returning from a spring break near you…

oh, the books i’ve read since my last post… i’ll try to be brief – do hope you had a wonderful break

“riven” by jerry jenkins – nook book – interesting – took way odd turns for christian fiction – ended with a convict being crucified – on live TV (oops, spoiler alert:) again, strange – well written though

“gray matter” – nook book – a san diego doctor who asks to pray with his patients – it was a good book – quick – learned a bit about neurology

“unbroken” by hillebrand – the seabiscuit author – great, inspiring story of a world war ii vet – he was a former olympian and went through terrors no one should have to go through during the war – he learned to forgive his captors later and that was amazing

“hope for the world” by former b’ham mayor richard arrington – sort of a pompous title b/c he was basically saying that he was the hope for the world – b/c he was the first african-american mayor in b’ham – the sad thing was that in the 20 years he was in office, he didn’t do a whole lot for the city – he basically survived fed investigation after fed investigation – again, sad (much like downtown now…)

“blue moth” by hancock – the guy is director of the BCS now (college football) – after his son died, the guy went on a bike ride across america one summer – very good book – as someone who admires physical feats – and who survived many a family trip in a pop-up camper, i could definitely pull lessons from the book – hoping to see the guy at football media days for the sec in july this year and tell him all that

“leaving gee’s bend” by latham – you write in the middle people, she was the author we saw – she’s a good writer, i’ll say that – i didn’t think the book was very historically accurate – blacks and whites got along way too well for 1932 – but ms. latham seemed to do – well, did do – research for the book so maybe some of that was more accurate than i thought – i definitely think it should be a BOB next year

“walk two moons” by creech – newberry winner in 1995 – good – the book was about acceptance – and about life stages – moving on – remembering – one of the better YA’s i’ve read in a while – not earth-shatteringly great though

“breakthrough” by someone:) nook book – one writer’s take of the 10 scientific breakthroughs of all time – lots of names, dates, and science that got confusing – or ran together – at times – but a decent read – honestly, when you’ve read so much previously, you’re not looking for too much – so i wasn’t that upset

nanowrimo word count is up to 29,000 now – which means i got in about 2,000 words over spring break – proud of that

hope your week is wonderful – this should be our only set of journals until mid april (post testing)


15 thoughts on “returning from a spring break near you…”

  1. Hey i am starting on a new book that is really good. it is called Peter and the Starcatchers. its a really good book and i started on it halfway through spring break and i am about{ half way done. it starts with peter and 4 other orphans. They are being taken from an orphanage some where else they do not know but there english teacher is with them to escort them. They arrived at a bay where ships were being borded for take off. Their was the wasp which is one of the newest ships and one of the best. and next to it was there ship. it was called the Neverland and it has to be the worst ship to ever sail. They climbed out of the carriage in hopes of being shipped to an unknown place on the Wasp but they knew better than to think that.

  2. I am reading the book Hunger games, its a very good book about a future time wear the kids are chosen by a series of drawings to go and competein a life or death competition for entertain,ment to the public. Two teens have their names entered several times to support their family. This is weaqr i am so far, and i hope to read on!!!

  3. Journals this week are on Under The Jolly Roger which is the third book in Bloody Jack series.

    Well the book begins with Jacky having a good life aboard a whaler that she took from Boston to London to find Jaimy. She gets to London finds some people from her old gang under the Blackfriars’ Bridge and then she finds Jaimy. She is dressed in a horse jockey’s uniform and sees Jaimy at the race. She thinks that Jaimy is not in love with her anymore because he is seen with his cousin. Jacky runs outside the arena and is taken by a gang and thrown onto a British warship in France. She is a Midshipman after all and is signed on as that. She gains control of the ship very quickly then is met by the Admiral. That is it for today.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜ฎ 8) ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜€

  4. I finished the book Beastly. Kyle Kingsbury is rich, handsome, and popular. He truly has it all…or so he thinks. That is until one day when a strange and ugly girl named Kendra appears in one of his classes and tries his ‘royal’ status, of course Kyle instantly takes this opportunity to bully her. He invites her to the upcoming dance to which he already has a date just so that he can embarrass her. It is then that Kendra reveals herself to be a beautiful witch and punishes him for his cruelty by condemning him to live as a beast. However, because of his one act of kindness (he gave a rose to the girl who was working the ticket booth) she gives him two years to find somebody who can love him for who he is, not what he looks like…and when he does, the girl must prove her love with a kiss. She gives to him a mirror with which he can see whomever he’d like, then vanishes. Kyle’s shallow father – ashamed by his son’s new appearance – purchases Kyle his own apartment where he proceeds to live with their housekeeper, Magda. His father also sends Kyle a blind tutor named Will who at first doubts that Kyle truly is a beast. Kyle then allows him to touch his hairy hand which leads Will to believe him and the two later become friends. Will and Magda suggest that Kyle take up a hobby to pass the time and he chooses gardening. Kyle then builds a greenhouse where he plants many roses which he tends to each day, they become very dear to him.

    After one year has gone by, he decides to change his name from ‘Kyle’ to ‘Adrian’ because he is no longer the beautiful yet conceited boy that he once was. When he is about to lose all hope of ever returning to his human form, a drug addict stumbles upon his rose garden. Angered, Adrian hollowly threatens to drop him out the window. Desperate for his life, the cruel man offers his daughter – Lindy – to take his place. They make a deal and Adrian prepares Lindy a room filled with books and new clothing. Despite his efforts, Lindy (who is the girl that had been working the ticket booth at the dance) is still very upset that she is to be forced to live in the house, calling Adrian ‘Kidnapper’ and ‘Jailer’. Hearing her call him this Adrian gets upset. After several days of solitude, Lindy finally comes out of her bedroom in the middle of the night and bumps into Adrian. The two share a bag of popcorn, watch a movie, and things begin to change. They begin studying together under Will’s supervision, and spending more time with each other. Adrian makes a deal with Kendra that if he is able to get Lindy to kiss him before the last is up, she will also return Will’s sight to him and allow Magda to go home to her family.

    In an attempt to make Lindy happy, after hearing she loves snow, Adrian takes her to the log cabin that he used to go to as a child. Along with Will and Magda, they head off to the mountains. It becomes apparent that Lindy is content with her new life and that Adrian’s love for her is no longer one-sided. The second year is almost over, but Lindy says that she wishes to be able to see her father just one last time. Saddened by her words, Adrian decides to show her the mirror which Kendra gave him, but only to discover that Lindy’s father is very sick. Despite the last year being so close to its end, Adrian allows Lindy to go to her father because he truly does love her. He returns to his house, and awaits the dreaded day. When it has finally arrived, Adrian sees Lindy in his mirror and realizes that she is in danger. Her father has once again sold her for drugs. He runs to her aid but is shot by Lindy’s would-be rapist. As he lay dying, he asks Lindy to kiss him. She does, and her kiss lifts the curse. At first Lindy is very confused by his sudden transformation, but eventually recognizes him as Kyle and kisses him again. Will is able to see, and Magda reveals that she has truly been Kendra all along then turns into a crow to join her family (which also turn out to be crows).

    Throughout the book there are sections that have internet chat logs. Adrian joins the chat group in order to talk to people that have curses or spells on them like him. Adrian makes friends in the chat group of whose screen names are grizzlyguy, froggie, and silentmaid. Adrian goes by the screen name BeastNYC.

  5. Hey i am on Peter and the Starcatchers and i left off with the mean english teacher taking them to the port of the bay where they would either board the amazing Wasp or the worst ship the Neverland. But they had a very little chance of going on the Wasp. It was scary because known of the 5 orphans knew where they were being shipped to. Peter considered himself the leader of the orphans because he was the oldest but he actually didnt know his age. They climbed out of the carriage and were met by a maqn named Slank who was the fist mate of the captain for the Neverland. Immediatley they knew which ship they were going on. Slank took them off the teachers hand and took them over to the horrible ship to board.

  6. I also just finished the book Burned. Zoey’s soul has shattered and has gone to the Otherworld due to Kalona killing Zoey’s human Consort, Heath. For Zoey to get her shattered soul complete again, Stark must find a way to travel to the Otherworld without dying and save his High Priestess. The narrative mode is told from multiple points of view in third-person limited (including Stark’s, Kalona’s, Aphrodite’s, Heath’s, Rephaim’s, and Stevie Rae’s) and first-person narrative in Zoey’s point of view, as in previous books.

    Zoey is stuck in the Otherworld. If her body remains unoccupied by her spirit, it will die in a week. Her friends desperately try to find a way to save her. Aphrodite, at first only for appearances at the Vampire High Council, acts as Nyx’s Prophetess and finds that she can force a vision by touching Zoey’s body. She discovers that Zoey’s spirit is gone from her body, and she spearheads the plan to figure out how to rescue Zoey, the sister she never had. After some research into ancient-forgotten vampyre legends and religion, the Nerd Herd finds out about the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness personified by a Black Bull and a White Bull respectively. Stevie Rae and Rephaim together figure out that Neferet has imprisoned Kalona’s body in this realm using Darkness and sent his spirit to the Otherworld to ensure that Zoey does not put the shattered pieces of her soul together and stays trapped in the Otherworld.

    Zoey’s friends discover, from ancient scrolls, that to travel to the Otherworld without dying they need to know more about forgotten ancient beliefs regarding the two bulls. Stevie Rae accidentally summons the White Bull, which is basically Darkness personified, to find a way for Stark, Zoey’s sworn Warrior who is frantic to save her, to enter the Otherworld. The white bull tells Stevie Rae a poem about how it’s possible. As payment for giving that knowledge, the white bull extracts his payment in her pain and her blood. Rephaim saves her at the last minute by offering himself. Stevie Rae summons the Black Bull and saves them both at the price of always staying connected to Rephaim’s humanity. Since she survives, Stevie Rae is able to pass on the poem with the way to the Otherworld to Aphrodite.

    Stark is overjoyed to find a way to help Zoey, and according to the poem goes to the Isle of Women also known as the Isle of Skye to find Sgaich, an ancient Warrior queen who can help him enter the Otherworld. Stark, Darius and Aphrodite travel to the Isle and observe the ancient warrior ways. With their guidance, Stark undertakes a perilous journey to the Otherworld where he slays his Warrior self to become a Shaman and thus reach Zoey. Stark convinces Heath that he has to leave Zoey and move on so that she, in turn, can move on and save the world from Kalona and Neferet.

    Meanwhile, Stevie Rae is having huge problems of her own. She is trying to hide the existence of Rephaim from the red fledglings, and at the same time she seems to be developing feelings for him. However, Rephaim feels what is happening and tries to stop her from abandoning him. Finding out that Stevie Rae has been keeping Rephaim a secret infuriates Dallas, and he lets Darkness come into him and becomes the third Red Vampyre, though he is evil and not good, like Stark and Stevie Rae. He nearly kills both Stevie Rae and Rephaim using his affinity for Electricity, but they escape.

    In the Otherworld, Heath moves on and tells a devastated Zoey that they will meet again in his next life. Stark approaches her in the Otherworld and can’t explain to Zoey how she must bring her soul back together. But Stark’s journey has taught him of being a Guardian, which is more than simply a Warrior. He accepts that his role is to protect Zoey from anything, even if it means he dies or she doesn’t love him. Stark engages Kalona in a dangerous fight. When Zoey sees this she realizes that she needs to pull herself together, and she pulls the pieces of her shattered soul back together. Before she can intervene, Kalona manages to kill Stark. Zoey attacks Kalona and manages to overpower him. She demands that he pay up the life debt he owes her for killing her Consort by bringing Stark back to life. When Kalona refuses, Nyx intervenes causing Kalona to share a part of his immortality with Stark and bring him back to life. Nyx banishes Kalona’s body AND spirit from the Otherworld. Zoey fully accepts Stark as her Guardian and lets him drink from her so he could heal, the elements fill her again and all her tattoos come back.

    Rephaim and Stevie Rae are together and finally seem to be starting a relationship when they feel Kalona and Zoey come back into this realm. Rephaim says that his heart has never mattered enough, and Stevie Rae says that he should come back to her when his heart is as important to him as it is to her.

    At the end of the story, Zoey comes back from the other world before Stark and then brings his soul back to his body in the real world, and Zoey tells Stark that it’s all over. She hears Nyx laugh and say that “No daughter, it’s only just begun.”

    And on that happy and equally desturbing note thats all folks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. hey Mr. Mayfeild i will blog for ten min on the point of veiw from me on the book 20000 leagues under sea. on the tile i think what is 20000 leagues under sea? I found a part that says the great wheel of industriall revelution and i though i learned that in 5th grade [one of the few things i do remember].I foun a part that says that as a memery of jerusolum with hill and vallys infront of them i remeber that jerusalum was a main city in the bible. this has already said god twice in the book so im wondering if this is a religious book but so far it sounds like it. it has said frenchmen twice two so i wonder if this is in france or in america? I guesse ill find out tommorrow or you will at least so bye Mr. Mayfeild

  8. i am reading dork diaries. and i will be doing a soapstone.
    S- nikki maxwell
    O-nikki and her two friends go to makenzie’s party
    A-the reader- ages 9 to 13
    P-nikki needs to talk to Brandon and her friends want to dance with matt and ryan
    S-the party had been full of snotty rich kids and makenzie tried to flirt with Brandon while they talked!!!! i mean, who does that?????

  9. i am reading the dork diaries and i am going to do a change in the end.

    the story ends with Brandon asking nikki to be his lab partner in biology class. but instead brandon asks nikki to the dance and nikki ends up being more popular then Makenzie is because she is dating Brandon.and nikki isnt clean up crew anymore, she will end up being the dance queen.after that, no one notices makenzie anymore and nikki and her friends, chloe and zoey will be the most popular kids in middle school.

  10. hey, song of today is Bama Breeze by Jimmy Buffet, and I read the complete idiot’s guide to the vietnam war. think ill compare vietnam to korea.
    They were fought to prevent communism
    the countries were spilt into south and north
    we didn’t really win either one.
    The leader of North korea was kim il sung, and Ho Chi Minh was north vietnam,
    Vietnam brought Operation Rainbow (Agent Orange/pink/purple/ect.)
    Technically, we did suceed in korea, but there were so many casualities, we called it a loss.

    Next, I started the Fellowship of the Ring. The prolouge really just described Hobbits as a close resemblence to dwarves, with leather-like soles and extremely hairy feet (they really dont make shoes that much). Men (humans) were spotted sparsely in Elvin lore, where Hobbits make no apperance whatsoever. Dwarves and Hobbits worked together, with hobbits living in the foothills of dwarf mountains, somethines mending or creating things for them. Hobbits lived quietly until they were discovered by accident by elves in the woods. the three tribes: Harfoots, stoors, and fallohides; live in the hills/riversides/woodlands, respectively. They differed in appearance, giving other races a false appearance of three species instead of a brond, single one. see ya next time!

  11. I am bloggin’ on A Painted House for Thursday.

    This book is about a family in the Arkansas farmlands during the Korean War. The family is so poor that they can not have a painted house or indoor plumbing. They are not sharecroppers though because they own the three acres around their house and they rent the eighty acres behind their house. They pick cotton and they have to employ Mexicans and hill people (the nice way of saying hillbillies) to help bring in the harvest. They love baseball and the Cardinals. They live 8 miles away from the nearest town of Black Oak. The town is a one street town and only has two churches. They have to get a Saturday bath, being that the only two days that they don’t pick cotton in the two months the kids are out of school for the harvest are Saturday and Sunday. These two days are when most people go to town. The main character, Luke, has an uncle who was more like a cousin to him in the world named Ricky.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜ฎ 8) ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. hey i finished halo the flood so now i am going to read halo the first strike.

    monday: halo the flood ends with the master chief blowing up the pillar of autumn and that explosion destroys halo.the master chief searches the remains of halo and finds three cryo tubes and a pelican.the men in the cryotubes are frozen and the men in the pelican are marines.

    tuesday: the chief and the men in the pelican take over a covenant ship. he ends up becoming frieds with the engeneers.the chief tells the troops in the pelican to go unfreeze the men in the cryo tube. one of the troopers calls the chief down there because there was a spartan in the cryo tube.

  13. at the end of forest gump forest is happy with his life so he gives some of his money to his mom he gives some to bubbas dad and he also gives some to luetintent dan. now since hes a multi gozillionare he cuts alabamas grass for free. when he retires he walks little forest to the bus everymorinig and visita jennys grave and he puts new flowers on it alot. so i blogged for 10 minutes tonight. ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. So, like oops to me because I forgot to blog last night. But I did get to watch American idol! Go Paul! He rocks, and so does James. Can’t forget James.
    Anyway, I just finished Catching Fire for the 3rd time. It was STILL amazing! Suzanne Collins is truly amazing.

    So, I’m gonna blog on the beginning of Mockingjay.

    1- In the beginning of the book, Katniss travels back to District 12 to see the remains of her sad little ruined house. And a bunch of invisible hovercrafts have to protect her from above, Gale being in one of them. She goes to see Peeta’s bakery and the only thing there is a part of the oven all burnt down that still remains, depressing right?
    2- After Katniss gets done with that, she talks about how much she hates herself and Peeta… I can never understand why she hates him, but hey, I don’t think I am physically able to hate people like him. Then she talks about how basically everyone in District 13 in infertile and the remaining survivors from 12 are like a breeding pool… Yuck. Creepy.

    So, I be done. Hope everyone did AMAZING on their ARMT test. ๐Ÿ™‚
    – St K
    When the moon is blue, the clock strikes noon

  15. Monday

    This week Iโ€™m blogging about The Castaways of the Flying Dutchman. It is by Brian Jaques, the author of the Redwall series. Anywho, I know that he wrote this to entertain the reader. I pretty sure anyways. I think he wrote this to entertain, but he used facts about the countries and myths of the Flying Dutchman to an advantage, because he twists it to a new point of view of a never-before-heard-of-character. At the same time though he creates the image a huge ship where the boy is put in the galley.


    Wondering what would have happened if Neb (the boy in Castaways of the Flying Dutchman) would have escaped in Denmark?
    My guess is that he would have found the black lab and went to a bench and hid until the pirates were gone. Then he would have made a home and been one of those beggars who sits on the corner of the block in New York. Or maybeif he didnโ€™t like the dog anymore โ€ฆ sell the poor black lab. I mean thatโ€™s what I would have to do if I were him, but Iโ€™m not so that is all his discision. That is what I think would have happened to Neb if he escaped the ship in Denmark.

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