catching up on reading list…

so, lest you think i’ve just resorted to all videos, all the time…

“a curious mind” – just finished from the weekend – a hollywood producer’s lifetime of setting up listening conversations – learning from other people – there was some good stuff about how to frame stories – which would affect our writing of them in class – definitely a good choice from the local library

“raymie nightingale” – great, great book – very easy to read – historical fiction – 1975 – three girls taking baton for the summer – all with things that complicate their lives – hauntingly beautiful at times – really enjoyed it – PLUS – picture of white boots on the cover so that was good

“canterbury tales” – off and on for several weeks, i read the original – 90 percent of the time, the translation, to be precise – so 300-pages plus – definitely something i needed to do – still not sure why high school kids have to read it – other than for the allusions – i guess what surprised me were the number of times i head echoes of the king james bible language in there – this was before KJV so i would think there was an influence there

“first family” – football book – the matthews family line – three generations – good book with a Christian faith theme – good talk over with my dad

i’m always up to hear what you’re working on so feel free to chime in with a comment



One thought on “catching up on reading list…”

  1. Every human has the technological world at their fingertips to use in an instant. The internet has become everyone’s window to the world around them. A single post or a five second tweet will connect you to a friend thousands of miles away. The internet has allowed us the opportunity to connect in an instant with those that we love.
    But imagine what life would be like if there were no internet? I feel like the changes to my life would be detrimental. Not having internet would cause me to be disconnected from my peers. I engage with them daily through social media and connect with friends who don’t live in our community. My personal relationships with them would weaken because of our lack of communication. Our current population would have to greatly increase his/her communication skills in order to adapt to no longer being able to hide behind screens and mistaken identities.
    People would be forced to communicate with one another face to face and would learn to depend on themselves for the answers instead of an “intelligent assistant” that every phone contains. Even great minds from the 19th century believed that technological advances would diminish people’s ability to interact and converse in personal situations. Albert Einstein even stated that “it has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” I couldn’t agree with this statement more. Many people would be forced to the dungeons of the libraries and book stores in search of the knowledge that they seek. Getting an answer to your questions that would normally take seconds now becomes an exhaustive search.
    I shudder to think of my high school experience without the internet. It cuts my class work time and research in half by allowing me to get knowledge instantaneously. Each school day would be a struggle to keep up with my grades, upcoming events, and work schedules without emails and websites. I would be forced to lug textbooks to and from school and would spend hours after school at the library just trying to stay current on the projects.
    A final negative effect of having no internet would be the increase in families who were forced to relocate to the business district of larger cities. People would no longer be able to use the technological world in the business setting through emails, online banking, and even stock markets updates. Having the freedom to work from your home or another state would be become impossible. The spread of news and weather reports would also greatly impact our society. Having a natural disaster or immediate danger in a surrounding area and being unable to get information out instantly would be deadly.
    For all of these reasons, I am thankful for the amazing technological advancement of the internet. It enhances my daily life socially as well as my educational success. I never realized how much I rely on it until today. After reflecting on this topic, I am encouraged to continue to use the internet for advancement and to help improve my quality of life.

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