lovin’ the warmer weather (and that i don’t have to run another marathon for a while…)

consider yourself lucky to be reading this – albeit, a day late – i thought about posting yesterday – and that was about as far as my braindead (more so than usual) body got to the actual process of writing – same thing with reading – fortunately, i did spend most of saturday reading – in preparation for being wasted after running 26.2 miles sunday morning – so lest you think i was a total slacker last week…

“intelligence and how to get it” – i know, irony that i read that book this week – pretty good read – main problem was that about 30 pages were duplicated – and 30 pages were lost – again, irony that it would be in that particular book – but what i read, i liked – basically, the book echoed the thought that intelligence isn’t so much genes as it is environment – and what you do with what you have – i found the fact that i’m three times as smart as my grandmother thrilling…

“a steel drivin’ man” by nelson – book about folk legend john henry – memory serves me right, we have a story on the guy that died out-manning the machine in one of the three grades’ lit books – which was why i got the book in the first place – come to find, this university professor found much to support the henry myth – and the henry tragedy (he was basically a prison worker loaned out to the railroads – and died in that work)

“inkdeath” – i was waiting, b/c i’d been prepared, to eventually tired of the series, but i really did enjoy all three books – all three are long so you can’t expect to finish them quickly, but if you know that going in, i don’t think there’s much of a problem – really, the books are just beautiful – from the world that’s created to the quotes on books that begin each chapter – definitely enjoyed the series (although, the ending did set itself up for more – i’m hopeful that doesn’t happen)

best wishes in your reading,

24 thoughts on “lovin’ the warmer weather (and that i don’t have to run another marathon for a while…)”

  1. I am reading a book called the Green Zone. It is about an area in Baghdadd that everything is perfect. Luxurious swimming pools, everything. but then something goes terribly wrong, i have yet to figure out exACT details but i will soon. It is a really good book and reccomended to anyone who enjoys action thrillers.

  2. hey, im on the hunger games and i left off as cinna introduced Katniss’ Opening ceremony dress. I was a black unitard and a cape and head dress that would be lit on fire. by the sounds of this she is kind of cautious. It is finally time for the opening ceremony. They load Peeta and Katniss into a horse drawn arriage and pull them down streets until the get to the cty circle which is the center of the city. It goes in orderfrom 1-12 in districts so peeta and katniss watch on a tv as the other districts start coming out of the carriages. each person is very awesome. They keep there eyes out for people and they find some people they need to keep there eye out for. It is finally their turn. They stand up and cinna comes up behind them and lights the clothes on fire. Then they open the doors and cinna quikly tells them to hold hands.

  3. HEY! I have started *The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner*. So far it’s pretty cool, to be able to get inside Victoria’s plan, and to learn more about Riley and Bree. I like that you can see things from Bree’s point of view after the fight. You can see what she’s thinking and her thoughts on Edward, Carlisle, and especially Bella. It does disappoint me that she does die, because you really get to know her, like a tragity. ๐Ÿ™ But, it’s Stephanie Meyer, so the style of writting is amazing and unique. It’s really neat.

  4. hey mr mayfeild im sick today with a cough and it hurts my chestbut i should be back tommorow. so im reading the book the last dog on earth. i will blog for five minutes on the point of veiw from the dog. so here we go. what is there to do oh i know im going to catch my tail. what food im coming to eat now. after i eat ill play fetch with my owner thats only if he wants to if not than ill play with a bone.

  5. hey im on the Hunger game sand i left off when katniss and peeta arrived at the opening ceremonies. They had there costumes lit on fire and looked amazing. They were in the city square. As soon as they opened the doors to let them go, cinna told them to hold hands. When they opened the doors they were blasted with hundreds of screams. Katniss and Peeta were urprised by the expression of people they must have looked amazing. peopkle were screaming and they looked at them in the tv and they did look amazing, probally the best performance. They were still holding hands and waving at everybody. The way they were holding hands made them look like they werent trying to kill eachother bu like the were friends.

  6. okayy well i am reading the junkyard dog and my journal is like a povc but it’s kinda in the futur. But anyways i am thinking that the girl, wanting a dog so much, that she will change her mind of just seeing him and goinf on to stopping thinking going home and asking her mom if she could have him or bring him home. so the point of view change there or will be is that she will change from leaving him and thinking nothing else about him to going home and begging to keep him. by the way last nights journal.

  7. With my Hunger Games days behind me (yeah right) and I am starting a new start. I moved on to- I am Number 4

    Mon.- Yeah, so basically the begging of the book explains how this boy is being chased by some group of people, and the kill him and take his amulet.
    Then it jumps to present day where this boy talks about how his ‘breed’ of people are being killed, and they each have a number. (He is Number 4) 1 2 and 3 have been killed, so he is next.
    Tues.- The boy goes on to tell us how he moves all the time, and how he had never had a normal life. When one of them dies, a scar gets burned onto their ankle, and it like catches their foot on fire. (Weird…)
    So he is moving because his foot has “magically” caught on fire again because number 3 has died. So they are searching for him now.
    Wed.- Every time they move, they have to change their names. So they decide to go to Ohio, and he changes his name to John Smith. (How boring, right?) And they mention how his fake birth certificate will state he was born in Tuscaloosa, AL!!!! isn’t that exciting! (Roll tide, peeps)
    Thurs.- They make it to Ohio and reach this little house that’s really old. So he decides to go to school than help Henri clean up. (Henri is his ‘primary caretaker’) So he gets to school, and it’s really small. He notices this strange girl who is taking pictures and she walks to him. Apparently she id “beautiful” cause he says that bout 5 times in one paragraph. Ugh, guys.

    Alright. I’m gonna go watch TV. Have a great week. St. K is out.

    -St K
    -When the moon is blue, the clock strikes noon.

  8. Hey Mr. mayfield i really like what we’re doing with the tempest in class but beside the point ill blog for…oh 7 min. it starts … NOW

    ok book is facts about cars (really love this book b/c im a MOTOR HEAD if no one else is)and ill do a dielectical journal
    FACT:the brand mercedes got the name from an austrailain girl/OPINION:O.K., was she the founder or a cerleberty ? did she design the first car?

    FACT:1886 was when the first pickup truck was introduced/OPINION:well could it haul good solid firewood ? did it have good gas miladge? did it even run on gas

  9. Hey im on the hunger games and i left off as they walked the streets of the city square and dazzling the millions of people watching and all the people in the capitol. They were wearing the costume that wa lit on fire and they saw themselves on the tv and they looked the best out of evryone. Once they finished waving and blowing kisses to the crowd, they stepped into the training center where they would spend the next 4 days preparing for the hunger games. When they arrive she steps into an elevator and shoots up to the 12th floor and there is one floor for each district. She steps into her room and Effie tells her to be dwn in 2 hours to at. While Katniss waits in her room she plays with all the fancy gadgets that her room is filled with. Her bathroom is filled with hundreds of gadgets and she could pick any dish she wanted to eat as well as her clothes. She took a shower, got new clothes on, andhelped her self to some fancy food.

  10. I am reading The Roar by Emma Clayton.

    Right now, Mika and Audrey have made it to the third round of the competition. They are at the Caribbean World Vacation Complex to compete while their parents are off having a lot of parties. They discover that nowhere on the island is safe to talk while they are there because there are cameras in the trees that are supposed to be hidden but aren’t. The first day that they are there on the island they are taken into a big white building and they have to watch a film which Mika thinks is dumb because it is just a lot of images flashing by on a screen.

    When they go out the second day they start shooting harpoon guns at underwater targets to practice. Audrey is the first to hit the target and Mika starts to wonder if Audrey will make it to the next round of the competition and he won’t. They finish this and then Justin, their instructor, introduces them to a new type of borg fish, one that can tell who hit it and from how far away. It also thinks and acts like a fish instead of just wandering around like most borgs at the complex are programmed to do. Audrey also is the first one to hit one of these fish and Mika starts to worry but knows that you need to keep your focus.

    On Saturday the 100 competitors have the competition that they have been training for. They go under water and are told to choose a marker on the sea floor. The game starts and they see shoals of borg fish coming at them, Mika figures out that he has to shoot twenty bolts off as soon as he can and just hope or else he will not even have a chance. He then sees these seals coming towards them and someone shoots them but Mika thinks he can”t because he actually LIKES animals. He then sees sharks and doesn’t hesitate to shoot them. His shot counter goes up twenty points and then Ruben’s partner freaks out and shoots Mika in the leg. Mike has to get his father’s blood and then spend time in the healing chamber.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜‰ 8)

  11. Hey, song of today is Won’t Back Down by Eminem Featuring Pink, and i finished Soren 66’s tale last week, so im gonna do Midnight in the Heart of Mmidlothian. Author’s purpose is to entertain, and it starts with a doctor – oh, I’m sorry, medical technician, telling the main character, Mike Baird, that he has cancer, apparently not a big deal in the future, but he’s kinda ticked. He decided to cryogencally nap, just before the Covenant decided to invade the ship. They crawled through the destroyer, shooting everything that moves until they don’t. He awakes via the ships AI unit, Yo Me, and grabs a fire extinguisher, and broke down the door. He smashed one of the alien’s jaw, then grabbed his… her… its Carbine and blasted all but one of the remaining Covenant, the last running him through with an energy sword. When he wakes, the AI gives him painkillers, some other meds, and a couple of steroids. He sneaks out with a surgical blade from the medbay in his belt, using it to slit one Grunt’s throat almost silently, except for a choking noise. The other spins around, in time to be cut again, this time slicing through the methane tube as well (methane is their oxygen). He finally busts into the main room of the AI Construct and fakes surrender. He activates the self destruct, and slaps the bones out of the alien that spilled his guts onto the titanium floor. Mean Mr Alien guy is angry, so Mike gets decapitated. The ship intiates the countdown, but bypasses that and blows up, shooting flames into the space around it. But then the fire dies, and all is peaceful. And quiet. And cold. Like midnight. Short sentances ftw. finish up tommorrow, for now, see ya!

  12. Wow.. I am so bad I didnt blog on Monday or Tuesday. So I must blog for ten minutes then I will blog for ten minutes tomorrow. I left off with The Dawn Treader heading to The lone Islands where Caspian is going to find the Seven Lords (Well I think it was seven)
    Alright, the Dawn Treader ends up at two of the Lone Islands, Felimath, and Doorn. I am not sure which one they stay on but they stay the night on one of the islands. So they get off the Dawn Treader and they set up camp on the beach. Lucy, Edmund, Caspian, and Reepicheep decide to look around where they then find a bunch of men around a tree talking. Caspian decides that it would be best not to let them know that he is a king. But the men are welcoming to Caspian, Edmund, Reepicheep, and Lucy. But it was all just a trick they tie them up and they carry them away to a town that is on the island. It turns out that this island is a fan of Slavery. So They put Eustace, Edmund, Caspian, Lucy, and Reepicheep up for grabs. Somebody buys Caspian and somebody buys Lucy and Edmund and Reepicheep. Nobody will buy Eustace probablly Because he was Crying the whole time and being a baby so the people would have no use for him. So Caspian is being taken away. But, Luckily, The man who takes Caspian is one of the seven lords that Caspian and his men were trying to find. So, Caspian and this Lord decide that they are going to try and end the slavery on this island and they are gonna let the slaves go.
    Ok, I am done Bye – Julie

  13. i am reading the Dork Diary #1.I am going to try to do a soapstone on it eventhogh i have not read much. here i go.
    S- Nikki
    O-she wants the new iphone
    A-the reader
    P-she is like the only person at school who doesn’t have one
    S-needs phone to be popular and noticed by popular kids.

  14. i am doing another soapstone with the same book.
    O-entering the art contest
    A-the reader
    P-to win something so she can be noticed
    S-nikki loves to draw and is good at it

  15. I left off on the hunger games as Katniss arried to the training center where she will spend the next four days…… training. She goes to her room and finds a lot mof fancy gadgets with all the food, clothes, and hot showers at her fingertips. fter she is finished stuffing herself with fancy foods, she heads down to the dining area where she will be eating with her prep team, haymitch(if he shows up), Peeta ,and effie. Sge gets ndown there and there is no haymitch but everyone else is there. She sits down and they bring out a lamb stew with plums, on rice with rolls. When she takes her first bite, it is the best thing she has ever tasted. Half way through her meal, she looks up and she sees a girl that looks very familiar. And…. her lips were sealed shut.

  16. well i have been bad i have to do three journals tonight ohhhh!!! but the first one is a povc and the book is Breaking Dawn (underline well trying) but anyways this is how the point of view changed when Jacob left to go and protect Bella him and Sam got into a huge fight but anyways well when he went outside the Cullen’s house he heared Seth and Leah say something or someone is coming. Well they came to find out that it was some of Sam’s pack and they came and begged for Jacob,Leah and Seth to come back to the main pack and they wouldn’t but just to sum this up the point of view that changed is Sam’s because he had to of sent thema nd before Jacob left he ( being Sam ) told Jacob he never wanted him to come back to the pack.
    that was journal one now here is journal number two and the same book but diff journal and this is the journal is author’s purpose and this is what i think the authors’s purpose was for writing it is that he was saying yea you might think something is so stupid at first and then later you might realize that hey it ain’t that stupid and in thhis case Sam thought ehat Jacob was doing was so stupid but then he begged to get him back but once u say something u can’t take it back. Now for journal three and i am going to compare to something i have read before and i am comparing it to New Moon (again trying to underline here!!!! :|) but yea and th reason i think the are similar is because Sam is begging for Jacob to come back and in New Moon (it won’t underline!! ๐Ÿ™ ) Edward leaves Bella and Bella is begging god to send him back but he won’t well that is all i got by!!!! <3

  17. ok, song of today is Sympathy for the Devil by The Rolling Stones (hippie music ftw!!!) ok, so i read harry potter and the chamber of sucrets… *ahem* secrets. Starts with harry being told by dobby the house elf (YAY!!) that he’s in danger if he goes to hogwarts, then pulls off a hover charm in his kitchen on some pudding. pudding hits the floor, uncle vernon gets really angry, harry cant get out of his room. Car outside, rope gets thrown through the bars on the window, window gets ripped out. Hey, Ron’s got a flying ford angela! harry leaves…. nothing happens… harry goes to the train station, but cant get through the barrier. they decide to fly the car there, they land in a magic tree that (famous quote time) of all the trees that they could of hit, they hit the one that hits back. Snape is angreh, harry walks in, dumbledore makes a speech, they go to bed. night

  18. Today was a wonderful day.. I dont know why I consider it a Wonderful day…. But it was I think it was because I am learning how to lie at school while playing the game Balderdash. I am very excited about this game… Because I have always been the awkward weird kid that uses a big Vocabulary so this should be interesting. I told my mom I learned to how to lie at school today and she immediately said, “What on Earth has Mr. Mayfield been teaching you” Ahh. That is funny stuff. But now I am have to VLOG! Yes… I know I just spelt Blog with a V but it is more exciting when you tell yourself you are going to VLOG!

    I left off with Caspian and his men wanting to go to the Governor of one of the Lone Islands to free slavery. So they go to Governor Gumpas. Casipan travels to the town and all the people at the town are cheering and Celebrating. They are glad To see that a king from Narnia is there to visit them. People are talking to him and hugging him and he is getting all sorts of popularity. Finally, Caspian arrives at the home of Gumpas. Gumpas welcomes Caspian into his home but you can tell Gumpas is not to glad to see him. Caspian makes arrangements so that all the slaves can be Freed. It takes some convincing but finally Gumpas goes along with it. Caspian is excited about the news that he will be able to share with everyone from the town. Finally, Caspian goes all the way Back to Doorn where Lucy, Eustace, Edmund, And Reepicheep are being used as slaves. Caspian tells everyone that the slaves will be set free and Caspian Reunites with Lucy, Edmund, Eustace, Reepicheep and any other men who were on The Dawn Treader… (Which was only about 24 men) The Dawn Treader is a very tiny Ship. Caspian and his men stayed on Doorn for Exactly 3 weeks but then they said there Goodbyes and The Dawn Treader has set off to find more of the Seven Lords… (They have already found Lord Bern so they really only need to find 6 Lords)
    Ok that is all… I VLOGGED for 10 minutes ๐Ÿ™‚
    Bye! -JULIE!

  19. I’m reading The Scorch Trials which is the sequel to the Maze Runner but II will do my blog on The Roar.

    In the Roar, Mika and Audrey fly over the Wall because somehow Ellie told Mika through her mind that the only safe place is over the Wall. Mika flies the Pod Fighter over the Wall and discovers the Secret, which is that the Animal Plague never really existed. Mal Gorman tells his men to shoot Mika and Audrey down and kill them. They find out that the rest of the World is just a big forest that is guarded by giant borgs that watch out for any trespassers so that they won’t find out the Secret and ruin the people living in the mansions in the forests lives. Mika and Audrey are shot down in the forest and discover that the borgs think that all of the mutants are animals. The scientists think that the mutants are a new type of human, a hybrid between animal and human. That is the part before the ending if the Roar.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€ 8)

  20. been reading taken. mayfield said to read it during class and he also said that i could do my journals (blogs)

    i think that the simplest change for the book at the moment is that the girl was at home all happy go lucky and she became ill. Ill as in so bad that the person that was keeping look after the rich girl had to call the ambulance. what they didnt know was that the kidnappers/terrorists were in control of the system. they came to the house and the persons let em go with the people. they had no idea she was being kidnapped. so the change is that she was at home with her keepers and family, and then the next moment she was not happy or at home.

    genre slip: letter to the girl

    dear girl,
    i am sorry that i do not know your name yet but i havent gotten that far into the book. but back to why i am writing you this letter. i know that you were trained to know how to act in the situation of being kidnapped, but if it would have been me i would have blown all that away and started or tried to fight back. i am really amazed how you can keep your cool in that kind of situation. i would have melted down in that kind of situation. i am writing this letter to let you know that i am proud of you.
    Zac Scott

  21. hey im doing twenty minutes on halo the flood.

    monday: captain keyes is looking at the ring world when suddenly he starts getting attacked.cortana maneuvers the ship while they are being fired at. covenant dockers land on the pillar of autumn and start attacking. the master chief is requested at the bridge so captain keyes can talk with him.but he has to fight his way there.

    tuesday: meanwhile the point of view changes to a grunt (one of the little guys that are very easy to kill in the video games.) his name is yayap and he is in charge of an entire group of grunts. theyare walking around the ship when they get to a hallway splattered with blood. they find an elite (one of the best warriors the covenant has) lying on the ground alive. they carrie him to a docking pod and let him get medical attention. thier fighting was done for the day.

    wednesday: the master chief meets with captain keyes on the bridge. captain keyes tells the chief that they are going to try and land on the ring world. they fight thier way to the escape pods and the master chief gets in one with some other marines. a covenant soldier sneaks onto the ship(an elite with a cloaking devise) and waits for the captain to get separated from the rest.

    thursday: captain keyes asks a seargeant if he could borrow his pistol. the seargeant thinks the captain is crazy but gives it to him.captain keyes raised the pistol at the wierd gostly shimmer he saw. the elite went for his weapon but it was to late the captain shoots him in the head and gives the pistol back like nothing ever happened.

    i will tell you what happens next next week.

  22. hey mr. mayfeild im sorry but i havent had time to blog for a couple days but im trying to make it up today. so im bloging on the book the last dog on earth. man i wish it was that way with sisters i would like that one maybe. well anyways i will blog fifteen minutes on authors purpose. well i think the author wrote this “part piron isnt common in america” because he thought that they arnt a undeveloped contry like the native americans who suffer piron disesse. i think that the author included this part “its mostly in spoiled meatloaf” because his brother was a scientist or a vet thhat knew where piron came from so he asked him and he told him the answear so he knew for his book. I think that the author included this part “it cant be stopped before its uncontrollable” because he may have had a dog and it was on a leash and it started running and dragged him untill it was tired. i think the author included this part “mad cow diesse is uncontrollable” because he had alot of cows and they started getting the mad cow diesses and it was unstopable. thats it for tonihght see you later.

  23. Monday

    This week Iโ€™m blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley.


    Wondering what would have happened if Neb (the boy in Castaways of the Flying Dutchman) would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybeif he didnโ€™t like the dog anymore โ€ฆ sell the poor black lab. I mean thatโ€™s what I would have to do if I were him, but Iโ€™m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark.


    After a lot of thought The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman is like the beginning of Peter and the Starcatchers. They both have characters get on ships. Neb got on because he was running from his stepbrothers and one of them hit him and he fell into the ice cold water, then all of a sudden a stringy rope hits his head and he uses all his strength to climb onboard. In the other book orphans get onboard because the are forced to be slaves to an evil king overseas. Well, I mean, they have \the same ideas just different plots.


    So far the captain of the Flying Dutchmanis making a deal with a chinease merchant who is offering FOUR emeralds for him to deliver emeralds to other high-payng people. On another POV a boy is running from his stepbrothers and runs into a dead-end. His stepbrothers or the ocean?!?!?!?!?!? Which is worse?!?!?!? Well, he doesnโ€™t have a choice because one of his stepbrothers cuffs (hits) him in the jaw and falls into the freezing cold ocean shivering and alone.

  24. Hey im just testing out something on my phone to see if i could blog on my phone so i dont have to do it when i get home.

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