this just in… we may have to cancel due to beautiful weather:)

ah, the pleasures of rainouts – or the misery…

(misery in my opinion – although, connect 4 is pretty fun – except when you’re getting drubbed by the evil mastermind cameron j)

i haven’t mentioned it, but i am rereading the Bible – try to do that once a year – started in mid-january – i’ve made it to 1 kings – so progress – just takes a while – my thought on that so far is that david did a bunch of things wrong to be a guy after God’s own heart – of course, israel had the same issue…

“talk of the game” – baseball announcers history book – great read – made me feel warmer just reading it (i do so love baseball) – plenty of stories i’d already heard – but plenty i hadn’t – particularly, the interviews with the announcers who do the spanish stations’ cast

“destiny of the republic” – story of james garfield’s assassignation – and the madman who did it – and alex bell who almost invented a device to save the president – had not the doctors been so dumb – great history read – didn’t know much about garfield – the writer kept trying to tie garfield into lincoln – but lincoln’s death was way different – and lincoln had eight years with the country – garfield got two months

“cc pyles amazing race” – reread of the 1928 race across the country – 70 mile days near the end – amazing…

“star wars” by george lucas – i’m guessing he wrote this to accompany the movie – he later got people to take care of such for him – this one wasn’t that good – like reading chris paolini (long on words and adjectives – little on substance)

got a few preview copies coming in next week that i’m pumped about – enjoy the last week before finals (which is the last week before break!!!)


15 thoughts on “this just in… we may have to cancel due to beautiful weather:)”

  1. Hey. I have finished The Red Necklace. This is a story for all of those who like mystery, murder, magic, history, and romance. It is placed in the time of the French Revolution and centers around the life of an orphan gypsy boy (Yann) who was raised by a dwarf. In this story, Yann finds himself in many life threatening situations while trying to solve a mystery that could save the life of the girl (Sido) he is destined to love.
    I really like ths book. I espcially love the way the author writes it. It switches from focusing on Yann, to Sido, to author important characters in the book. I really like this book because, like the Graveyard Book, you get to see the main characters grow up and change. Like Bod, Yann starts out being very powerful but as the story progresses, he looses some of his power. But Yann ends up getting more powerful than before. In the begining, Yann can read minds and throw his voice. Later, however, he learns to move objects without touching them. Yann is a relatively calm charater through out the book. He only gets really angery if he has good reason to. Like when Tetu (the dwarf) or when he gets angery at his tutor and knocks him out cold. He also gets a little panicky when he gets shot. But I suppose that’s normal. I think that Yann is really brave. I like to see how he handles every situation and how he is always willing to help. I also think that Sido is brave. She refuses to leave her father to die even though she would die too. Although if it was me and my father treated me like that, I might just leave him. Some people don’t deserve help. I wouldn’t want him to die though. My all-time favorite line in this book is “Life is Life!” I completely agree. Life should not be wasted, no matter who’s it is.

  2. MPA is tomorrow for the band kids… It’ll be interesting. Not sure if we’ll do well but we’ll see.
    I’m happy because I came home and I saw cake lying on the kitchen table and it was from Jake.
    He broke into the house this afternoon to leave me cake. How kind of him (:

    So I’m still reading Fire. It’s okay. I’m about a hundred pages in. It’s not outstanding or anything but people told me it gets better than it is right now.

    Right now I’m very bored with it.

    Fire is at the castle with Prince Brigan. Archer is Jealous and is having serious anger issues. The raptors are flying around so Prince Brigan is gathering up men to go and fight them.

    Fire knows that fifty men will not be able to kill thousands of the monster so she rides off on her horse to get the raptors to go away from the soldiers.

    When she runs away the raptors follow her and they scratch her and claw at her.

    She got hurt pretty bad but she returned to the castle where she and her horse got patched up.

    And Archer is mad at fire because he is a toot.

    That’s all


  3. hey mr mayfield.. i am starting to read catching fire. katniss meets with President Snow, since he arrived at her house without her knowing. she woke up early that morning and went to the woods to retrieve her bow and arrow. after she had retrieved it, she went to the lake where she and her father used to go to befor eth emine explosion. she had not been there recently since her father passed away but she decided that today was a good day to swim.

  4. i am reading catching fire. after katniss meets with President Snow, her mom askes if she would like her to run her a bath. katniss has been trying to be nice to her mother because it is not her fault for what happened. and instead of greiving the hug that her mom giveds her, she acts nicely and gives a hug back. katniss doesn’t mention anything that went on with president snow to anyone in case of the capitol recording her evry move and she doesn’t want to endanger her family, peeta’s family, or gale’s family. as she sits down in the hot bath that her mother drew for her, she is interrupted by the slamming of car doors and the hurried footsteps of her prep crew running up the stairs. she gets to put on her robe just as they barge in and start looking at what they will do with her.her nails are to short to do anything with, so she has fake nails put on and have thwem painted. her hair is a disster and all of her stylists get her mom to show them how she had her hair done when she went into the games. her eyebrows had qiukley become one long mono-brow and they were furiated with what she had let herself look like over the time away from the arena

  5. Hey I am going to do two blogs on Ranger’s Apprentice. I left off just as Jenny was chosen as the apprentice to the chef, Mr. Chubbs. Now it is finally Wills turn and everyones attentiion was on Will. He announced himself,and announced that he wanted to be in Battleschool. Sir Rodney looked at him with doubt and instantly denied him because of his small stature. Will looked nervously at the Baron, and he asked if he had anyother preferences. He decided he should be the battle horse carer. The craftmaster Alf, looked at him and he also denied him because the horses would smash him. Well he began to get really embarassed and he thought this miment would never end.
    Tuesday- The baron asked him if he had any good skills and he told him he was an expert climber, and the craftmasters all chorused the things he had stolen or the tricks he had played on him. This made him even more embarassed because he had no idea they knew about this. So all of a sudden Halt, the ranger of the fief, came out of the shadows unseen and Will was shocked because he didn’t even see him in the room. The rangers were a group of fifty for every fief that were kind of like deadly spies for the kingdom, and most people thought they studied dark magic that made them invisible. This made people avoid, and seclude them. They were the ones who found the secret pathway that lead to the defeat of Morgarath.

  6. Hey mr. mayfield. About your post, we do something similar at my house, only we read the Book of Mormon once a year but still, the meaning is there. I am reading the Nacy Drew Mystery Series. I have read book 4, 3, and am presently reading 2. Why didn’t I start from the begining, search me. I have always been fasinated with the way mysteries are made. I always liked how the authors are able to come up with the most complex and interesting stories while making them realistic. My only problem with Nancy Drew is that it was written a few years back so it’s out of date. They’re also really short books. I like Nancy as a charater because she is brave and very clever and smart. Even though she gets alot of publicity and has a wealthy father, she is very caring and down to earth. She is also very tolerant. Some people in those books I just want to hit. wish me luck in finishing all 50 books! (maybe).

  7. Hey Im doin a authors purpose on the last blog where will was turned down for Battleschool and Horse carin, but then Halt, the heaad Ranger of the castle, appears. Well I think this author put irt in to start suspense in the reader and excit them. This is because it shows mystery in this ranger and it gives the reader a sense of mystery. It’s like I got a feeling because I knew he was an important figure in this story, and that something new and exciting was going to begin soon. It left me in suspense becasue this was the begginning of the most important parts in this book, and the author placed this in here to show the reader that something susppicous was hapopening, and that it was going to lead to something better.

  8. i am reading Catching Fire and it is awesome. as going back to my last blog, katniss is getting prepped by the prep team at this very moment.(where i am reading anyway) 🙂 after getting ready for the Victors Tour, she heads down stairs and is suprised to meet Peeta all dressed up in a fancy suit. katniss walks outside with Peeta and she wants to go over to Haymitch’s house. but she knows that she just poured a cup of cold water on him while he was sleeping. so she knew best to stay away and to deal with that on the they got on the train effie had good news. katniss and peeta were going to be mentors in the 75th hunger games.

  9. Blogs!(:
    Monday-Authors Purpose
    I am reading the book “The Sweet, Terrible, Glorious Year I Truly, Completely Lost It” by Lisa Shanahan. I think the author’s purpose is to entertain like most young adult stories. Debbie is the main girl in this book. She goes shopping for costumes. The author uses a lot of 1st person in this story. There is also a bunch of dialogue. I haven’t got very far yet but I have a feeling there is going to be a major shift in the setting and plot. Debbie has a very unusual family that is very complicated. Sometimes, it is too much for her! Sometimes, you just have to go along with her, even if she is wrong!
    here we go again! it is Monday, ugh! A slow day that ends our weekend. I have to go to school and supposedly “learn.” I am going try to fake sick! If I don’t pass as sick with mom, I get grounded! You don’t know what that means to me! I loose my phone and any other thing that I HAVE to have! Especially the Internet, which I use to do everything. Shhh! Mom is walking i. I gotta go! I will tell you how things turn out! If I don’t, I am grounded……
    I have not yet got a chance t read a lot in my book. So I am going to estimate what I think will happen. I am still at the part where Debbie and her friend are shopping. Debbie gets a duck costume and gets laughed out of the store. I haven’t got to figure out what the costume is for. I think she might be going to a Halloween party. At her age of 12, why be a duck? Well, I will keep reading and figure out why she is a duck! There has to be a very good reason behind this….

  10. i am reading Catching Fire. as they enter the stage in distict 11 the mayor intoduces them and makes an honorable speech. if i was katniss, i could not image having to look straight into the eyes of rue’s family. their eyes as hollows of madness(i used something from the highwayman.) 🙂 and having to look threshes family in the eyes that were fiiled with sorrow. except for who must be his sister that stood there with a serious look on her face. man!!! she was muscular. anyway, i would stand there in shock and let peeta do all of the talking and nd my head in agreement to whatever he i stand there looking into rues family’s eyes, i would start to tear up and remember he with the spear still in her stomack and her body covered in flowers

  11. Hey I am doing my last blog for the 9 weeks:) So Halt the ranger of the fief appears outy of the shadows as if he was invisible. He whispers to the Baron and hands him a note. The Baron reads it and he asks if he is sure. Halt nods and the baron congratulated everyone for being slected and there was going to be a feast for them tonight. But will does not get to find out but the Baron leaves the note on the desk. Will skipped the feast later and he spent his time thinking of a plan to figure out how to get that note and read it. He stood in the apple tree, and was prepared to climb the tower to the barons office and read it. he had climbed all the towers befor except for the barons because if he was caught he would probally be removed from the cstle for good.

  12. I don’t know what autocorrects problem is, but I am not Satin K. Which is what it wants to call me…. 🙂

    And I really did laugh out loud when Julie called Archer a ‘toot…’ oh Julie…. But he is a toot, Jules….. 🙂

    Okay, reading the Night Circus

    Mon.- So, I’m not crazy about this book…. But, I’m reading it. But I don’t like it 🙁 Julie and Kelli and Nathan liked it though, so bleh. Maybe I just like cooler books (aka The Hunger Games)… So, this book starts out about a girl who’s father is a magician. Her dad makes this deal with another magician to enter her in a contest when she is older.
    Tues.- So when her dad enters her, she has to train, and the other magician has to find a student. He finds this boy at an orphanage and gets him to come live with him and trains him to be in the competition against her.
    Wed.- So, the girls dad is really mean, he like breaks her wrist with a paper weight and then makes her reset her bones using her magic, and it’s just really bad. The boy’s magician is a lot less mean, but he doesn’t have a good relationship with the boy.
    Thurs.- I’m gonna skip forward just a bit. One day a man named Chandresh decides to make a circus. So the boy magician decides to be a part of it, so when he finds up the girl signs up, he decides to let his girlfriend take his place.

    Alright, I’m done. Going to the informational meeting tonight…..

    -Saint K
    – when the moon is blue, the clock strikes noon

  13. Thursday-POV of Debbie
    So, we are at a costume store. We look around of all things in man kind, you know what my friend picks out for me? No, not a kitty or a puppy! Worse than an elephant, not as bad as a rat. A DUCK suit! I couldn’t even believe her! I had tried it on. I was very uncomfortable in it! Then you know what she brings me? Webbed feet and a bill! Is this girl crazy? I told her that I was definitely not wearing that! My friend ends up being a cat or something. But out of everything, why a duck? Is she trying to embarrass me? If so, she is doing a very well job of it!

  14. mon- when they left the ship they started flying to the sanshyum world. suddenly thier ship came under attack. everybody was ejected into outer space. they all turned and watched thier ship being torn apart.

    tues- as soon as bornstellar got the last glimpse of his ship he starts to drop to the sanshyum world. he catches on fire but his armour protects him from burning alive. he looks into space and suddenly a giant ring appears.

    weds-in bornstellars head a word suddenly apears: HALO. he hits the hard ground and then suddenly blacks out. when he wakes up he sees people carrying him. then he passes back out.

    thurs- when he wakes up again he cant move. his armour is locked. he looks to the right and sees the humans in a torture bubble. then on the left he sees the didact in another torture bubble. he looks around when a forerunner walks up.

  15. So lets start with a good song, Young, Wild, and Free by Wiz Khalifa and Snoop Dogg. we left off with don assaulting a mourner. During this attack, Sancho frees the contents of the mule, making sure all of the items will be safe in his bag. as knight and knight errant ride away, Sancho yells back that the mourner’s discomfort was on the behalf of don Quixote, the knight of sad Countenance. Don, impressed, asks where he came up with it. he claims that it popped into his head after seeing don’s sad face without teeth, but don insists that the mage controlling his life forced him to think of the title. He’s seriously weird. anyway, they eat supper in a valley, then have a conversation which Cervantes promises he’ll narrate in the next chapter (Cervantes is kinda funny like that) anyway, the conversation involves a scary pounding whic sancho immediately tells don to ignore, but don doesn’t want to back down. he instructs that, should three days pass without his return, he should ride back and tell Dulcinea. as don sleeps, sancho ties his horse’s feet together so that don cant leave. in the morning, believing that god doesn’t want him to leave because his horse is immobile, is told a story. Sancho repeats every detail twice, which annoys don. sancho then warns to keep count of some goats on a boat, and tells of one journey, then anothers, and anothers… until don admits that he lost count. Don, confused, asks sancho to finish the story, but sancho refuses. the next morning, they both ride toward the noise. which turns out to be fulling hammers, used to beat cloth. sancho LOLs, and don slaps him with his lance. don insist that he speak less of don in the future, and sancho only accepts after don tells him he is left no money from don’s will. don, stillsearching for a helmet, sees a man with a basin on his head to protect from rain. don insist that he must be a great knight, but the barber refuses.

    I’m tired, so the authors purpose is to entertain. bye!

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