19 thoughts on “writing prompt of the week”

  1. And now it’s time for…
    Gifted, in space!!!
    by Mayfield

    “Captain Patrick, Captain Patrick, I’m so scared of that sound. It sounds like a freight train coming through…”

    “Never fear, Lieutenant Delaina,” Captain Patrick said, “Unless you are worried about hearing damage because that’s not the sound of a freight train. First, freight trains don’t run out here in space. Second, freight trains are commonly associated with tornadoes, and we don’t have those out here in space. Third, that sound is the sound of a semi…”

    Just then, Trucker Kinzie blasted by the Battleship Mayfield like there was one Steel City Pop left in the world.

    “Captain Patrick, Captain Patrick!!!”

    “Yes, Special Helper Evan?”

    “It’s raining men!!!”

    Lieutenant Delaina quickly rushed to her quarters to change outfits and “freshen up.”

    “Special Helper Evan, that’s not men on our windshield, that’s trash. What in the name of Hello Kitty is going on???”

    “I’ll tell you,” First Mate Abbey said, “It’s that trashy Trucker Kinzie. She’s littering across space, and you’re letting her get away with it.”

    “Well, suggestions from the peanut gallery?” Captain Patrick said.

    “Sir, I don’t think there are peanuts, sir. Sorry that there aren’t. It’s because of my allergies. I’m sorry that they make me break out in horrible hives. If they didn’t cause such life-threatening pain to me, I’d surely give up the comfort so that you could have them in the gallery.”

    “Admiral Jade,” First Mate Abbey interrupted, “The Captain wasn’t talking about real peanuts.”

    “Oh, sorry, I…”

    “I say we nuke that truck. Trucker Kinizie can think about the consequences of being a litterbug when she’s sitting on a hot coal in…”

    “Hell-o, pretty boys!!!!” Delaina said as she emerged from her cabin. Much to her disappointment, it was clear that it wasn’t raining men. Delaina sighed. She should’ve known. It was never about men.

    “Let me get this right First Mate,” Captain Patrick said, “You’d use a nuclear weapon to stop a litterer?”

    “Hey, I get stuff done,” First Mate Abbey said.

    None of the crew had time to explore the moral and environmental concerns of such logic for just then…


    “Sir, I think we just swiped a couple of stars,” Admiral Jade said. “It’s my fault, I’m sorry sir. I just couldn’t see because of the trash and I know that’s not an excuse so I’m sorry for not learning the Force early enough in life that it could be strong with me and I could’ve dodged the trash anyway.”


    “We’re never going to stop that Trucker and survive to find pretty boys like this!!!” Delaina cried.

    “You’d think she’d run out of wrappers,” Captain Patrick said, “She just keeps shoveling food into her mouth and throwing the trash out. Special Helper Evan, set the camera to ‘Trashy Trucker’ mode. We have a Trucker to turn in.”

    Sure enough, within five minutes, the United Space Cadets had pulled Trucker Kinzie over for littering. She was given a bag and stick and told to start picking up space trash for the next six hours.

    “Hey crew,” Captain Patrick said as the group flew away towards the Steel City Pop and Go, “What do you call a trucker without her truck?”

    “A dead girl,” First Mate Abbey said, “I say we smash into her and finish this!!!”

    Captain Patrick sighed. His punchline, Cleaning Cosmonaut Kinzie just wouldn’t be funny now.

    “Captain Patrick,” Special Helper Evan said, “I’ve been searching Black Hole Theory. Do you think there’s an alternate universe out there where I’m in charge and you’re my special helper.”

    “I have to believe there is,” Captain Patrick said, “That’s what faith is, Special Helper Evan. And one day, I hope we send Trucker Kinzie just to that spot where you’re in charge…”

  2. And now it’s time for…
    Gifted in space
    By Mayfield

    “First Lieutenant Delaina, First Lieutenant Delaina!!!”

    “Yes, handsome boy?”

    “Oh, please, please, please let me buy you a Steel City pop for you are beautiful and worthy of celebrating and I have so much money to spend!!!”

    Delaina smiled. The trip to the Steel City Pop and Go was going well. She slid into a cozy, romantic booth while her latest romantic interest stood in line to get her special order.

    “Here you are: One Arnold Palmer minus the golf with a slice of Strawberry and Chocolate Caramel served in an outer coating of Butter Pecan.”

    “You’re sweet.”

    “Would you like me to flex while you eat?”

    Delaina smiled. She would like to see that boy flex. But she didn’t want the rest of the girls in the diner getting jealous so she got her guy talking.

    “So do you buy pops for all the girls?” She said with a smile.

    “Oh, no, you’re very special. I’m actually here because it’s the safest spot in the galaxy right now, and not just because I’m here with you.”

    Oh, this boy was sweet, Delaina thought…

    “I’m such a fan of your Captain and his work against that evil Trucker Kinzie…”

    Delaina sighed. Sooner or later, it seemed everything came back to the captain, the battleship, and the trucker. Why couldn’t it for once just be about boys?

    “Yes, we do good work,” Delaina said, trying to steer attention away from the battleship.

    “Oh, it’s really amazing. I just wish ya’ll would listen to the First Mate once in a while.”

    Delaina felt her jealousy radar beeping on higher alert.

    “Yes, First Mate Abbey is a doll,” Delaina said with sarcasm dripping about as heavy as the pop Captain Patrick would’ve consumed were it not for the fact he was at that point arguing furiously for String Theory while his pop melted away.

    “I listen to her podcast,” the boy continued, totally not picking up on Delaina’s hint to drop the Abbey talk, “Once, she read my fan comment at the end. It was pretty cool.”

    “I bet it was,” Delaina, still with the dripping sarcasm that was now dripping as heavy as Captain Patrick’s pop while he yelled at Special Helper Evan for ordering a Pumpkin pop because he thought he could raise a pumpkin pop patch on the battleship and make Captain Patrick happy.

    “And to think things would’ve been so much better had Trucker Kinzie chosen ‘Treat.’ Of course, with a name like Trucker, it was probably a done deal that she would’ve…”

    “Wait, what?”

    “Trucker Kinzie’s choice. You’ve heard about that, right?”

    “No, I don’t think the Captain has ever mentioned it.”

    “Well, when Trucker Kinzie was a little girl…”

    “Trucker Kinzie is a girl?”

    “Yes, what’d you?..?” the boy said. Delaina wanted to confess that she thought Kinzie was an alien name, but she didn’t want to sound racist so she licked her pop and said:


    “Well, Kinzie went to this festival, it was like a car show, and this witch was there and she said, ‘Trunk or Treat,’ thinking that she’d turn Kinzie into a trunk because she’s sort of a square-ish looking kid anyway.

    “So Kinzie things the witch said, ‘Truck or Treat’ because Kinzie doesn’t wash her ears that regularly and so she started chanting, ‘Truck, Truck, Truck!!!’ and the witch got all mad because the other kids were now avoiding the witch’s car because of the ‘freak’ yelling ‘Truck, Truck, Truck!!!’ and so she made Kinzie the evil trucker she is today.”

    “Huh,” Delaina said as she finished the pop. The story really was boring. She was disappointed. And the pretty boy wasn’t moving in for a kiss. Delaina started scanning the room for another boy to make eyes at when Captain Patrick, as usual, interrupted everything:

    “Crew, we’ve got to get back to the battleship. The Trucker has taken over a space hayride!!!”

    Delaina sighed. It was back to work.

  3. A storm blows trough the caps on a silent summer night. You can hear the lighting crack through the screen door.The windows rattle at the wind. It feels like this will be another episoda of dorthy and will all fly up into sacce and go to a magical place called OZ. well thats not how this story ends.????

  4. It raining, it’s pouring, the Alex is snoring. She goes to bed and bumps her head, and doesn’t wake up in the morning

    “I am standing in a tornado zone where it is marked as scale number 5. It looks to be a tornado with cows, spoons, and a giant babbleduck plushy? Also it looks to be really red. Also, what is that at the top? Is that Alex?????? Pushing Carter off the tornado on a plane into the tornado! Wow that woman’s crazy,” the news anchor reported!
    Ahhhhhhhh! Screams came and left. Moooooooooo! Cows came and left. Wheeee!Carter screamed and then fell to his death.
    The tornado got so out of whack that it took off and sucked in Alex and all the other villains like, Loud Lilly, Gossip Gracie, and Kissing Kinzie.
    Then all of a sodden, a flash of light came, it was the best super heroes ever.
    Tip-Top Ty, Excellent Emmy, Delightful Delaina, and Luscious Lucy. Then there was some random people like Jacob the janitor with his mop that he dances with in the library after school. Rylee the stripper at the local night club (Thank goodness she’s wearing clothes). Hannah the hair style with her giant sucking “hair dryers”. Lastly, Evan the milk deliver with him holding some utters full of milk (Where did he go wrong?)
    Everyone started to run towards the tornado using there mops and utters and poles and “hair dryers” and cakes and toppers and babbleducks and letters and babbleducks. Nothing worked. The tornado started turning into not 1 nor 2 but 3 more tornados for each villain was controlling. The tornados got closer and sucked them all up and dropped them all out. There were three survivors and they were………………………………

  5. My mom was watching the news as I was upstairs reading in the house we rented in the suburbs.

    “Drew” my mom said in a scared voice .


    “Come down here”

    “Okay” I said confused.

    When I got down I saw my mom and dad watching the news. “What is it” I asked.

    There is a tornado coming our way, go tell your sister and after that get as much cushion as you can find, this is going to be a big one. Once we get down into the basement with pillows blankets and mattresses for cushion we get ready.

    “I want food” said my little sister

    ” You’ve got 2 minuets to get all the crackers we have, we’re

  6. opps I didn’t mean to submit yet


    ” You’ve got 2 minuets to get all the crackers we have, we’re going to need food down here” my dad said.

    “I need my purse” my mom said.

    “Drew get your shoes on!” my dad said

    “I need my wallet” Dad said.

    As this was all happening I was thinking about what was everyone else thinking. Ty thought ‘a real live tornado, awesome’. Emma was thinking ‘let me get my sniper, I’ll shoot it’. Delaina was thinking ‘all the boys I could have kissed’. And I’m thinking ‘my sister is always hungry’.

    3 days later…

    I hear some rescue guys pick up stuff and get into my basement “Help help!!!” I scream. I get out of the basement and see that all the houses are crumbled and that my family is ok.

    “I am never eating a single cracker again in my life.”

  7. It was the first day of the summer and I was about to feed the animals. I was complaining about doing my chores.
    “Mom why do I have to feed the animals,” I whined.
    “Because it is your responsibility and you won’t get to play on your ds,” my mom replied.
    So while I was out feeding the animals it started to get cloudy. While I was feeding the sheep it started to rain and poured for the next 30 minutes, then while I tried to feed the chickens it started to snow!!!!!!! Snow in July what the heck is going on. Well while I preparing the cattles feed, a big earthquake shook the ground, scaring me and the cattle. After the shock of the earthquake, I manage to feed our pig, Fred. While watering Fred, a tornado formed and blew everything away. This happened in the same order everyday.
    2 months later the bizarre weather stopped, just before school started.
    My dad asked me if I liked whethering the weather , I replied no I don’t like this weather.( I actually did like the snow in the summer) from this day forward, I learned to always beware of the weather.

  8. So my dad just entered the playoffs with his football team and I asked him, how did you do it? He told me, well…It takes a lot of practice. That kind of fought me something in life. You have to work at something if you want to be good at it. I asked him the first game of the playoffs, are you going to win? He told me we’ll find out. At the last quarter it was 28 to 14 with 2 minutes to go, We were losing. I screamed you can do it to my dad from the stands! He looked back at me and winked and held up a thumbs up. They scored! It was 21 to 28 and 3 seconds to go and we were kicking off. We kicked an onside kick and got it back and are kicker started running with it and scored! Our crowd went crazy. We could either kick it or go for two. We decided tokick it so we did and barely made it. Over time started and we had the ball, we faked a throw and threw it deep for the win. It got tipped and the other time caught it, there crowd started cheering but it wasn’t over yet because he started running and it seemed like he ran forever until he got to the 5 yard line and we stripped it some how and started running, a flag was threw but we kept on running. Our guy got in the inzone and our fans went crazy the ref. got the microphone and said the flag is on the opposing side for holding, touchdown Eagles! We all went home and ate baby lasagna for dinner. The End

  9. Keaton and I were in the kitchen when it happened. “BOYS, GET IN HERE!” We heard our mom yell. We rushed in to see the news on, and with the report of a tornado. With being right next to lay lake, it has a high chance of turning into a water spout and dissipating, but a higher chance of not doing that when it comes to our luck. After about 10 minutes,it had already crossed lay lake twice without dissipating, and was heading straight for us. Luckily, we live in a boat yard, and out renter owns the boat yard, and there is a storm shelter nearby. We decided to go to the shelter, and it passed over us. The next day we exited, only to find out that it was coming back at us! We headed back in for a few more days until it dissipated. After we left, everyone around us and near us are either dead or dying.It was terribly bloody,and awful. To Be continued when I get home.

  10. Its summer and I was so happy to be out of school and get to swim all day and just enjoy the summer breeze. But that’s not what mother nature had in mind. Well not really mother nature but the witch Hazel. She controls the weather. So instead of sun and enjoyment I get a blizzard and maybe frostbite. So everyone is snowed in because of her and powers. Our president Mayfield like always makes people mad. He made Hazel mad because he just had to make a joke on her powers by making fun of her blue like ice flowing dress. Hazel now like everyone else has hatred towards the awful Jason Mayfield. I am going to trek to her castle so I can get summer back. I grab my bookbag and head to the kichen and grab some canned foods and water bottles. I pack them and I grab a extra set of clothes just in case. I also grab my knife and I slip on my jacket. I go and get my boots and my thick hunting pants. I slip on my pants over my other pants and then I slip on my boots. I grab my bag and looka nd see if I missed anything. I didn’t. I head in the woods and the castle is only a two hour trip so yay not to far. I head out and two hours later im at the witches front door. I creep in with the new bow and arrow I made on the way to pass time. I see the witch sitting on her throne eating at what looks like a deer (yummy). I load an arrow and fire. I hit her right in the center of her head. She stops eating and falls to the ground. I ammediatley feel summer coming back. You think it that easy well its not. I fall in to a deep sleep and I dream about the curse that has taken me over when I shot the witch. Now I am trapped in a dream forever. There is never happy endings.

  11. After a few weeks we got ever thing up and running again. We then proceeded to clean up the boat yard and house. It turned out that the casualties were 38 hospitalized, 11 killed in our area. In other areas, more tornadoes had hit, resulting in over 500 hospitalized, and over 300 killed in the U.S. Later we had found out it was happening all across the world, resulting in hundreds of thousands dead. The earth was turning against us, so we all decided to build sky-high pillars holding up roofs across every country, strong enough to stop a tornado, even a hurricane. The one day, some of the pillars collapsed. We forgot about earthquakes! Then the ‘roof’ started to crack, and huge chucks would fall from it and crush the people below. After a few days, most of the U.S.’s pop. had been destroyed, so everyone left for Canada, then convinced Canada to leave for the U.K. and in the end, everything went back to normal, well except that the U.S. had been destroyed.

  12. I was at my house when all of a sudden I heard loud noises that sounded like the noises were coming from outside my house. I looked around and didn’t see anything. I asked my mom about the noises and she said “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t hear anything.” I didn’t hear the noises anymore so I just thought I was hearing things. Then I heard it again. My mom quickly ran over to me and said “Quick hold onto something. We are having a small earthquake.” I ran over to the door frame, grabbed it, and held on as tight as I could.” My mom and I were scared but stayed calm. After fifteen minutes the earthquake was over. We were both okay and our house wasn’t destroyed. When I looked outside I couldn’t believe what I saw. Houses were totally demolished the roofs were caved in, and the street had lots of cracks. Then I heard the ambulances and fire trucks driving down my street. I was hoping that everyone was okay and I was just dreaming but I knew it was reality. Some of my neighbors were taken away to the hospital but no one was seriously injured. The police and fire men talked to everyone outside and said “Now we rebuild the houses and roads.” Everyone drove there cars to a hotel and no one talked about that tragic, and horrible day ever again. The roads and houses were rebuilt and everyone was treated. That nightmare was finally over.

  13. Ok so one time we were all gathered around the living room. Me,Mom,Tone, and Dad and we were watching the news when we heard the tornado siren go off. We hurriedly grabbed a bunch of stuff and ran down into the basement. Dad said for all of us to get into the corner immediately. After sitting there for a while the doors started crazily flapping open and closed opened and closed so dad rushed over and locked them. When all of the stuff was over we had a bunch of trees go down but our house was fine. But since we did live on a mountain we had walked outside and off in the distance we could watch the tornado move slowly across wherever it was. It was a scary experience but endless ping pong for days. Oh and Tone? That was a whole different ball park my friends…

  14. One day my friend Maranda came over. We went on a walk in a forest. When we got back Maranda asked her mom if she could go to the beach with us. When we got to the beach everything was fine. We went swimming, jumped off the diving board, and swam with dolphins. It was the last day at the beach so we decided that we needed to do something special. Maranda and my cousin Austin wanted to go parasailing. I’m terribly afraid of heights, and Maranda had to bribe me to go with them. I had a terrible in my gut that something bad was going to happen. Half way through the ride the feeling had gone away and I was having tons of fun. Suddenly black clouds started covering the sky. I knew something bad was going to happed I told the both of them. Then lightning struck the ropes to the parasail. One by one we started to go down. First it was Austin, next me, and finally Maranda. We started swimming because the boat had left us. We came to this cave, and started to dry off. When the storm had past we swam back to shore. The sign said welcome to the coast of Destin. Everything had changed. We were all wet and drab. We went back to the hotel and asked the manager what day it was. He said “June 23, 2035.” Then he said something that I couldn’t believe “20 years after the disappearance of Lily, Austin, and Maranda.” We asked what day they went missing he said “July 17, 2015.” Then we knew that we had traveled time.

  15. chapter one, cheeseburgers with a side of anger

    you wait patiently in beside your friend, becquerel, in the lobby at the hospital, waiting for your testing. in this test, you get scanned, you take a quiz about your personality, how you were raised, etc. this information gets added to a database, and matched with your perfect soulmate. this happens every where around the world every year to every one who is thirteen or over that has not been tested yet. you don’t get shown a picture of your soulmate, but after screening a seemingly random glowing number appears on your palm, just under your skin and starts counting down by seconds. if you don’t have a soulmate, your clock won’t start. if your soulmate has already died before you could meet them, the clock would display negative numbers and count up, to your death. it is a very tedious and almost scary process, but it is worth the wait and nervousness. Usually.
    As you wait, you see a person sprint out of the testing room bawling. becquerel whispers too you
    “Hey Dave, I bet their clock didn’t start, or it displayed negative numbers! That doesn’t happen much!” You whisper back to him
    “Shhhh, this is serious and it would be absolutely dream crushing if your or my clock displayed negative numbers!” You reply
    the nurse up front calls “Andrew strider, your turn!” cheerfully. You sigh, getting a bit bored of doing nothing, and look down at your IlluminateGame2 mini, which is a top line electronic gaming device. You enjoy it’s cool graphics and love playing it. Bec glances at your IG2 m.
    “what are you playing?” Bec asks.
    “a cool 3d optical illusional puzzle adventure game, and it is quite difficult to complete,”you sigh.
    “oh” the nurse calls out “becquerel Egbert! Your turn!” , and as bec walks towards the testing room you call to him,
    “good luck!” He glances back at you and smiles.
    when becquerel gets back, he is quite happy and he crows
    “Hey Dave, guess what! have a soul mate, and her interests and personality sound great!”
    “congrats” i laugh. “how long until you meet her?” You question. Bec replies
    ” um, let me see… 1 year, 3 months, 4 weeks, 9 hours, 37 minutes and 24 seconds!”
    “Awesome!” i reply excitedly. the nurse now calls my name. i call
    “wish me luck” to Bec, and he replies
    “break a leg!” You walk into the testing room, nauseous with excitement and nervousness. a doctor across the room asks me to sit in a comfortable chair. after i sit, the doctor walks over to me and asks you too many questions to list. then he tells me to stand in the center of the room, on top of a platform and close my eyes. You do as he says, and you feel a sort of heat pass through my body. I shiver. the doctor, doctor oak, tells you to open your eyes. he walks over to me and takes my hand. he scans your palm, and the zodiac cancer sign appears beside a picture of a gear. i ask doctor oak calmly while freaking out inside
    “what does that mean?” You ask.
    “I don’t know,” he replies.
    “does this mean i don’t have a soul mate?” You ask quietly
    “It means you should go back to the lobby, and we will call your home when we figure out what it means. in the meanwhile, don’t worry about it, I’m sure it will be fine.” I do as he says.
    As I slink out of the testing room, Bec asks me “how long until you meet your soul mate?” “I don’t want to talk about it,” I mutter forlornly as I sit.


    You sit quietly during the tedious car ride home, contemplating the glowing images on your palm. After an hour of silence, your 20 year old brother Jake asks me
    “What do you want to eat?” As he drives up to the drive through of a fast food restaurant.
    “Cheeseburger with nothing on it but cheese, meat, lettuce, and ketchup.” I reply
    After we order, Jake looks back at you from the drivers seat curiously.
    “So… What did your palm say? You were being so quiet back there I thought I Might have picked up a ghost!”
    “It’s nothing.”you say forcefully.
    “C’mon! You can tell me! I’m your big bro!”
    ” I don’t want to talk about it.”
    “David, what is the number? I need to know” Your brother says more sternly now.
    “I said I don’t want to talk about it!” You snap, slightly raising your voice.
    “Well then,” bro snaps back, glaring at you. “I guess you won’t be getting a new carton of apple juice when we run out.”
    You look out the window, studying the surroundings, wonder when you will get home, and then start eating you cheeseburger, disgruntled.
    The burger tastes good, but you are to angry to savor it.
    When you get back to your house, you rush to your room to message your friends on pester chum. When you log on and get to pester chum, you message bec:
    DVRG: what’s up?
    BKEL: nothing. Are you ok? You seemed upset earlier.
    DVRG: yeah, I’m ok now.
    BKEL: do you want to role play to cheer you up?
    DVRG: nah…

    You ceased trolling BeCquEreL

    You put on your pygamas, brush your teeth, and get in bed.


    The next day you get ready for school. since it is Friday, you wear your “happy it’s finally Friday” t-shirt which has a t-Rex with a party had surrounded by confetti on it. Becquerel got it for you at the mall a few months ago when you were sick and he had to go without you.

  16. As I walked into the forest, I could immediately tell there was something wrong. There was a sort of black fog covering the ground, and all the trees were really tall. As I walked on, pulled in by my curiosity, I heard a cracking noise sort of far off, so, due to my ever curious nature, I walked twards it. When I finally found the source, I was standing in a clearing with one tree slowly tilting. When the large spruce tree fell, the forest it hit made a clanging noise, as if the ground was hollow and made of metal. Then slowly but surely the dirt started sliding into the hole that was created from the uprooted tree roots! I tried to run out of the clearing, but the black fog that swirled around my feet started rising around the edges of the clearing, so I would be trapped with no way out exept for trying to climb the slippery ice which had now formed a circular wall orotund the clearing. The dirt was still falling into the seemingly endless hole, and soon I would probably fall into it to. Then, it started to rain. Thunder, lightning, and pounding rain did nothing to help the situation, and it mostly made it worse. Soon all the dirt falling in started turning into mud and sliding in,and I was getting pulled in also. I hopelessly grabbed at the ground. I CANT DIE LIKE THIS I screamed att the clouds, tring find a giant rock or tree root too hold on too. THIS IT NEITHER HEROIC OR JUST I yelled, still searching, but to no avail. I fell into the big hole and




    When I woke up, I was standing outside of the ice barrier, and it was still raining. but there was no longer a forest around me. Now, all I could See for miles was just muddy ash. No animals, no building just ash. I took a long deep breath in to calm myself down, and said “shucks” I closer to the ice and tried to look in, but all I could see in the (very smooth so nothing looked wavy) ice was my own reflection. I gasped at what I saw. “Mm… My face!” I had three long, jagged scars running diagonally from right above my right eye to a little bit below the left side of my mouth. Great. Now because somehow I missed around 500 million years, there was no food, no water exept for the solid ice, which was not going to melt soon. 5 DAYS LATER… I was starving. I hadn’t eaten until before I went into the forest. Before I died. 1 MONTH LATER I was now just a wasted shell of a person, a few minuets minutes from death. I closed my eyes and let death take me.

    I woke again, still beside the ice. I looked at the ice again, to see what death had made my appearance like now. I was totally unprepared for what I saw. My right hand was blackened, like a corpses, and the left side of my face had caved in. And, yet again, but this time from a heart attack, I died.

    And so it went on, until at last I was Just a whisper in a haunted house, a scream from your most terrifying nightmare, a song to lull you to your death, or the shadow you see coming from your open closet. I feed on memories, it is the only food my cursed body is able to eat. When you walk Into a room and forget why you came in, it’s because of me. When you walk into the forest and hear a whisper telling you to go home, it is me warning you. When you forget your happiest and most loving memory, it is me trying to feel love again when there Is none for me. I am a monster. I am a night terror. I am anything you call me, exept for myself.

    On that happy note, I am going to leave this here for journals.

  17. In New York City stormy a night bruise above an apartment right beside Saint children’s jude lives a woman named Xandire.

    A recent divorced has costed her to live alone in the city. Things start going missing simple things though like hairbrushes nail polish and socks. She locks the door every night well almost every night she forgets sometimes. It eventually that to where she didn’t lock the doors at all and bigger things started going missing like paintings, frames and unfortunately her underwear. So She started locking the door every night to make sure no one was coming in. Every time she locks the door at night she says it’s locked it’s locked it’s locked and giggles the doorknob three times Before going to bed. but Every morning the door is unlocked

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