monday is the new sunday:)

okay, read two books and working on a monster one:)

“flapjacks” – something about them in the title – anyway, a very remarkable, well-written story about a british rower that overcame quite a lot to win a silver medal – and the unusual thing to me i guess, and to her, was just how remarkable and worth telling the story was – despite the fact we live in an age seemingly devoted to “winning” autobiographies – the title had to do with her mom’s world famous recipe for flapjacks (which was share – always a boost to have a biography serve a duel purpose – in this case, a cooking book:)

“game change” – story of the 2008 election – i read much of it during our delayed starts – and oh, how i’d forgotten some of the stories of edwards, palin, the clintons, and obama – well, he didn’t really have great stories – the others did though – very enjoyable book – i guess – on the other side, very disturbing book if these are the people we elect to office:)


48 thoughts on “monday is the new sunday:)”

  1. You are all in for a treat one of my AMAZING POEMS!!!!!

    Social Media

    Social Media is a tricky team it jut depends on the person and there maturity
    It can bring out the worst in people
    just because you would say it over a key board doesn’t mean you would say it to their face
    It can make someone break down In tears
    It makes relationships go down the toilet
    It can be used to connect with friends or make new ones
    Making new relationships
    to tell everyone what is going on with you
    give advice and take it
    talking trash
    starting drama
    Social media isn’t the problem it doesn’t start thing we do , we are the ones that use it, is our responsibility to use it correctly
    We can’t blame other people for our mistakes

  2. okay, congrats mafeld on your half marathon!! Now its peom time!

    Raindrops on my nose
    Dampening my toes
    Splashing on the ground
    Making a pitter patter sound
    Trickle down my neck
    Thumping on the deck
    Sprinkling on my skin
    Wetting my chin

    Sorry about the short poem, COMPANY’S HERE!!!

  3. Okay, i finished Wonder, great book, i recommend it. BUT now im reading ANOTHER great book, i havent even finished it, and im yet in love. You see, i had heard about it multiple times, and apparently some of my friends have read it. Quote unquote (I used to think it was quote on quote) When im done reading it the end is going to make me “Cry” (said by someone else) “And die”. And by how the book is going so far, i can believe it.

    It’s about this girl named Hazel. And shes a survivor of this kind of cancer, but non the less she meets this guy named Augustus Waters (when i first read his name i said “Augustus Waiters???” I can be so stupid, haha) And she, like me, likes him. He’s is like the perf guys, cute, sweet, smooth. The total package really. And through the book i FINALLY found out what:


    means, i had seen it and was like “whaaa” but the thing is they booth have a friend who is (was, she broke up with him) dating this girl, and they would always say to eachother “always”, like a promise that they’re love will always stay true, and that will always love eachother and always stay togetehr, stuff like that. And one day Augustus and Hazel were talking on the phone and this happened:

    “Okay,” he said. “I gotta go to sleep. It’s almost one.”
    “Okay,” I said
    “Okay,” he said
    I giggled and said “okay”. And then the line was quiet, but not dead.

    long thing about how she felt like they were connected

    “Okay,” he said after forever. “Maybe okay will be our always.”
    “Okay,” I said

    YAY!!!! They need to get married. (hopeless romantic here)

    Hehe, bye

  4. Hunger Games
    Katniss was still angry about Haymitch saying, “That her and Petta had to stay beside each other the whole time in public.” So she got up out of her chair, walked into her room, and slammed her door. The next morning Katniss dragged herself out of bed and got dressed and met Petta and Effie on the elevator. Ktniss thought that the elevators there,were abnormally fast. They went underground to the bottom floor. And found the other tributes huddled in a group. Petta and Katniss were the only ones dressed alike. Katniss and Petta were at the training room. “So were do you want to start?” asked Petta. Then katniss said, “I suppose we should tie some knots?”
    That is all for today! Read again!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 😉

  5. OH NO! I Forgot Corbo last week! Here’s to ya Corbo.

    (Seth) “Corbo!”
    (Corbo) “Yes Seth?”
    “Where were you last night?”
    “Locked in my room.”
    “Well… it’s hard to explain, but every once a month my alter-ego comes out.”
    “An alter-ego? Is that the best excuse you can give me?”
    “It’s the truth!”
    “Really! Ask Cole, Mayfield, Jamio, and more!”
    “What do you call this alter-ego then?”
    “Mrs. Mack, and as I already told you she comes out either once a month or when I get really angry.”
    “Okay, Dummy.”
    “What did you just call me?”
    “A Dummy.”
    “I want to see if you’re telling the truth, dimwit.”
    “Why you little-” (Gets cut off abruptly by Seth slapping him in the face repeatedly).
    “Sorry you were saying?”
    (Corbo as Mrs. Mack) “Child I know you didn’t just slap me.”
    “You were telling the truth!”
    “I have no clue what you talking about but you better do you’re jot-notes on, well you should know what chapter it’s on boy.”
    “Uhh… about that…”
    “You don’t know? That’s just unfortunate.”
    “Corbo, I know you’re in there!”
    “Go sit down! Did I tell you you could stand?”
    “No? No what?”
    “It’s No ma’am.”
    “Not to me. I am you’re commander.”
    “Not in my classroom you’re not.”
    “Yes, now Go. Sit. Down. Understand?”
    “Yes what?”
    “Yes ma’am.”
    (Changes back to Corbo) “You believe me now?”
    “Yes ma’am.”
    “What did you just call me? I’m Corbo again!”
    “Thank Goodness! That lady just gave me a serious headache.”
    “Yea, she has that effect on everyone.”

  6. Hey guys, I’ve been reading divergent by Veronica Roth for the second time… Yea, I get bored easily and love the book, so! I can’t wait for tomorrow so I can actually get Insurgent by Veronica Roth, I really like that series.

  7. hiiiiiiiiiiii

    I read a book called ALMOST FOREVER by Maria Testa. This girl (Her name isn’t mentioned) is decorating the Christmas tree when her dad says, “Vietnam, I leave in February.” These words changed everything for this little six-year-old. Her dad’s bags, boots, uniform, and hat is green. She says her least favorite color is green because it is taking her father away. Her father writes just about every day. Before her father left, he said, “Doctors don’t get hurt in Vietnam, they just help the soldiers who are hurt.” btw her father is a doctor. Her mother replies with,”Some doctors get hurt, bombs and bullets don’t care if you went to medical school.” To a six-year-old, One year seems like forever. Her father is gone for one year. The little girl’s aunt gets married and her mother is smiling. Soon the little girl notices her mother staring at the same man on TV everyday. The narrator (little girl) thinks her mother is in love with him but really her mother is anxious to hear the latest news on Vietnam. For a long period of time, soldiers are lost and the little girl hasn’t been getting mail from her dad. Her mother is repeating some information about her husband on the phone and starts crying. The little girl and her brother are scared. Then a letter comes and the sadness goes away. The little girl and her brother have one reoccurring dream; They are waiting in line, but when they see their father, they cut out of line and run faster than anyone and jump into their father’s arms. Finally it happens. At the Army base airport, the little girl beats her brother to her father (which doesn’t usually happen, her brother is much faster) and hugs him. She is reminded what he looks like and what he sounds like. It is a very happy ending.

    WOW longest journal in my life!!

  8. Good afternoon my fellow classmates I will do an analogy on William Shakespeare’s 18th sonnet.

    Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
    Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
    Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
    And summer’s lease hath all too short a date:
    Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
    And often is his gold complexion dimmed,
    And every fair from fair sometime declines,
    By chance, or nature’s changing course untrimmed:
    But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
    Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st,
    Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
    When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st,
    So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,
    So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.

    Personification- “Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade”

    Rhetorical Question – “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”

    Elisabethan Sonnet: 4-4-4-2

    Writing in Iambicpantameter

    Rhyme Scheme – ABABCCGG

    Shakespeare compares that his love is more beautiful than a summers day

    He say negative things about summer to emphasis on her beauty

    He say that her beauty is forever and that summers isn’t

    He says that her beauty is forever because he writes about it in his poems as long as they are read its forever as I concluded from this line ” “So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”


  9. Hunger Games
    The man at the station showing how to tie knots was happy and suprized that Katniss and Petta came over there. Katniss suppposed that most people did not come to that station first and she got the feeling that tying knots was not the hunger games hot spot. After that station they went to another station called Camouflage. Petta was happy about that station. He was swirling a combination of mud,clay and berry juice around on his pale skin. Weaving disguises form vines and leaves. The trainer at the camouflage station was full of enthusiasm in his work. The trainer loved Petta because he was good at his station. “I make the cakes in the shop. The iced ones.” Says Petta. “Yea, me and Prim used to go look at the cakes in the windows on the holidays. But we never had enough money to pay for one of those.” replies Katniss.
    That is all for today! 🙂 Read again! 😉

  10. Blogging from the NetBook…I am awed at my superior-ness.

    So on Monday, I read some of my book by Mike Lupica. It is about this boy named Will who wants to play football. However, he lives in a town that has insufficient funds for a league.

  11. yeah, you saw the title. who doesn’t love kittens and red ballons? (it’s every stalker’s weakness)…..

    *clears throat*

    well, uh, meh? 🙂

    anyways, i’m currently reading a book called A CORNER OF THE UNIVERSE by ANN M. MARTIN, and so far, it’s actually really good. it’s set in the early ’60s, and the main character is Hattie Owen, who is twelve. her parents run a boarding house, and that’s really as far as i’ve gotten so far.

    here’s my *peom* for the week.

    Diary Entries from a 7th Grade Life
    By Emily Stoves
    November 22, 2013
    Today begins another long day of work at school.
    It’s Friday, thank goodness. It’s one of those groggy, cold gray rainy days, where all you want to do is snuggle up to your fireplace and sleep, maybe read a book. I’m tired, but, unfortunately, I have P.E. for my 1st period.
    The bell just rang for 8th grade, so I’m not going to feel tired for long.
    My bell rings, so I get up from the library and leave.
    I shift and push through the endless maze of bodies crowding the hallway, trying to get to my locker, #375, on the connecter hall.
    I finally get to my locker, and swiftly do my combination. 45, 15, 13. I fling it open, and stuff my cumbersome black Nike™ bag into the top shelf of my locker, and slide my binder on the bottom, where I keep all my necessary school supplies. I quickly place my lunchbox on top of my backpack, and slam the locker shut to keep it from falling out.
    “Hey, Em!” my twin friend—whose name just so happens to be Emily also—calls while passing by me. Her locker is a little ways down from mine, so if I wanted to see her, I’d have to walk down the hall a little.
    Her hair is brown like mine, she has brown eyes and freckles like me, we both love to draw, read, and write stories……I swear, me MUST’VE been separated at birth. We are like, joined-at-the-hip twins.
    The only differences between us are that she has short brown hair and bangs (mine is past my shoulders, and I have a cowlick), she wears glasses (I have 20/20 vision), and that she is Catholic (I am a die-hard Christian).
    “Hey, girl.” I call over the din. “Brofist!”
    She smiles.
    “See ya’ at lunch!” she replies, headed to her 1st period class.
    Lunch is the only subject I have with her. We make the most of it, though. We play on the computer 99 percent of the time, laughing and giggling over funny pictures, or just typing our stories. Hers is about her fave book by Andrew Hussie, Homestuck.
    I get to P.E., get dressed, and wait to get started on our daily exercises.
    I go to my FACS class to work on my Christmas project, a model of a house in the winter I’m working on with by buddy Mackenzie Wilson.
    Mrs. Waites isn’t here, so there’s a female substitute in her place. She tells us to get to work, and that we better not make a mess. Mrs. Waites’ room is a mess already, so I don’t see how it could get any messier.

    well, i gotta go. bye!! 🙂

  12. Hunger Games
    ” Prim always drags me over there to admire them. They are in display in the windows. Have flowers, fancy with pretty frosting. There is little beauty in district 12, so I do admire them.” says Katniss. But Katniss looks more critically at the design on Petta’s arm. Katniss thought that the pattern on
    Petta’s arm looked like sunlight falling through the leaves in the woods. But how good he is at camo — annoys her. ” It is lovley. If only you could frost someone to death” Katniss says. “Don’t be so superior. You can never tell what what you will find in the arena. Say it is actually a gigantic cake —-” begins Petta. ” Say we move on” Katniss breaks in. The next three day’s Petta and Katniss went quickly from station to station every day. But they tried to stay away from liffting weights and they stay clear of archery.
    That is all for today read again!!!!!!!!!!! 😉 😉 😉 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉

  13. hahaha, funny. Anyway I have a question for anybody that will answer me: Why is a pop-tart called a POP-tart?? This confuses me greatly.

    SOOOOOO I feel like writing a poem. YAAAY! hmmmmmmmmm (this is me thinking)

    Today when I got to school I read quietly on one of the beanbags in the reading corner in Miss Hannah’s room. She is by FAR my favorite teacher. She had to shake me to get out of my reading daze and tell me that the bell had rang. I immediately knew it was going to be a long day. Boy was I right. On my way out, I saw the A day/B day schedule and it said that today, September 15, is a B day. I HATE B days! This means that I have to walk all the way to Science, my second-least-favorite subject. The first is math, which I absolutely CAN’T STAND! grrr. Anyway, I headed to my locker and I realized IT. WAS. STUCK!!!!! NOO! That means I have to get Mrs. Oakley, the HEINOUS librarian. NOBODY likes her. I grunted through her lecture just waiting on the tardy pass. After she was finished, I asked for a tardy pass. GET THIS: she said NO! Then she got off on ANOTHER lecture on how I shouldn’t ask for things when it’s my fault when I’m in trouble blah blah blah. I just said “Yes ma’am” like fifty times and rushed out of there. I tried to sneak into class, but my teacher caught me. grrr. I had to write my name on the tardy sheet. As I wrote my name, I saw that , WHAT? I had been late once before? grrr. Looks like have After school today. UGHH! Just another waste of my time.

    THANKS EMILY for the awesome idea of creating a diary entry!!

  14. Sarah, you have to scroll down…. did you not read the directions???? I’ll show you tomorrow. You may have to remind me.

    As for reading, I am proud to say that last night I finished The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. This book was one of the most amazing books I have ever read. The description, the action, the characters, etc.- it was all an amazing combination that made the book so great.

    I don’t really want to go into great depth about this book because it would spoil it for all of those who want to read it. I highly recommend this book to all of the GT kids. It reads very smoothly and is tremendously entertaining. However, one of the things that interested me the most about it was that it took place 100 years into the future, and all of these things had changed, such as the name of Mexico, which was now called Atzlan, and there were hovercrafts, which was kind of interesting.

    Farmer did a great job on her part with the point of view. The book is divided into parts, like some books, and the parts are years of Matt Alacran’s life, such as 0-6, 7-11, 12-14, and 14. Comparing the beginning to the end, I could tell that the character had grown. The beginning felt like a three year old was telling the story, which was new and very intriguing, and the middle to the end was through the point of view of a character who’s age is very close to many characters that adolescences today read about. The thoughts of the character changed as he aged, which was exactly what humans do, so that was one of the things that made the book so brilliant.

    I am now currently reading Hoot by Carl Hiassen. Hardly any progress has been made on it so tomorrow I will give some info on it.


  15. Ello gentalmen and ladies, being a little austrailian today’s mates! So here is some blogs, and Fred you got beat by a girl in sixth grade! So here we go,

    *takes a picture, and posts on instagram*
    The world of coffee awaits,
    Cream and sugar, and a little bit of black coffee.
    *texts friends a picture*
    What kind is my favorite,
    Well the Mocha Frap, quadrupole shot, 5 cream, cup of sugar,
    Tall, With wip cream; sounds nice.
    #oh yeah
    This is how you do Starbucks,
    White girl style

  16. For yesterday:

    Dylan had wanted to ask Lila out for a long time, but he was always afraid she would say no. Dylan always had that little spark in the back of his mind that she might say yes but to him chances were slim. Dylan had known that guys were supposed to make the first move but to tell the truth, he was afraid.

    It’s almost the end of summer now and Lila and Dylan never asked each other out but the thought was always in the back of both of their heads.
    Lila woke up in the morning to a text from Dylan…..

    Dylan: wakey wakey
    Lila: I am answering u just cause ur my friend. y r u waking me up at 8:00AM
    Dylan: Oh, I uh just wanted 2 b the first voice u heard 2day
    Lila: Oh, well that’s sweet but im kinda tired would it be ok if I texted u back la8er
    Dylan: sure bye
    Lila: bye 🙂

    Lila couldnt believe that Dylan had gotten up so early on a summer night and texted her just so he would be the first voice she heard today, that’s so sweet. Lila had always seen couples in movies do that and it was always so sweet but 1) Lila and Dylan weren’t a couple and 2) Lila’s life was differently NOT a perfect movie scene.

    When Lila was little her life had been all happy bunnies but then around 2nd / 3rd grade her dad left to go to the Navy and he never came back. Lila was proud to know that he died serving for their country but the one thing that really hit her deep was that they had always had a really strong connection and she never got to say good bye. Lila’s mother, Mia Hoover had always been strong and told her daughter that everything happened for a reason and that he died serving and Lila knew that but she still wished that he wasn’t gone.

    Dylan had been there the whole time when Lila’s dad had died. Dylan never had family problems, he only had social problems. Lila had always had many friends that she was hanging out with and Dylan only had like three close friends. But Dylan had still been supportive and always gave her a shoulder to cry on when she needed it.

    Dylan and Lila’s parents had always joked about how they were like brother and sister. Which was pretty much saying that they were super “friend zoned”. I mean Lila and Dylan were best friends but they differently had feelings for each other, they just didn’t know the other
    had the same feelings.

    Max had never felt left out in his life, he was always the guy who was liked by all the girls and was good at sports. The one thing he was bad at was school, Max was never really good at academics. He was always a straight C-D student usually getting a low C out of tests, barley passing. All Max needed was a friend willing to help but all his friends were just like him, good at sports not school. Expect two

    Lila always knew Max wasn’t the sharpest knife in the draw, and that he was hard to teach but she knew if she helped Max, Dylan would be there too. Lila and Dylan helped teach Max everyday after school. They taught him, English, history, math and a little science each day.

    Dylan knew that teaching Max was gonna be hard, but he also knew that Lila would help. Everyday after school Lila and Dylan taught him, social studies, English, math and some science. Then one day while working on his reading skills they found something out, Max had Dyslexia.

    Max never knew he had Dyslexia, no one ever told him, no one ever knew. It was in 2nd grade when Max found out. He was sitting in a chair while Lila and Dylan were helping him with his reading skills by making him read out loud. He kept messing up words and saying stuff wrong. When they told his mom she took him to the eye doctor to check stuff out, turns out he had Dyslexia since 1st grade.

    Max had Dyslexia, which meant sometimes he’d see words backwards or individual letters backwards, making it harder to read. Ever since they found out, Max had to go to a “specialist” to help him with reading everyday. Since he goes everyday Lila and Dylan can’t teach him, and trust me; he was learning a lot better and a lot more with them.

  17. Today:

    Why does this always happen to me, even if i blog EVERY minute of every day this is still bound to happen. Im almost done with the fault in our stars and i havent told you much about it. So in summery:

    Hazel and Gus start dating (really sweet)

    They go to Amsterdam to meet this writer who pretty much wrote the book that brought them together

    They only go to Amsterdam because Gus used his “Wish” so they could go (Hazel already used her’s when she first got cancer cause she thought she was going to die

    The writer ended up being a jerkwad

    Hazel and gus kiss in the Anne Frank museum

    They do stuff together (not going in to detail on THAT one)

    Gus tells her he got a PET scan and has cancer EVERYWHERE pretty much (we all know what that means)

    He gets surgery and all this stuff

    he isnt doing well

    the book messes with yor mind and catches yo off gaurd

    Gus dies…


  18. Sorry for not getting my blogs in for a while. Ever time I can home I had a major migrant and never felt good enough to blog. That is (hopefully) over. Since there has really be no reading in a while I might as well do a free writ. But next week I’ll definitely have some thing to blog about, or at least review/recommend.

    chao adventure
    (If you don’t know what a chao is, its a small blue creature from the sonic episodes, moves, games, etc.)

    In the beginning there where the protectors of the earth. Most were legends. Some of the said legends are Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, and others of the famous Gang of Emerald Guardians. But what the story books and tellers never said was if there were any of us, the chao race, by our heroes when we brought down Doom and The Black Comet. I, as Shadow’s chao and best friend, am here to tell you different. I’m also here to update Master Sonic on Master Shadow’s health and well-being, but that is besides the point. In stead of blabbing on… I’ll just show you a hologram of the incident.

    To be Continued…………………………………………………………………………

  19. Yeah. Here’s a poem:

    Calm down?
    You want me to calm down!

    I get home,
    question things,
    something’s not right.
    I forget to call you,
    yeah it’s not the first time that this has happened,
    but I’m sorry.
    I finally call,
    “why haven’t you called?”
    I get yelled at,
    you hang up.
    I’m crying now,
    screaming at you wishing you could hear me,
    but knowing if you did i’d be dead,
    kinda wish i was.

    I throw something,
    it hits the ground, hard.
    I get yelled at about that too,
    by someone else, but it’s still too much.
    As they walk away and close the door,
    I whisper what I’ve always wanted to just scream at ya’ll’s faces,
    something that would shut you up.
    “I am calm, I’ve been worse! You make my become this, if you don’t like it, don’t do it! You might think I’m over-reacting or something, but just be happy I haven’t killed myself, because I’ve dang well thought about it. And more than you think!”

  20. I’ve finally got dust and decay after waiting a full week.

    Benny, Tom, Nix, and lilah are preparing for their trip to see where the plane went and to see if they can uncover that mystery. While they were training Nix knocked Benny’s sword out of his hand and hit him in the head suddenly they heard a scream and a gunshot.they all ran to the house of Danny and his family.benny noticed zak in his house with black eyes so he thought big zak got drunk and hit him so Benny and nix went to look.they walked to the back porch. Then when they knocked Big zak walked out with blood and scratches all over him he died and Zak stumbled out of the house.

  21. hey

    SOOOO since yesterday’s blog went so well, I think I will do another diary-thingy-ma-doodle (my new word) 😀

    today didn’t go so well. I woke up just having this FEELING that today wouldn’t go so well. just great 🙁 I decided to make the best of today no matter what happens. SO MUCH FOR THAT! Well actually, my day didn’t start being HORRIBLE until about….. ten fifteen. I read in my favorite corner, Went to first-period, A-day! that was good. I almost forgot about it possibly being a bad day when BAM! It hit me. A three PAGE assignment in…MATH??? WHY in the WORLD did my teacher give me a stupid TYPING assignment in MATH!!! 🙁 grrrrrrrr. Well now I am going to have to TYPE for the rest of my seventh grade year… FOR MATH! ughhh I absolutely HATE HATE HATE math– WITH A PASSION! mmmfffggfmfggfn.(that’s me mumbling) Well, I get to english and WHAM! ANOTHER typing assignment. UGH!! NOW I WILL BE TYPING FOR THE REST OF MY SCHOOL YEARS!! mmmfffgfmgmmfg.(that’s me mumbling again) I thought maybe, just maybe, things would get better but I was W-R-O-N-G! I got to art and my art teacher, Mr. Henderson, can’t stand me. (I really don’t know why) He thinks it’s fun to get me in trouble. I accidentally drifted off reading one of my library books when he snapped it out of my hand and gave me an extra assignment. GUESS what it was: A STUPID TYPING ASSIGNMENT! GAAAAAAAHH!! mfgmfgffffmmmmmmgfmgf(that is me mumbling for the THIRD TIME) LOOKS LIKE I WILL BE TYPING FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  22. I am going to blog for two days

    When you say the words ” I love You”
    We take them for granted

  23. Hunger Games
    The next few days Effie and Haymitch had been pounding on Katniss And Petta. Did you make friends, Make sure to sit up strait in public, who looked at you, Why?. Effie and Haymitch asked them.
    One of the days Petta and Katniss and the others (tributes) ate together. So to start conversation Katniss looked at Petta and said loudly so everyone could hear her, “Did I ever tell about the time I had to wrestle a bear?!”
    “No but it sounds fascinating” Says Petta. You could also see the other tributes giving Katniss and Petta ugly looks and glares. Katniss relizes how stupid she looks and tells the story. And Petta answers and asks questions right on cue. He is way better than she is.
    That is all for today!!!!!! 🙂 😉 🙂 😉 🙂 😉

  24. Ello ladies and gents! So ready for Friday! Yup, here are the rest of my blogs.

    “Red and blue”
    The Victorian house falls,
    All the way to the bottom,
    The bottom of what though?
    The depths of existence as we know it,
    The red flame of life,
    The railroad tracks…of forgotten things.
    The railroad tracks, that never end.
    The railroad tracks, that were all still on.

    Once things start to fall, you forget,
    They ever happened, that it was even there,
    How do we forget? It was never there,
    It never left the legacy of a million children.
    Or it never even had a legacy.
    It never had a destiny, so it is forgotten.
    Down it goes, swoosh…goodbye.

    There is a road, a certain highway.
    That gives you the destiny of life.
    But it doesn’t have an address.
    So don’t drive around looking for your destiny.
    It’s in your blood.
    Your very being,
    You just have to get around the thorns of you.
    Then you will find it,
    Something you can’t google,
    And get all the answers.

    The world is starting to crumble,
    Starting to fall.
    But we can save it,
    Find you,
    Find the inside of you,
    And find the truth
    Of your being.

  25. This is for two days

    Wednesday- As i walk through fragmented dreams
    My unconscious mind whispering
    Mumering around me, I leave
    Through leaves and over bridges
    I travel through this life
    Loving, Hating, Experiencing
    Because that is all that we can do
    Expierence life and hope that
    Through our life we have touched others
    As much as they have touched us
    Our dreams connect us to each other
    Where memory combines with fantasy
    To help us see things we refuse to believe
    For now as my dreams go rushing by
    I can truly see myself
    So my question to you dear reader
    Is if you walk through your own mind
    And find yourself in your dreams
    Do you like what you see?

    When I tell you ” I love you ” I mean it and I am symbolically giving you a piece of my heart when I trust you with this fragile, delicate thing you don’t stomp on it or take it and put it to the side.
    When I tell you ” I love you” its a secret because I haven’t told anyone I barley wanted to admit it to myself because your my best friend
    I want you to keep being my friend but I cant ignore my feelings for you
    We act and talk like it never happened but we both know it did
    so when we hug its weird but comforting and when we touch hands we don’t pull away we connect on more than one level we were ment for each other and you know it are names are written in the stars.

  26. This is for two days that I missed

    Wednesday- As i walk through fragmented dreams
    My unconscious mind whispering
    Mumering around me, I leave
    Through leaves and over bridges
    I travel through this life
    Loving, Hating, Experiencing
    Because that is all that we can do
    Expierence life and hope that
    Through our life we have touched others
    As much as they have touched us
    Our dreams connect us to each other
    Where memory combines with fantasy
    To help us see things we refuse to believe
    For now as my dreams go rushing by
    I can truly see myself
    So my question to you dear reader
    Is if you walk through your own mind
    And find yourself in your dreams
    Do you like what you see?

    When I tell you ” I love you ” I mean it and I am symbolically giving you a piece of my heart when I trust you with this fragile, delicate thing you don’t stomp on it or take it and put it to the side.
    When I tell you ” I love you” its a secret because I haven’t told anyone I barley wanted to admit it to myself because your my best friend
    I want you to keep being my friend but I cant ignore my feelings for you
    We act and talk like it never happened but we both know it did
    so when we hug its weird but comforting and when we touch hands we don’t pull away we connect on more than one level we were ment for each other and you know it are names are written in the stars.

    SHOUT OUT TO MY HOME SLICE MR.MAYFIELD and p.s I blogged for an hour making this really huge long poem then I lost it so I blogged for one more hour and lost it again so I was so mad I didn’t even bother trying to write it a third time so I hope this is ok 🙁 sorry

  27. This week I’m reading The Smurfs, a movie novalization. It’s basically the movie written as a book. Out of the movie and the book I prefer the book because you can go back in it where ever you want if you got lost in a part. With the movie if you don’t or can’t keep up with it, you have to watch the whole thing over again.I would say that the tone is comedic. I say that because the whole thing is just meant to entertain you. If you tried to get anything other than the enjoyment of reading out of it, then you would; actually there’s nothing else you can get out of it.

  28. I feel like it’s time to wrap up blogging for this week, don’t you think?

    I’m going to do a creative because I did not find time to get far into Hoot today, unfortunately. So… yeah.

    Sometimes I wonder if things could’ve gone differently, like I made one decision differently and it changed my whole life? Sometimes I wish that would happen to me, because everyday something new and more challenging is thrown at me, and it’s only me. The others don’t have to do anything like I have to do. I didn’t ask for this, you can bet on that. I just don’t understand who DID ask for this? To make me suffer every single day of my life? I don’t know. It just seems odd.

    Maybe my death had something to do with it….

    4 weeks ago….

    I was lying on a beach shore, the salty breeze flowing through my hair and making the palm trees lean backwards in one direction. Wait a second? Why was I on a beach? A minute ago I was fighting alongside Braelyn when something cold and hard went through my heart. A sword, no doubt about it. So, was this death? A beach? Surely not.

    I tried to stand, but dizziness overwhelmed me and I fell right back down onto the sand again. I don’t think any exploring was going to be completed today.

    I realized the clothes I was wearing at the bridge were gone, and were replaced with an ugly Hawaiian shirt and a light tan pair of khaki shorts. My shoes were gone. They were battered anyway, to the point to where it hurt to wear them.

    I looked out to sea. There was no horizon. Just gray. This was starting to get really weird. That was when I heard the voice.

    “Hello Mason Green, we’ve been expecting you.”

    This is an excerpt from a new book I’m writing, and I thought I’d share it with you people.

  29. Alright, time for a fifteen minute blog-half creative and half a continuation of my five minute blog from the NetBook that got cut short-and it should be a doozie. I hate it that my blogs are always last minute. I don’t mean for them to be that way, it just kind of ends up that way. Anyways, the show must go on!

    Continuation of blog from NetBook:

    Will considers moving to the city across the lake-their rivals-just to have the opportunity to play. After all, who would blame him? Their field has potholes that trip you up unexpetedly, their league doesn’t have enough money for new jerseys, helmets, or to pay referees. Right now, Will is coming up with a plan to raise the money to provide the mandatory pieces of the puzzle to have a team in the league.


    I turn on the radio
    It’s the song
    It takes my train of though to a rail
    Leading straight to a city of memories.
    I wish I could go back
    To relive these memories
    Either that, or always live among them
    For these things are closest to my heart.
    I think of my family
    The times of my youth
    The memories that built me
    The building blocks of who I am today.
    I can’t help but to think of these things
    But I don’t try to stop them
    I soak them in
    Because I soon may forget.
    So I listen, as intently as ever
    Because I am listening to the song of my past.

    I feel pretty strongly about that poem. I have a sing that never fails to let me reminisce on the things that I cherish. Family gatherings, Sunday mornings in my grandmother’s Sunday School class-I love it all too much to ever forget. I don’t know that I’d do if I couldn’t remember these things. I guess I would try to recreate them, only to find out I can’t. So call me crazy for loving the past, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

  30. I’m reading defender and I’m to the part where Cyrus and them have just raided the dark lords gold while he was on a trip away from where he was to meet up with the other gods in a sort of family reunion. Cyrus had just finished off a dragon and then he saw a crowd rising around the leaders and they were fighting and one of them told the other that he was useless and then they also got mad because somebody took the staff of the dark god and they thought that one of each other took it but the real truth was that the dark god took it with him because he felt it wasn’t safe there but it had a magical spell that no mortal could take off so I don’t get the reason why they think that they each have it

  31. Monday- I finished Redwall over Christmas break and finished my blogs about it last week. Now I am reading a book by Mike Lupicia called Travel Team. Travel team is about a boy that is too short to make his local travel team, which is like middle school basketball in our life. His dad was an NBA point guard, famous for leading his travel team to a national title in seventh grade. His dad leaves him and his mom after he gets drunk and has a career ending car wreck. Danny’s dad, Richie, comes back and sees Danny sometimes but he never stays. After Danny doesn’t make the team his dad comes back and starts a travel team for all of the kids that didn’t make the main team. The main team is good but would have been better with Danny, and everyone knows that. Danny’s team doesn’t win any of their first nine games, but barely wins their tenth.

    Tuesday- Mike Lupicia writes most of his books about sports. I am going to compare Travel Team to another book of his called Heat. Heat is a baseball book about a kid that can pitch faster and better than anyone else his age. His dad died so he is living with his brother, who is almost 18. They don’t have much money and he can afford to play with his school. Danny is in a similar situation because he doesn’t have a dad for most of his life and is somehow not able to play on his team. Danny doesn’t have as much of a financial problem but more of a size problem. Eventually the main character in Heat pitches at Yankee stadium and wins the youth league World Series. I predict that Danny will do the same type of thing and come out on top as an Underdog.

    S- The speaker in Travel team is for the point of view of 12 year old Danny, in third person limited
    O- Mike Lupicia coaches youth basketball so he wrote using past experiences.
    A- the audience is supposed to be kids that play basketball and that maybe didn’t make the team
    P- Mike Lupicia wanted to show kids that there is more to basketball than just winning
    S- Danny didn’t make his middle school team and just met his dad for the first real time in his life
    TONE- the tone is tense because Danny doesn’t know what to think about his dad after Richie yells at them one practice

    Thursday- Creative- The sky was blue and the birds were singing. Everything was perfect. Until we heard a loud bang and everything went black. I saw a bright light and a hand reaching out towards me. I didn’t know if i was ready to die your not but i guess i don’t have a choice. When its your time it’s your time and there’s nothing you can do about it. I imagined that this would be what going to heaven would be like. To be honest it wasn’t a bad thing. My life was falling apart. My son died in the Marines and my wife divorced me. Maybe it was a good thing.


  32. I just wanted to post something ‘cuz I’m bored and home from school. Yep. Well, this is officially pointless, so…

  33. Ooh, also I have more!
    For those of you who still text me (there are like 5 or 6 at columbiana I still text) my phone’s fried, so don’t expect replies. 🙁 I’ve never noticed how much I use my phone…this is so weird…

  34. 5th to worst school. Alabama
    > State score: 62.2
    > High school graduation rate: 69.4% (10th worst)
    > Per pupil expenditure: $9,959 (17th lowest)
    > Preschool enrollment: 44.4% (22nd lowest)

    Less than one out of five Alabama eighth grade students were proficient in math on national assessments last year, worse than any other state. Reading skills were nearly as bad at the eighth grade level, with just around 25% of students demonstrating proficiency in 2013. Students in Alabama face limited opportunities to succeed as well. Just 69% of students had a parent working full-time and year round, while just 42% had at least one parent with a postsecondary degree — both worse than most other states.

  35. Yo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am doing this because i know no body is reading. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    H*U*N*G*E*R* * G*A*M*E*S* !!!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!!?!!!????!?!?!?!?

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