and so it all comes down to one last blow out week…

sometimes I even amaze myself, and last week was one of those weeks – despite being trapped for days on end in boring meetings, I managed to read…

“the 14 fibs of Gregory k.” – this is a great book – highly recommended for my sixth graders – and billy:) and honestly, the rest of my gifted class that that struggles to find its place in families in matters of their talents – for Gregory, it was being a writer in a math family – good read

“prisoner b-3087” – second BOB of the summer for me – sad, sad book – historical fiction – much sadder than between shades of grey – which I thought was pretty rough for middle school – i’ll obviously be curious for BOB feedback once ya’ll get into it – but to be clear… I DID NOT PICK THIS BOOK!!! 🙂

“Friday night lights book companion” – for my easy read of the week, a book about my favorite TV show – drama – of all-time – Dillon, texas, and Columbiana, Alabama are so, so, so very alike – just no band drama – but great book about the series – texas forever!!!


39 thoughts on “and so it all comes down to one last blow out week…”

  1. There is only so little time before school starts!!!! Be happy, I am going to be one of the first kids you see, and im bringing you a bunch of home room supplies-y stuff. Because you werent there for registration, so i couldn’t give it to you 🙁

    On a totally unrelated note. You STILL need an Instagram of course. PLUS, me, Bailey, and my friend Hannah all went to my church together (they spent the night) and we all wore dresses. And afterwards we took pictures (i live on the lake so they were really good) and i have this SUPER good one where we are all facing away from the camera and we are sitting on the dock with our feet in the water. Yeah……BYE (off topic as always)

  2. i thought you knew i don’t eat:)

    i’m not sure about BOB – i’m on book three – a four-year old with leukemia – not promising…

  3. I can’t believe summer went by so fast! Out of curiosity, who else has mayfield 2nd block??????

  4. I didn’t see it yesterday, and if you did leave it, it’s soaking wet.

  5. Ok Billy quit using random names and just use your own name because it’s really annoying. At least use something we can easily tell that it’s you, like Billy!

  6. Thanks maf. I know all the people who are in band have you 2nd block so that’s:
    (And other people I can’t think of. Plus the people that aren’t in band)

    Only got 5 days left guys, make them count. Oh and btw: happy hump day!

  7. Did you get an Instgram???? Or is “mafsdisabledgiftedchildren” a random person who is stalking us just too much. If it IS you, where did you get that picture of all us 6th (now 7th) at write in the middle??

    P.S. I didnt put “Queen of Waffles” because I didnt want to, not because i am giving up the title.

  8. Haha never mind. It’s Will Morris. He made a page about us gt students. I told him he needs to change the email on it and give it to you, but he said you might not want it

  9. Bailey, i have math and a jammed thumb in second block. I have mafeld 5th block, with the sixth graders. Mafeld 1. There were some empty score sheets!!! 2. Are greek gods legal to attack the queen and king, i call either hades or zeus
    Fred that’s my signature move man, it’s like andrew not signing off with out mentioning the squishy potato.

  10. billy – agreed

    queen – no instagram yet – the county blocks it in school – apparently twitter=good but instagram=bad currently

    so i’ll have to check in with the disabledchildren – that’s funny

  11. Jeez Billy you had to bring up the squishy potato, which isn’t even a fair argument seeing that Andrew hasn’t even BLOGGED this summer!

    To the rest of you…. please don’t get an Instagram Mr. Mayfield, I don’t want to be left out… 🙁

    See you all on Monday….. I hope…

    Oh! Bailey…. First chair is mine! Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha


  12. Vandy’s got at least 5 wins in the bag, with a senior qb that doesn’t make the front page.
    Poor austin peay, they have tennessee and the week after, vandy. How did that happen?

  13. So guess what happened to me today?? Just guess cause you’re gonna be wrong. Well first off to i was at the Elven Hill registration (dance sign up stuff) and i saw Will Roberts and Fred. But that’s beside the point. I stapled my finger today!! One part of the staple went kinda in the side of my finger (just through the top layer of skin) and the other part went right deep into the middle of the top part of my finger. It’s hard to explain, I’ll explain the first day. I even have a picture of when we took the staple out and before i stopped the bleeding. And oddly enough i didnt even blink. You wouldn’t even think anything happened if you didnt see it. It was weird. Sooooo…..bye. (You would think Twitter would be worse. I think you can get on facebook from school too)

  14. Mafeld, so bored that I’m finishing the worksheets you gave me, and that was a joke. I’ll bring you a rough copy to read, not edit, on the first day of school.

  15. announcer person: “and winner is Jason Mayfield”
    (polite claps) and pause
    “Random teenager, get off the stage!”
    Mayfield: But I’m Mr. mayfield
    announcer:sorry about that, here is your camera thingy

  16. Vandy’s top receiver and 4 other got arrested for rape and have a suspension, change the five easy wins to 4 easy wins at least.

  17. I have a really random question maf and all of a sudden it just popped in my head, are we having journals the first week of school??????

  18. Oh and by the way, Fred, I honestly don’t care about first chair, I couldn’t care less. Yeah I’ll try to get first but I honestly don’t care what chair I am. (As long as it’s not last)

  19. Hi Mr. Mayfield it’s Kaitlynn here I’m in your last period class! This is my first time ever blogging! I loved your reviews on the B.O.B books it really helped me understand some of the books I’ve been reading especially Girls, Drums, and Dangerous Pies. That book is a load of fun! Anyway sry this blog is so long I just luv to wright!!
    Your favorite student,
    Kaitlynn Robicheaux

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