babysitting old people gives you loads of reading time…

so every week i vow to read less – and then, i wake up to discover that i lead a life that just gives me loads of time to read more – so.. 🙂

“30 phone booths to boston” by kardong – THIS book is why i love to read – a book about running – a book about life – a book that made me get out thursday and run in the snow – in the wind (really, that was the noticeable element by the time i was out the door) – a book that reminded me that our best laid plans often go awry (kardong competed for the US in ’76 – his ’72 try was ruined by mono and his ’80 try by the boycott – and a volcanic eruption – talk about timing) – we may do some writing with him – journals

“detecting metal” by fred bonnie – yes, THE fred bonnie:) great read – i got the book from a dealer who knows all about bonnie’s work – his son:) the collection of short stories is excellent – engrossing characters who find themselves in unpredictable circumstances – odd situations – the title story comes at the end – but its goofyness is endearing (and probably reminds me of myself as the character george:)

“time of your life” by doerr – i think that’s the title – book about fred russell – sports writer for a billion years in nashville – loved vanderbilt – like billy though, never graduated from vandy:) anyway, the book was a biography – i thought it was a collection of russell’s work – i would’ve been more interested in comparing sports writing from the 30s with today – alas and alack, the book was just about russell’s life – and not his writing – how you biographize a writer and not include his writing is beyond me…

happy monday off – you do not have to blog while you watch TV


46 thoughts on “babysitting old people gives you loads of reading time…”

  1. First one to blog yes I’ve got my revenge but anmarie hasn’t

    Any way I just finished reading a book called
    Cover Up by John fienstein

    It’s about these kids named Stevie and Susan carol blowing a cover up by mr. Meeker (little Donny) the first book in the series is called last shot it helps y

  2. You understand the other books in the series

    Sorry for the cut off but as Romeo says in a parody ” thus with a kiss I say bye”

  3. I don’t know if we’re doing journals again but I’m going to do Monday’s today anyway because I’m bored and have nothing else to do.

    I finished Eragon. I’m satisfied with the ending, especially when Eragon kills the Shade Durza. (Only like three of you know what I’m talking about) I began reading Eldest, the next installment in the series, and the leader of the Varden, (the resistance of the bad guys) is killed by the bad guys. His daughter is given the position of leadership, and I have stopped there.

    Oh wait…. we’re out Monday. Okay then, this is Tuesday’s blog.

  4. WOAH! Yeah shortest blog…instead of longest…NEW RECORD!!!!

  5. Hey mr mayfield I will blog for ten minutes on creative so Kobe was walking looking around because he heard a gunshot and as he was in the woods looking for somebody he hears another one right next to him. he looks down and sees he has been shot and falls to the ground as he looks for the person shooting he realized he wont see them again and he starts to find his cellphone he realized that it was left at the house so he has to crawl a mile to get back home to call the ambulance so he starts the long uphill jouney he gets tired and lays there for a minute as he starts to bleed out he gets to where it is hard to see its close to his time when a car pulls up beside him and sops they pick him up rush him to the hospital and then he had a 2 year recovery and was able to get back out to the wild again.

    Anna likes bacon.
    Bacon is amazing.
    Cats probably like bacon.
    Dogs like bacon, or mine does anyway. 🙂
    Elephants might accidentally suck it up their trunk. Then they couldn’t eat it.
    Fairly mushy is the way I like mine cooked.
    Great to eat! Poor bacons…they die all the time…
    Handling bacon is a very important matter…if you don’t cook it right, and it gets hard, people may throw stuff at you…(if its bad enough they will throw the actual bacon)
    I love bacon.

    J-Z in tuesdays blog! i mean…whatever day….I WILL FINISH IT TONIGHT!!! 🙂

  7. This poem was introduced to me as a little social studies activity but this subject is really important to me so I made it to be more than as it was propsed to me early today. I hope you like it or even know about the subject its self it was a BIG historical moment.


    HATE- someone so much you would go to any depts to bring despair into there lifeves just to lift yours

    INVASION- just wanting so much power to go to any lenghths to get it

  8. ______________________________monday_________________________

    So i finshed Caligula 400 Days Of Terror and now im looking for a book to read so im gonna do creative for tonight!!!


    Roses are red
    Voilets are blue
    Oh,l how i dislike you
    You never shutup
    You never really care
    Talking to you,
    Well i might as well talk to a wall,
    I think you know who you are,
    And if you dont its BOB

  9. Okay so I’m going to kind of steal Anna’s idea and i’m going to do an ABC poem 🙂
    (But i’m not doing it on bacon…..what a freak! who does that?:P

    Aren’t they like humans?
    Because in a way yes and no
    CRAP!!!!! it’s crap
    Darnet! my shoe is ruined
    Even though i tried to step over it…I failed 🙁
    FACT: dogs are mammels
    Goodness gracious! this stinks :/
    How am I suppose 2 get this off?
    I KMOW!
    Just kidding I dont 🙁
    Kinda feeling woozy but i think its just the smell
    Let me see,(smells the shoe………………………………passes out) 🙂

    HAHA!!!!! i bet anna and her stupid bacon poem! MOOOHAHAHA

  10. Wow, ok I go on to think maybe, just maybe I’ll be the first to blog and… Whatever. I’m blogging off my phone right now so
    1. Autocorrect
    2. Can make it a long one or it will cut almost all of it off

    Ok as Mr. Mayfield said in 5th block. I’m gonna do another terrible poem then apologize about it wing so bad. Here ya go:

    Drops of rain hit the window
    Just like the years hit your face
    Your just starring out into the world
    Wondering what went wrong
    What happened
    Why’d it happen
    All these questions roll though your mind
    But only one matters:
    Why’d it happen to you
    Your whole life you’ve wanted something to happen
    Soemthing that made it less boring
    Everyone else’s life’s were awesome
    Your is just…..there
    When you said “something happen”
    This it’s what you meant
    You never know what you have until its gone


  11. Bobby and Aja travel into life light .while in there she added a virus called…… Reality bug, the virus was suppose to make every jump like can get hurt and die…. Well not actually if you die in the jump you wake up just fine.but while there in there they encounter saint Dane and he said they made it easier to rule because they made it to real.when they are done talking to him their phader Alex come in and helps them.since they made it more real a quig came and killed Alex when he can’t be seen by others.they run to the locker rooms to avoid the quig but more show up.they use the fire alarm to shut the quigs up to give them time to run. They grabbed his bracelet to end the jump.they return home safely .

  12. Ok im gonna do my blog today and also re write my blog from yesterday because I had so many typeos

    Poem from yesterday:

    Drops of rain hit the window
    Just like the tears hit your face
    You’re just starring out into the world
    Wondering what went wrong
    What happened
    Why’d it happen
    All these questions roll though your mind
    But only one matters:
    Why’d it happen to you
    Your whole life you’ve wanted something to happen
    Something that made it less boring
    Everyone else’s life’s were awesome
    Your is just…..there
    When you said “something happen”
    This isn’t what you meant
    You never know what you have until its gone


    Ok, that’s all no type-o y

    Ok heres my log for today:

    Ok, im blogging on my computer to day so I can blog as long as I want yayyyyyyyy!!!! I now I here so sobbing in the back ground crying and saying “nooooooooo”

    Best friends:
    The one that loves you (not like that)
    The one the strengthens your “vocabulary” (ya know hat I mean)
    The one that backs you up no matter what
    A friend will help you when you crying
    That best friend will be walking beside you holding a bat sing:
    Who’s butt am I kicking today

    Cross my heart
    hope to die
    boys and makeup
    clothes an lies
    be there until the end
    that’s the description of a best friend

    I have a wallpaper that says that

    Ok im done, I have to go do my other homework

    Be back later

  13. I am feeling very seriocomic tonight, so i will avoid capitol letters.

    i am reading a book called “no easy day” written by a navy seal who was a memeber of seal team six during the bin laden raid. his fake name is mark owens. i haven gotten to the part about bin laden yet, however, hearing about the training and a few of the missions beforehand is really cool. one mission involved the seals leaving on a mission only to have been set down on the wrong roof. cool book.


    U TOOK THAT FROM WILL’S COMMENTS ON THE BUS ABOUT YOUR INCREASED VOCABULARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Tuesday- I finished The Serpent’s Shadow by Rick Riordan and I am now reading Daniel X by James Patterson. The Serpent’s Shadow ended when Sadie and Carter captured Apophis’s shadow and destroyed the container that it was in. Sadie found Bes’s shadow and brought him back to life. The old gods and goddesses saved Carter and Zia when they were trapped between the demon army and the sea of chaos. Carter and Horus became the new leader of the gods but Amos is still the Chief Lector. Carter got to see his mom again and Walt lived. Walt and the god of death, Anubis, became one so that Walt could live and Anubis could have a bodily form. This was confusing for Sadie because she liked both of them and they both liked her. Whenever she saw them she saw both of them. She just decided to think of them as one and be okay with it. The gods retreated with Apophis because chaos and Ma’at, peace, have to be balanced and you can’t have one without the other. that’s all for today. Tomorrow i’ll blog about my new book.


  15. I’m going to do Wednesday’s and Thursday’s blog.


    History from January 23rd

    Dinosaurs ruled the ancient Earth
    then were destroyed by the asteroid’s curse.
    Then came the homo habilis and homo erectus,
    old they might be, but they were the first of us.

    After a while there was the homosapien,
    then there were statues, buildings, and no more cavemen.
    Then the history of man began.

    Socrates, Da Vinci, Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt, Einstein,
    They were some of the best of our kind.
    Pyramids, Magna Carta, USA, WWI, iPhone,
    the best of humans has been shone.
    Town healers, tent nurses, clinics, hospitals.
    Legions, pikemen, horsemen, tanks, planes.

    The end of our legacy isn’t over. It has just begun.
    Just look at all of the things we’ve done.
    We watch as we see the rising of the sun.

    Tell me on the blog if you like this poem. If enough people like it I might submit it to the Literary Magazine.


    I’ve been reading Eldest, the second installment of the Inheritance Cycle. Eragon is about to go to see the elves, where he will complete his training. Ayra, an elf; Orik, a dwarf; and Eragon and Saphira of course, are the ones who will be seeing the elves.

    Meanwhile, back in Carvahall, Eragon’s cousin Roran is wanted by the Empire, because they think he knows where Eragon is. He has no idea of course, but they don’t know that, and they attack Carvahall, and he runs into the Spine, a mountain range outside of Carvahall. Later he and the villagers drive the soldiers away, but some creatures called the Ra’zac are coming back to get information out of Roran.

    I stopped there but I will update tomorrow even though I am done with blogging for this week after this blog.

    Adios! Buenos Noches! Peace out!

    P.S. If you have not read Will R.’s Super Soldier story you need to. It’s funny.

  16. here are my blogs for yesterday and today i will be doing a poem

    keep on counting to find more and more
    look closely, find different values,
    different numbers,
    different places,
    different worlds,
    Infinity, nevermore.

  17. Waz up? This is going to be my 5 min. blog; I will be doing a 10 min. one tonight.

    So right now, I am going to do a creatice poem (my next post will be on a book) so here it goes.


    As I peer into you,
    I see something ugly.
    Something I despise,
    That I wish I could trade out.
    Everyday, I put up with that creep.
    I can’t escape it,
    It will never go away.
    Geez, I really wish,
    My rother wouldn’t stand behind me.

    One more…


    Gear one.
    Hair blowing,
    Gear two.
    Heart pumping,
    Gear three.
    Stomach turning,
    Gear six.

  18. okay, so i might be a couple of days short on blogging……….
    i really need to blog earlier!

    so, today is what, the 24th? i’ll take that as a yes…. 🙂

    guess what….? i finally started reading a new book! Bye For Now by…. actually, can’t remember who it’s by! i’ll have to look. i’ll probably post it on next week’s blog.

    but anyway, the book is about Robin Haggersly, a ten year old girl who lives in Concord, North Carolina and turns eleven (in the book’s time), but has the worst birthday ever! so, when she gets her family cake, she wishes she was someone else….and it happens. so, the next day, she wakes up in the body of Fiona Walker, the exact OPPOSITE of Robin. and, the best part is that Fiona lives in London, England!! That’s as far as i’ve gotten, but i’m pretty sure that it’s bound to turn out to be a good book.

    by the way, i do like your poem, fred. you should definently submit it.

    speaking of poems, i guess i’ll be doing my creative writing now.

    Spilling from the brim of his teacup
    Gurshing from the highest mount
    Licking the dust from off the ground
    As if his own thirst cannot be quench’d.
    Cleaning embedd’d stones, jewles of this riverbed
    Smooth from the wearing movement.
    White foam flies,
    Landing on the lips on precious plants
    Sipping daintily b’neath the parlor underground.
    ‘Tis the breath of Waterfall that simply moves the rippling plants Beaneath his chin of glittering stone
    Each bobbing at their own master’s rolling moisten’d breath.

    i got an idea, like fred….

    tell me if you like the poem on next week’s blog, and this might be the one i send to the lit mag. 🙂

    well, i gotta go…. bell’s about to ring.

  19. Ok, I’m blogging because I have to go to the orthodontics and I got checked out of school. I texted

  20. Ok, I’m blogging because I have to go to the orthodontics and I got checked out of school. I texted some of my friends then noticed……THEIR STILL IN SCHOOL!!!! So I’m blogging……yeah. In the car, on my phone. I got checked out right when I was eating!!!! So I’ll do another terrible poem today AND then say I’m sorry about how bad it is. AND OMG I FORGOT TO TELL YOU!!!! I FINISHED A BOOK!!!! It was called “Frozen Fire” and it’s SO good, I strongly recommend you to read it.

    Terrible poem time:

    Your at school,
    Everything is quiet,
    Except you and your friends.
    Your playing “Oreo” (something teachers will never get)
    Screaming to the top of your lungs.
    Then someone says those whispered but strong words:
    “She’s comming, she’s comming. The teaches coming”
    You all shut up and pretend you’ve been working,
    Then when they look back you start talking slilently,
    Somehow thinking if they can’t see you they any hear you.
    You go back to playing games and talking about random stupid stuff
    This is what happens everyday.
    You never get caught,
    Never get in trouble.

    I couldn’t think of a poem so I just kinda wrote bout how we were in Social Studies today.

    Ok, that’s was officially the WORST blog ever done by me but yeah.

    AnnMarue no poo, out!! ✌

  21. I posted my blog twice cause the first time only some showed up cause since I’m on my phone I put an emoticon and the website couldn’t post it or soemthing so it cut the rest off. Good thing I copyed my blog just in case that happened

  22. im reading how they croaked. the awful endings of the awfully famous
    i read about edgar allen poe. when he was a little boy his mother died of tuberculosis.after his mother died he and his brother and sister were split up. poe went to his aunt and uncles house. his uncle hated him but his aunt adored him. a little while after he had just settled in with them, his aunt died of tuberculosis like his mother. he left his uncle and went off with the love of his life. his cousin, whom back then it was ok to marry, but tradgedy struck and months later she also died if tuberculosis. with the book HOW THEY CROAKED, lots of stories seem pretty impossible and throughout the book the author tries to find humor in almost all the death situations that he talks about.

  23. Sorry I haven’t done blogs except for Tuesday. And no intro, I just had Mickey D’s and I feel really naucious and I think i might have food poisoning.
    And Janie, bacon is WAY better than dog crap. =)
    Wed. Day
    I’m reading the postcard and it’s really good. This guy named Nick Falcon (who later in the story turns out to be Emerson Beale) (I finished the book Im just blogging for it) wrote a story about how he loved the protagonist’s grandma (yea I pay attention sometimes) and how he would do anything to get to her. Her dad (fang) is a control freak and doesn’t
    Like Nick, so he’s doing everything he cam do to keep Nick away from her. Btw, fang and marnie (the grammy) are, KIND OF CRAZY RICH. so fang has minions to kill nick and the story is about how nick survives and finds marnie and they have a kid but then nick has to go away. See next blog.
    Thurs. Day
    So fang tells nick that he only way he would let him have marnie is if nick signed this contract. The paper said that nick will look after marnie but can’t be I’m love with her anymore, and has to leave the kid alone, too. The only reason nick agreed to sign the thing was because fang said he would kill Marnie himself if nick didn’t sign. Marnie has brain damage and her legs are jacked up because she and fang were in a big wreck earlier in the story. Anyways, that is why nick never saw his son, Jason’s dad, and that is also why his dad has a lot of problems.
    That was 20 something mins, just didn’t split Thursday from wednesday in the right spot.

  24. I apologize for he typos. But I am not spending my time correcting them. O well.

  25. Wednesday-I am reading Daniel X by James Patterson. Daniel was a three-year-old when an alien came and killed his alien-hunter parents. The alien was looking for The List, a list of all of the aliens on earth that were causing trouble, and he knew where it was. He had powers where he was really smart, he could make things out of air, and he could shape-shift. Daniel changed into a tick and got away. When he changed back, he went and got the laptop that his dad had shown him. This was the list that the aliens were on. The story then goes to when he was 15 and hunting an alien. Daniel won and created his fake parents to get rid of the cops that were telling him to go to school. Daniel was a really good cook and he had four made-up friends. Daniel moved to California to hunt alien number 6. The alien was very dangerous and the first one he was fighting in the top ten.

    Thursday-Creative Writing- I always knew there was something about my ex-neighbor, Brian, or should i say Alexander. He was a Russian spy that had been sending information back to his home country since the Cold War. After he got arrested, i went to his house to look around. He gave me a key one time because he loved cats and I needed to feed them while he was gone. I was looking around when I heard a cat purr from behind the bookcase, This worried me because I had grown to love the cats and I hadn’t seen my favorite one yet. I pulled the bookcase only to find that it moved extremely easily. It opened to a staircase that led to who knows where. Then i saw whiskers, my favorite cat. He ran past me into the living room and jumped on the couch. Out of curiosity, i followed the staircase. The lights clicked on when I walked by. It opened to a room with a table. There was nothing in the room but a folder. I took a peek inside and found Russian bomb plans and designs.


  26. waz up. Here is my blog for tonight i will do a poem.

    Precious, what should we do.
    kill hims he makes good breakfasts,
    No, we will give him a riddles, he’ll never get a clue,
    No…Preciouses we forget the past,
    We will give him something to busy hims,
    Ring is gone,
    Thief stole precious

  27. Hey, Will Morris, your poems were very CREATICE. ( reference to yo misspellings. )


    so, read some more last night and I am prepped to blog. WHILE WATCHING MISSION IMPOSSIBLE 3!!!!!!!!! So, the story I told last night about the seal team being set down on the wrong roof ended in a fun manor. ( not for the bad guys ) The seal team called in two tanks from the outer ring. Both tanks shot at the floor the bad guys were on until they both went winchester. ( out of ammo ) The bad guys were all dead as a hammer. GETTIN’ SOME SIMILES UP IN THE HIZZAY. ( house )
    Mark finally got his two weeks off and just relaxed and messed around with is bros.

  28. Mark goes to a abandoned house because his ring started to glow.the glow was not from a journal about to arrive but he thinks it is a flume.he goes to see what it was and quigs jump through the glass and attack.he runs away from the beasts and bikes to the school to get Courtney .he he gets to Courtney both of them call the cops to see what it was.the cops took a look around and they saw nothing.they look all over the place and gives it a thumbs up that it is safe.

  29. Hey mr mayfield i will blog for five minutes on the book mere Christianity and my point of view of the book this book is very important to be a great Christian and how to treat other people to lean to god. When I started reading It I didn’t think it would change my views but it really did change them on my views of how to be a good Christian. I will keep reading on the book and see what all i can find.

  30. well, this will be my last reading blog for the week. it’ll only be ’till the bell rings.

    but, anyway. iv’e gotten a little further into GONE….(yes, i’m still reading it, but i just decided to blog about something else for a change)……everyone’s gone into this huge discussion on if God is making all this weird stuff happen, or if it’s just the end of the world…..things are mutating and all the people still alive have these weird powers like being able to shoot liquid fire or lighting bolts out of their hands. some kids are beginning to doubt if there even IS a God.
    it’s a very good book, but very long. but i think i’ll enjoy the book being long! 🙂

    i’ll do one more piece of creative writing. if i have time, that is.

    nope, i don’t. the first bell just rung, and i dont have any ideas for a poem. maybe later today, if my lunch teacher will let me the computer.

    well, i gotta go! peace out, peeps! 🙂

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