“i’d like to thank all the graduates for dressing up in funny squared hats…”

okay, so i think it’s only fair that the first to blog this week gets the “teacher’s favorite” award – or whatever it is they call it nowadays…

“coolidge” – so i read only one book this week – but it was long – and had depth – code words for probably slacking – sorry to disappoint all of you that root for me to finish multiple books in a week – anyway, silent cal wasn’t so silent – he just wasn’t connected well to most of that time’s political figures – the good he did? tax cuts and balanced budget – the bad? he turned his back on relief for flood victims – he did nothing to stop the depression that began in 1929 – and he wasn’t much of a leader – all that said, i really enjoyed learning about him

hope your final week is a good one

7 thoughts on ““i’d like to thank all the graduates for dressing up in funny squared hats…””

  1. Looks I’m the teacher’s favorite.

    A couple of things for me to say

    1. Happy end of school
    2. Have a great summer fellow peers
    3. I bought Homecoming 2012: A Hollywood Extravaganza and The War for Corbotia Part 1 from Amazon. They will come in Wednesday. Also the first books I will read this summer
    4. I would advise everyone to get a reading log for this summer because it would be helpful to record however many pages for the nine weeks next year
    5. I will blog over the summer. Happy blogging to others.

  2. Well boo you Fred. I finally blog again (first time since armt started) and I’m not even first! Whatever, I’m still awesome, I know Maf totally missed my blogs. Oh and btw (by the way) over the summer I’m going to update you on how many books I’ve read. Because I am proud to know that last sommer i read the same number of books as you (32) if you also count the summer reading books (which i read twice anyway, but im only counting once)

  3. I’m reading the War for Corbotia Part 1 right now and it’s really funny. Congrats to Corbin and Mayfield

  4. time for….. u will now know how craig dies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Baaaaa ba bababa baaaa ba. ba ba ba baaaa ba babababa…..

    fan fiction nowvel writer Jimmy frisinger presents from a jimy fri productions…. the war for corbotia fan fiction(i havnt thought of a name) at corbacon!

    Chapter 1: Corbo the Great Returns

    After a long time of the Corbo vs. Mayfeild war corbo decided to come home. As he returned he road in on a flying golden unicorn pony that he stole from mayfeild vault.
    “Good citizens of Corbotia I have come with great news. The war is over and mayfeild is ended.” Corbo announced. At least that’s what corbo thought. Corbo headed to his castle walking with swag. He sagged his pants and cocked his head at a 45 degree angle. When corbo entered the castle he noticed a gift basket sitting on the table in front of him. The basket had a card that read “Corbo, you may have won the war but you haven’t defeated me just yet!” corbo through the card down and yelled upstairs for his butler.
    “Craig get down here and make me some corbo juice!” corbo yelled. Corbo juice was the new name for apple juice, but with the great name “Corbo” in it.
    “Yes sir right away.” Craig ran down the stairs wearing a mad hatter hat and his mom’s tutu. Craig was excited to see corbo home with a brand new outfit given to him by the hello kitty god Angela.
    Corbo went over by the wall and pulled down a lever opening a elevator to corbo’s secret lair. Craig and corbo entered the elevator. “bum bu bub u bu bub.” The elevator music was getting on corbo’s nerves but he was to tired from walking into the elevator. The elevator spun around and a door opened with a Russian corbo voice saying “You may enter now baby.” Corbo booted up his 500” flat screen monitor connected to his super computer. In corbo’s Irish voice the computer said “Top of the mornin’ to ya. How can I help ya lady!” Corbo and Craig started flipping light switches and turning on air conditioners.
    “Hey Craig, can I ask you a question?” corbo said.
    “Sure thing my royal Hines” Craig said as corbo pulled out a pistol marked with the letters M-A-M-A-M-A-Y-F-E-I-L-D.
    “Can you test this gun for me.”
    “Sure thing corbo.” Craig walked into the shooting range and pushed a button sending a target out. Craig shot the gun. Corbo looked over hearing a loud explosion.
    “Craig are you ok?” corbo heard no answer. As he walked into the room he saw craig’s body up against the wall dead.
    “NOOOOOOOOOO!” corbo shouted as he rushed toward the elevator. Corbo pushed the button to go back to the main floor but he was to late. The gun that corbo had recovered in the battle for corbo hill-man had blown straight through the wall and into the room of mirrors, or as corbo called it “A room full of me.” Corbo gave up and decided to move his countries bourders further into the mayfeildian plains. First corbo ordered his workers to hire him a new butler, then he orderd them to make the “Great Wall of Corbo” wich was just a huge wall all around the bourder with corbo’s face on all across it. To most this was a very unpleasant sight.
    Two days later corbo’s men came back into the castle with great news for corbo.
    “Corbo we have recovered a new butler for you. He goes by Cole.” The men said as they pushed him into the castle pointing at the wall of great butlers. The great butlers’ faces were gone and painted over with a picture of corbo’s head. Corbo and his butler didn’t say anything to each other last night and slept soundly.

    Chapter 2: Mayfield’s (somewhat) revenge

    Mayfeild had made corbo think that he was defeated but mayfeild had other plans. After the war mayfeild had fled to his backup base where he had to live with his mom because she owned the place. Mayfeild had an elevator also but it led across to Canada the only place he could pick up babes. Mayfeild new if he could seduce one lady he could turn her into his wife and take over the world dominating Corbotia. Mayfeild was working on a design similar to the A-Corbo butut he called it the A-Mayfeild. This machine would allow mayfeild to call on an army of fairies to bring him a flower to win over a special lady. Mayfeild worked day and night when his mom was watching her soap operas. The crying would distract mayfeild so much that mayfeild would give up and start crying himself.
    “Mom I’m trying to work be quit!” Mayfeild screamed in the kitchen. Five seconds later he heard loud stomping in the living room getting closer. Mayfeild believed he was the strongest force but whatever monster that was coming after him would prove him wrong.
    “You have no right speaking that way to me son. Go to your room!” Mama Mayfeild said.
    “BUT MOM…..” mayfeild exaggerated. “Corbo will win the war if I have to stop!”
    “Well you can tell corbo your done playing now go to your room this instant!!!” Mama Mayfeild was getting furious and would stop at nothing to send mayfeild to bed. Mayfeild ran to his room hugging Bilbo for dear life like it was his funeral if he didn’t. Mayfeild got to his room and punched the wall. Due to the lack of upper body strength mayfeild fell down crying in pain yelling at himself as loud as a rooster at six O’ clock in the morning.
    “Shut up mayfeild or your grounded!!” mama mayfeild exclaimed. Mr mayfeild crawled up in the fetal position and cried silently to himself.

    remeber it is still in production. ps dont for get to show this at corbacon!

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