is crushin’ on a bad-guy superhero worse than a crush on 8th grade boys???

oh, the perplexities of young adolescent girls and their knights in shining armor…

“not a game” – allen iverson – once the premier guard in the NBA – now, $150 million poorer – begging for a job from the 76ers – a compelling story – compelling biography – you know the kind of people you cheer for, who say all the right things – and you think “this time it’ll be different” – and then they go back and mess you up again – and then again, you give them another chance? that’s iverson – almost psychopathic – if the intellect was there…

“u2 by u2” – great book – great band – just the entries by bono about song lyrics are worth any gifted kid’s read – it’s amazing to me that such a big band could stay together so long – would take a lot of patience – humility

“running to the top” – old book from a world marathon holder in 1968 – i think he kept the record for about 10 years – it was easy to read b/c a lot of the advice is very dated – what was interesting was reading about clayton’s world record day – things didn’t go exactly right – but they almost don’t have to do when it’s your day – anyway, very good read

last week before break – yeah!!!


70 thoughts on “is crushin’ on a bad-guy superhero worse than a crush on 8th grade boys???”

  1. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer Mayfieldya says:

    I had an epiphany! I will annoy dr.mafeld into surrender. The perfect plan.

  2. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer Mayfieldya says:

    We did a lesson today in science about Madeline. It was called the day the Earth shook.

  3. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer Mayfieldya says:

    Hey! I just realized that today is PREDICTION DAY X

  4. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer Mayfieldya says:

    i can’t believe that it has already been 10 weeks since the first prediction day. crazy

  5. King $1,000 General Captain Major Darth Commander Sensei WaspMan MuTanTo,leader of the Tacopire and KateTopia and Quenkingdom is now ready to conquer Mayfieldya says:

    “Star Wars”;Creative: It’s Prediction Day 10! Otherwise known as PREDICTION DAY X As yoda said,’predict or predict not’

    i predict…
    i predict that Luke ends up shooting the sand person
    i predict that R2-D2 is with Obi Wan Kenobi
    i predict that Darth Vader comes to Tatooine
    i predict that Luke and the raider engage in an epic battle

    don’t forget thursday might not be prediction day


  6. Creative Writing


    Dribble, shoot, pass
    The crowd really loud
    The shoes squeaking
    Basketball, I love it all.
    The swish of the net
    High flying drives to the rim
    The rim shaking
    Kids dreaming of themselves drain the shot
    The game winner
    They want to be the next MJ
    Basketball, I love it all.

    ^^great poem šŸ™‚

  7. I’m going to do an over view of a movie that all (or atleast us cool ones) have seen. But you will be erked unless you’ve seen it recently. Send in your quesses and I’ll reveal the movie title on Friday morning.

    A king who has it all, is all but content in his toils from year to year, and yerns to give up his crown. After yet another year of working and being praised by his subjects, he’s had enough and decides to disappear into the woods. He finds a man, who gives him a fortune that satisfies the king’s longing. When the king returns, he tells his citizens of his journey and plites. But one man grows jelous and sets out to ruin the kings fortune. The king finds out about the envious citizen’s plan and becomes inraged. The envious, as always in every fairy tale, is set to justice and things in the kingdom go back as they were.

    It is sooo hard not to write any words in this story that don’t completely give away the title. And honestly most should know the answer any ways. The story is written (close to) the same style as the Grimm Fairy Tales. I hope I’ve grasped the basic foundations and fundimentals of the Tales.

  8. We did a lesson about Madeline today it was called the day the earth shook!!! Hahaha

    Youā€™re my ugly bunny;
    You mean nothing to me.
    Youā€™re so evil like the devil
    With your fat button nose
    And your big stupid eyes.
    Youā€™re my bunny
    Without the tail.
    I just have to say,
    I hate you bunny.

  9. The dead are gone, Clarke. The living are hungry-Lexa
    clarke and her fellow survivors have met the grounders and they need food or their people will die

    Lexa: You’re the one who burned 300 of my warriors alive.
    Clarke: You’re the one who sent them there to kill us.
    when they were holding down the escape pod they were ambushed so they had to burn the attackers and their people alive

    Raven: Let me guess. Mommy and Daddy didn’t love you.
    Murphy: Nah. They loved me.
    even though Murphy was loved he still killed people and was sent to earth

    Yeah, I would have shot me too.-Murphy
    realizing how much of a jerk he was Murphy lets loose a funny one liner that could happen in the next book

  10. Wednesday Wars
    Gary D. Schmidt

    So all you need to know right now is that Mrs. Baker hates Holling Hoodhood’s guts. And she is going to make him work harder till he is in 8th grade.

    Line- “So on Wednesday afternoon you attend neither Hebrew School nor Catechism.”
    I nodded.
    “You are here with me.”
    “I guess,” I said.
    That’s when I knew she hated me.

    Comment- She realized that instead of having a Wednesday to do whatever she wanted she had to stay and teach Holling, who was the only one who would be there.

    Line- Here’s the sentence she gave to Doug Swieteck:
    I read a book

    Here’s the sentence she gave me:
    For it so falls out, that what we have we prize not to the worth whiles we enjoy it; but being lacked and lost, why, then we rack the value, then we find the virtue that possesion would not show us while it was ours.

    Comment- She was gonna make school hard on Holling until she had Wednesday’s free. Which probably wasn’t going to happen. Mrs. Baker really hated his guts. He had done nothing wrong. (But why didn’t he just tell someone!:)

    Line- The Wednesdays of September passed in a loudy haze of chalk dust.
    “There’s no point teaching you something new.” she said. So that first Wednesday I washed chalkboards, straightened dictionaries, and then washed the chalkboard again, pounded the erasers against the wall.

    Comment-(^^summed that up a little) All because he was Presbyterian he had to stay so Mrs. Baker could teach him. But Mrs. Baker, once again just tortured Holling hoping that somehow she could just have Wednesdays off.

  11. okay here are some poems and what i’ve read this week in Open Your Eyes.


    They can’t be described
    or controlled
    or avoided.
    They flow freely
    noever hiding
    always showing.
    They are who we are
    a true reflection
    of everyhting we love.


    Rain is all we’ve gotten lately.

    alright this week in Open Your Eyes, fear was the subject. the book said that fear of failure is an obstacle to our success. it says that when we invision our gameplan rather than what can go wrong, we will be more successful in what were trying to achieve. i believe that to be true as well.

  12. “Jess followed Sasha’s directions as they sped toward Abigail’s location.”
    -This line, while starting the eleventh chapter, gives the audience a, more or less, “actiony” image.

    “Abigail had never done anything like this a day in her life.”
    -This gives both the “oooooooo,” and, “you go gurl” reactions from its readers, while starting off the twelfth chapter and establishing that this book isn’t for little kiddies.

    “Jess let out a relieved breath as he pulled into his driveway while rain pelted the car so hard, it sounded like a sledgehammer pounding on metal and glass.”
    -Giving the “what a day” feeling, this line makes the audience think, “that’s a wrap,” and starts off the thirteenth chapter.

    “Jess cursed as he swerved to miss a pedestrian while they drove down the Great Basin Highway toward the Valley of Fire.”
    -While starting off the fourteenth chapter, this line gives the “stuff is gonna go down” reaction, and thought, of the audience.

  13. Monday- “Things don’t have to change the world to be important.”

    Steve Jobs

    Any change matters I’m not talking about changes in your hair color or maybe you got a hair cut but changes in your attitude, your perception on things , etc. The definition of change is to become different it doesn’t say how small or big the change has to be. If you pick up some trash maybe someone else will also and you have set off a chain of events or maybe you pick up some trash and nothing happens. It doesn’t matter how magnificent the change is as long as it’s different from the original not all changes have to be so massive and moving that they change he world but that they change something. Even the smallest change matters.

  14. Tuesday- ” Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.”

    George Bernard Shaw

    When you think you know something that’s true but is really false can cause a lot of damage ignorance is when you do not know any better than to do so, but when one has false knowledge you can get people hurt or upset faster than you can for being stupid. If one chooses to share this false knowledge then they can not only hurt themselves but others, but when someone is ignorant like say for example that you choose kit to wear a jacket because you say your “not cold ” and you get yourself sick woth your ignorance your more likely to put your self in harms way than others.

  15. Wednesday- ” In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

    Abraham Lincoln

    when you die it doesn’t matter if you died at age 93 if you didn’t do anything in your life. Someone who dies at a younger age can have lives more of a live than some one at the age of 60 or 70. When you enjoy life OT doesn’t matter what age you die as long as you’ve lived life. You can go travel and be adventurous and die young or you can sit in your house and have a schedule and die at the age of 96 which would you choose. I would choose love and die young to live you do things you want to do or go look at the beautiful world dont just arras about them go see them for yourself and LIVE!!

  16. Thursday-” A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.

    Jackie Robinson

    People aren’t important because there popular or they have money people are important soley because Of the impact they make on other peoples life’s. If you cured cancer it important but if your a celebratory and you dont do anything for your people you dont donate or doing anything with your wealth your not important you may seem “important ” but your not your a distraxtion. Peoles lives are only important of life the way there living it impacts other. Now it doesn’t say but I think it’s safe to say that it affect a person In a positive way not negative

  17. Wooooooo, Spring Break is almost here, and weā€™ll be welcomed back with Aspire testing- well, for the seventh grade šŸ™‚ -does anyone know why the tests are so early this year?

    Anyway, still reading Little Women. Iā€™ll be bringing my personal copy on the trip to Savannah tomorrow- itā€™s so long that the essay would have to be scheduled at Christmas for me to be ready šŸ™‚

    So the girls finally meet the dreamy boy next door, but ironically- none of them fall for him. Well, maybe not yet. The boyā€™s name is Laurie, and he lives with his grandfather. Laurie doesnā€™t go outside very often and gets very lonely in the big house all by himself. His grandfather is worried that heā€™ll leave and become corrupted like his daughter (Laurieā€™s mother) did, due to Laurie having some of his motherā€™s musical talent, which is what caused her to leave.

    However, one day when the grandfather is out and Laurieā€™s sick in bed, Jo comes over and keeps him company, and thatā€™s when she invites him to come over to the March house anytime he liked. Soon all of the girls met the grandfather, who turned out to be a very kind man.

    When Laurie begins hanging out with the girls, he stops playing the piano and lets it slips his mind a little, which is when his grandfather asks the shy girl, Beth, if sheā€™d like to use it, since she had been learning to play as well.

    Okay now Iā€™m going to do five ā€œBOBā€ questions with the book.

    1) Which daughter is the oldest?- Meg
    2) Who meets Laurie first?- Jo
    3) Which daughter hurt her ankle at the dance?- Meg
    4) Which daughter is the youngest?- Amy
    5) What did Jo say when she saw a painting of a younger Laurieā€™s grandfather?- She said that he looked to be a kind man, but not as handsome as HER grandfather.


    Since spring break is almost here,
    itā€™s time to hit the road and cheer,
    to escape Aspire testing for just one week,
    after that the road ahead looks especially bleak.

    Until the end when the year is over,
    And the wonders of high school get closer and closer
    And then we realize what weā€™re getting into,
    Weā€™ll finally have to study, and maybe have homework too

    Happy Spring Break!

  18. SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????? Are you here? YES!! You are!

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