Because Johnny wanted Apples and Jordy wanted ORanges. But there was always a connection between them.

  25. (\(\
    ( -.-)
    This bunny is mean
    Period 5 will get this
    This bunny stole my wallet and drugged my ice cream
    And then I woke up in Minnesota the end

  26. The answer to what? The question we choose

    This probably represents what we want to strive for n life and want we want you achieve

    I search for the answer a key to an unopened door

    This is probably searching from r a meaning in life and why that is his purpose

  27. Line

    It’s like a museum


    I am reading a journey to the center of the earth and He just went down into the basement and then he said it looked like a museum because he said it was filled with the stuff that he had no idea what it was about


    What is this


    I chose this line because he asked what this book was and the other guy said that it was a book that was opened for 700 years on that exact page and that he didn’t need to touch it


    I once knew this person and her name was Madelyn guy
    At first she was just a fly until she are some pie
    She was once skinny
    but now she is bigger than a chimney
    But we all know that Madelyn lies

    Adison is a girl chaser but is pretty bad
    He once chose this girl named Madison
    She was all drama
    But at least she didn’t look like a llama
    But she did look like Thomas edison

  28. Line

    It’s like a museum


    I am reading a journey to the center of the earth and He just went down into the basement and then he said it looked like a museum because he said it was filled with the stuff that he had no idea what it was about


    What is this


    I chose this line because he asked what this book was and the other guy said that it was a book that was opened for 700 years on that exact page and that he didn’t need to touch it


    I once knew this person and her name was Madelyn guy
    At first she was just a fly until she are some pie
    She was once skinny
    but now she is bigger than a chimney
    But we all know that Madelyn lies

    Adison is a girl chaser but is pretty bad
    He once chose this girl named Madison
    She was all drama
    But at least she didn’t look like a llama
    But she did look like Thomas Edison

    Not really

  29. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer detective says:

    Detective I had not thought of this but I don’t know what Jamiot is or who runs it

  30. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer detective says:

    Me and Quentin have been talking and he has decided that he is changing his countryfrom the Democractic Quennation to the Monarchy Quenkingdom.
    It doesn’t matter to me because the Tacopire is a republic. The citizens vote for a king and then the king exercises complete power.

  31. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer detective says:

    …but then again we could be a military junta.

  32. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer detective says:

    …Of course i’m the general of the tacopirian military

  33. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer detective says:

    “Star Wars”;Creative: PREDICTION DAY IX
    i predict that luke will be coming back home at the same time that the jawas are unloading the droids(just for progression of plot)
    i predict that Darth Vader ends up checking all security systems to make sure the plan won’t fail
    i predict that Tarkin abuses his power by manipulating D.V. through power.D.V. then chokes tarkin.<–not likely
    i predict that D.V. ends up personally checking Tatooine for the messages

    WaspMan (and allies) Out

  34. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer detective says:

    Who’s Jamio?

  35. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer detective says:

    I declare a war on Mayfieldya as of today. Let the war begin

  36. Line: I’m just like someone in love who can only talk about her darling
    Commentary: Anne Frank lives in her dads office building. A boy and his family took refuge there along with Anne Frank’s family to be safe from the Nazi soldiers. After spending some time together she starts to fall in love with him. At first he didn’t like her and was dating girls his own age.

    Line: When I looked outside right into the depth of nature and God then I was happy
    Commentary: Anne Frank wasn’t upset or mad at the world for being in a little cramped up office building. She was thanking God for all she had. She found joy in her heart even though she wasn’t rich and didn’t have material things.

    Line: I have often been downcast but never in despair
    Commentary: Anne thinks about hiding as a dangerous, romantic, and interesting adventure. She has decided she will lead a different life from other girls. Even though she did not live a normal life. Anne never gave up. She had great strength and determination.

    Creative: once I was at school and the bell rang. All of a sudden everyone started disappearing. I thought I was dreaming so I pinched myself 5 or 6 times and I still wasn’t waking up. I ran to my locker, got my stuff, then I ran out of the school and saw the cars disappearing also. I called my mom and she said I was just imagining what I saw. I went back into the building and everyone was gone. She called me back and said the people at her school were disappearing also. She ran to her car and started driving as fast as she could. When she got to my school I got in her car and we drove away. Then our car started floating up. When our car stopped we were in a magical space ship filled with aliens and cotton candy. We asked what was happening and one of the aliens said that we were picked up in a space ship by accident. We stayed in the space ship because they said we were cute. We stayed in the space ship forever and ate cotton candy.

  37. Im gunna talk about some nerd stuff.

    No, since JP is working at Nintendo, i think its time for me to get serious about my job persuit. And yes, i am serios about me going and working at Lego. The field of toy designer has a lot of broad aplications. There’s that kid who invented the braill printer and there are also so many other kids who have done amazing feats with the legos. Some of the kids have built small scale models of cities that have won awards and others are still being creative with their designs and the over all creations to where they belinit others. Today I had the idea of making a model of the Anne Frank house. This will not only be a great educational piece, but will also raise the awareness of the events of Holocaust.

    Other buildings, such as the Roman Colluseum and the Leaning Town in Italy, are my over all goals for recreation through Lego. JP actually suggests that i work with the animators to make Lego shows and movies. I disagree strongly.

  38. Dialectial Journal

    Kevin Garnett

    Ernest Irby was Kevin’s stepfather. Irby did not like basketball. He would not let Kevin have a basketball hoop in the driveway. That did not keep Kevin from playing basketball, though. He loved the game.

    Kevin loved basketball and he never gave up on his dream. He is now a successful NBA star. He was picked by the Timberwolves right out of high school.

    Garnett also gets excited during games. He may even shout out his own name when he is angry with himself. “C’man, K.G.,” he hollers when he misses a shot.

    Garnett disiplined himself on the court. He gets excited in games and that keeps him going. I think that can relate to anyone. If you discipline yourself to do something, then you can do it.

  39. Waspman, there is much that you could learn from the Princess Sarah Eilzabeth Chronicles.

  40. Christopher S. Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    March 19th, 2015 at 8:30 pm
    Im reading a book I’ve never heard of called conspiracy 365 and so far in the first few pages of the book it’s talking about a kid or teen and his uncle rafe and his little sister all going out on a boat and then the kid spots a storm ahead and warns his uncle about it coming over them at any moment. The uncle ignores him and then tries to crank it a little while later and the engines flooded and they can see huge waves and all the sudden a massive 30 foot wave towers above them and flips the boat. The kid is flung into the water but something is defected with his life vest and instead of pulling him to the surface its weighting him down. He Unstraps it and swims to the surface. He gets on the boat and then sharks come and he can see a helicopter and right when a shark lunges at him the rescuers sweep him up.

  41. okay tonight i’ll do a few poems and then my takeaways from what i’ve read in Through My Eyes this week.


    Gateway to all the world offers
    The boat that sails to the beautiful island
    The car that takes you to McDonald’s
    The rocket that takes you to the moon.
    The yellow brick road that leads to all of our desires.

    My Bracket

    *explosion noise*

    here’s a limerick

    The Shot

    I shoot the ball
    There’s no way that’ll miss at all.
    That’ll be a three added to the score
    Oh I’m fouled, that could be four
    But I missed – time to curl up and bawl.

    this week in Through My Eyes, the fact is presented that psychologists have found that of you imagine yourself doing something, then you will be more likely to do it. I have heard this before actually, but never as a proven fact. my best friend’s dad would tell us when we were little to imagine us doing good in the baseball game we were about to play. it gave us a sense of confidence, so i understand this stat.

  42. Hmm…. Can’t decide whether to talk about Little Women or Of Mice and Men. Eh, I’ll just do both.

    Little Women- For me this book is very tough to get into. The beginning is very slow. The story can kind of be hard to follow at times due to use of dialogue and lack of description. However, there are a couple of observations and inferences I have made in the book. First, the four March sisters are all completely different, and I think the author intentionally did this to illustrate four major types of women in the Civil War era. The one that acts all grown up-ish, the one that’s a tomboy, the one that’s shy, and the one that’s adorable in size.

    Of Mice and Men- The characters intrigue me very much. There’s a skinny smart guy, and a fat and not so smart guy. I’m sure they’re symbolic for something of the time period, but I wouldn’t be able to tell. The book contains a southern dialect with some words from the time period. It amazes me how people back then could just move whenever they needed to and could get hired at any time they wanted. The workplace the duo went to- some kind of farm where the workers got their own sleeping quarters- is probably weirder to me than if my grandparents read the book. I’m sure it was pretty common for the time, especially during the Depression when most people couldn’t afford a home and were hired by the few people that still had money.


    There’s always one branch
    on the tree
    that sticks out.
    The branch that longs
    to break free,
    but is stuck to its
    poisonous roots.
    The tree is unhealthy
    for the branch.
    It longs for anything
    that can cut it loose,
    even harmful things.
    It longs for even the chainsaw
    but it’s always going to be stuck
    to the tree.

  43. (\(\
    ( -.-)

    ok so my side job (snatching children in my backpack) hasnt really launched yet so im gonna give you some info
    1. they scream of joy
    2. They cry of joy
    3.and fight because they love to play

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